However, facing the alliance of four emperors with a total bounty of 9 billion, Akainu ignored them on the grounds that the navy had no remaining combat power.

Return to Wano Country time and come to the Day of the Torch. The big snake set off to orbit in a boat, and the people celebrated the torch and enjoyed the rare freedom.

At the same moment, Kinemon and others did not see any samurai. The promised warships and soldiers and horses were only in front of them, but there were only waves rolling in front of them.

Why is all this happening? What happened to make the crusade come to nothing?

In fact, one day ago, Orochi blew up the bridge leading to Changying Port, and even the hidden Sonny and ships in other ports were bombed. However, in the face of all these strange things, the warriors still wanted to go to war.

For the suffering people of Wano Country, and for Kozuki Oden's will. Everyone except Momonosuke decided to go to charity generously.

Time came to forty-one years ago, when Oda Nianfang was 18, and he was a man of the hour in Huadu. He also keeps trying to escape from the country of Wano and sail the sea of ​​freedom.

However, due to isolation and bad luck, Oden failed a total of 38 times! ! !

"Finally, we're back to the long-lost era of pursuit and escape. It's really nostalgic."

In the world of pirates, Hawkeye Mihawk put down the newspaper in his hand and said to himself. And there was nothing left for him to worry about on the island he was on.

And this is exactly what Hawkeye Mihawk wants, he can kill without restraint.

"Why don't these world governments have any brains? Don't they understand that it's not the government that makes us become the Shichibukai. It's us who choose to become the Shichibukai!!!"

At Snake Island, Empress Hancock has assembled her own pirate group, ready to fight against the coming government army! ! !

"Oh? The world government would actually make such a choice?"

In the world of Naruto, Nara Shikamaru lowered his head and was silent in thought. Unexpectedly, the government announced the cancellation of the Shichibukai at this time.

Does this mean that the whole world is about to start a melee?

"It's so exciting. I really want to fight with them."

In the world of Dragon Ball, Sun Wukong said with excitement. But Sun Wuhan said helplessly.

"Dad, if you go there, I'm afraid it won't be as simple as a world war... maybe that world will be destroyed directly."

"That's right."


Chapter 713 Kozuki Oden’s past, Whitebeard vs Roger!

The scene continues to play. Oden is a man of the hour in Huadu. His swords are unparalleled in the world and his domineering power is revealed. He also killed a giant wild boar that was causing trouble with one blow, and because of this, Oden convinced the gangster Kin'emon and the samurai Denjiro.

At that time, Oden, who was causing trouble everywhere, was cut off from his father and son by Kozuki Sukiyaki.

Therefore, Oden left Huadu. Rumor has it that there are many people who want to follow Oden. They unconsciously raised their legs at the same time, causing Huadu to tilt.

Later, Oden and Baiwu Daimyo Shigetsu watched the Kang family gather together, and also met the servant Heitan Orochi hired by the Kang family. On the surface, Orochi was a flattering villain, but secretly he was stealing money, and he kept pretending to be a poor gentleman to borrow money everywhere.

At the same time, Oden set off to Jiuri to prepare for the lawless land.

On the way, he first took in two rough-looking boys, Izo and Aju.

Then he picked up Kanjuro and Raizo on the road, and then Oden challenged Asura alone, as well as the rogue Ronin from Kuri. The battle lasted all night, and finally ended with Oden's victory.

Asura was impressed by Oden's magnanimity, and Jiuli became a beautiful Taoyuan Township under Oden's management.

Therefore, Sukiyaki canonized Oden as the Kuri daimyo. The people of the entire country were proud of Oden, and Oden also extended his invitation to Kinemon and others.

Many years later, the Whitebeard Pirates unexpectedly landed in Kuri, Wano. Oden was extremely excited when he learned about this. He immediately found Whitebeard and drew his sword at them, trying to force the other party to let him board the ship.

However, Oden unfortunately failed in the face of Whitebeard's powerful strength. However, Oden kept begging Whitebeard to take him away, and even passed his test.

After holding on to the ship's chain for three days and three nights, Oden finally became Whitebeard's younger brother and began his career as a pirate.

At the same time, during the trial, Oden also rescued a woman named Ah Shi who traveled from 800 years ago.

Moreover, Izo, Inuarashi and Neko Viper also secretly came to Whitebeard's ship. In the following time, everyone experienced many adventures and formed a deep friendship. Oden experienced the scenery of the world. It turns out that the other side of the sea is like this Wonderful.

In order to record this journey, Oden wrote a diary and also drew an exquisite world map. He also fell in love with Ah Shi and had the fruit of love.

On the other side, Sukiyaki, the general of Wano, was drugged by the black charcoal snake and became critically ill.

"It's really an admirable past. Is this why he wants to found a country?"

