Take Your Life To Play Extreme Sports, The Whole Network Begs Me Not To Die

56. The ceiling of human beings? Shock from Yang Lao!

The live stream continues!

Between the vast sky and the earth, a touch of extremely bright green is rapidly falling, which is very abrupt!

At this moment, at the end of the grassland, the upper reaches of the Mozhigrad River.

Thirty or fifty herdsmen are riding horses and carts, escorting their flocks, migrating to the southeast.


This should be the big family of a certain tribe, looking for a camp for the winter.

"Abu, look! 35

A Mongolian youth with tanned skin hurriedly came to a middle-aged man, pointed to the strange thing in the sky and shouted at him.

The middle-aged man narrowed his eyes and looked up at the sky.

In the next second, his expression suddenly changed drastically.

Nian Nian hurriedly called the clan to dismount.

Then, line up.

Very devoutly prostrate on the ground, facing a touch of green in the sky, kept kneeling.

follow closely.

An old woman in the clan slowly sang an epic written by an unknown bard.

The singing is bleak and heroic.

full of mystery.

Spread the word everywhere on the grassland!


at the same time!

above the sky.

Chu Chen is falling faster and faster!

in a blink.

It fell more than 1000 meters down!

The speed is more than 100 per hour!

Speaking of which, in the whole process of skydiving, the initial speed of the downhill is the slowest.

But even so, when the drone was close to Chu Chen, the whole picture was distorted because of the high speed!

Don't wait for everyone to see it clearly.

A green shadow has already crossed.

Only a faint sound of air and the sound of surging airflow remained!

【Lying trough! Lying trough! Lying trough!】

【I'm squatting!!!】

【Is this too fast?】

【Real Free Fall!】

【Does this speed have to be 70 mph?】

【Well, almost! The speed is at least around 113 per hour!】

【The green carp and donkey are presented to the anchor aircraft × 1! ——“June 20th” is too exciting! I hope the god of Chu will be successfully arrested! 】

[This is life, give it to the anchor and like x100! - That's right! I hope that God of Chu will be arrested! It must be arrested! Skynet is prosperous, sloppy and not missed! 】

【God is so caught! You guys are really enough! 】

【Chu God Come on!】

The essence of the umbrella-free challenge lies in the control of speed.

Because the speed of this fall is not static.

Anyone who knows a little physics knows that.

Assuming that the air resistance remains unchanged, the body falls freely at an altitude of 10,000 meters, almost every time it falls.

Acceleration will increase.

With the increase of acceleration, the speed will gradually reach the peak value in the process of falling.

Until gravity balances out, it will eventually become a uniform motion and land.

According to the current speed of his own falling, Chu Chen roughly estimated that, no accident, the final peak landing speed is at least 200 kilometers per hour!

200 kilometers is not a small amount.

At such super high speed, anything can happen!

Such as posture deformation, core instability, inexperience, etc.

Not to mention objective reasons such as wind direction, airflow, and even UFOs.

In the previous life, an umbrellaless challenger from West Asia encountered a sparrow in the process of falling when he broke Eakins' record.

Although the sparrow didn't touch him, it seriously affected his center of gravity and his judgment of the speed change!

In the end, due to his miscalculation, he did not land within the safety net.

Unfortunate death!

It can be seen that when such a super-high-speed free fall is carried out.

How important is the challenger's perception of the details of the speed change!

It takes not only talent, but also hundreds of skydiving experiences to make it into muscle memory!

Let the body become familiar with the airflow.

Be one with nature!

Only in this way.

To Nirvana!

Speaking of which, the current Chu Chen has already reached this level!

Lv9's full-level skydiving skills not only provided him with the foundation of the challenge, but also added decades of skydiving experience to him in disguise!

When to adjust.

When to keep.

When to dive.

When to slow down.

He was clear.

He knows the air flow on both sides of his body like the back of his hand!

The No Umbrella Challenge is divided into three phases.

The first is the take-off phase.

Nothing difficult.

As long as you jump hundreds of times, don't lose your center of gravity, you can do it!

The second stage is the initial adjustment stage.

Chu Chen has been adjusting now!

The whole body is sometimes opened to become a character, and sometimes it is closed to become a character.

The purpose is to control the speed in a reasonable range as much as possible to prepare for the dive stage!

The third stage is the subduction stage.

Nothing to say, just the preparation stage for the landing.

The fourth stage is the landing stage.

The last 3000 meters will directly determine the success or failure of the challenge, and it is the top priority of the entire challenge!


until now.

The entire initial stage of the decline is basically in line with Chu Chen's psychological expectations!

Whether it's speed or rhythm, it's perfect!

Not surprisingly.

A successful third stage should not be a problem!

