Doflamingo wanted to take the opportunity to kill Law, but Fujitora just wanted to capture Law alive.

"You want to capture me alive? Admiral is not strong enough!!!"

In the pirate world, Luo smiled proudly. After all, so far, this is all within Luo's plan. And Doflamingo was kept in the dark.

"Stupid Doflamingo, you are such a useless thing!!!"

Kaido, one of the four emperors, no longer cares whether this matter is exposed. After all, his current strength can almost be said to be untouchable by anyone.

The scene continued to play, and Franky heard the secret of this country from the toy captain. In fact, these toys were originally human beings. Just because of the Doflamingo family.

They used their abilities to turn them into toys, and the people who were turned into toys would disappear from the memories of others, so the toys were forgotten by their relatives and friends, which was extremely desolate.

At the same time, the Sonny was still being plotted by Jorah. Fortunately, Brook defeated Jorah and everyone was able to regain their freedom.

On Luo's side, he used his fruit power to escape from Fujitora's control and walked away. Seeing this, Doflamingo hurriedly flew in pursuit, hoping to rescue Caesar.

During the pursuit, Doflamingo accidentally discovered the Sonny. Then he turned around and captured Nami and others on the Sonny, and was about to face disaster.

At the critical moment, Sanji stopped Brother Ming. Although he was no match for Doflamingo, he was instantly killed in just one encounter.

However, Sanji Gong stalled for time, and Law took the opportunity to hand over Kesar to Nami and others, and he also rescued Sanji. And let everyone go find their companions first.

In this way, Sanji, Nami and the other four, along with Kesa and Momonosuke, fell behind and separated.

Returning to the battlefield, Law faced Doflamingo alone, while Fujitora commanded the warship to leave. At this moment, Luo Sheng said that he wanted to put an end to the past thirteen years ago.

Then he used his abilities to violently collide with Doflamingo. Both of them were masters in the world! ! !

The two of them went back and forth, each refusing to give in. However, after a battle, Luo was finally defeated by Brother Ming! ! !

"The guy named Luo is indeed very strong, and his fruit abilities are also very abnormal, but there is still a gap between him and Doflamingo!!!"

"Yes, although that Doflamingo is disgusting, his strength cannot be underestimated. Although it is not as good as the Yonko and the General, it is not something that Luo can defeat now!!!"

"Speaking of which, if Luffy met Doflamingo, would he be able to defeat him?"

"It's hard to say, but Luffy has a special move. As long as he uses the fourth gear, it shouldn't be a problem to deal with Doflamingo!!!"

In various dimensions, watching the battle between Luo and Doflamingo in the screen, many viewers couldn't help but be filled with emotion and marveled at Luo's fruit ability.

However, most of the audience can see that Luo is no match for Doflamingo! ! !

Some viewers compare Luffy with Doflamingo, but considering that Luffy has the special move of fourth gear, they still feel that Luffy is better! ! !


Chapter 698 The truth about Dressas, Sabo who inherited the Burning Fruit!

The scene continued to play. After Usopp and Franky reunited, they learned about the history of Dressrosa from the Dontata tribe.

A long time ago, the Dontata clan was persecuted by Doflamingo's family and became slaves. Fortunately, Doflamingo's family became Celestial Dragons, and the King Riku family who succeeded the throne rescued Dontata. Tatas.

In order to make up for the debt to the little people, the country spreads beautiful fairy legends. But 10 years ago, when Doflamingo became king again.

He kidnapped the princess of the Dongtata tribe and threatened the Dongtata tribe to work for him. Therefore, the oppressed Dongtata tribe decided to resist Ming Ge.

And Captain Toy also told the truth about Brother Ming framing King Riku and becoming the king. In fact, Captain Toy's true identity is Rebecca's father Cyrus.

During the 800 years under the control of King Riku's family, the country was prosperous. However, Doflamingo used the fruit's power to control King Riku and his soldiers.

Let him kill people in the country, and he plays the role of savior. Therefore, King Liku's family is hated by the people! ! !

In order to save King Riku's life, Violet chose to become Doflamingo's subordinate. Later, Doflamingo also turned people who knew the truth into toys. From then on, Dressrosa became what looked like sunshine. , is actually a dark country.

Back to the present, all the defeated people in the arena were imprisoned in the underground garbage dump. The walls here are extremely hard and no one can damage this place.

At the same time, the past king King Riku turned out to be a contestant here. It turned out that all this was Brother Ming's conspiracy. He would eliminate the losers and hide them, leaving only the glorious winners.

The whole country seems beautiful, but it is because Doflamingo controls all the darkness! ! !

At this moment, Brother Ming is planning to use the ability of cadres to turn these failed players into dolls loyal to him.

On Luffy's side, he and his friends got in touch with each other via phone. After some discussion, Luffy, who learned the whole truth, gave the order and everyone made a scene! ! !

Suddenly, Doflamingo chased the seriously injured Law and came to Luffy. He shot Law in front of Luffy.

