Take Your Life To Play Extreme Sports, The Whole Network Begs Me Not To Die

85. The roof slides! My mother asked me why I knelt down suddenly?!


【No, how is this done?】

【Take your foot lightly, the board turns in a circle, and then jumps up?】

【Fuck! This is too showy?!!!】

【What just happened!!!?】

【Amazing! It really slides!!!!】

[Fuck, the balance power of Chu Shen is really invincible! If it were replaced by me, I would probably fall into a dog and eat shit! 】

【Chu God, you really know how to play! Coach, I want to play this too!!!】

Cool popshov~eit on board.

Watch the audience shine!

Everyone in the live room - one counts as one!

Never thought of such a simple piece of wood.

It can become so agile under Chu Chen's feet!

Simply incredible!

this moment.

The huge live broadcast room was quickly overwhelmed by the barrage!

Gifts of all kinds are endless!

see this scene.

Chu Chen is more convinced of his previous thoughts - skateboarding in this life may be more popular than the previous one!

Can even a simple popshoveit stun these people?

If it is more cool technology.

What kind of uproar will it cause!

At this moment.

Skateboards have gone along the parapet of the building.

Slide more than ten meters forward!

There are few obstacles on the roof of this building.


Nothing to show either.

no way.

In order to let the audience understand the coolness of this sport more intuitively, Chu Chen can only simply use a board slide on the parapet wall first!

boardslide, is also a basic action of a skateboard.

In Chinese it means, slide over obstacles with a board!

The approximate process is, take off with the board first!

Then use the board head, board surface, or board tail to slide on obstacles such as railings, walls, benches, etc.

Finally back to the ground!

Obstacle sliding is divided into boardslide and lipslide!

The main difference is that one is taking off with your back to the obstacle.

One is to take off in the face of obstacles.

The boardslide is facing away from the obstacle.

Jump outside 90 degrees skateboard bottom!

lipslide to face obstacles!

Turn 90 degrees out to face the bottom of the front skateboard!

Right now, Chu Chen's position is just on the left side of the parapet on the roof!

The angle is just right.

Perfect for boardslide!

Having made up his mind, Chu Chen's eyes are fast, his hands are fast, he moves his body at will, he seizes the opportunity, adjusts his foot position immediately, and puts his center of gravity in the middle of the skateboard!

Made a slide preparation!

The parapet of the building is very low!

The width is less than 30 cm.

Outside the parapet is a busy street.

It looks very scary!

at this time.

Due to the drone, the scene downstairs will be captured from time to time, coupled with Chu Chen's skateboard, which is on the edge of the parapet, making many viewers tremble with fear!

In the live broadcast room, there is a barrage:


【Please! Don't take pictures outside?!!】

【Brother, can you not slide on the roof!】

【Chu God is his own person! Give me a face! Don’t slip here!!!!】

【Yes! Don't do this! I'm really scared!!!!】

【Weakly ask why you can't go inside?!!】

【Is this too special 6? Skateboarding on the roof?!!!】

next second!

Just when there are different opinions in the live broadcast room!

Chu Chen's skateboard has also slid to a similar position!


He hurriedly lowered his center of gravity.

Start squatting!

At the same time, keep your eyes from where you are going to slide!

At this moment, many viewers in the live broadcast room noticed that Chu Chen had been staring at the parapet, as if he realized something, and sent out the barrage again!

【Fuck! Everyone! I don’t think things are easy!】

【What is he doing? What are you always staring at outside!】

【Brothers! Isn’t Chu Shen going to slide down directly?】

【I'm sooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!】

【Isn’t it going to open the seat directly when you slide down?】

[Mom asked me why I knelt down suddenly!]


In the live broadcast, the golden polyester amine pulley shone with a different kind of light in the sun.

Constantly making rustling noises.


Chu Chen, who was on the skateboard, shook his forefoot forward decisively!

・・・ Ask for flowers‥


Brush the board back again!

It's very easy to take the board into the air!

And this time.

The board head just hits the edge of the parapet wall!

And with the help of the inertia of sliding, it glided on it!


For a time, the rustling sound produced by the friction between the wooden board and the wall filled the entire live broadcast room!

And this time.

Chu Chen's skateboard head is less than ten centimeters away from the edge of the parapet!

Gorgeous action.

Thrilling roof slide!

Like a blockbuster, it detonated in the live broadcast room in an instant, causing the barrage to explode in an instant!

【Lying trough! Lying trough! Lying trough!】

【I am shy!!!!】

【Nima! If you don’t die, you won’t die!】


【Chu God, I advise you to use mouse tail juice!】

【Cow batch!】

[Six-digit password and two-digit deposit are given to the anchor plane x1! ——Fuck! How can you still play like this? 】

[Send you a piece of prairie to the anchor Rocket x10! - Chu Shen's balance is really invincible! 】

[Gift to the anchor Super Rocket x999 by following the wind in the wind!——It's so awesome! Exciting! Really exciting! 】

during the entire obstacle course.

Chu Chen's feet have been standing on the skateboard!

Among them, about two-thirds of the center of gravity was placed in the middle of the skateboard.

The rest is on the board!

The distribution of the center of gravity is the key to the success of the slide!

There is no room for sloppiness.

If the center of gravity is backward, the person will fall backward after hitting the obstacle!

If you move forward, it will easily become the wheel stuck to the obstacle, not the board head!

In addition to the center of gravity, the movements of the upper body are also important. It is best to open your arms naturally and keep your balance as much as possible!


When Slide reached the end of the parapet, Chu Chen immediately pushed his body and front foot to the left front!

Also, bend your knees slightly!

Turn 90 degrees with the trend and successfully go down the wall!

This whole set of actions sounds complicated, but in fact it is a matter of blinking an eye!

Very smooth!

Seeing the audience stunned, they were all stunned on the spot!

(Five updates are over! Kneeling for flowers, monthly tickets, evaluation tickets! 1 automatic subscription plus 1 chapter! 1 reward plus 1 chapter! 1 monthly ticket plus 1 chapter!) Nine.

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