"Flowers on my face?".

Looking at the long sky on horseback.

Huang Rong smiled.

"Brother Tian, Mu Kezhai, I want a good bedroom!".

Bu Changtian was stunned and smiled.

A look of surprise.

To know.

He also said that he wanted Huang Rong to go to Mukezhai with him.

But Huang Rong wants to travel the rivers and lakes.

Say play and come back to him in a few months.

This also makes the step a long day, and there is no way for a while.

In case you meet Guo Jing.

What can I do!


It's good now.

Nothing is a problem anymore.

"Okay. Bu Changtian laughed.

As long as you stay, you can't run away.

"All the horses are up the hill!".

This time, the Liao people exploded four or five hundred horses.

Naturally, you have to take it into your pocket.

With a command from Bu Changtian.

The crowd returned to Mukezhai again.

Mu Guiying rushed over as soon as possible.

The big knife in his hand didn't have time to put it down.

When she learned of the situation, her eyes widened with rage.

"One day, I'm going to set foot in the White Camel Villa!".

A week later.

Outside the Muke Village.

It's all heads.

They are all farmers.

"Great, there are 5,000 people in total! Excluding the old people and children, there are about 3,000!"

After Bu Changtian received the statistical report, he was also very happy.

These people, with a little trimming, can go to work.

And Bu Changtian is also keeping his promises.

The first place is five hundred taels of silver.

The second place is three hundred taels.

The third place is one hundred taels.

With real money.

The emotions of these peasants were mobilized to the limit.

One by one, their eyes were red, and they couldn't wait to work immediately and express themselves.

Of course, so many people, where they live, must have to be.

And Bu Changtian has been ready for a long time.

In the mountains behind Mukezhai, next to the farmland, a large area of land was developed and houses were built.

In accordance with the way the school dormitories are built.

This maximizes space savings.

Rows and rows of two-storey houses.

Adjacent to each other.

Not to mention a few thousand people, even if there are tens of thousands of people, they can also live.

In each room, there are three bedrooms and one living room, and one kitchen.

Speaking of which.

The construction of these houses, most importantly, is the construction of toilets.

After all.

If this is not handled properly, thousands of people will and pee.

It can flood a house in a month.

Bu Changtian can't study the toilet.

Besides, sewer pipes are also a problem.

So directly behind the house.

Hundreds of pits were built.

Inside is divided into men and women.

Clean it up every day and build it up.

Turn waste into treasure and use it as a material.

And, not only bedrooms.

Buchangtian also built a canteen.

And there is also a place to bathe.

After these villagers moved in.

One by one was dumbfounded.

You know, they used to live in thatched huts.

Shelter from the wind and rain is a problem.

"This life is not a dream!".

"Bodhisattva bless, no, it's the great kindness of the young master of heaven. "

"Oh my God, is this the palace?".

Even, some villagers who can carve wood carved a full-body portrait of Bu Changtian.

Worship with incense day and night.

For this kind of thing.

Bu Changtian couldn't cry or laugh.

But I didn't ask.

As long as they can do their jobs well.

Nothing is a problem.

And the affairs of internal affairs, Bu Changtian handed over all the things to Huang Rong.

Professional people, go and do professional things.

The money was also given to her for safekeeping.

This unconditional trust.

Huang Rong was also very moved.

Now, there is Mu Guiying in military training.

There is Huang Rong in internal affairs.

He was unusually relieved.

When you're fine, go to the stables.

This is now the only way for him to make money.

Now, hundreds of scrap horses are brought up every day.

As for the price.

Let the long sky cry and laugh.

a tael of silver for a horse.

Cheap to death.


Spend the day in the stables.

Immediately refreshed.

The value has changed and skyrocketed hundreds of times.

If it is sweat and blood, it is 2,000 times.

If it's a Maxima, it's even more exaggerated.

Eight thousand times more directly.

"This is even more profitable than robbing a bank!" Bu Changtian couldn't help but be shocked when he calculated in his heart.

"However, it's a pity that there has never been a unicorn horse..."

Bu Changtian was a little regretful.

The odds of 0.1% are too low.

"The blacksmith shop still hasn't made use of it!" Bu Changtian was anxious.

This world of martial arts.

A powerful and handy weapon is a huge increase in strength.

It can skyrocket several times its combat power.


The blacksmith of Mu Kezhai is really commonplace.

It's also very troublesome to make steel and build weapons, so... Yields have been low.

"Damn! There are more than 5,000 peasants, and only two of them have worked as blacksmiths. Bu Changtian rubbed his eyebrows.

But it's understandable.

For metal and ironware, the ancient regulations were very strict.

Farmers generally do not have access to it.

So there will be no blacksmith either.

"Brother Tian, what's wrong with you?" Huang Rong walked over with white fungus lotus seed porridge.

I have to say that Huang Rong not only eats, but also cooks.

This white fungus lotus seed porridge was eaten for a long time, and it almost climaxed.

Of course.

The most terrifying thing is her housekeeping.

Buchang is busy with anxious things.

She finishes processing it in one hour, and the rest of the time, she just plays around.

Let Bu Changtian accompany her to visit Mu Ke Village.

on this.

Bu Changtian expressed helplessness.

The gap between people is really big!

"You can also see that there are only a dozen people in the blacksmith shop, and the output has not been able to go up. Bu Changtian was worried.

"Recruitment, craftsmanship is not good. "

Those who really know how to forge weapons basically belong to the imperial court.

Recruits can't be recruited.

"Blacksmith?" Huang Rong pointed her finger at her mouth, her eyes rolling.

"I've got a solution. "

"I traveled to the rivers and lakes this time and saw my father's former apprentices. "

"Feng Mofeng, he is a blacksmith, he fights weapons and farm tools for farmers on weekdays. "

"His craftsmanship, inheriting Peach Blossom Island, is very good!".

Buchangtian's eyes lit up.


If it's Feng Mofeng, it's definitely okay.

And it's trustworthy.

"Then please Rong'er, write a letter, and let our two senior brothers come for a trip. "

What if you don't come?


In the original.

These disciples, even if they were picked off and broke their hamstrings.

For Huang Yaoshi, there is no resentment.

The biggest dream is to be forgiven by the master again.

Uh... Yes.

Didn't make a mistake, just got implicated.

Pick up the hamstrings, and ask the master for forgiveness.

Although it is unreasonable.

But it also proves that Huang Yaoshi is extremely charismatic.

Now Huang Rong has a letter.

This Feng Mofeng is not a fart yet.

"What our senior brother!" Huang Rong said angrily, but her cheeks were very ruddy.

"Rong'er, don't you want to?"


Before Huang Rong's words were finished, her red lips were blocked.

"Rong'er, I'll be good to you..."

After Huang Rong heard this, her tense body also softened.

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