Cao Cao then followed Xun Yu's plan and asked the emperor to issue an edict, making Liu Bei the General of the Eastern Expedition, the Tinghou of Yicheng, the shepherd of Xuzhou, and sent a secret letter to Liu Bei.

There is no room for two tigers in one mountain, and with Cao Cao's provocation, it would be difficult for Liu Bei and Lu Bu not to fight.

Xun Yu's move was quite ruthless and could be regarded as a conspiracy.

Even if Liu Bei and Lu Bu could see through it, it would be difficult to defeat it.

It's just that with Lu Bu's greedy personality and short-sightedness, it's hard not to fall into the trap.

Sun Tzu said: The first is to attack the enemy, the second is to attack the enemy, the second is to attack the army, and the third is to attack the city.

The method of attacking a city is a last resort.

Cao Cao first provoked Liu Bei and Lu Bu to fight and destroyed their alliance, which was much smarter than directly attacking Xuzhou.

Cao Cao also realized why Xun Yu had previously allowed him to hold the emperor hostage and gain substantial benefits from the princes.

Now that he, the Emperor, is in his hands, whatever he does is justified.

Let him trust Xun Yu more and more.

And soon, the scene changed.

Came to Liu Bei's place in Xuzhou.

Liu Bei heard in Xuzhou that the emperor had arrived in Xudu, and when he wanted to express his congratulations, the messenger from the imperial court had already arrived.

After Liu Bei accepted the favor, he held a banquet in honor of the envoy, and the envoy also handed Cao Cao's secret message to Liu Bei.

After the banquet broke up, Liu Bei immediately asked everyone to discuss countermeasures.

Zhang Fei said:"Lü Bu is an unjust person. It would be no shame to kill him." Liu Bei said:"He came to me at the end of his rope. If I kill him, it will be unjust." The next day, Lü Bu came to Liu Bei to ask for help. Congratulations, Zhang Fei came out with a sword and wanted to kill Lu Bu, but Liu Bei hurriedly stopped him. Lu Bu was shocked and said:"Why did Yide want to kill me?" Zhang Fei shouted:"Cao Cao said you are an unjust person and wants my brother to kill you!" Liu Bei shouted back Zhang Fei. Liu Bei then introduced Lu Bu into the back hall, told the truth, and showed Cao Cao's secret letter to Lu Bu. After Lu Bu saw it, he cried and said:

"This is Cao Cao's instigation of two brothers!"

"My brother must not fall into the trap!!

Liu Bei said:"Brother, don't worry, I, Liu Bei, swear to the death not to do this unjust thing.""

Lü Bu thanked him again and again.

Liu Bei left Lü Bu to drink and didn't send Lü Bu back until the evening.

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei said,"Brother, why don't you kill Lü Bu? Liu

Bei said:"Cao Cao was worried that Lu Bu and I would join forces to attack him, so he decided to make the two of us kill each other so that he could profit from it."

Why should I let his plot succeed?

Guan Yu thought it made sense.

Zhang Fei said,"I want to kill this thief and avoid future troubles forever."

Liu Bei said:"This is not what a man does.""

Both Liu Bei and Lu Bu saw that this was Cao Cao's plan.

Liu Bei didn't know whether it was true benevolence or fake benevolence.

He must have overestimated Lu Bu and thought that Lu Bu would not fall into the trap if he saw through the plan.

Sometimes there are too many tricks, but instead Zhang Fei didn't see it as clearly as Zhang Fei.

Although Cao Cao was sowing discord, Xuzhou's biggest threat was indeed Lu Bu.

Zhang Fei was the person who knew Lu Bu best.

The next day,

Liu Bei sent an envoy back to Beijing and wrote back to Cao Cao, saying that he should be punished. You have to take your time to kill Lu Bu, don't rush.

Seeing that the plan failed, Cao Cao went to ask Xun Yu for help, and saw the picture above.

Cao Cao looked helpless and asked Xun Yu:

"Wen Ruo, it seems that Liu Xuande saw through the two tigers' plan to compete for food.

This man is treacherous, so what should he do? ? Xun

Yu quickly came up with another plan.

