[Knight Terrier Encyclopedia has turned on the barrage function for everyone, whether it is during the video playback or during the break, everyone can freely speak. ] 】

With the opening of the barrage, the screen of the Knight Terrier Encyclopedia was instantly filled with text.

[Kiryu War Rabbit: Can you still chat?] Does anyone know what the hell is going on with this screen? 】

[Ukiyo Hidetoshi: I don't know at all, but at the moment, it seems to know a lot about Kamen Rider.] 】

[George? Kaizaki: No matter how it came about, I think it's a great invention! Suggest asking me questions, you can provide free consultation! 】

[Baosheng Eternal Dream: So can you ask if the emperor rider himself is not here? 】

[George? Kasaki: I just saw that there is! @门矢士].

[Monyaji: ... I think this strange video is not broadcast. 】

[Tokiwa Shogo: Huh? It seems that everyone can see the barrage? Let me interject! Gates, don't read you two monthly! I'm not dead! Right behind you, it's just a ghost! 】

[GATES: Huh? Where is it? Turned into a ghost and not dead yet? 】

[Tokiwa Shogo: It's not important, anyway, you guys know I'm okay, the video starts playing, I want to watch the video first! ] 】

At this point, the countdown has ended and the video has officially started.


In the video, the wolf king Gulangi asks condescendingly: "Who are you?" "

The Menyaishi located below looked at each other, firmly took out his emperor riding drive and put it on his waist, and then took out the emperor riding card in the card box on his side.

"I'm just a Kamen Rider passing by, give me a memory."

“Henshin!" (Transformation).

“KamenRide!" (Kamen Ride)

“Decade!" (Emperor Ride).

After the Emperor Rider's transformation was completed, he obtained three cards, which were cards related to the empty self.

As if feeling the gaze of Yusuke Onodera next to him, the emperor turned to him and said, "Yusuke, it's on." "

"Hmm." Onodera Yusuke nodded and transformed into an empty self again.

“Henshin!" (Transformation).

After both of them transformed, the surrounding Gulangi quickly surrounded them.

The two quickly met Gulangi, who rushed over.

After quickly repelling the Gulangi around him, the emperor took this opportunity to take out a card.

“AttackRide!" (Attack control).

“Blast!" (crit).

At this time, he had adjusted the card box in his hand to pistol mode, and instantly strafed a large area of Gurangi.

Seeing such a scene, everyone couldn't help but brush up the barrage.

[Kamiyama Flying Yuzhen: I didn't expect the way the emperor horse fought so handsome, this is completely different from what I imagined. ] 】

[Kiryu War Rabbit: That card box looks so interesting, it can actually be turned into a gun? ] If I'm not mistaken, I can also turn into a sword, right? Feel like you can invent a pretty much one! 】

[Zuo Shotaro: It is worthy of being an emperor horse, he was obviously injured so badly just now, and he was actually so powerful in fighting again! ] 】

[Tokiwa Shogo: Wait! Wait a minute! Isn't this the knight who hit me just now? Just the color of the drive seems different? But it should be me! 】

[GATES: That's right, that's the guy! @门矢士你不出来解释一下吗? Are you in a gang with those time robbers? 】

[Sky Temple Venerable: Huh? So, the emperor rider is actually a bad person? 】

[Nautaki: That's right, don't be fooled by this video, he's not a good guy, he's a destroyer of the world! ] If you encounter him, be sure to destroy him! 】

[Tokiwa Shogo: Is this a problem I don't want to eliminate?] This is a problem I can't beat right now! 】

[Shotaro Zo: Isn't that right? I met the emperor rider before, he seems to be a good person, we still fight side by side to save the world? 】

[Narutaki: Impossible! When pigs fly! Everything is an illusion, don't be deceived by him! 】


Menyashi saw these barrages and had a complicated mood, how could there be this guy everywhere? However, this also means that those who can send barrages in the video are in different times and spaces, at different times.

Otherwise, it would not have caused such a scene, you must know that Narutaki guy has long been unknown how long he disappeared, and now he should still be in the past.

"It seems that everyone has the same impression of you." Aura originally thought that his world breaker was just talking, but it seems that it was not without reason.

Menyashi said that it didn't matter, he was more curious about what kind of video content would be played next, thinking back to his previous experience, there should be no black history, right?

Just when everyone brushed the barrage, empty my world.


"Huh?! Is the one next to the emperor ride empty me? "Yusuke Goyo was stunned for a moment when he saw the empty me, are there actually two empty mes in this world?

Kaoru felt that this was unlikely: "It's impossible, if there really is a Gulangi of that scale, it is impossible for our side not to act." "

"Looking at the situation on their side, I'm afraid they can only rely on two Kamen Riders, so it may not be our current world."

Kaoru felt that even in the future, it was impossible for them not to participate in the battle at all, giving this burden to the two Kamen Riders.

"So... Do you mean parallel worlds? Yusuke Goyo asked.

"Very likely, anyway, let's take a look first, and the person who transformed into an empty me is not you, is it?"

Yusuke Goyo nodded, there were many signs that they were not in the same world, but it was strange to watch the empty self fight like this.

While everyone was brushing the barrage and sighing, the video was still playing.

After the emperor repelled the enemy on his side, he went to help the empty self on the other side, he pushed away the enemy who was pestering the other side, and the two defended in a back-to-back position.

They were now surrounded by a large number of Gurangi, but the emperor looked very calm, and he took a card from the card box and inserted it into the drive.

“FinalFormRide!" (Ultimate Form Control).

“KuKuKuKuuga!" (Empty empty me).

The emperor suddenly turned back to me and said, "It may be a little itchy." "

"Huh?" Empty I was stunned.

The emperor rider directly inserted his hand into his back, and everyone saw a golden light in the crack, and in the next second, the outer shell of the golim was covered on the empty back.

Then the empty me deformed, and its head contracted into the armor, turning into an empty me Golem!

This is the Teijo's final form of the Harness Card, which, when used, transforms other Kamen Riders into weapons or machines.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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