Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 952: Blatant revenge

In the study, Fang Xing and Liang Zhongzheng were drinking small wines and chatting about the latest meddling and women

Don't think that the eunuchs don't like women, they just cut off the guy thing, and the desire/hope is still there. No Pop-up Novel Network

Moreover, the **** was most annoyed by listening to the bed. Whether it was the emperor or the prince, including Zhu Zhanji, the **** was waiting outside every time hehehehe.

It's not a good job to listen to the bed. The lady of the palace listened to her thoughts, and she listened too much and scratched her heart and lungs. So afterwards, there was a pair of eclipses in the palace.

The so-called eclipse is nothing but the product of the loneliness of the maids and eunuchs.

"Our family is abolished in this life, just thinking that our nephews and nephews can fight for their breath, and we will recognize them if they don't enter the ancestral grave."

Eunuchs with incomplete limbs are not allowed to enter the ancestral grave, and most of them are desolate behind them.

Liang Zhong sighed, and finally raised his eyebrows and said: "There are many beauties in the palace. If you can get a few gifts from your Majesty, then it will feel like hehehe!"

This **** is blackened!

"Can Dehua be here?"

At this time, someone greeted him outside, and Fang Xing slightly thought about it and said loudly: "Is it Brother Fang? Please come in."

Fang Zheng pushed the door open, and when he saw Liang Zhong he bowed his hands: "Daddy Liang is very interested today."

Liang Zhong got up and said: "Master Fang is polite, we still have business in our family, you drink it."

Have a fart!

How can Fang Xing's drinker dare to fight with Fang Zheng!

After Liang Zhong left, Fang Zheng said, "I heard that there is a horse thief who wants to start with the other party?"

Fang Xing changed his wine glass and said with a chuckle: "The news spreads quickly, but it's not a big deal."

Fang Zheng said murderously: "What are you afraid of! Daming's household registration is so severe. If you search carefully, those horse thieves will definitely have nowhere to hide."

"But what if someone provides them with shelter?"

"You mean...someone is behind this matter?"


Fang Zheng touched his beard, his eyes flashed sharply: "What do we brothers have to say, just do it! No matter which prince, can he pass the grandson in the eyes of your majesty?!"

Who said that the generals are all big bosses!

Fang Zheng just decided in an instant that at least a prince was tossing about it.

Fang Xing smiled: "It's either King Zhao or King Jin, but King Jin is more likely."

Fang Zheng's hand tightened and he sneered: "This is about to encircle Wei and save Zhao. As long as you can be beaten down, Taisun will naturally be in chaos."

The two drank wine in silence for a while, Fang Zheng patted the table and stood up and said: "I brought back some of the family members this time. They are all brave men. Dehua can call them."

"Thank you, Brother Fang, but it should not be said about this matter. Since your Majesty has chosen to sit down, of course I will not be vague. Everyone will do it."

The most taboo thing for military generals is to connect. Once the emperor thinks that your mind is impure, he can just find any reason to put you idle in the future.


There is an inn called Yunlai in Beiping City, which is not big or small.

Thanks to the blessing of moving the capital to Beiping, businesses in the city have been doing much better recently.

Chen Dianzhong lazily calculated his calculations, and finally closed the account book and greeted: "Are there any guests? If not, we will close the door."

The man looked at the sky and said: "The shopkeeper, it's still early!"

Chen Dianzhong said listlessly: "This year has just passed. The original guests are going to leave. Let's take a good rest."

"The guest officer is staying in the store?"

At this moment, a man came in with a baggage on his back, and the guy hurriedly greeted him.

Fang Wu smiled: "The shopkeeper wants a room, don't be stingy with food, serve two good dishes!"

Chen Dianzhong shook his head helplessly, and after Fang Wu went up, he asked someone to close the door.


Because of the excellent plans several times, Xie Chen received praise and rewards from Zhu Gaosui.

As the so-called spring breeze is proud of the horseshoe, I saw Changan flowers all night, and Xie Chen took his eldest son in his early twenties out to buy things that day.

"Father, the child feels that your Highness is hopeless after all, but he is ambitious. As an assistant, you are too involved!"

Xie Chen said with his hand: "Wang Zhao is your Majesty's most beloved son. Peking is the place where your Majesty's Longqian will take care of him. Isn't there any meaning in it?"

"Being a father is just a failed son. If your Highness does not value it, you and my father and son are probably staying in the village of your hometown at the moment, and you are relying on teaching for your father to make a living, and you? You can only take the exam year after year. But you are not that piece of material after all!"


Xie Chen's son was half guilty, and his eyes reddened when he was half moved. Xie Chen smiled and said, "I also have a plan for my father. If it can be done, Yao Guangxiao will definitely not be beautiful!"

After Zhu Dijing was difficult to succeed, he could be regarded as an emperor of great talent and strategy in the subsequent reign, and Ming's national power has also been thriving.

But just like the Tang Dynasty, when someone sets a precedent, future generations will inevitably follow suit.

Why can you be the emperor, but I have to be raised as a pig?

And Yao Guangxiao makes those who feel that they don't have the talents even more saddened.

He can disturb the situation with his identity as a monk, why do we want to eat chaffy vegetables?

Therefore, Zhu Yuanzhang's decision to pass the throne to Zhu Yun did not mean to finalize the order of future inheritance rights.

If the name is regular, the word will go smoothly. As long as the order is not chaotic, then there will be no disputes in the imperial house of the Ming Dynasty.

The father and son bought some fabric jewelry on the street~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then ate a meal outside, walking back in a harmonious atmosphere.

"Father, my sister will definitely be happy to see these fabrics, but my mother will have to blame you for spending money indiscriminately."

Xie Chen thought of his wife and daughter at home, with a soft color on his face, he was about to speak, but he saw that his son's face was full of horror.

This was a high-speed action: Xie Chen's son received a palm on the back of the neck and fell down immediately and was dragged into the alley.

And Xie Chen himself was kicked in. When he tried to get up with difficulty, a pocket on his head was covered, and then darkness came...

His fists fell silently on Xie Chen's body, but he gritted his teeth and said nothing, let alone any resistance.

At the entrance of the alley, a man turned his back to the outside, blocking the sight of those prying eyes.

Xin Laoqi watched coldly as the two family members were beating Xie Chen, Xie Chen who was trapped by the cloth bag just snorted, but did not dare to yell. He nodded and waved his right hand.

One Jiading’s toes immediately changed direction and kicked heavily on Xie Chen’s arm, while another Jiading kicked out at the same time, but the target was Xie Chen’s thigh.



The sound of the fracture was very clear in the alley, Xin Laoqi nodded in satisfaction, and then slipped away with someone inside.


The severe pain of the fracture was not something Xie Chen could bear. He screamed and used his intact left hand to pull the cloth bag on his body.

Those people don't want my life!

If it was his life, he would only need a knife instead of having to beat him like this.

The call for help drew curious eyes, and someone immediately shouted: "It's murdered!"

They are gone!

Xie Chen screamed, and finally pulled the cloth bag out of his head, and quickly climbed to his son's side and reached out to touch his nose.


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