Take Your Life To Play Extreme Sports, The Whole Network Begs Me Not To Die

51. Money Is Not A Problem! The Shock Of The Pony Horse!

When we got back to the hotel, it was already one o'clock in the afternoon.

After high-intensity exercise, Chu Chen can clearly feel that the glycogen in the body has basically been depleted.

The empty belly is stimulating his appetite every second.

Craving enough carbs to replenish energy!

In this way, enduring hunger, Chu Chen took a cold shower.

Then I rushed to the cafeteria downstairs in the hotel and ate five bowls of noodles in one go!

I don't know how.

During this time, his appetite was inexplicably good, and it should also be related to the genetic medicine in the body!

In the process of changing genes, the energy and nutrients required by the body will naturally increase exponentially.

You may need at least several hundred grams of carbs and protein a day to meet your daily needs!


During the meal, Chu Chen first looked at the meager and replied to the private messages of several fans.

Then, I checked the emails in my private mailbox with my mobile phone.

Inadvertently, I found a cooperation invitation sent to me by a staff member of Penguin.

In the letter, he repeatedly emphasized that he wanted to use himself as a prototype to design a game, and hoped to chat with him face to face.

Look at the tone, very sincere.

For cooperation, Chu Chen is not disgusted.

As long as it is legal and compliant, the bid is in his heart.

this is nothing.

Let's not talk about how the Penguin game is doing.

For a big company like this, as long as the publicity keeps up, the traffic will definitely be indispensable.

The daily active users of Weixin and Koukou alone are already a very terrifying number.

If penguins can really design a game based on one of their sports.

This is also propaganda in disguise.

With the influence of this game alone, I can continuously gain more fans and a lot of prestige.

Of course, the quality of the game itself has to pass.

It must not be that shoddy 4399.

With this plan, Chu Chen gave Zhao Li a positive answer without thinking about it.

Said that the two would meet again after he returned to Gwangju.

In addition to Penguin's letter of intent for cooperation.

There are also many business cooperation emails from small brands and unknown game studios in the mailbox.

Some want to ask themselves to speak for a knife 999.

Some want to print their avatars on children's toys.

Some even wanted to advertise a prairie belly bun.

It's just as varied as you want it to be.

Prices are still quite high.

The highest is over a million.

However, Chu Chen was really not interested in these endorsements and advertisements, and threw them all in the trash.




at the same time.

deep city.

Everyday Game Studio.

Inside the President's Office!

Zhao Li has never left his office since Chu Chen dropped the broadcast until now!

While anxiously waiting for the video connection with pony horse, staring at his mailbox!

Whole hours.

Didn't leave more than half a step.


When I was in a daze, the reminder for a letter from the mailbox sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a red dot appeared in the unread mailbox!


Zhao Li didn't dare to neglect, he clicked it with the mouse and browsed.

after a few seconds.

His originally tangled eyebrows finally relaxed.

The letter was not from anyone else.

It is Chu Chen!

In the letter, he agreed to his own interview.


After receiving an affirmative reply from Chu Chen, Zhao Li couldn't help but pursed his lips and laughed, and the whole person swept away the haze before!

Afterwards, he immediately opened the Penguin meeting and waited for the connection with the BOSS.


About five minutes passed.

A bell rang, and the pony horse finally appeared in the video.

After the two greeted each other.

Zhao Li immediately passed the PDF version of the game project planning book to Pony Ma.

"Mr. Ma, this is the game project proposal I just drafted, please take a look."

Pony Ma held the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said while browsing: "Okay, let me see, parkour every day..."

"Horizontal 2D game?" Pony Ma was slightly surprised.


In this era, horizontal 2D games are rare.

Like this kind of game, even some small game studios that are just starting out are not very interested in going back.

Not to mention big factories, of course, except for Lao Ren.

However, Pony Ma was not in a hurry to question, and was still looking at the planning book attentively.

Zhao Li's ability, he still knows.

Since he pushed himself, there must be his reasons.

So, after reading the planning copy, Pony Ma immediately asked:

"Tell me your reason first?"

Zhao Li organized the following language:

"Mr. Ma, there is a very popular outdoor anchor on the domestic network recently, named Chu Chen, have you heard of it?"

Chu Chen?

Pony horse is not in the country recently.

The two networks do not communicate with each other.

He usually doesn't pay much attention to domestic news, let alone live broadcasts!

never look.

Pony Ma shook his head, not knowing what Zhao Li was talking about.

Upon seeing this, Zhao Li uploaded a clip video of Chu Chen's live broadcast on the public channel!

The entire video clip is more than three minutes long.

Covers a lot of wonderful scenes from Chu Chen's three live broadcasts!

Climbing Gwangju Tower with bare hands, extreme skydiving at ultra-low altitude, walking in the clouds on the top of Mount Huashan, gorgeous parkour in the mountain city...

At first, Pony Ma was still a little uninterested.

However, because of face, he did not refuse.

But when he watched the first Gwangju bridge.

The whole person immediately changed his appearance!

Get your back out of the seat slowly!

While holding on to the glasses, I involuntarily approached the screen!

There was a look of shock in his eyes!

After a while, he asked timidly:

"This... this is a real live broadcast? Not a special effect?"

"Yes, absolutely true! This person is very popular in China now, with hundreds of millions of fans all over the Internet! In my experience, with this wave of traffic advantages, Everyday Parkour can definitely become the most explosive game in 2022!" Zhao Lidao.

Pony nodded, flipped through the planning book, and then asked:

"The plan says that we haven't gotten the authorization from this person yet?"

"Well, but I've contacted him and it's not a problem."

"Has the other party made an offer?"

"No, but based on my experience, a few million should be almost the same. This Chu Chen is a high school student who has just graduated, and he has no social experience, so a few million should be able to win." Zhao Li said.

"Okay, in this way, you can do it right away, and feel free to contact me if you have any questions!"

Before hanging up the video, Pony Ma was still a little worried, and temporarily added:

"Remember, money is not an issue, but we Penguins are going to win this project no matter what!"


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