Seeing this, Zoro and Kinemon beside Luffy were extremely angry and stepped forward with swords. But Fujitora appeared here and blocked Zoro's attack, and then Zoro started a confrontation with Fujitora without saying a word.

The two exchanged a few moves, and there was some back and forth. After that, Doflamingo and Fujitora had no intention of fighting and left gracefully.

"Haha, the system of this world is really open to question. I never thought that these navy would actually help the so-called King Shichibukai."

In the world of Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke seems to have seen the Uchiha of the past, the kind of blind confidence in his power that eventually led to the tragic ending of the family's demise.

"This Doflamingo is too bad!!!"

In the world of Conan, Yuanzi said angrily to the screen. After experiencing so many screen stories, Yuanzi's expression is now quite controllable.

Although she learned that Doflamingo was such a bad person, she was not overly angry and kept watching with her so-called rationality.

"Celestial Dragon? But why does Doflamingo come back?"

In the pirate world, Luo thought thoughtfully, after all, if he became a Celestial Dragon, he would be completely different from everyone else in this world.

What is the reason for Doflamingo to appear here?

"Straw Hat, one day I will make you look good."

On the other side, Doflamingo spoke viciously, as if he could tear Luffy into pieces in the next second.

The scene continued to play. Faced with such a tragic situation, Luffy was about to leave the arena and go to rescue Luo! ! !

At this moment, a man appeared in front of Luffy. It turns out that this person is Luffy's brother Sabo, who is now the Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army.

Today is different from what it used to be. He still hopes to inherit Ace's will and win the Burning Fruit of the arena. Then Luffy leaves the arena after reminiscing with Sabo.

Sabo inherited Luffy's identity as a contestant. On the side of the Dontata clan, everyone had gathered together and decided to attack the Doflamingo family's factory through the secret passage. The most important thing was to eliminate Sugar, the owner of the Childlike Fruit.

Sugar, as the top cadre, is protected by Torrebol of the Sticky Fruit. In addition, there are two top cadres of the Doflamingo family, one is Diamanti of the Ocean Fruit, and the other is Shishi. Fruit of Pika.

At this moment, after the army to attack Ming Ge drew up a battle plan, they began to take action. Meanwhile, Fujitora and Doflamingo are having a meeting.

It turns out that Fujitora joined the navy with the purpose of abolishing the system of the Shichibukai. He was able to sense the darkness of this country and wanted to protect civilians.

Therefore, if Luffy and others only target Doflamingo, Fujitora will not interfere.

"What? You're a lackey of the navy. You didn't come here to help me?"

"I'm just here for the people of this country, and there's nothing I can do about you."

After a while of conversation, Fujitora said goodbye and left. In the arena, the winners of the four groups will compete with Diamanti for the Burnt Fruit. The rules of the competition are very simple, grab the Burnt Fruit, and survive until the end.

Among the five masters, Sabo and Basius were obviously more powerful, and the battle gradually evolved into a battle between the two, with dragon claw hands versus armor punches.

In the end, after a big fight, Sabo succeeded in grabbing the Burning Fruit. He immediately drank it and inherited Ace's will of fire.

On the other side, a conflict broke out between the Fa army and the Doflamingo family, and Franky faced off against Dr. Swimmer's Senior. Suofu and Robin prepare to assassinate Sugar.

However, Luffy's actions were blocked by Pika, the top cadre. The opponent could control boulders and had extremely strong destructive power and defensive power. Seeing this, Zoro stayed alone to contain him.

"Now I can easily cut through rocks."

In the world of pirates, Zoro of the Straw Hat Pirates said confidently that Zoro is no longer what he used to be, whether he is a one-sword style Iai, a two-sword style, or even the best three-sword style.

Zoro's moves and power have changed greatly. He is no longer the bounty hunter Zoro who was defeated by Hawkeye Mihawk with a sword in the East China Sea.

He is now Zoro, the vice-captain of the Straw Hat Pirates.

"It suits me just right. It seems that I made the right choice in Fujitora."

Akainu sneered, and he also wanted to eradicate the King's Shichibukai. After all, each of these so-called Qibukai is also a very dangerous pirate.

During the war, these kings, the Shichibukai, hardly interfered, and some even helped like Hancock.


Chapter 699 The panicked Brother Ming sees through the future!

The scene continued to play, Zoro restrained Pika, and Luffy continued to move forward.

In addition, fierce disputes also broke out in other places. The crusade army and the Doflamingo family were at odds with each other for a while, and it was inextricable.

On the other side, Captain Toy saw King Riku and recalled the past. He was originally a prisoner, but King Riku gave him a chance to be reborn in the arena.

He became a legend in the arena and changed his mind. Later, King Liku also married his daughter to him. The two lived a secluded life and gave birth to Rebecca.

However, on the day Doflamingo framed King Riku for launching a rebellion, Cyrus resolutely cut off his own chained foot in order to free King Riku.

In the end, Cyrus was turned into a toy by sugar, and his wife was killed by Diamanti. From then on, Cyrus had to be a toy, silently guarding Rebecca.

