Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 935: 1 fart smelly half a city

Today, five more leaders have been added. Thank you for your support and affirmation. The Jazz has worked hard to see if he can complete the nine changes. It is estimated that the last one will be after 12 o'clock.

Today I also joked about setting up a small goal: There are ten leaders before the book is finished. Whoever thought everyone was so awesome, completed the Jazz's goal in one day!

What do you say? ! Only work hard! !

Thank you everyone! ! It was everyone who made the Jazz feel that someone had been paying attention to him, and just for a word, he was stunned by the reward!


The imperial doctor quickly found the source of the smell—the clothes Zhu Gaosui was wearing!

"Don't burn it, get a dog and try it."

Compare this king to a dog?

Zhu Gaosui was lying on the bed with his teeth gritted, feeling that the buttocks began to shrink, and he shouted, "Take the toilet!"

When Zhu Gaosui came back softly, the doctors quickly took the pulse.

"It's just a little fictitious."

"Extremely right! Your Highness's body bones are a bit weak."

"Then clear heat and detoxify first, then make up?"

Several imperial doctors looked at each other and nodded.

Can't find the cause of the disease, how would you let us diagnose it!

So Zhu Gaosui began a long medication treatment, but the palace began to complain.

Concubine Wang heard that Zhu Gaosui entered the palace in a mess, and also heard that the surrounding area of ​​the Zhao Palace had become a Jedi.

But when a gust of wind blew, and the smell of garlic floated, she couldn't help but frowned, "Is King Zhao caught up in the evil?!"

Think about it too!

"Manny, the slave and maid's knowledge is quite extensive, but I have never heard of such a pervasive stench. Ask the slave to say, this can't make it...Could it be... evil!"

Concubine Wang nodded when she heard the words: "It's hard to tell. In the past, Wang Zhao felt kind when he laughed, but recently he has become a bit violent. When I waited, I asked your Majesty."

Concubine Wang Gui has no children, so she has a superb status. After she went to see Zhu Di, she said her concerns.

Zhu Di groaned: "Finally, I invite someone to have a look."

Concubine Wang asked: "Does that invite a monk or a Taoist priest?"

The Zhu family is very strange, you say that he worships Buddhism, but it happened that he spent countless amounts of money to build the Golden Temple for Zhang Yuntian in Wudang Mountain.

Zhu Di thought this was a little strange, so he said, "Go all!"

After all, the imperial concubine Wang is in charge of the inner palace and is well versed in the human world, so she said: "Your Majesty, the two sides don't communicate."

Zhu Di sneered: "My family's affairs are beyond their control! If you don't do your best, I will naturally let them know what a king is!"

The kings of the world have dominated the future of Buddhism many times, and the gods are just watching.

So someone went out and summoned Monk Dao to look at Zhao Wang's Mansion.

Wanwan also smelled the odor. She remembered the method Fang Xing had taught herself, so she asked people to get a towel to get wet, then covered her face and stumbled to find the prince and his wife.

The prince and his wife stayed in the palace, and the doors and windows outside were closed.

Wanwan knocked on the door and shouted: "Father, mother, open the door!"

The door opened, and Zhu Gaochi couldn't help but smile when he saw Wanwan's appearance, "I am about to pick you up. Where did you learn this?"

Wanwan pulled off the towel and said grimly: "Father, it smells so bad!"

Zhu Gaochi looked back at the princess, shook his head and said: "Go to Fang's house and stay, and come back when the smell in the palace dissipates."

"Father, can the child go?"

Zhu Zhanchen also came, asked Nono.

The prince did not hesitate: "Go, the Fang family is big, just don't climb the tree."

After sending off a pair of children, the princess sighed: "Wang Zhao is going to be in the palace for a while, why is there so many things?"

Zhu Gaochi said unnaturally: "This is not troublesome, natural disasters and man-made disasters, the palace is safe, and the imperial doctor is convenient for diagnosis and treatment, so the emperor must stay."