In the world of Naruto, the seventh-generation Hokage Naruto expressed his respect for Kozuki Oden. Admittedly, it takes tremendous courage to do something like this.

"To change the entire country according to your own ideas? That's really courageous."

In the Shinigami World, Kuchiki Byakuya murmured.

As a member of the family, Kuchiki Byakuya has always just obeyed the family's orders and done things.

In Kozuki Oden, he saw hope. A hope that can break the shackles of convention! ! !

"What a romantic man, I am really fascinated by him!!!"

In the world of Conan, Sonoko looked at Oden with a look of infatuation. Xiaolan and Conan all around expressed their helplessness.

From Luffy to Zoro, from Zoro to Sanji. Countless people in the pirate world have almost caught Sonoko's attention.

"What should I do...Why did the World Government suddenly start wanting the Shichibukai?!"

In the world of pirates, Bucky the Clown is calm on the surface, but he is very panicked on the inside.

The screen continues to play. Sukiyaki, the general of Wano, was drugged by the black charcoal snake and became critically ill. Black Tan Orochi deceived the other party and said that he was Oden's sworn brother.

Therefore, Sukiyaki, who originally wanted to pass Oden to the throne, temporarily let Orochi lead the shogunate! ! !

In fact, the Heotan clan once tried to usurp the position of general and failed. Orochi was supported by two family elders. One of them had the imitation fruit. Not only did he use his ability to deceive Sukiyaki's trust, he also pretended to be Sukiyaki's. This way, Orochi's position as general is logical.

In the sea, one day the Roger Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates unexpectedly met. The two sides immediately started fighting without saying anything. Roger instantly killed the vanguard Oden with one move, and also had a powerful and heavy duel with Whitebeard.

King VS King! ! !

After a three-day and three-night battle, mutual plunder turned into an exchange of gifts. Roger also drank with Whitebeard and learned that Oden could read ancient texts.

Then Roger asked Whitebeard to borrow Oden for one year to fulfill his wish. At this moment, Oden was deeply shocked by Roger's heroism.

Because Roger said something that no one could imagine, Oden finally agreed to Roger's request, and he also wanted to help Roger realize his dream.

In this way, Oden began the second chapter of his pirate career. During this year, he and others completed a major event that shocked the world, helping Gol D. Roger reach the Final Island and learn all the truth.

With this, Roger also became the only Pirate King, and Roger disbanded the pirate group.

Kozuki Gozen also declined Rayleigh's request for help and returned to his hometown alone. He wants to embark on his own journey to open up the isolated country of Wano.

Now that the country of Wano stands, it is no longer the beautiful scene of the past. The people are also suffering from oppression, and their lives are getting worse day by day.

All this is because of Kurotan Orochi, who has colluded with the great pirate Kaido to cause trouble in Wano Country.

However, although life is difficult, people are sincerely happy for Oden's return. They hope that Oden can save the country and turn the tide! ! !

"Sincere people will always be defeated by villains. Is this the nature of the world?"

In the world of Naruto, Nara Shikamaru said with a frown.

If Kozuki Oden had accepted Rayleigh's help, he might not have ended up like this. But now that Kaido is doing whatever he wants, doesn't this go against his original wish?

"Kozuki Oden, you are really a stupid guy."

In the world of pirates, Kaido drinks boldly. He did use despicable means to make Kozuki Oden die, but in the end he still became the Yonko Kaido! ! !

"Is this the truth of everything? Father!!!"

At this moment, Momonosuke chose not to escape anymore. He wanted to lead the Nine Red Scabbards to overthrow Kaido's rule! Even if this is a point of no return! I would rather die than live.

"I will definitely defeat you!!! Kaido!!!"

Luffy of the Straw Hat Pirates yelled crazily into the sky, this time he must defeat Kaido and bring permanent peace to the entire Wano Country! ! !

"It's really admirable."

Sengoku nodded, Kozuki Oden was really one of the few people he admired.


Chapter 714 Kozuki Oden vs. Kaido of the Beasts, the promised person in the future!

The scene continued to play, and after learning everything, Oden immediately set off for Huadu. He single-handedly killed countless Orochi's subordinates, and his Shura-like face made the timid Orochi tremble.

However, the elder of the Heitan family had the power of the Devil Fruit and withstood Tamada's attack.

On this occasion, Orochi used the civilian hostages of Wano Country as a threat and forced Oden to dance naked in Hanadu every day. He promised Oden that every time he danced, he would release 100 hostages, and he would leave by boat in 5 years. Wano Country, say goodbye to everything.

Therefore, Oden chose to bear this burden alone. He came to the streets and danced the Kanto naked dance day after day.

This scene disappointed the people who were looking forward to Oden. They thought they were welcoming a savior, but in reality it was a clown.

A year later, Orochi specifically told Oden about Roger's death. On this day Oden came to the beach. He cried and laughed. He recalled everything in the past, and was both sad and proud of Roger. Our captain had a remarkable life.

