Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

: Terrible talk and comment

   Today I thought about going to read the chapter and talked about it, and was taken aback.

  From the first chapter, the most common ones are: I have committed embarrassment, embarrassed, elementary school students’ composition, this book must be rushed

   feels terrible, because apart from the silence promoting the QQ group account, Jazz did not see a familiar book friend id, that is to say, these people basically did not subscribe to the book.

   This is actually not terrible. The terrible thing is that such negative talk lasted until the last public chapter before it was released, and then stopped abruptly!

   The one I see most is "embarrassment". If there is no opinion, it is embarrassment, or rushing to the street or elementary school students.

   In fact, Jazz welcomes the opinions and suggestions of book friends. If you have any, you can change them, and if you don't, you will be encouraged. This is the love of the book friends for the author and the work, and you should cherish it.

But some people don’t know if they are here to make trouble or something. As soon as they open a post, they will scold their ancestors directly. Good! North ******", followed by foul language.

   Some people say that Zhu Zhanji is not Zhu Di’s grandson, verbally cursing: Xiaobaishu, rubbish

   Of course, there are some specious doubts, but they are not doubts, because the language is very vicious, and the Jazz deleted them immediately when they saw it.

   This kind of book reviews and talks about the anger that Jazz saw when he first saw it, but now his heart moved slightly, and he just laughed.

   Of course, a book cannot be liked by all readers. Jazz is only moved by the group of book friends who support him and his emotions.

   As for those unqualified scum, sorry, you are not worthy! Never deserve it! ! !

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