Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 968: The brave Fang Xing, the shameless honor

There was a wall in front of him, and Zhu Di walked straight over, the great **** coughed and didn't stop his pace.

Fang Xing was not afraid of offending people, so he said in embarrassment, "Your Majesty, there is a wall over there."

Zhu Di gave a hum, stood still and turned around and said: "I just like your thoughts. I don't hide or be afraid. I see that the king is wrong. Unlike the ministers in the dynasty, they always have to weigh their own pros and cons before they dare to speak. . You are fine!"

Fang Xing's rare face blushed, and he said: "Your Majesty, the minister is just stupid and bold. It's not worthy of your praise."

Zhu Di rarely has the interest to talk: "It's silly and bold, just like Xia Yuanji, but he can also watch his words and opinions, but he is unobstructed in terms of money and food, even I dare to criticize."

"I heard that you have talked about Wei Zheng, but I don't have the little belly chicken intestines like Li Shimin, and Wei Zheng doesn't need to worry about being smashed to the monument after death."

This was Zhu Di's pride, he was always calm when beating his courtiers. Of course, Huang Huai and Yang Pu are the exceptions. He felt that Zhu Gaochi was difficult to suppress, so he went into the imprisonment to suppress his arrogance.

"The clan princes should think for the country, lead by example, and don't indulge in enjoyment!"

Zhu Di's eyes were gloomy. He thought of the reaction of those ambitious princes after being cut off by himself. He couldn't help but sneered: "Someone in the court has colluded with them. ?"

This question made Fang Xing a little entangled. He turned his eyes and saw the grand eunuch's hand waving slightly and imperceptibly, and said: "Your Majesty, after all, he is a child of the heavenly family. I remember that when the minister was young, the father once warned the minister and said yes. If you don’t help the poor, if you don’t live up to it, no amount of care will be taken."

Zhu Di looked at Fang Xing playfully and said, "Then what do you think?"

Fang Xing coughed dryly: "Your Majesty, the minister is just talking nonsense. If you can allow the county king and below to be self-sufficient, then... the minister has failed to say anything, and your majesty will forgive you."

Zhu Di stood with his hands in his hands, his figure a little lonely.

"I said I am not Li Shimin!"

This was just a lonely emperor. After Empress Xu went there, there was no one to speak.

For an instant, Fang Xing blurted out: "Your Majesty, the princes are growing extremely fast. At this time, the court can still bear the money and food. What about the future? Your Majesty, what about one hundred or two hundred years from now?"

Fang Xing regretted it when he finished speaking. He bowed his head and stood on the side, letting Zhu Di's gaze pass.

"I see, you go."

Fang Xingru was amnesty, and left in a hurry. Zhu Di stood on the spot behind him, looking at a little green on the ground, not knowing what he was thinking.


Xia Yuanji was very proud and intercepted Fang Xing at the palace gate, and said beamingly: "The glass is burned out!"

Fang Xing was still thinking about Zhu Di's reaction just now, so he absently said, "That's a good thing! The Ministry of Households has got an extra income."

Speaking of the project, Xia Yuanji said angrily: "The glass just came out, and the relatives of the emperor came here, saying that they wanted to put glass on the windows of the house, and the other was even more absurd. He actually said that he wanted to build a veranda. On the water, all glass is installed!"

"Good thing!"

Fang Xing wondered: "Is it not good to have a business? They are willing to ask for it, and give it as much as they want. Anyway, they have a lot of money.

Xia Yuanji stamped his feet and said: "But they want to pay! How are the officials willing! The glass enters their home, and the household department will not want to get the money back in this life!"

"So thick-skinned?"

Fang Xing also felt that this was a weird thing. Most of Ming's relatives and relatives were not short of money, but they were reluctant to bear a copper plate on the glass. This was provoking Xia Yuanji!

Xia Yuanji shook his head and said, "Not only is there a thick-skinned face, but he also said that if you are short of money, you should ask your majesty. Isn't the treasure banknotes just blank paper? Just print more."


