Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 964: Noisy horse thief

Thanks: "Zero Myrtle Knight"'s red reward!


The Zhixing Academy was burned, and it was still burned by Confucian scholars. The news spread throughout Beiping within an hour, making the people who eat melons surprised.

"Are they crazy?"

An old man holding his grandson chatting at the door, he couldn't help shaking his head when he heard the scholar set on fire, "That's the academy of Emperor Taisun and Xinghe Uncle, how brave it is to set the fire in front of them!"

The old man in the neighbor’s house scratched his scalp and said, “Isn’t there a saying that criticizes dragon scales before? I think these scholars probably want this, but your majesty today is not the emperor of the former Song Dynasty. He wants to criticize dragon scales? court death."

"Yeah! What's that called... Oh, it's Wei Zheng. Those scholars boasted that there is nothing in the sky and nothing on the ground. Haven't they been smashed tombstones? Fake! It's all fake!"


At this time, the old man's grandson babbled and called out, he touched his butt, and hurriedly said: "The child is peeing, go home first."

"Then Wei Zheng! Hey!"

The old neighbor shook his head. When he entered the house, he saw two chickens fighting for food. He couldn't help but shout: "Who looked at the chicken? Who lays the wounded?"

In the days of the common people, whether it was setting fire to the academy or claiming to get along with Li Shimin's emperor and ministers, Wei Zheng, who had lived forever, could not be compared to a laying hen in the house, let alone a grandson who had urinated his pants.

Fang Xing knew this truth well, but the horse thieves naturally didn't understand it.

Just in a mountain south of Beiping City, a group of men are cooking in a valley.

In the early spring, the firewood was damp in the mountains, and finally ignited. The men were choked and scolded.

A beard-faced man sat in the upper wind and looked at the group of people quietly. These people were dressed in tattered clothes and looked like they were fleeing from their homes.

But the long knives around their waists and the sturdy aura that couldn't be concealed on their dirty faces didn't get along with the fugitives at all.

The food is very simple, just make porridge with rice and dried bacon, and more than 20 people scold it.

"Brother Fang, I drink porridge every day, brothers can't stand it!"

"That's right, somehow some dried vegetables! Those people are really stingy and got home!"

"We are not allowed to hunt or go out of the mountains. Are we supposed to be wild people?"

The bearded man's room said coldly, "What anxious! That's a fat sheep!"

"Now the health centers in various places are rectifying. After the rectification is completed, the first thing is definitely to encircle us."

Seeing the lightness of his subordinates, he obviously dismissed the combat effectiveness of the officers and soldiers, and Fang Dahai did not scold him, and continued: "Then Fang Xing has countless wealth in his family, do you know that glass?"

A tall and thin white man said: "Brother Fang, you know, that's something equivalent to silver, it's not expensive."

"Chen Xiaonu, you have a lot of nonsense in one day. I heard that there is no glass in the palace. How could Fang family have it? Isn't he afraid of beheading?"

A black-faced man said with a grin.

"Do you think I'm lying?"

Fang Dahai stared at the black-faced man and asked, the atmosphere suddenly tightened.

"No! No, Brother Fang, how dare you, I will listen to you."

"Then shut up!"

Fang Dahai shouted sharply. After deterring the bandits, he got up and said: "There is still the first fresh and the Sihai Bazaar in Fang Xing's hand. The daily bills that come in and out will allow us to stop after we finish this. As long as you have money in your hand, what can't be bought?!"

"Whoever doesn't want to go, stand up."

Fang Dahai asked, but no one answered him. He said with satisfaction: "We are grabbing food from the tiger's mouth this time. Once we slow down, the surrounding area of ​​the capital is full of guards. We are the turtles in the urn!"

The Chen Xiaonu suddenly drew his sword and shouted: "I have heard nothing, Brother Fang has considered everything thoroughly. If you toss again, everyone will break up!"

Goods lure, officers and soldiers threaten!

"If this deal is not made, those people won't help us find the way, let's be savages in this mountain!"

These words were the last nail nailed to the coffin board, and the morale of those gangsters rose.

"Grab! Brother Fang, we all listen to you, just grab one and run!"

"As long as we have money, even if those people repent, we can slowly get back from the mountains!"


Fang Dahai said with a smile on his face: "Well, since everyone is full of energy, let's eat quickly!"

"The rice is stale!"

"Pump firewood!"

In a frenzy, a man asked: "Brother Fang, when shall we do it?"

Fang Dahai said with a hand in hand: "There has been a signal over there, let's..."


Yue Baoguo felt that he was unlucky, and actually believed that a princess would take care of others.

Zhu Zhanyong was standing on the bed, rubbing his stomach and talking.

"What do you think those people think? They all feel that there are gods, and they can't go to the temple and Taoist temples to be religious..."

Zhu Zhanyong was talking to himself endlessly, and Yue Baoguo was reading a book with a blank face on the side.

When Zhu Zhanyong said that his mouth was dry, he habitually ordered: "Pour me a glass of water." Then did he remember his mission.

Yue Baoguo had already raised his head and leaned on the chair to fall asleep. Seeing the frowning eyebrows, most of them were painful and uncomfortable in his hands.


The boring Zhu Zhanyong also slept ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This night, he slept until dinner. He went to help Yue Baoguo get back dinner, and a little guilty asked him if he wanted to feed.

"do not want."

Yue Baoguo held his breath, eating with one hand went smoothly.

After dinner, the two were about to go for a walk, but they saw Masu outside.

Ma Su turned around and looked at the two of them and said: "Be careful these days. If there is any movement, focus immediately and bring back all the knives and guns."

While Zhu Zhanyong was still in a daze, Yue Baoguo had already understood the meaning.

"Brother, is there a thief who is coming? Or do those scholars who dare to come here to set fire?"

This is the front yard of Fang's family. Now the students are arranged to live in guest rooms. Except for Yue Baoguo and Zhu Zhanyong, the other rooms are at least four people.

Ma Su nodded and said: "There may be thieves. If you hear something at night, don't panic. Get together."

All the students, Ma Su, went to notify him, and then he went back to Fang Xing.

Fang Xing talked to Huang Zhong in the study. After Ma Su came in, he said, "Teacher, we have already notified."

"You also go back to rest, and you have been alert these nights."

After Ma Su left, Huang Zhong said in disapproval: "Uncle, why don't you call in some sergeants quietly?"

Fang Xing shook his head: "Who knows if anyone is staring here, and mobilizing soldiers is just to start a war. If those horse thieves lurch, we will be passive."

"Everyone will take turns in the evening. Don't be nervous, let's see if those horse thieves dare to come!"

Huang Zhong didn't understand the self-confidence of the other side. He worried that if the horse thieves were large in number, even if they could be blocked, the casualties would not be small.

Walking out of the study, Huang Zhong turned around and looked at the tallest tree in the Fang family. He always felt that someone was looking at him.

The night came so silently...

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