"You haven't eaten meat?" Bu Changtian was stunned for a moment.

"No, can it be better than white rice porridge?" the little girl blinked her innocent eyes.

The little red face was full of doubts.

Bu Changtian suddenly stagnated his breath.

Can't catch your breath.

"How many of you have never eaten meat?".

Tens of thousands of peasants, most of them, all bowed their heads and did not speak.

"Grandma's! Liu Da! go and inform Wang Qing and go down the mountain to buy meat!".

"In the future, every week, I will have two meals with meat!"

Bu Changtian directly waved his hand.

"Young Master Tian, to be honest, white rice and pickles are already very good. Liu Da was a little entangled.

Tens of thousands of people, if you buy meat.

It's a very big expense.

And now Mukezhai, the economic problem has not been solved.

"Young Master Tian, we don't dare to eat meat, white porridge is enough!".

"yes, it's good enough!"

The peasants were speaking out, and they wanted to eat meat too.

But I know it.

The economy of Mukezhai is not rich.

"If you don't have meat, you can buy offal, wash it, and stew it with salt!

Bu Changtian directly decided.

"Thank you, Young Master Tian!".

"Live pizza, this is a living bodhisattva!".

"Heaven is pitiful, the living gods have come to the world!".

Tens of thousands of people fell to their knees in an uproar.

[Admired by all the people].

[Congratulations to the host, obtain: All the people are one heart].

[Host luck increased: 10 points!].

Luck value?

As a veteran fiction fan.

He still knows.

If the value of luck increases, you will be able to gain the favor of heaven and earth.

In the same way, you can also get a lot of natural treasures.

In the face of danger, it can also be turned into a disaster.


This leads to another problem.

This world, isn't it, is there really a day?

Thinking of this, Bu Changtian shuddered and didn't think about it again.

And the addition of luck also made him change slightly

The aura on his body has changed slightly.

It seems to have an aura that is difficult to be rigorous.

It's unconsciously convincing.

And it gives a comfortable feeling.

And the other side.

Yue Buqun, with his family and disciples, was on the top of the mountain in the distance.

I also saw this scene.

"This step is so good!" Ning Zhong took a deep breath.

The tone and demeanor were full of praise.

This kind of rice porridge for farmers to eat and eat is definitely a lot of money every day.

And what the peasants pay is just farming.

To put it bluntly.

That's a loss-making deal.

Let alone.

Among them are women, children, old and young.

"Master, you and the master, back then, in the rivers and lakes, punishing evil and promoting good, it was also good-hearted!" Ling Hu Chong, who was on the side, said with a smile.

"It's all the same,"

Ning Zhong shook his head slowly.

How can it be the same.

They are chivalrous and righteous, and more often do what they want.

The main purpose is to travel the rivers and lakes.

After the chivalrous deeds, as for the subsequent development, they never cared.

The main thing is to be happy by yourself.

And Bu Changtian, but he is really doing it, for the welfare of farmers, a lot of money is spent outside.

It's all real money.

"The great man of chivalry, for the country and the people!" Ning Zhong said slowly.

Ling Hu Chong nodded.

added on the side.

"I asked these people, and they said that the Liao people burned, killed and looted, and Bu Changtian saved them. "

"Maybe I'm afraid of the revenge of the Liao, so... All the villagers from the nearby villages were brought up the mountain. "

"He's really, so good!" Yue Lingshan's beautiful eyes lit up.

His eyes were fixed on Bu Changtian.

The white figure kept enlarging in the pupils and mind.

The girl is also a hero.

This sentence is not false at all.

In particular, this hero has a lot of advantages.

Jianghu people act mostly for fame.

Fame is in the rivers and lakes, very useful.

But Buchangtian is different.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes.

Who could have known that Buchangtian raised 10,000 peasants.

He never said anything about it.

Yue Buqun on the side, his face was not good-looking, and his flesh skin trembled even more.

He has always been known as a gentleman.

But I know what I think in my heart.

At this moment, meeting a real chivalrous and true gentleman is a little unhappy.

"Hmph, he will consume a lot of money every day, and he can last for a few days. "

"This is very undesirable!"


"Thank you for your teaching!"

Many disciples spoke in unison.

Unusually respectful.

"Bah, grandma, you don't panic when you say this!".

"What are you talking about!".

"I did a good deed, but when I came to you, I was still wrong!".

"Why didn't Lao Tzu see you, and helped the poor people!".

A rough scolding rang out.

Immediately after, Yue Laosan jumped down from the big tree in the distance.

"You are also worthy of being called a gentleman's sword?"

"My third son-in-law, it's a shame to be of the same sex as you!!"

These sharp scoldings.

Jean's Yue Buqun's face changed greatly.

In the rivers and lakes.

Leave seven points for each person.

When did you meet such a thing?

scolded people mercilessly.

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