Soon, in the blink of an eye.

The high wall in front is already approaching!

Seeing this, Chu Chen put away his core and jumped right away!


It's too late, it's too soon.

The whole process takes less than a second!

Before the audience could react, his hands had already supported the wall and sent his body into the air!

at the same time.

The camera of the drone also flashed by Chu Chen, and captured the picture below Tianjin.

The stairs surrounded by layers and the super high drop are very visually impactful!

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I really couldn't believe that there was something special here.

【Fuck! So it's a stairwell? 】

【At least ten floors! 】

[Fuck, it's so high! 】

[The mountain city is like this, the first floor may be the tenth floor, and the tenth floor may be the first floor, there is nothing to make a fuss about! 】

[Male god, be careful! 】

next second!

When his feet completely crossed the high wall and his body was about to fall in the air, Chu Chen didn't say a word, and immediately flicked his stomach and swinged his legs, turning his body quickly!



Two flips in the air in a row!

In the end, it landed on the opposite low wall without a trace!


As soon as the landing sounded, the BGM also stopped!

in the live room.


Needle falling can be heard still!

Except for the question marks on the screen, no one said anything.

Until the next second, the familiar English rap sounded again, and the barrage broke out again!

【Fuck! 】

[How many times did he circle in the air just now? 】

[Capitalized cattle batch! 】

[To be fair, when I was alive, I didn't dare to play like this! 】

[Chu Shen's parkour is outrageous compared to me playing the game without injury! The more you die, the less you die! 】

[Can anyone tell me how this is done? Don't you feel dizzy after turning twice in the air? 】

[I have never served anyone in the Dou Shark outdoor circle, God Chu, you are one of them! 】

"Imaexplainwhyyouprobably neverseenme!"

"Iminasunkenplace, no Instagram, ImwatchinTV!"

"IthinkItrademybreakfast, lunchanddinnerforsomekitty!"

After jumping off the wall.

Chu Chen first climbed over a railing.

Then he took another forward roll and got up.

came to the edge of the roof.

Then, he ran wildly on the ultra-narrow parapet!

"Ta Ta Ta Ta—!"

Below the parapet is the pedestrian street of the community.

From top to bottom.

There are shops facing the street, idlers enjoying the cool air, and delivery guys riding electric cars everywhere.

It has the fireworks of a mountain town.

Just ran forward about ten meters.

Chu Chen finally came to the end of the building.

However, on the opposite side of the building, there is still the same residential building.

Size, style, unmatched.

The two buildings are not far from each other.

Just over two meters.

Except for these two buildings, look at it at a glance.

There are at least a dozen old residential buildings in front of you!

Looking at the terrain in front of him, Chu Chen immediately communicated with the system with his mind and asked to increase the difficulty!

"System, I want to increase the difficulty!"

【receive! 】

【confirming! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host, for this task, the number of times of difficulty increase × 1 is consumed, and the difficulty increase is successful! The difficulty task has been released, please check it! 】

The system is down.

Chu Chen hurriedly clicked on the system panel to check the newly added [difficulty task]!

[Difficulty task 2, the roof jumps continuously! 】

Continuous jumping?

Looking at the task, and then at the roof of the residential building in front of him, Chu Chen instantly understood.

Turn off the system and start the run-up sprint!


Due to the distance between the two buildings, it is not too far.

Chu Chen jumped over easily.

But the impact of this continuous high-altitude jump is very explosive!

Super decompression!

When making a leap, Chu Chen sometimes regroups.

Sometimes stretch!

Directly turn the challenge into your own showtime!





【Fuck! Scalp tingling! 】

【Fuck! 】

【Continuous high energy! 】

[Can you raise the camera a little higher, don't face your feet! 】

[Everyone is driving to blow up the street, you just jump off the building and blow up the street! God Chu, it really belongs to you! 】

【Ah ah ah ah ah ah! No! 】

【Unexplainable decompression! 】

【+1! 】

【I want to dance like this too! Too bad I can't! 】




at the same time!

Deep City!

in an office building.

Everyday Game Studio.

At this moment.

A middle-aged man with gold-rimmed glasses.

Sitting in front of the computer.

Watching Chu Chen's live broadcast with gusto.

The man's name is Zhao Li, and he belongs to Penguin.

President of Tiantian Game Studio.

Graduated in Game Design.

Before that, he was a well-known game designer in China!

Looking at the entire China, Tiantian Game Studio.

Almost no one knows about it.

Developed many familiar Penguin games.

Such as "Hero Pesticide", "Everyday Love Elimination", etc., are definitely the leading game production company in China!

Back to the penguin.

First-class level.

Excellent team.

But in the past few days, Zhao Li has been under a lot of work pressure because of the development of new games.

Feeling emaciated every day.

Can't find inspiration.

By chance.

He brushed Chu Chen's video on Weibo.

The result was out of control.

I never watched the live broadcast of him, so I specially registered a Dou Shark account and watched the live broadcast!

I have to say that Chu Chen's live broadcast is really decompressing.

Especially the series of leaps to the top of the building just now made people feel refreshed, and Zhao Li was addicted to it.

Almost jumped out of my office chair.

But then again.

After all, Zhao Li is engaged in game development, and his years of experience in the industry have made his business sense very keen!

After calming down, the picture in front of him immediately made Zhao Li notice a place that ordinary people would not notice!




In an instant.

Zhao Li suddenly had an epiphany!

In my mind, a white light flashed!


Where is this parkour!

This is clearly a game!

If you make a similar parkour game by yourself, you can 100% catch fire!

thought here.

Zhao Li was even more sure of his thoughts, opened Word immediately, and drafted a plan for the game project!

Celebrating the 7-day National Day holiday and reading books! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP coupons!

Immediately rush to recharge (event time: October 1st to October 7th)

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