Complicated barrage.

One after another!

It flooded the screen in an instant!

And this time.

Chu Chen's popularity has also reached a new level!

The number of people online has grown from just over a thousand people.

Instantly soared to more than 5,000 people!

It has more than quadrupled!


The prestige on the system panel is also growing exponentially!


It accumulated to 4000!

no way.

In this world where extreme sports are extremely scarce, what Chu Chen has done is really refreshing!

Thousands of popularity and prestige in the mere, it's really like grabbing it!

Not to mention fan stickiness!

As long as people are attracted by the title, they will not leave halfway!

Super suction!

The retention rate of the live broadcast even once reached a terrifying 100%!

In fact, the reason is very simple.

This live broadcast, although frightening, sweaty palms!

But driven by curiosity, I just couldn't help wanting to see it!

That kind of stimulation that hits the soul directly is something that other outdoor anchors cannot reproduce anyway!

Very addicting!

can not stop at all!

[The anchor is a real man! 】

【Anchor be careful! 】

【It's so exciting! Never seen such extreme live broadcast! This is called extreme sports! Anchor I will always support you! 】

【Extreme sports that you can only play once in your life! 】

【Breakout! I have climbed more than 100 meters...]

The bullet screen on the drone screen is seamlessly connected with Chu Chen's ideas.


The audience had a lot of discussion, and naturally they couldn't escape Chu Chen's ears.

I can tell.

The public's perception of extreme sports in this world.

Really limited!

A "single-finger support" that is so common in free-hand rock climbing can actually cause quite a stir!




In the previous life, the pioneer in the field of high-rise climbing was known as "Spiderman" Montparnasse.

Montparnasse has climbed many world-class towers.

Freehand building and freehand rock climbing seem to be the same.

But in fact, they are two completely different extreme sports!

Because it is different from ordinary freehand rock climbing.

The difficulty of building free climbing.

Neither is the so-called complex climbing technique.

Neither is the building height.

Not even an extremely harsh climbing environment!

Instead, climb the rhythm!

Rhythm is everything!

Facing the stereotyped steel structure outer column.

When should I enter?

When should you stop?

When should it be adjusted?

are the keys to success!

This is also an important reason why Chu Chen did not rashly advance, but chose to stop and make necessary adjustments after going up more than 100 meters!

Those who travel 100 meters are half ninety.

For a solo climber.

To lose rhythm means to lose everything.

including life!



rested for a while.

Chu Chen took a sharp breath.

Then single finger force.

Make your body jump up slightly!

Immediately afterwards, he casually used the fingers of his other hand to hook a gap between structures to stabilize his body.

so back and forth.

Take it easy and keep climbing!

Seeing Chu Chen set off again, the onlookers under the building exclaimed again:

【My goodness! He climbed up again! 】

【Fuck! Moved! Moved! Moved! 】

[If this falls, it is estimated that even his mother~mother won't recognize it! 】

【Ouch! Boy, don't die! 】

【I can see my heart jumping into my throat! 】

【My mom! ! ! So scary! ! 】

【Wow! It seems that he is going to continue to climb! 】

【so high! This height makes my scalp tingle just thinking about it! 】

【Really awesome! This has to be more than 200 meters, right? 】

【Good guy, how dare you! 】

At this moment.

The plaza under the tower.

The voice is full of people!

Not so lively!

Looking down from the tower.

The crowd turned into countless black spots!

Like ants rushing towards candy, they keep pouring into the square!

on the road next to it.

All kinds of motor vehicles, one after another!

It's like it's been agreed in advance!

Slowly stopped on the side of the road.


The doors of the car opened one after another, and people kept walking out of the car, pointing at Chu Chen on the tower!

far away.

Howling sirens.

Urgent and loud!

Several fire police cars and security patrol cars are galloping towards the direction of Gwangju Tower!

The scene is huge!

Look at the scene in front of you.

Chu Chen knew that there was not much time left for himself.

Think here.

He took a deep breath.

Continue along the established route.

Go to the waist of the tower!

The challenge goes here.

Chu Chen's current position is only one step away from the waist of the tower.


Due to the special shape of Gwangju Tower, as well as the unique structural characteristics.

The rotation angle of the steel column at the waist of the tower is very large.

If you choose to go straight ahead.

There aren't too many climbing spots to grab onto.

The difficulty of climbing can be imagined!

It is also quite unfriendly to physical consumption!

Before the official climb, Chu Chen had already considered the difficulty of "50 meters below the waist of the tower".

From here to the first half of the "Xiaomanyao", the perfect solo can only be achieved by combining the two techniques of flag and toehook!

The so-called flag.

As the name suggests, stretch your legs in a certain direction (left or right) like a flag!

Then deliberately put your focus down.

Of course.

During the whole process, both hands need to grasp the corresponding move!

Just legs, swing to the other side!

In addition, other movements, or to follow the corresponding rock climbing guidelines.

Continue to maintain the original rule of three points fixed and one point moving!

However, it should be noted that when swinging the flag, you also need to use the toehook action to cooperate.

Toehook put it bluntly, it is to use the toes to hook the corresponding move.

Similar to heelhook.

Just the effect is different.

In the high tower climbing in the city, the combination of these two movements is very effective against some curved steel columns!

And using it to conquer the waist of Gwangju Tower is definitely a wise move!


After a while of climbing.

Chu Chen has successfully reached the beginning of the tower's waist.

Through the lens of the drone.

The audience can clearly see the wonder and thrill of the "small waist" of Gwangju Tower!

Under the interpretation of ultra-blu-ray picture quality.

The gorgeous sunset is so dazzling!

The surrounding buildings as low as building blocks are in stark contrast to Gwangju Tower.

It looks expansive and shocking!

The seemingly beautiful arc at the waist of the tower is actually a hidden murderous intention.

Makes all viewers shudder!


New book for data, extreme sports + live broadcast, anyone watching? If anyone reads it, please give more support. Old Wu has a lot of manuscripts. As long as there is data, he will keep updating!

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