He said:"Two tigers are competing for food. Although the hunter's strategy to gain profit is broken, it doesn't matter. I have another plan to drive the tigers to devour the wolves." Cao Cao was startled:"

A plan to drive away tigers and swallow wolves?" what is that? Xun

Yu smiled and said:"Ming Gong, we can secretly send someone to inform Yuan Shu that Liu Bei has sent a secret report and wants to capture Nanjun."

Yuan Shu will definitely attack Liu Bei after hearing about it.

Duke Ming directly issued an edict again, asking Liu Bei to attack Yuan Shu.

If the two sides are fighting, Lu Bu will have a different heart.

This is a strategy to drive away tigers and swallow wolves."

Cao Cao was overjoyed and did as Xun Yu said.

This is the advantage of using the emperor to command the princes.

The edict is free of charge and can be issued casually. He asks the princes to attack each other and watch the excitement in the court.

When others have beaten them, he can Go clean up the mess.

These schemes are easy to see through, but you know it is a scheme, but you have to do it. If you don't listen, you are going against the imperial court, and

Cao Cao can justifiably send the princes to fight you.

Liu Bei once again received the emperor's edict,

This time he was asked to raise an army to attack Yuan Shu.

After Liu Bei sighed, he reluctantly accepted the order and sent the envoy back.

Mi Zhu said:"This is another treacherous trick of Cao Cao. Liu

Bei said:"But this is the emperor's order. I am a descendant of the Han Dynasty. This king's order cannot be violated.""

Liu Bei was also helpless. He had to obey Liu Xie's order!!

So he prepared his troops and horses and prepared to set off.

Sun Qian said:"We must first select a person to defend the city.

Liu Bei said:"Which of the two brothers can defend the city?"

Guan Yu said:"My brother is willing to guard this city."

Liu Bei said,"I want to discuss matters with you and cannot do without you."

Zhang Fei said:"My brother is willing to defend this city."

Liu Bei said:"You cannot defend the city." You like to drink, and you are prone to drunkenness and whipping soldiers.

And I don’t feel at ease if I don’t listen to others’ advice.

Zhang Fei said:"From today on, I will not drink alcohol or fight soldiers. I will just listen to others' advice.""

Mi Zhu said:"I'm afraid that what you say is not true. Zhang

Fei said angrily:"I have followed my brother for many years and have never broken my promise. Why do you despise me so much?"

Liu Bei said helplessly:"Although you say so, I still don't trust you."

It's better to ask Chen Yuanlong to help you, limit your drinking, and don't get into trouble because of drinking."

Chen Deng was ordered to accompany Zhang Fei in Xuzhou.

After Liu Bei paid his share, he personally commanded the 30,000-horse infantry and left Xuzhou towards Nanyang.

Liu Bei knew Zhang Fei's shortcomings and asked him to defend Xuzhou.

It turned out to be a disaster. Wrong.

On the other side, when

Yuan Shu heard that Liu Bei wanted to compete with him for territory, he was furious:"You are just a mat weaver and a weaver, but now you occupy a large county and become a prince.

I was about to attack you, but you came to attack me first. It's so hateful!"

So he sent General Ji Ling to raise 100,000 troops to attack Xuzhou. The two armies met at Xu[x]Yi[y ]

Liu Bei had few soldiers and built a stronghold near the mountains and rivers.

Ji Ling was from Shandong and was Yuan Shu's most powerful general.

He uses a three-pointed knife, which weighs fifty kilograms. You have the courage that no man deserves!

When the two armies were facing each other, Ji Ling came out and cursed:"Liu Bei, a villager, how dare you invade my territory."

Liu Bei said,"The emperor issued an edict to punish disloyal subjects. You still dare to resist, and you will not be punished!"

Ji Lingda said Angry, he slapped his horse and wielded his sword, and he was so fierce that he went straight to Liu Bei.

Guan Yu went out and fought Ji Ling for thirty rounds, with no outcome.

Ji Ling shouted to go back and rest for a while before fighting.

Guan Yu also withdrew and stood waiting in front of the formation.

Ji Ling still had two skills. He walked under Guan Gong for thirty rounds.

He expected that he was no match for Guan Gong and did not run away. He just called for a rest.

He probably also saw that Guan Gong was a moral person.