Fang Xing unceremoniously gave these thick-skinned people a definition: "Master Xia, there must be no precedent for this matter, otherwise there will be endless troubles!"

Xia Yuanji said angrily: "How is your Majesty's mood now?"

This is going to file a complaint. If it doesn't matter, I will criticize the dragon scales today.

Thinking of Zhu Di’s evaluation of Xia Yuanji just now, Fang Xing said: "It's okay, but you should pay attention to your words, don't be too fierce."

Once Xia Yuanji got angry, he often couldn't control his emotions. If Zhu Di is angered, there will be another minister in the imprisonment, but the detention time will not exceed three days at most.

Xia Yuanji tidied up his clothes and said arrogantly, "That official is here!"

"The wind is depressed and the water is cold, and the strong man is gone and never returned..."

Fang Xing watched Xia Yuanji and couldn't help muttering to himself, the sergeant guarding the gate at the side knew the poem. His cheeks twitched, and he looked forward without squinting, thinking that Fang Xing was the kind of person with a stone heart in his heart.

Fang Xing looked around, and finally found a clean place to sit down.

"Old Qi, get water and another book."

Xin Laoqi was carrying a leather bag, he took out a thermos cup from it, and a book with a cover of physics.

Fang Xing sat on the kanzi, opened the book, and read it with relish.

The sergeant guarding the gate immediately changed the other side's view of waking up.

Look, Xing He Bo is worried about Master Xia! Sitting on the icy ridge waiting for news on a cold day.

Time passed, when Fang Xing drank half a glass of water, and halfway through the book in his hand, Xia Yuanji came out, humiliated.

"Master Xia!"

Fang Xing threw the book to Xin Laoqi, greeted him and asked, "But were you scolded?"

Xia Yuanji wiped his face and said triumphantly: "I was scolded, but you can see how your Majesty looks. There will be no days for freely rewarding treasures in the future!"

"What about the glass?"

"Your Majesty Glass said ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Even if it is used in the palace, it must be used in accordance with the rules of the Ministry of Households."

Xia Yuanji said triumphantly: "When the officer goes back and cleans up those people, if there is a clamor, let them come to your Majesty!"

This is a person who does things and is not good at seeking one's life. Fortunately, I met Zhu Di, and for another emperor, Xia Yuanji could not stay in the position of Shangshu in the household department for that long.

The two walked outside together. An **** was peeping by the door, and when he couldn't see anyone, he turned and ran.

Sun Xiang sat cross-legged in the quiet room, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the Buddhist beads in his hands slowly turned.

The six senses of a person are very sensitive when the mind is calm, and sounds that you can't usually hear are just as close to your ears at this moment.

When Sun Xiang moved his ears, he opened his eyes and said, "Come in!"

The **** who was peeping at the gate of the palace just now came in to salute and said: "Father-in-law, Lord Xia had a dispute with His Majesty, and when he left the palace, Xing He Bo had been waiting outside, and the two left together."

Sun Xiang felt that his heart was still in the water, and he could see the origin of this incident at a glance.

"Xing Hebo and Xia Yuanji have some friendship. Xia Yuanji entered the palace and argued with your majesty. He happened to meet him. What can be said about waiting for one or two? And it was outside the palace gate, under the noses of those sergeants, Do you find this interesting?"

The man came anxiously said: "The father-in-law, the servant and maid are dull, and almost committed a big mistake. Please be punished by the father-in-law."

Sun Xiang snorted coldly, waved his hand and said, "Grow up, don't think about climbing up all day long! Go!"

"Thank you father-in-law, father-in-law really deserves to be a grandson of Buddha, and he is very kind. After the slaves and maids return, they will recite the Buddha every morning and evening, and pray that the Buddha will bless the father-in-law to rise all the way..."

Sun Xiang frowned and said, "Stop talking about this. You must be sincere in worshipping the Buddha. Not being sincere will only be harmful! Go!"

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