Guo Jia also knew his lord Cao Cao very well, so he was able to win Cao Cao's trust.

Among Cao Cao's many advisers, only Guo Jia had the closest relationship with Cao Cao, like friends.

Usually, two people travel in the same car and sit on the same table.

In Cao Cao's camp, which strictly governed the army, Guo Jia had many unconventional behaviors.

However, in the eyes of Cao Cao, who favored him,"he is an extraordinary person and should not be restrained by common sense."

There was a disciplinary inspection officer under Cao Cao named Chen Qun, who fined Guo Jia for his lack of discipline.

However, while Cao Cao praised Chen Qun for his report, he ignored Guo Jia.

Not only that, Cao Cao also secretly applauded Guo Jia's life style.

During his long campaign career, Cao Cao always took Guo Jia with him so that he could discuss matters at any time and act according to the situation.

Whenever there was a major military or national event, Guo Jia's strategies were never miscalculated.

Cao Cao placed unlimited hopes on the young Guo Jia, and planned to entrust Guo Jia with the affairs of governing the country after his death.

Later, he was defeated by Zhou Yu in the Chibi Battle.

After returning to his hometown, Cao Cao finally gave up his tough appearance.

He cried loudly for Guo Jia and said:"What a pity for Fengxiao, what a pity for Fengxiao. If Guo Fengxiao were here, he would not be alone here!

Cao Cao has evaluated Guo Jia three times in his life. He has also cried for Guo Jia three times.

Cao Cao's first time I evaluated Guo Jia after a long conversation with Guo Jia.

At that time, Cao Cao was still nominally Yuan Shao's younger brother.

But unexpectedly, after"interviewing" Guo Jia,

Cao Cao was so excited that he couldn't control himself.

He even opened his mouth and shouted with joy:"This is the person who will make Gu become a great businessman!"

If Cao Cao is said to be like a tiger, then obviously in Cao Cao's eyes, Guo Jia has become his wings!

The first time Guo Jia cried was in the 12th year of Jian'an.

Cao Cao led his troops to conquer Karasuma, and

Guo Jia went with the army to conquer Karasuma. The process was arduous, with long yellow sand, strong winds, rugged roads, and difficulty for people and horses. Even Cao Cao, who was used to fighting, was a little shaken in his heart and thought of returning to the court, so he sent someone to ask Guo Jia if he could return. At that time ,

Guo Jia fell ill on the carriage due to acclimatization.

Cao Cao was very sad when he learned the news. He said:"I wanted to pacify the desert area, but I didn't expect that Guo Jia had to endure the hardship of traveling a long distance. As for being sick in bed because of this, I felt very uneasy."

As he spoke, tears flowed down.

The second time Cao Cao evaluated and cried about Guo Jia was after he followed Guo Jia's plan to pacify Liaodong, but he learned that Guo Jia had died of illness in Liucheng.

Cao Cao was devastated and wrote a memorial in person. And cried bitterly.

The most important sentence is this:"Following filial piety is the way to know one's loneliness."

There are very few people in the world who know each other, and they deplore this, but what can you do! No way!"

I'm afraid that at this time, Cao Cao mourned Guo Jia from the perspective of a"confidant in life."

He didn't realize what kind of loss Guo Jia's death would bring to him.

So after the defeat of Chibi, Cao Cao's The third sentence of comment and crying obviously means that he realized: his wings have been broken and he can no longer"sway thousands of miles and despise the heroes".

Cao Cao, who has lost Guo Jia's peerless ingenuity, is no longer the invincible man. An invincible traitor.

But his sharpness is not as good as before.

And the scene completely ended when Cao Cao cried bitterly to Guo Jia for the third time!!

The scene went black.

And this is how Guo Jia's legendary life ended.

He had no plans left to help Cao Cao quell the heroes, defeat the foreign tribes, and complete the great cause of unifying the north.

Because of his unruly behavior, he died young, but when he died, he was only thirty-eight years old.

If a meteor streaked across the sky of the Han Dynasty, but He also left his own bright light.

On the screen, golden characters quickly appeared

【No. 20 on the list of divine planners, Guo Jia and Guo Fengxiao.

The reason for being on the list is that Guo Fengxiao was born and is a hero among all the heroes.

The scriptures and history are hidden in the abdomen, and the armor soldiers are hidden in the chest.

Operational planning is like Fan Li, decision-making is like Chen Ping.

It's a pity that he died first, and the pillars of the Central Plains fell apart.

Under Cao Cao, Guo Jia made great contributions to Cao Cao's unification of northern China.

History books call him"a genius in strategy and a wonder in the world."

Cao Cao praised him for his knowledge and being his"Qi Zuo".

The only pity was that Guo Jia died of illness when Cao Cao was conquering Wuwan.

He was only thirty-eight years old when he died.

Later, some people said that if Guo Jia had not died early, there would have been no Three Kingdoms at all!

One Guo Jia can help Cao Cao unify the entire China!

There is even a saying that he will not die if he is a filial piety, and he will not leave the dragon, which shows that Guo Jia is extraordinary.

"Yuan Gong's disciples wanted to imitate Zhou Gong's subordinates, but they were too scheming and indecisive.……"

"Lu Bu is brave but has no plan... Husband Chen Gong is wise but late. He rushes forward and attacks, but Bu can't pull it out."

"He has great talent and wins the hearts of the people. Jiajuanzhi will always be prepared not to be fooled by others, and his plans are unpredictable. It’s better to do it early"

"If the strategy is light and unprepared, even if there are millions of people, it is no different than walking alone in the Central Plains. From what I see, he will die at the hands of a common man"

"If you are late and suspicious, you will not come quickly. Prepare for a new attack, but if the public's hearts are not attached, a sudden attack will be defeated."

It can be said that each of Guo Jia's strategies is earth-shattering, and the plans are like ghosts and gods!

If we say that Xun Yu plans the strategy and Xun You plans the battle situation, then Guo Jia plans the hearts of the people. There is nothing more poisonous in the world. People's hearts. But Guo Jia can see through people's hearts!

You can see the horror of Guo Jia! Especially the plan to kill Sun Ce makes people feel creepy predictions!!

The only shortcoming is that Guo Jia died early because of his drinking and debauchery.

He was only 38 years old And his death also lowered the upper limit of Guo Jia.

Based on Guo Jia's resourcefulness, internal affairs, and life experience, he was ranked 20th on the list of historical conspiracies!] The review of

Guo Jia's life has come to an end.

Golden characters appear!

【Ghost Talent] Guo Jia.

Ranked 20th on the historical conspiracy list.

Personal ability value.

Commander: 68 Arms: 32 Intelligence: 103 Politics: 89 Charm: 81

Strategic ability: 7 stars

Tactical ability, 9 stars

Internal affairs ability, 6 stars Current influence: 7 stars Historical status in future generations: 7 stars

Overall overall rating: 36 stars

With the 20th-ranked strategist on the list, the inventory of the genius Guo Jia’s life is over.

Everyone in Wan Chao couldn't help but continue to discuss it.

"Unexpectedly, a generation of genius-like strategist died so young because of drinking too much, injuring his body, and being tired from traveling."

"I suspect that he died so early because he was too resourceful and was jealous of God, right? ?"

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