Ji Ling sent his deputy Xun Zheng to take action.

Guan Yu said:"If Ji Ling comes, I will fight with him."

Xun Zheng said:"You are an unknown general, no match for General Ji!


Liu Bei led his troops to kill him.

Ji Ling was defeated and retreated to the mouth of the Huaiyin River, not daring to fight.

He only sent troops to steal the camp and rob the stronghold, but they were all defeated by Liu Bei.

After Zhang Fei sent Liu Bei away, he took charge of the military affairs by himself and left other chores to Chen Deng.

One day, (to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Zhang Fei hosted a banquet for Xuzhou officials.

Everyone sat down and Zhang Fei began to speak:

"My brother was afraid that I would get into trouble if I drank, so he asked me to drink less before departure.

Today everyone is drunk and resting. Tomorrow, everyone will stop drinking and help me defend the city."

Zhang Fei's quitting drinking is just like everyone planning to start losing weight. []

Before losing weight, they have to eat and drink heavily, and then the eating and drinking continues forever.

The weight loss plan has never been officially started.

Zhang Fei drinks on his own Forget it, he kept urging him to drink.

When he persuaded Cao Bao, Cao Bao refused to drink.

Finally, under Zhang Fei's lust, Cao Bao reluctantly drank a glass.

Zhang Fei toasted the officials and drank dozens of glasses.

At this moment, he had already Although he was very drunk, he continued to toast.

Zhang Fei toasted to Cao Bao again, but Cao Bao couldn't drink.

Zhang Fei was furious and started to go crazy with alcohol.

He sent someone to take down Cao Bao and give him a hundred lashes.

Chen Deng came to dissuade him. , how could I persuade him?

Cao Bao had no choice but to beg Zhang Fei for mercy:"Gong Yi De, for the sake of my son-in-law, please forgive me.

Zhang Fei said:"Who is your son-in-law?"

Cao Bao said:"Lü Bu."

Zhang Fei was furious:"I didn't want to beat you. You used Lu Bu to scare me, but

I decided to beat you." When I hit you, I hit Lu Bu!"

In the end, after everyone tried hard to dissuade Cao Bao, he received fifty lashes.

After Cao Bao returned, he hated Zhang Fei deeply and wrote to Lu Bu overnight:

"Liu Bei has gone to Huainan. He can take advantage of Zhang Fei's drunkenness to lead troops to attack Xuzhou tonight. This opportunity cannot be missed."

Lü Bu saw the letter and went to Chen Gong to discuss it. The two of them also believed that the opportunity was not to be missed.

Lü Bu led five hundred cavalry first,

Chen Gong led the army behind, and Gao Shun also led the troops.

Xiaopei was only forty or fifty years away from Xuzhou. In the land, it was only the fourth watch when Lu Bu's troops came to the city. The moonlight was clear, and the city was still unaware.

After learning about it, Cao Bao directly ordered people to open the city gate, and Lu Bu led his troops to rush in.

Zhang Fei was drunk in the mansion, and was hurriedly woken up by his men. , saying that Lu Bu came in.

Zhang Fei was furious, hurriedly mounted his horse, and held a snake spear of eight feet in hand before leaving the house and ran into Lu Bu's army. Zhang Fei was still drunk and could not fight.

Lu Bu also knew that Zhang Fei was brave and did not dare Forced by each other,

Zhang Fei, under the protection of the Eighteen Cavalry Yan Generals, fought his way out of the east gate.

Liu Bei's family members were too late to take care of him.

Zhang Fei lost Xuzhou drunk like this.

Cao Bao saw that Zhang Fei only escaped with a dozen people, and then saw He was drunk and unconscious, so he led more than a hundred people to chase Zhang Fei.

Zhang Fei lost Xuzhou and was angry and had nowhere to vent his anger. When he saw Cao Bao chasing him, he was furious and slapped his horse to meet him.

The two fought for three rounds. Cao Bao was defeated and Zhang Fei chased him to the river and stabbed Cao Bao in the back.

Cao Bao died in the river with his horse and man.

Zhang Fei ran to Huainan to find Liu Bei.

At this point, Xuzhou fell completely into Lu Bu's hands.

