Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 974: Civil and Martial Arts

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Yang Rong is very irritable. As the'first assistant', he does not want turbulence in the political affairs, let alone confrontation. x update fastest

As soon as Fang Xing's physics book came out, the situation immediately got out of control.

This book is close to subtle, expounding the movement of all things!

This is the evaluation of an old scholar. After he bought the physics book, he studied behind closed doors for a few days, frightening his children and grandchildren to think that he was going to be martyred for the holy.

But after the old man broke the barrier, he directly gave away his sage books, announcing that he would break away from Confucianism and change to science.

This old gentleman is regarded as a ‘highly respected’ in the local area. Although he was not admitted to Juren, he has his own views on Scripture and does not follow blindly, so he is not well-known in the literati circle.

Fortresses often start to disintegrate from within. In the past, when only Confucianism was available for learning, everyone was one mind, and everyone rushed to the ship of ‘privilege’ together.

As soon as science came out, it quickly gained the support of many people because it pointed to the core of the problem, not pretending to be mysterious, and not decorated with words.

"They are afraid that their status will be shaken?!"

"Eating alone is not fat!"

Fang Xing smiled and said: "I am afraid that there will be no progress in the learning of opponents, so being self-proclaimed represents fear. What are they afraid of?"

"Science doesn't confuse people, it's just pure knowledge. Could it be that knowledge can't be taught? It's still scientific knowledge that can be criticized! Then Fang is welcome, and anyone is welcome to talk about it at any time. If it wins me, no, let's Give up!"

At this time Jia Quan came back, the plane in his hand was not damaged, and he said proudly: "His Royal Highness, this thing you made is really amazing, and it can still float in the sky."

"Do you want to know why?"

Fang Xing asked, and then looked at two sad expressions as he wished.

"That's because of buoyancy!"

Fang Xing did not hesitate to explain: "Air can become resistance, but it can also become buoyancy. This is two concepts. Look at the shape of the two wings. When in the air, the air velocity at the upper end of the wing is fast, and the air at the lower end is slow. A pressure difference is formed, which creates a lifting force..."

"As for the propeller, its role is to produce..."

"Xing Hebo, Xing Hebo!"

At this moment everyone was at the door, and those who came back after Jia Quan were listening to Fang Xing's explanation.

Yang Rong hurriedly interrupted, "This is your secret skill, this is unnecessary, let's not learn it secretly!"

"Let's break up! Go back quickly!"

Jin Zhong used to persuade him to leave, but these people didn't buy it. A young man shouted, "Uncle, what is the mystery in this, can you give me a few words?"

Fang Xing said with a smile, "There are related explanations in that physics book. You can verify it when you go home."

"Go back, go back all."

The students are out, this is to do breaktime exercises.

Today's morning exercise was cancelled by Fang Xing and changed to this time.

Today, it was Xin Laoqi who was leading the fuck. When his loud voice came, everyone turned around and watched these young people perform the exercises.

The first is to run laps, running around the playground.

Jin Zhong's eyelids twitched, and he asked in a low voice, "Dehua, is that King Zhanyong?"

Yue Baoguo's arm needs to be recuperated, and Zhu Zhanyong appears to be a little alone without performing any exercises today.

"Well, it's him."

Jin Zhong tut and exclaimed: "No one wants to be with him, this is so annoying!"

What he saw was Zhu Zhanyong being isolated, but what Yang Rong saw was...

"Don't those students want to make a good princess?"

Although Zhu Zhanyong was left out in the cold, Zhu Di also made a decision: Zhu Zhanyong stopped at the princess in this life!

But a county prince is 10,000 times stronger than the children of these flat-headed people!

Why is there no one to get close to him?

Fang Xing squinted at the students, and said lightly: "There are no royal relatives here, some are just students. The academy does not advocate that students take shortcuts, at least not during the learning phase."

When utilitarianism blinded the hearts of these young people, Fang Xing would rather set the college on fire!

"There are many attitudes towards studying, but I hope they will know that studying is their duty."

Yang Rong smiled awkwardly: Most of the students of Confucianism went to the imperial examination.

The imperial examination was the benefit of Chi Guoguo, who was able to pass the Jinshi examination, was titled on the gold list, and became a patriarch. From then on, he changed his background and became an official.

But even if you fail the Jinshi exam, Juren and Xiucai have many privileges!

Immunity is a benefit, and the more important benefit is the exemption of food.

This person rushed to these privileges as soon as he studied. It is no wonder that Confucianism ended up like that. In fact, he really asked for it.

At the end of the lap, just when the people outside thought it was over, the students all went to get their wooden guns.


More than forty students lined up in four rows and followed Xin Laoqi's whistle to practice assassination.

The shouts are neat, the movements are neat, and they are still staring and shouting.

Jin Zhong saw that Zhu Zhanyong was also practicing assassination meticulously, and couldn't help but sigh: "If Daming students can do both civil and military training like this, the old man can also look down."

Yang Rong smiled bitterly: "It was a while since the founding of the country, but afterwards, the civil and martial arts had different paths and thought that this was a low-handed service by the martial artist~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and it was abandoned."

"This ethos is inherited from the Song Dynasty. The literati in the past can still travel the world alone and with one sword, but now you see, you have to take a book boy with you to the exam. How can this be a student? This is the master! Master official! !"

Xie Jin came, angrily began to spray: "I haven't gotten the test result yet, walking, sitting, standing, everywhere looks like the official master, even if these people are admitted to the Jinshi, they are also Guanyouzi! Yu Guoyu There is no benefit to the people!"

These words swept in the current scholars, Yang Rong was a little embarrassed, but he couldn't turn his face.

The seniority of the person in front of him is really no one in the country.

Zhu Yuanzhang's optimistic genius, Zhu Di's first assistant, these characters, even Jin Zhong is far behind.

Jin Zhong coughed dryly: "Fine, the atmosphere has been corrupted so far, unless your majesty is determined to join the military affairs in the exam, otherwise the general situation will be unstoppable!"

General Fang Xingji said: "Your Majesty doesn't mention it, you can also encourage it! If you can change the current weak style of study, that would be great."

Jin Zhong sneered: "How can it be so easy to change! There are so many daily homework, you read the book, walk winged, otherwise others will laugh at you as shameful as the peasant untouchables!"

"Master, there is a man named Yuan Shan Gong beg to see you."

At this time, someone came to report, and Fang Xing was startled and happily said, "Is it here to challenge? That's right, in front of everyone, let's rectify the name of science today!"


Yang Rong coughed and said: "Xing He Bo, this Duke Yuan Shan is that talented person, and now he is in your line of science."

Fang Xing said regretfully: "Let him in."

This talented man has a great reputation these days. Of course, because he always questioned the ideas of his predecessors, he has no reputation, but he is not a good reputation.


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