In order to dispel Emperor Taiwu's final doubts,

Cui Hao added:"Liu Yilong's current monarchs and ministers are not comparable to Liu Yu's.

If they dare to come, for example, ponies and calves fight tigers and wolves, what fear will they have?"

Nowadays, in summer, Rouran's custom is to spread out herding. In the autumn, when the livestock are fat and strong, they have just been gathered together. When the weather is cold, they go south to capture them. If they are unexpected, they will attack in a large scale. They are sure to succeed. I am afraid that the generals will not go deep and they will not be able to win completely.’"

Cui Hao's eloquent words and verbal battles with the ministers finally convinced Emperor Taiwu to completely dispel his doubts and determined to attack Rouran on a large scale.

This expedition, based on Cui Hao's strategy of"surprise and attack the unprepared", indeed achieved a crucial victory. Rouran's main force was defeated and proposed peace.

From then on, it was no longer the main threat to the Northern Wei Dynasty. Just as Cui Hao worried, when the Wei army entered Zhuoya Mountain, the generals were afraid of an ambush and persuaded Emperor Taiwu to stop the advance.

In July, the Wei army reorganized their troops. Later, I got information and if I advance for two days, I can wipe out all the remaining troops.

Emperor Taiwu also regretted this.

In the first year of Yanhe

, Emperor Taiwu destroyed Beiyan. On the road to unifying the north, only

Beiliang in the northwest corner was left to survive.

In the fifth year of Taiyan,

Emperor Taiwu discussed the matter of attacking Liang, but the ministers opposed it, especially General Li Shun of Anxi who opposed it the most.

As Emperor Taiwu's special envoy, Li Shun went to Beiliang twelve times and knew the situation in Beiliang well.

He also predicted in front of Emperor Taiwu that the Juqu clan in Northern Liang was not far from being defeated.

However, this man was greedy for money and was gradually bribed by the people of Beiliang with heavy sums of money.

Emperor Taiwu wanted to send troops to Beiliang several times before, but was dissuaded by Li Shun.

This time he saw that Emperor Taiwu was very determined, so he had to make up a lie and say:

"From the west of Wenxui River to Guzang, the land is covered with dry rocks and absolutely no water plants.

Local people say that there is snow on Tianti Mountain south of Guzang City in winter, which is several feet deep.

In spring and summer, the snow melts and flows down the mountain to form rivers. Local residents divert the snow water into canals to irrigate farmland.

If the Liangzhou people hear that our army is coming, they will definitely cut off the mouth of the canal and let the water drain out. Our troops will have no water to use.

Within a hundred miles of Guzang, the land is barren of water and no grass can grow, making it difficult for our troops to stay for long. Cui Hao retorted:"

The"Hanshu Geography" says:

Liangzhou's livestock products are the richest in the world.

How can livestock reproduce if there are no water plants there?

In addition, the Han Dynasty would never build cities or establish counties on land without water and grass.

Moreover, after the ice and snow in the mountains melt, they can only soak the land and collect dust.

How can we dig channels and irrigate farmland?

Such words are simply ridiculous and unbelievable.

Li Shun became angry and said:"Hearing with the ears is worse than seeing with the eyes." I have seen it with my own eyes.

What qualifications do you have to argue with me? Cui

Hao said sharply:"You accepted a monetary bribe and just wanted to speak for others.

Do you think I can be deceived by you without seeing it with my own eyes?" Later ,

Emperor Taiwu decided to personally lead an army to attack.

When he saw the lush water and grass outside Guzang City, he hated Li Shun very much and said to Cui Hao:

"What you said back then has indeed come true today.

Cui Hao replied:"I dare not tell the truth, I have always been like this.""

Looking at this scene, everyone became more and more speechless.

This Han Cui Hao is indeed full of resourcefulness.

He can be compared with the previous Xun You, Guo Jia and others.

But Xun You, Guo Jia and others are helping Han monarchs after all.

Cui Hao keeps helping the Xianbei people expand their territory. What's going on??

It also makes everyone in Wan Dynasty more and more speechless.

Ying Zheng:"Why do I feel that there is something weird about this person? As a Chinese How come the people of this clan are so loyal to the Xianbei people!! Liu

Che:"He reminds me of Bank of China. This person is indeed very resourceful, but it's a pity that he used it in the wrong place.""

Everyone was filled with sighs.

And the scene continued.

In addition to the above incidents, Cui Hao made many ingenious plans and built many wars in quelling the rebellion of Xue Yongzong and Gai Wu, conquering the Tuwugu tribe,

Tuyuhun, and the southern expedition to the Liu and Song Dynasties.

Amazing achievements.

Emperor Taiwu once said to Cui Hao:"You are extremely intelligent, experienced my grandfather and my father, and have been loyal to you for three generations. Therefore, I value you particularly."

I hope that if you have something to think about, speak out and help me manage the world.

Sometimes I have a bad temper, so I may not be able to adopt your suggestions, but after reflection, I always feel that what you said makes sense."

He also pointed at Cui Hao and said to the newly surrendered Gaoche chiefs:

"You may not think that this man is very frail and his hands are not strong enough to tie a chicken, but what he has in his heart is far better than a soldier in armor. But when I was hesitant before going into battle, he was the one who made me make up my mind, and I always won a great victory.

This is all his credit!"

He once summoned all the ministers and ordered:

"In the future, for all military and national plans that you cannot decide on, you should consult Cui Hao first before implementing them.’"

Emperor Taiwu not only trusted Cui Hao, but was also very close to him.

He sometimes went to Cui Hao's home to ask for advice.

Cui Hao was in a hurry to receive Emperor Taiwu and had no time to make exquisite food, so he brought out home-cooked dishes.

Emperor Taiwu always picked them up and ate them happily.

When Cui Hao went to the palace to see him, the location was not limited to the court hall, he could go in and out of the bedroom.

During Emperor Taiwu's suppression of the Gai Wu Uprising,

Cui Hao once witnessed monks hiding weapons.

Cui Hao believed in Taoism and advocated the abolition of Buddhism.

As a result, Emperor Taiwu ordered the closure of Chang'an Shamen, burned temples, and destroyed Buddhist statues, which was known as the"Three War Disasters" in history.

Kou Qianzhi begged Cui Hao to stop the extermination of Buddhism because he killed too many monks.

Cui Hao not only did not listen, but instead tried his best to persuade Emperor Taiwu to intensify the attack on Buddhism.

At that time,"there were no Samanas in the territory", and there were complaints from both the government and the public.

After Cui Hao came to power, he attempted to organize, distinguish and regulate the hierarchy of clans according to the traditional ideas of Han aristocratic families.

As early as the third year of Shengen, Cui Hao"wanted to rectify his products and clearly distinguish his surnames and clans."

His cousin Lu Xuan dissuaded him and said:"Everyone has his own time to create and establish things; those who are willing to do this can do it." How many people are there! Please think twice."

But Cui Hao refused, which naturally offended many Xianbei nobles.

Cui Hao's younger brother Cui Tian married his daughter to Wang Huilong.

The Wang family in Taiyuan is a well-known family. They have inherited the nose from generation to generation and are known as the"King of Xiao" in Jiangdong.

The so-called snub nose is a small red blister on the nose. Commonly known as"rosacea".

Cui Hao and the Wang family are both from high-ranking families.

When Cui Hao met Wang Huilong, he saw his nose and said:

"He is indeed a son of the Wang family, a truly noble breed!"

He also praised his handsome appearance to the Xianbei princes in the court many times.

Sun Song, the head of Situ, was very unhappy and complained to Emperor Taiwu, saying that Wang Huilong had returned from the south. The meaning of disdain for the country"

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