Unknowingly, Oden danced for many more years. However, on the agreed day, Orochi broke his promise and planned to turn the entire Wano Country into a weapons factory! ! !

Unable to bear it, Yutian finally decided to rise up. He led his retainers and set off. The setting sun with a bloody track reflected on everyone, and the blade of the sword was as red as fire.

On this day, people call these retainers the Nine Heroes of Chixiao! ! !

However, Kaido received inside information and intercepted it halfway. He said that he had indeed deceived Oden.

Five years ago, the returned Oden brought the strength of the nation's samurai to bear, and even Kaido was unable to withstand it. But today, Oden's reputation is declining, so Kaido's victory and the fate of ruling the country are determined! ! !

After hearing this, Oden said that he did not regret his decision that day, and then he and his retainers drew their swords, and a battle broke out with countless enemies! ! !

What Kaido didn't expect was that the combat power of Oden and others was extremely terrifying. Thousands of soldiers and horses were wiped out, and Kaido's dragon breath was also offset! ! !

Seeing this, Quinn and Jhin stopped the Red Scabbard Warrior one after another, while Kaido took action himself. However, at this moment, Tamada's momentum soared to the sky, and gods were killing gods and Buddhas. Even Kaido, who transformed into a dragon, was killed. Odensho was severely damaged! ! !

However, Elder Kuotan used the Imitation Fruit to transform into Momonosuke, which made Oden anxious and distracted, so that Kaido took the opportunity to capture him.

"As expected of a former crew member of Pirate King Roger, he is really capable."

In the world of pirates, Kaido, one of the four emperors, is still very impressed. If it weren't for the Black Carbon Orochi, I might have failed in Wano Country five years ago.

"Father, I will definitely inherit your will!!!"

Momonosuke's eyes were filled with tears as he saw his father being caught by Kaido. He understood even more that his chance to survive was hard-won! ! !

"Is this the magnanimity of the Four Emperors?"

Hawkeye Mihawk said contemptuously. He didn't expect that Kaido, one of the four emperors, would be such a despicable person. This made Hawkeye Mihawk feel ridiculous.

"This is the person who does great things. Why should he care about conscience and morality?"

In the world of Naruto, Orochimaru said that there was nothing wrong with Kaido's approach. If you pursue morality all your life, you will never achieve anything great.

"Kaido!!! You have done all the bad things!!!"

In the world of Death, Kurosaki Ichigo said angrily. Unexpectedly, Kaido could be such a despicable person, which made Ichigo Kurosaki look down on Kaido.

"Damn Kaido!!!"

In the one-punch world, Saitama also became angry! ! ! He clenched his fists tightly, wanting to rush in front of Kaido immediately and punch him hard! ! !

The scene continued to play, and the battle against Kaido ended miserably. Oden and the Nine Red Scabbard Heroes were charged with treason and sentenced to death with fire oil.

However, faced with such a terrifying method of killing, Oden made a promise to Kaido. If someone can survive the punishment and survive, then that person must be spared.

With such ridiculous words, Kaido mocked and agreed to give Oden an hour.

Because a high-temperature oil pan is simply a place of death. He didn't believe that either Oden or the Nine Red Scabbards could survive for a minute.

In this regard, Oden said no more, but jumped directly into the oil pan. The hot torrent burned his body continuously, and Oden couldn't help but let out an inhuman roar.

Seeing this, the Nine Red Scabbards all rushed towards the oil pan, wanting to accompany their lord to face the endless sea of ​​fire.

At this moment, Oden made an astonishing move. He asked the Nine Red Scabbard Heroes to stand on the wooden board and not move, while he held the wooden board high to resist the torture! ! !

At this moment, blood flowed out of Oden's mouth and nose, veins popped up on his face, his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, and his whole body felt like it was on fire...

When people on the side saw this, they all laughed at Oden, but Shinobu told all the truth about Oden's naked dance because he heard the conversation between Norochi and Oden.

Only now do the people of Wano understand why they can still live a stable life. It's all because Oden is shouldering the burden for the entire country.

Time passed bit by bit, and the torment of the fire finally failed to defeat Oden. He endured the oil pan with a temperature of over 700 degrees for a full hour.

However, Kaido and Orochi once again broke their promise and ordered everyone in the Oden clan to be shot and killed. What's even more outrageous is that even the people who interceded for Oden were shot mercilessly! ! !

In times of crisis, Oden entrusted his dream to the Red Scabbard Samurai. He said that a promised person would appear in the future, and the country of Wano must be founded to help that person.

After that, Oden threw all the red scabbard warriors out of the range of the oil pan, and the warriors all fled with tears in their eyes. They did not dare to look back, because once they looked back, they would stop uncontrollably.

Then, Oden's dream will no longer be realized by anyone! ! !

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