And knowing The truth behind Liu Bei's loss in Xuzhou, the whole story.

Only now did everyone really understand everything.

It turned out that this matter was actually related to Xun Yu.

Xun Yu secretly used the strategy of driving away tigers and devouring wolves.

That was why Liu Bei was lost. The one who defeated Xuzhou!!

It also made everyone more and more admire Xun Yu's resourcefulness and tactical ability.

One plan failed, so another plan was made.

First, two tigers competed for food, and then, they came up with a plan to drive the tiger and devour the wolf.

Really Without spending a single soldier, Liu Bei's vitality was seriously injured.

Lu Bu also broke with Liu Bei.

It was a brilliant plan!!

In Chenliu County.

Cao Cao saw the cleverness of Xun Yu's plan and couldn't help but change his expression. Amazed!!

"Wen Ruo's plan is really wonderful. It’s really the best plan in the world!!"

"These two tigers compete for food, and the plan is to drive the tiger away and devour the wolf. It was a complete plot against Lu Bu and Liu Bei."

"I really admire you!!"

And in Gaotang County,

Liu Bei saw Xun Yu's plan of two tigers competing for food, and the plan of driving the tiger to devour the wolf.

He and Lu Bu were completely fooled.

He couldn't help but let out a long sigh, feeling in his heart I became depressed.

Looking at Xun Yu, who was dressed in white robes and looked gentle and elegant in the picture, he showed an endless fear.

This man looked elegant and handsome. Who could have imagined why his plan was so vicious.

It doesn’t take much. One soldier at a time, Liu Bei and Lu Bu fought to the death in the den.

In the end, the one who gained the most was Cao Cao.

He was really vicious.

"Isn't this Xun Yu's strategy too terrifying? ?"

"It's a pity that I didn't have a powerful counselor by my side at that time, otherwise I would have seen through his plan!!"

And when he saw that he had lost Xuzhou,

Zhang Fei couldn't help but his face turned bright red.

He was embarrassed and said to Liu Bei:

"Brother, it's all my fault, I was too reckless"

"As a result, I fell into Xun Yu's scheme and lost Xuzhou in the end!!"

Liu Bei didn't mean to blame him. He shook his head and said:

"I can't blame you for this, it's just that Xun Yu's strategy is too vicious!!"

And in Yingchuan County.

In the luxurious mansion of the Xun family.

Xun Yu was also looking at the picture with a complex expression. He often came up with strange strategies.

First, he helped Cao Cao obey the emperor's orders and refuse to obey, and he won the emperor.

Then he offered He came up with a strategy to recuperate and form a powerful Qingzhou army.

After that, he used the strategy of two tigers competing for food and the strategy of driving the tiger to devour the wolf to plot against Liu Bei in Xuzhou.

It seemed that Cao Cao's strength began to increase by leaps and bounds at this moment.


Xun Yu couldn't be happy at this moment.

Because he also discovered some clues.

That is, with the expansion of power, Cao Cao's ambitions began to grow bigger and bigger.

On the screen, he began to become more and more domineering and disrespectful towards the emperor and himself.

That is to say, the tail of the fox was exposed.

If this continues, Cao Cao's power will continue to grow.

Maybe he will help the Cao family to control the Liu family's The world was seized, and the Han Dynasty was completely cut off.

He undoubtedly became the sinner of the Han court.

This also made Xun Yu's heart become more and more entangled, and he felt extremely heavy at the moment. But this was also something that could not be done.

After all, one step He has come this far.

There are some things that are beyond his control.

Even if he doesn't make suggestions now, other counselors under Cao Cao will still make suggestions.

All he can do now is to prevent Cao Cao from becoming king.

"I don’t know that I have been helping Cao Cao expand his power!!"

"Is it right or wrong?!"

"What will happen to Cao Cao in the end?"

Xun Yu sighed and looked at the screen of the gold list.

At this moment, the screen was still going on.

As Cao Cao welcomed Queen Xian of the Han Dynasty, Yuan Shao was dissatisfied.

At that time, Yuan Shao was in the north.

He already owned the land of Jizhou.

He was powerful.

And Gongsun Zan has been defeated before.

At this moment, his strength can be said to be the number one prince in the world!!.

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