Although the other party never remembers him or knows his identity, no matter how hard it rains or howls, Cyrus's protection never disappears. Perhaps this is the greatest love in the world.

Back in the present, Usopp and the Dontata clan work together to deal with Sugar. They made chili meatballs and tried to force Sugar to eat them.

However, Porebol and Sugar's abilities were extremely powerful. Not only were the Dontata clan and Robin defeated, but Usopp was also seriously injured.

At this moment, Sugar was humiliating Usopp wantonly. She even took out chili balls and forced Usopp to eat them.

But what she didn't expect was that Sugar was stunned by Usopp's fire-breathing appearance, so all the toys returned to their original appearance, and Doflamingo's conspiracy was completely exposed.

Suddenly, people from all over the world called to question Doflamingo, and Doflamingo also showed a rare panic expression.

At the same time, the strong men in the arena, in order to repay Usopp for saving his life, regarded him as a god and joined in the battle with the Doflamingo family.

However, Doflamingo returned to normal in an instant. Since he could no longer enslave the country, he would destroy everything with his own hands. Before he finished speaking, Doflamingo released his unique birdcage, which was an absolute An unbreakable cutting line.

And it will continue to shrink. If Doflamingo cannot be defeated, everything will be cut and minced by the sharp threads.

At the same time, looking at such a scene, Luo was directly frightened. Because in the past, this birdcage was the haze of childhood that had always bound him.

"Straw Hat Boss, everything depends on you. The future of the new world is now in your hands!!!"

In the world of pirates, there was a rare excitement in Luo's expression. Nothing had ever brought such excitement to this taciturn man.

And Doflamingo, this king of the Shichibukai, is a completely special existence.

"Dressrosa? It's really lively. If it wasn't still busy here, I really want to go over and get involved."

Blackbeard laughed. Now Blackbeard has mastered the Dark Fruit and the Shock Fruit. Blackbeard is now busy taking over the territory that Whitebeard once ruled.

"Will you perform miracles again, Luffy?"

In the one-punch world, Saitama clenched his fists nervously, and the snacks around him became increasingly empty. It can be seen that the plot of Dressrosa is indeed very long.

But even as the story continues to grow, it must come to an end. No matter good or bad, happy or sad, it will end one day.

"You have good motivation, let's keep going, Straw Hat Pirates."

In the world of Death, Yoruichi looked at the screen leisurely. Even the captain-level existence, Yoruichi, was attracted by the plot in the screen at this moment.

The scene continued to play, and before Doflamingo launched his ultimate killing move, Birdcage, Pica changed the terrain so that Doflamingo was at the highest peak of the kingdom. Only by defeating Doflamingo can everyone eliminate the threat of the birdcage.

So, Luffy began to head towards the highest peak, and at the same time, he took Luo, who was detained by Hailoushi, forward together.

On the other side, seeing the country in flames of war, Fujitora also started to take action. He appeared in front of Luffy. Seeing this, Luffy had no choice but to avoid it, and he fought with Fujitora.

boom! ! !

With just one blow, the ground cracked, but when the two collided, the ground suddenly shook violently, and a giant appeared. Pika controlled countless boulders, transformed into a giant stone man, and began to wreak havoc.

However, compared to the giant's appearance, he didn't expect Pika's voice to be so thick and rough. Luffy immediately laughed, which touched Pika's back scales. He was very frantic and attacked ferociously.

After one punch, the sky collapsed, but Luffy and the others managed to dodge and continue moving forward.

At this moment, a group of masters from the arena also appeared here. Luffy and the others started a duel with the cadres of the Doflamingo family, and Zoro once again stopped Pika to cover Luffy, and the chaos continued.

The flames of war spread everywhere, and from Luffy, King Riku and the small humans saw hope of saving the country, and they also began to help Luffy and fight against the Doflamingo family.

At the same time, Sabo appeared in front of the navy and stopped Fujitora. Without saying much, a battle broke out between the two sides.

The navy was no match for Sabo. Only Fujitora could compete with Sabo. The two fought for dozens of rounds, and it was hard to tell who was superior.

Then Fujitora took the initiative to stop and no longer embarrass Sabo. He was so clear-minded that he could not personally oppose Doflamingo because of his position. Fujitora placed his hope on Luffy to defeat Doflamingo and save the country and people.

At the same time, he also ordered the navy to carry out operations to ensure the safety of civilians first! ! !

On the other side, Kinemon found his lost companion Kangjuro in the underground garbage dump. The other party's ability can turn the painted images into real objects. Since the chemical engineering is not very sophisticated, this ability is greatly reduced.

After a long journey, Luffy and Law finally arrived at the Fourth City, where they met Rebecca and the top official, Diamanti.

Cyrus also appeared, wanting to avenge the murder of his wife. At this moment, Luffy unlocked the handcuffs with Rebecca's key, and the two of them continued to challenge Doflamingo, while Cyrus and Rebecca stayed to deal with Diamanti.

At this moment, Sugar woke up from her coma. She was about to approach Luffy and Luo quietly. Since the other party didn't know their abilities, Sugar was almost invincible.

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