Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 970: Fortune and misfortune, avoid the trend?

The windows on the second floor were removed, and several pulley blocks hung on a wooden pillar, connected to the table below by ropes.

The two men unconsciously walked outside and looked up, only to see the triumphant man pulling the rope with a relaxed expression.

"Get up! Get up!"

The table slowly rises, and the guy's expression is still very relaxed, he even began to perform, quickly gathering the rope.


Brother Qin said in a low voice: "This table must be at least fifty catties or more!"

Brother Wang looked ugly and said, "More than that, neither you nor I can lift this table."

But such a heavy table was easily pulled up by the guy alone.

Three tables, two people used to slowly lift upstairs, very hard.

But now one person gets them up, this...

One person did two people's work, and the time was shortened, and the effort was less. This...

Brother Qin murmured to himself: "Horrible!"

Brother Wang's expression was ashen: "Odd skills! Odd skills!"

There were a few people watching the excitement at the door, and one of them frowned upon hearing the words: "This is not an obscene technique. If an obscene technique can help people make money, then I think it is a good thing! On the contrary, some people are full of benevolence and morality. But it is useless for the country and the family, these people are dung worms!"

"The ignorant man! The words of the saint of peace?!"

Brother Wang was full of anger, and when he was agitated by this person's words, he pointed at the other party and shouted.

The man sneered: "The saint's words may make me wait to fill my stomach? It may make me wait and save effort? If it can't, what's the use of it?"

It's just wishful thinking to be ethical when life is still difficult.

There are still many people all over Daming who can’t get enough food or dress warmly. Go and talk to these people about what saints say. You can’t kill you with a big stick!

"you you!"

Brother Wang flushed and pointed at this man, expecting Ai Ai's words: "Stupid can't be reached! Stupid...stupid can't be reached!"

"Forget it, let's take a step back, Brother Wang, let's go."

Brother Qin saw this man pulling his sleeves, and hurriedly pulled Brother Wang.

Heroes don’t suffer from immediate losses!

"Stupid out of reach! Stupid out of reach..."

Brother Wang walked, and said in grief: "These foolish people don't understand the meaning of petty words, they are extremely ignorant..."


Yang Rong went to the main room when he got home. As soon as he sat down, he saw a book on the table.


Yang Rong picked up the book, feeling a little cold in his heart.


His wife said, "Master, maybe they forgot here."

Yang Rong has a lot of sons, and he hummed softly: "All the tests are on my head!"

His wife smiled and said, "Isn't it a wicked way? That really has to be cleaned up."

Yang Rong flipped through a few pages, only to feel his chest boring, he got up and said, "No matter, it's up to them!"

Seeing Yang Rong going out, his wife said, "Master, I'm going to eat soon."

Yang Rong waved his hand without turning his head and said, "I don't have any appetite today, you can eat it."


"This is playing with fire!"

Chen Jiahui has collected a lot of information about the physics book in the yamen these days. He rushed to find Fang Xing anxiously and tried to persuade him with all his heart.

"Recently, this book has become an upstart. Even the officials on my side have bought it and secretly read it at home. Dehua, it's hard to tell! Your Majesty can't stop it."

Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di, father and son, toss again, but they did not change the monopoly of Confucianism in Daming, so the literati would not resist.

And Fang Xing constantly used these methods to boil frogs in warm water, repeatedly provoking the endurance of Confucianism, in Chen Jiahui's view, he was digging holes for himself.

"You have to know how powerful those literati are. When they are excited... Dehua, avoid it!"

Chen Jiahui said that his mouth was dry, and he was a dry mouth when he picked up the teacup.

Fang Xing raised his eyebrows: "Uncle, is it wrong for me to publish my own books? If it's not wrong, why are they...nothing! I have forgotten the faces of those people. As long as their own interests are involved, it is only for them to reverse black and white. Just open your mouth."

Chen Jiahui thought he was willing to be soft, so he persuaded: "You go out for a while, and when you come back, it will be calm."

Fangjiazhuang at this time is the eye of the storm, and Fang Xing is the most central point, the wind is strong!

Fang Xing shook his head slightly and said, "Uncle, if I avoid it, I will lower my head in momentum, and I will do the same when the children of science come out. Even for them, I...I won't bow my head!"


Chen Jiahui pointed at Fang Xing angrily, trying to curse, but couldn't say it.

Fang Xing looked out the window and slowly said, "Gou Li country lives and dies. How can we avoid it because of good fortune and misfortune!"

Chen Jiahui was shocked, slowly chewing the taste of these two poems, suddenly felt a little insignificant in front of Fang Xing.


Zhu Di also felt the great pressure. Before his imperial case, several large boxes of memorials had been piled up, all of which were one content.

"The impeachment of Fang Xing is better than the impeachment of science!"

Zhu Di rubbed his forehead. Today is a cloudy day. Whenever it is cloudy, not only will his joints ache, but also his head will become heavy.

This is the weather that Zhu Di is most irritable, so the **** dare not talk too much when watching the memorials~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and Huang Yan is pretending to be stupid. Even if he hates Fang Xing again, he doesn't dare to fall into trouble at this time, otherwise...

Blue veins jumped on Zhu Di's forehead. At this moment, he missed his Empress Xu very much. If she was there, there would always be a way to free himself from this pain.

"Your Majesty, See you, His Royal Highness King Zhao!"

An **** came to report.

Zhu Di waved his hand irritably: "Let him go back!"

The **** was shocked, and the **** immediately flew over with an eye dart-you can wait to hit the board if you don't leave!

"Your Majesty, Xing He Bo, please see you!"

The **** went out and came back. After hesitating for a while, he said: "Your Majesty, Xing He Bo and His Royal Highness Zhao Wang clashed at the gate of the palace."


"Uncle Xing, I heard that you committed public anger?"

Outside the palace gate, Zhu Gaosui said with a worried look: "You are still young, don't go down the wrong path! Remember when Emperor Taizu Gao, those examiners were... hey! Otherwise, it's not enough for civilians to be angry!"

This remark awakened Fang and stood on the opposite side of the people.

Fang Xing smiled, but his eyes were cold: "His Royal Highness is worrying too much, but it's just a book. Can you still shout and scream? Does my Ming law stipulate that only Confucianism is allowed to be printed?"

Zhu Gaosui shook his head and said with a smile: "Be careful, once this happens, it will be the end of the family ransacking!"

Fang Xing said with a haha, "Your Majesty has made his own decision on this matter. Fang is very at ease, but his Royal Highness will not enter the palace so as not to stinks!"


The sergeant guarding the gate at the side couldn't help but want to laugh, and finally held back it forcibly, turning into a sound similar to farting.

It's Zhu Gaosui's shame to stinks half a city, and others don't dare to mention it in front of him. But Fang Xing not only mentioned it, but also smiled teasingly at him.

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