On this occasion of chaos, Zhang Bin must be feeling very unhappy and confused.

Now, in the first year of Yongjia,

Liu Yuan, a noble of the Southern Huns, took advantage of the chaos and raised his troops and proclaimed himself the Han Dynasty. The world became more and more chaotic.

However, in troubled times heroes emerge

"I have observed that there are many generals, but General Hu alone can accomplish great things together."

(Note: Shi Le is a Hu, so Zhang Bin called him General Hu.)

This hero was Shi Le, the general of Liu Yuan's tribe, the leader of the Han Dynasty.

Zhang Bin's eyes lit up, just like Zhuge Liang did to Liu Bei.

In the third year of Yongjia ,

Zhang Bin happily surrendered. Under Shi Le's tent, he started starting a business with Boss Shi from then on.

Looking at this scene, everyone in Wan Dynasty was confused.

What happened?

The previous counselor Cui Hao of the Northern and Southern Dynasties defected to the Hu people and the Xianbei people.

But this time Unexpectedly, Zhang Bin has taken refuge with a barbarian again.

Shi Le??

A Jie tribesman.

And both of them are top counselors on the list of divine conspirators.

What is this if he is not a traitor?

Of course, it also made Wan Chao many Everyone was very unhappy.

Within the plane of the Three Kingdoms,

Zhuge Liang couldn't help but shook his head and said:"This Shi Le is obviously a barbarian, but Zhang Bin actually surrendered to this person?"

"Kuang Fu Han room? Become a supporter of a barbarian Jie tribe? How dignified is this? ?"

Cao Cao also looked confused.

Not only because he saw that the princes of the Jin Dynasty in the picture were all named Sima.

In other words, the royal family of the Jin Dynasty was the Sima family?

What is this ? Situation?

Naturally, it immediately reminded him of the Sima family in Hanoi

"This Jin Dynasty royal family is actually the Sima family? ?"

"Among the top families in my Han Dynasty is the Hanoi Sima family!!"

"Could it be that it has something to do with the Sima family in Hanoi?"

"The Sima family in Hanoi is indeed a great Han family, but how will he conquer the world in the future? ?"

In the plane of the Southern and Northern Dynasties.

After seeing Cui Hao, there was another Zhang Bin who also took refuge with the Hu people.

Especially the Shi Zhao he supported was the Shi Zhao of Shi Hu who was overthrown by Ran Min in the future.

Naturally, it was even more so. Ran Min became furious.

He held a pitch black halberd in his hand and said with murderous intent

"Zhang Bin is actually another big traitor who has taken refuge with the Hu people."

"If he dared to appear in front of me, I would chop this big traitor into pieces with one knife!!"

Ran Min's eyes were full of anger.

Although he had endured humiliation and served under Shi Hu's Zhao State, once he found an opportunity, he almost wiped out the Jie clan.

Naturally, he hated these traitors very much.

When everyone was in different moods, the scene on the gold list continued!

Zhang Bin went to Shi Le's tent to be a counselor, but because he was a

Han Chinese. Shi Le was from the Jie tribe.

Naturally, he could not be reused at first.

In the fourth year of Yongjia,

Shi Le marched into Jianghan. Zhang Bin disagreed and wanted Shile to return to the north.

Shile did not accept Zhang Bin's opinion.

As a result, Shile's army was short of food and was attacked by the Jin army led by Wang Dao, causing heavy losses.

Shile had no choice but to adopt Zhang Bin's suggestion was to return north.

In the first month of the fifth year of Yongjia,

Shi Le led his army to cross the Mianshui River, captured Xincai, and attacked Xuchang, which dealt a heavy blow to the Jin army.

From then on, Shi Le followed Zhang Binyan's advice, and

Zhang Bin also became his The number one counselor.

At that time, Shi Le hoped to expand his power and faced the challenge of Wang Mi, another general of the Han and Zhao Kingdoms.

When Shi Le captured Gou Xi, the governor of Yongzhou in the Jin Dynasty alive,

Wang Mi wrote to Shi Le, saying:"It's so amazing that Duke Ming captured Gou Xi but pardoned him!

Let Gou Xi and I serve under Ming Gong, and the world will not have any worries."

Shi Le saw that Wang Mi's intention was to paralyze him, and asked Zhang Bin for advice.

Zhang Bin advised Shi Le that Wang Mi must be eradicated quickly. He could first lure him and then eliminate him. Shi Le accepted his suggestion.

Wang Mi's army and the Jin Dynasty The army of Liu Rui and Liu Rui were in a stalemate, and the situation was critical.

At that time, Shi Le was attacking Chen Wu of the beggar army, but it had not yet been captured. Wang Mi asked Shi Le for reinforcements, but Shi Le did not want to agree.

Zhang Bin said:"Ming Gong often worried that he would not have the opportunity to plot against Wang Mi. , today is the opportunity to hand him over to us.

What threat does this little thief Chen Wu pose?

Wang Mi is a great man and will definitely become a disaster for us!"

Shi Le followed Zhang Bin's advice, personally led his army to support, defeated the Jin army, and killed Liu Rui.

Wang Mi was very happy, thinking that Shi Le was a reliable ally, and no longer doubted him.

Later, Shi Le invited Wang Mi to a banquet, but

Wang Mi ignored him. His subordinates dissuaded him and went rashly.

During the banquet, Shi Le sent an ambush to kill Wang Mi and annexed his tribe.

Shi Le reported to Han Emperor Liu Cong that Wang Mi was killed for rebellion.

Although Liu Cong was angry, he had no choice but to He was also named the General of Zhendong, supervising the military affairs of Bing and Youzhou, and leading the governor of Bingzhou. Since then, Shi Le's strength has increased day by day.

When they saw this scene, everyone couldn't help but be speechless.

They felt complicated.

"This Zhang Bin is really cunning. He deserves to be a Han. His intelligence is not comparable to that of the Jie people."

"Zhang Bin, who was on the list of divine conspirators, turned out to be another traitor. I was really surprised!!"

After Ran Min saw Chen Wu, his body trembled.

Some past events came to mind.

At that time, he was a descendant of the beggar army.

Later, his father was adopted by Shi Hu as an adopted son.

He was the one who fell to Shi Zhao. Within the country.

The beggar army was also defeated by Shi Le under Zhang Bin's plan.

This also made him sigh with emotion.

"This Zhang Bin, this damn traitor, I can’t wait to kill him!!"

Ran Min thought of the past of the beggar army and roared.

The scene continued.

In February of the sixth year of Yongjia,

Shile's army prepared to attack Jianye southward.

Sima Rui, who was guarding Jianye, gathered the troops from the south of the Yangtze River in Shouchun and sent Yangwei General Ji Zhan commanded the troops to defend Shi Le.

At that time, there was heavy rain in the Jianghuai area, and the Han army suffered heavy casualties due to hunger and disease. The military situation was very urgent.

Shi Le summoned his subordinates to discuss countermeasures, and

Shi Diao Ying, the commander on the right, advocated surrendering and waiting for the Jin army. They retreated south to wait for an opportunity, but Shi Le of course refused to agree.

Kui'an, Kong Chang, Zhi Xiong and others all made suggestions to Shi Le, but

Shi Le was not satisfied with them.

Finally, Shi Le asked Zhang Bin:"What do you think should be done?""

························ ps: New book uploaded, please collect it, send flowers, and comment!

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