[49 degrees 47 minutes east longitude, 119 degrees 79 minutes north latitude! 】

During the landing, Chu Chen took a peek at the fixed-point coordinates on the GPS, and there was no change.

There was also no warning.

This is good news.

At least that means everything is going according to plan!

All you have to do now is to stabilize the rhythm and prepare for the next dive acceleration!

at the same time!

the other side!

In the second live room!

Just now.

When Chu Chen jumped down, many people were discussing the success rate of skydiving without a parachute on the barrage!

The comments are divided into two factions.

One faction is the vast majority of new fans, they all think this is unlikely.

One faction is diehard fans who choose to support Chu Chen without any brains.

But when you ask them why, they can't say why!

【Trust me! The probability of success is almost zero!】

[If he succeeds, I will live stream upside down! Never break my promise!]

[If it is someone else, it may not be possible, but if it is Chu Shen, it is absolutely possible! 】

Looking at the barrage, the host Lin Qiqi was also very curious about this, and asked Li Ning:

"Teacher Li Ning, tell me your opinion? Do you still insist on your opinion, do you think he will not succeed?

Li Ning nodded: "Yes, I think the success rate of this challenge may not even be ten percent!"

"Because there are so many variables! This is an altitude of 10,000 meters. Without any protection, the risk of free fall is really too great!"

"Even if there is a safety net below, and the area of ​​the safety net is large enough, it is still a bit reluctant, because what happens in the middle is not controllable by itself, and the speed is so fast."5

"The sky has never belonged to us humans because we can't control it!"

"Secondly, if you jump from such a high place, even if you do jump into the net, there is a high probability that you will be injured, so, hey..."

in the live room.

There are not a few people who hold the same view as Li Ning!

At least half of the audience thought so.

Because the air is no better than the land.

Unless you grow wings, in the event of an accident, you are really powerless!

After hearing Li Ning's words, Lin Qiqi nodded, looked at Professor Xu, who was beside him, and asked:

"Professor Xu, what do you think?"

From the beginning of the live broadcast, Xu Wenwen has not spoken until now.

His expression was serious, as if he was thinking about something.

It was not until the host asked a question that he pulled away from his own thinking and said slowly:

"This, Chu Chen, is really powerful..."

Does this sentence directly confuse the audience?

【Why is it amazing?】

【Yes! Teacher, tell us about it! 】

[Yeah! Isn't it just free fall from high altitude without opening an umbrella? I have nine lives and I can play! 】

Hearing this, Lin Qiqi was also a little confused:

"Professor Xu, is there any way here? Can you tell us about it?

"I saw in the barrage, a lot of people are saying that if he is in a free fall like him, even if he jumps into the safety net, he may fall to his death. Isn't this the same as jumping off a building?"

"Hehe, this sentence makes some sense at first glance.

"But actually it's not.

"Before I talk about it, I have to introduce a scientific concept to everyone: the maximum speed of the free fall of the human body has a limit value!

"About 40-70m/s, of course, the existence of air resistance is considered.

"What does this mean? It means that the top speed of Chu Chen's descent was only 252km/h.

【What do you mean by not being able to?】

【Is the speed of 252 not fast enough?】

【I don’t understand! Mr. Xu, don’t betray you!】

【Yes! Tell us about it!】

[If you have something to say, just say it directly! Can you not make your appetite! 】

【That's it!】

Immediately after.

Xu Wenwen laughed and continued to explain:

"Everyone, don't worry, just listen to me.

"The limit of the G value that the human body can withstand is around 15G. This data is measured by professional scientists. Of course, not everyone has this data. Ordinary people may be around 6G.

"Secondly, the limit value of 15G, which lasts for one or two seconds, will not cause people to die immediately, but if the time is too long, it will cause serious consequences. 99

"The speed decelerates from 70m/s to 0 in two seconds, and it is only 3.5G, so this kind of high-altitude free fall and jumping off the building are completely different things, this is the first point.

"Jumping from a building is a speed of more than ten meters and twenty meters, and it is instantly reduced to 0. This G value is very large, and there is almost no buffering time."

"But this is not the case for Chu Chen's Umbrellaless Challenge. His G value can be controlled within his acceptable range through his own adjustment. However, according to my calculation just now, the G value he is currently enduring is I'm afraid it has already exceeded 15..."

"On this basis, he has the capital to succeed. You must know that if it were an ordinary person, if he stayed in this G value for dozens of seconds, he might have lost consciousness long ago!

The G value is the acceleration of gravity.

Normal people can withstand about 6 G.

If it exceeds 6G, you will feel severe discomfort, accompanied by severe nausea, tinnitus, and dizziness.

