Take Your Life To Play Extreme Sports, The Whole Network Begs Me Not To Die

71. Photographers are afraid! The darkest moment of physical fitness!

The reason why El Capitan is called the top rock wall.

The biggest reason is that it tests the various abilities of rock climbers in an all-round way!

Grip, Core, Waist, Mental Quality, Route Planning, Muscle Endurance and more!


As a challenger, in the process of climbing, even if one ability fails to meet the requirements, it is absolutely impossible to complete this arduous challenge!

That's right!


The bouldering problem just now is a double test of strength and psychological quality!

And the next endurance corner is the ultimate test of the challenger's endurance!

Not surprisingly.

The darkest moment of physical fitness for the entire challenge is coming!

For this, Chu Chen knows better than anyone else.


After more than 700 meters of climbing ahead.

When I got here, most of my physical energy had already been consumed.


"Six Six Zero"

The way the section itself is climbed also determines this!

The rock wall structure of this section is very peculiar. It is a 90-degree angle rock wall formed by two rock walls.

Height 744 meters.

Although it doesn't look as dangerous as the bouldering problem.

But the rock walls on both sides are very smooth.

There are basically no rock moves in sight.

If you want to climb up, you can only rely on the gap in the middle and use your fingers to pull your body up!

But this kind of action is very fast for physical consumption.

Comparable to the previous behemoth crack!

Even more than that.

At this time, Chu Chen's physical strength was about to reach the limit of his body.

in this case.

If you continue to use this method, your stamina will have to keep up, and you can't let up in the slightest.

If not.

All the previous efforts will be in vain in the end!

【Fuck! This rock wall is so strange! 】


[There is no support point above, how to climb up! 】

【Chu Shen's physical strength is really invincible! Looking at his state, he has climbed a few hundred meters, and I have walked a few hundred meters almost! 】

【I can't imagine how to climb up this road! 】

[Mom asked me why I couldn't stand kneeling in front of my phone!]

【It’s getting closer and closer to the top of the mountain, come on! Everyone, stop arguing! Watch the live broadcast!!!!】

Live live.

At the foot of Chief's Rock!

The challenge is here.

Staff waiting below.

I didn't dare to look directly.

Some are timid.

Even got into the tent.

Next to him, the cameraman Mike's eyes were erratic, covering his mouth, standing in place at a loss!

Previously, he would adjust the lens from time to time.

But it's totally out of the question now!

Nothing else, just because of the picture in front of you, it is a bit unbearable to look directly!

【Photographers are scared!】

【Haha! It’s normal! Who else is not afraid of it! 】

【Ask the photographer's psychological shadow area!】

next second!

At the moment of stepping into the Endurance Corner.

Chu Chen first stretched out his left hand and inserted it into the crevice of the rock.

Then lean back against your elbows!

throughout the process.

His movements are very slow, very slow, neither hurried nor slow, as if he had been slowed down!


When the entire left arm movement is completed, the left foot follows up again, stepping on the rock wall on your side!

Then, the right hand slowly protruded out.

Hold it side by side with the left hand in the crevice.

Together they become the main force point!

At the end, the right foot passes through the left foot.

Withstood the angle rock face opposite your body!

With its reaction force, it forms a curled, extremely delicate dynamic structure to support the body on the rock wall!


During the climb of more than 200 meters in the Endurance Corner.

Chu Chen has to maintain this posture all the time.

Provide adequate support for the body.

Because that's all.

A fall will not happen.

If not.

Once the body loses its proper support, the entire dynamic structure will collapse in an instant!

【I rub it! This posture looks so exhausting! 】

[This section of the rock wall is estimated to be at least 200 meters long, and this posture is really difficult to hell! 】

【How is it possible to climb up!!】

【Yeah! It's exhausting to look at!】

【Chu God has subverted my cognition once again!】

【My hands and feet are getting cold! If this falls off, I won't even have a chance to reopen it! 】

[Really awesome! The person selling oxygen cylinders downstairs in my house has already opened a Lamborghini!]

【This section is too critical! As long as you stick to it, you will be able to reach the top! Go! 】

The audience was right...

As long as you conquer Endurance Point and make another crosscut, you can see the summit of El Capitan.

But this 200-meter physical fitness is the darkest moment.

How to conquer it?

no one knows.

Can't even imagine!

Immediately after.

The live stream continues!

Because of the alpine climbing used before.

The first half of the Endurance Corner.

Chu Chen had little effort.

It took a few minutes before and after.

Come to the middle.

But as soon as he reached the middle, the pain and numbness of the limbs came one after another, stimulating every nerve of Chu Chen!


Endless numbness!

It's like enduring the inexorable numbness after being eaten by countless ants!


After stopping to take a breath.

Chu Chen glanced at his feet.

Huge tracts of woods.

It has already become very small!

It's like a Christmas tree for decoration in children's toys!


Look up.

A distant end of endurance.

It's exhausting again!

On land, it's just a matter of minutes.

It takes twenty or thirty minutes here, or even longer!


Breathing sounds again!

After a short rest.

Chu Chen grabbed a handful of magnesium powder around his waist, and then went up.

Still the same position as before.

previous method.

-0.9 people!

Both hands!

So slowly and slowly - between the remaining gaps on the two cliffs, work hard to move up!


Every point he goes up.

The barrage will be a little less.


The entire live broadcast room, in the sound of Chu Chen's nervous breathing, gradually became deserted!

With the lively scene before.

A stark contrast was formed.

It's not that people are gone.

but saw here.

Many viewers have long forgotten to send danmaku!

All attention is on the man who is on the cliff, surviving alone, and experiencing the darkest moment of physical fitness!

(Kneeling for flowers, monthly tickets, evaluation tickets! 1 automatic subscription plus 1 chapter! 1 reward plus 1 chapter! 1 monthly ticket plus 1 chapter!).

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