The crown prince curled her lips and said: "Just he is delicate! The king of Han did not see two days of entering the palace, anyway, he also wrote some military books at home."

Speaking of Zhu Gaoxu, Zhu Gaochi's spirit is obviously much better: "The second brother used to be rough, but now he is much better."

Zhu Gaochi is willing to have brothers and harmony, but Zhu Gaoxu can be reluctant to forgive him, which makes him very distressed.

Now Zhu Gaoxu is gone, but Zhu Gaosui...

The prince murmured silently: Retribution!

Wanwan and Zhu Zhanzhen all the way to Fangjiazhuang, just when the children came out to play.

Looking at the children who were chasing and fighting, Zhu Zhanzhen said with envy: "They are so leisurely!"

As Zhu Gaochi’s son, Zhu Zhanzhen began to study at a very young age, recite Confucian classics, write in red, and later learn how to write poetry...

All in all, Zhu Zhanzhen felt a little tired.

Liang Zhong said from the side of the carriage: "The prince, they also want to go to school."

Zhu Zhanzhen wondered: "That's just a few days off, why are they so happy?"

Liang Zhong smiled and said: "It's a month, and there will be another month when July is the hottest, and there are holidays every ten days."


Zhu Zhanzhen remembered that he would wake up just after dawn, wash, practice calligraphy, and give lectures when his husband arrives...

Such days are non-stop throughout the year, and only major days will have a few days of holidays.

Wanwan has been watching the children playing, and suddenly turned back: "Fang Xing said that it is necessary to combine work and rest. The head suspension beam and thorns are valuable, but most people can't accept it, so students who have Zhang Youchi will have it. Interested in learning."

Zhu Zhanchen said regretfully: "The second brother was still a blessing in disguise while studying in the academy, and I also want to enter the academy."

Liang Zhong smiled and shook his head slightly.

How is that possible? !

Zhu Zhanji and Fang Xing are predestined methods, and Zhu Zhanyong has been classified as an unteaable category. UU reading www.uukanshu.com is also the abandoned son of the royal family, so he can study in the academy.

Otherwise, even if Zhu Zhanyong wanted to come, Fang Xing would not accept it, nor would he accept it if he died!

Looking at the main house not far away, Liang Zhong squinted his eyes carefully.

The prince has just three sons, and the boss Zhu Zhanji is safe, and the second child will probably be left out in the future.

As for the youngest...

Zhu Zhanzhen is good in the impression of the elders, and he is a seedling of a virtuous king.

I can tell you what happened: Daming doesn't need any virtuous king!

Can't do it again Jing Nan!

"How's the effect?"

After removing the makeup, the knife looked a little awkward, and he was still habitually twisting his hips when he walked.

After Fang Wu saw it, he couldn't help feeling deeply grateful for himself.

"Master, all the houses near Prince Zhao's Mansion have run away, and there are rumors outside that it is Wang Zhao who stinks half a city."

"A fart smells half a city?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Fang Xing couldn't help laughing with a belly, and when he had enough laughs, he asked, "There are no traces, right?"

"No!" Fang Wu said, "The little one is dressed up with a knife, and no one can recognize it, and we removed our makeup by the river, and then came back. There are seven brothers and they are checking behind, but no one is found. ."

Old Xin nodded: "Master, the scene was chaotic at the time. People on the street were watching the people who escaped from the palace, so no one paid attention to them."

"That's good, let's go back separately."

Fang Xing felt that his preparations were not in vain, and finally let out a sigh of foulness.

Zhu Gaosui, let you scream again!

Even if Chen Yan was expelled from the Zhaowang Mansion, Fang Xing still blamed Zhu Gaosui for Hu Die's death. In addition, Chen Xiao was expelled from the Imperial College and returned without revenge. Fang Xing felt panicked!

"Master, the county lord and the county king Zhancheng are here."

"Fang Xing, the palace smells so bad!"

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