Pilots who have undergone anti-G training can usually withstand a short-time overload of 7-8G for more than 20-30 seconds!

High-speed fighter pilots can withstand a short-term 9G overload with the combination of anti-load suits and high-pressure masks!

It is difficult for the human body to withstand a high load of more than 9G for a long time, because at this time the heart can no longer complete the blood circulation.

So soon people will appear shady, and finally faint.

Until the last vital organs fail and die due to ischemia.

Similar challenges without an umbrella, the G value that needs to be endured fluctuates around 10.

As Professor Xu said, at this limit, if it is an ordinary person, it is really possible to fall into a box!

But for Chu Chen, who has already reached the full level of skydiving, this is nothing at all!

Even if the G value is 20 and lasts for a minute or two, there is no problem at all!


【I'm squatting!!!】

[Understood! It seems that this kind of challenge is not something that only courage can accomplish! 】

[So that's the case! I have to say, the God of Chu is really a bullshit! 】

【Understood! Without strong physical fitness, even if you dare to jump, you will faint in mid-air!】

[Made! There is a threshold for death! Ordinary people want to do it, but there is no way! 】

【Chu God Come on!】

There are different opinions on the barrage.

At this moment, Academician Yang Zhen, who had been silent for a while, murmured, "Xiao Xu, you are wrong. 35

Hearing the sound, everyone turned their attention to Old Yang!

Immediately after.

Yang Zhen coughed lightly and continued: "The G value of the high-altitude downhill does change randomly, that's right.

"But you must know that this is an altitude of 10,000 meters, and the so-called air resistance can no longer be used, but the density of the atmosphere! 35

"Based on my 20 years of flying experience, from the moment he took off just now to the moment he quickly dropped to 9,000 meters, the G value he suffered was at least 40G, and the duration was at least three seconds!

"This young man is not easy!


Yang Zhen was settled.

The live broadcast exploded instantly!!

What is the concept of 40G?

This has exceeded 7 times the G value that normal people can bear!

【Fuck! True or false!】

【Is this too strong?】

【This physical fitness is far beyond ordinary people!】

[Mom asked me why I was kneeling to watch the live broadcast!]

[I feel that the physical quality of God Chu is definitely the ceiling that human beings can reach! 】

【I can't catch up with God Chu in my life! It's too strong! 】


The live stream continues!

At this time, Chu Chen dived down another 2,000 meters, leaving less than 7,000 meters away from the safety net!

The weightlessness for a long time made his eyes full of bloodshots, and his limbs were even more congested.

But even so, Chu Chen still did not give up the confrontation with the acceleration of gravity!

Still keeping the stance as it should be!

Keep diving down!

Aim for the very center of the safety net!


Another ten seconds passed!

In the last 150 meters of the starting stage, there was no danger, so that he finally broke into the diving stage!

But in the next second.

The wind suddenly became louder!

The noise makes the heart beat faster!

And just after entering the diving stage, Chu Chen's speed suddenly increased a lot, soaring to two hundred in the blink of an eye!

Next, this distance from 6800 meters to 3000 meters!

Although the whole process, 0.9 is only a few tens of seconds.

But because the speed is too fast, this is also an unexpectedly frequent period!

If you are not careful, you will deviate from the established landing point!

When he first entered the diving stage, Chu Chen was still used to it.

But only after dropping a thousand meters, the airflow around it began to become unstable!

At this moment!

A sudden gust of air hits the side!

It directly disrupted Chu Chen's focus!

It made his whole body flip up in the air!

All of a sudden, everything around me started to get messy!

Can't tell which is which!

Immediately afterwards, the GPS on the shoulder also issued an alarm!

Seeing this scene, the audience launched a barrage:

【Chu God be careful!】

【what's the situation?】

【Encountered airflow? Why is it suddenly unstable?】

[Sorry, brothers, there will be no accidents, right?]

【Ah ah ah ah! I dare not look at it! 】

【Fuck! Too thrilling!】

Above the sky!

Realize something is wrong.

Chu Chen's heart trembled, but he didn't panic.

Occasional air currents are a common problem encountered in high-altitude challenges without umbrellas.

However, because it is in the state of anti-G overload, it has now lost its center of gravity.

This makes Chu Chen's whole person as if he is about to be torn apart by something!

The head is even more dizzy.

In order to fight the overload, Chu Chen turned on the conqueror for the first time, and then quickly opened his limbs and tightened his core!

next second.

With the energy injected by the conquerors!

Adrenaline starts to surge!

It's easy to get back the center of gravity!

Then, after having the center of gravity.

Chu Chen went to adjust his posture again.

In this way, in the blink of an eye, he pulled himself back to the established track again, and continued to fly to the target below!

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