"It’s okay, these little guys didn’t go and eat the sacred cherry tree"

"Forget it, let's open the inventory live broadcast room first while that clever woman Yae Shenzi isn't paying attention."

While saying this, Mo Feng also immediately opened the system.

If this scene was seen by the Eightfold God, she would definitely feel that Mo Feng was the mastermind behind the live broadcast room.

After all, as an alien, Mo Feng People in the world are still very suspicious.

Of course, these are not important. Soon

, a huge screen also appeared in the sky.

The people in Teyvat looked at the"210" light screen After appearing, he quickly joined the inventory live broadcast room.

After all, everyone has already been live broadcasted so many times, so everyone is almost used to it.

【Hello, welcome everyone to join today’s live inventory room】

【Wendy: Is it my imagination? Why do I always feel that this inventory live broadcast room looks more and more cheap?】

【Paimon: Singer, this is not your illusion, I feel the same way.】

【Mo Feng: Haha, this is like a problem in interpersonal relationships. The more familiar you are with someone, the more you feel that the other person is mean and annoying sometimes, like Ning Guang and Beidou.】

【Ning Guang: This metaphor is too inappropriate.】

【Beidou: Indeed】

【Zhongli: Ahem, let’s take a look at what will be reviewed today.】

【Arataki Yidou: I was persecuted so miserably yesterday. If I don’t see the next person being persecuted as badly as me today, I will destroy your inventory live broadcast room!】

【Kamisato Ayato: Brother Arataki, as far as I know, you don’t seem to have that ability.】

【Kujo Sora: I'm going to confront Kaijijima. You'd better keep an eye on the ghost clan in the cell and don't cause any more trouble.】

【Goro: Even if you come here, I will have a reliable teammate on Kaijijima.】

【Chu Ying: Ahem, I always feel like I’m being tricked.】

【Kamisato Ayaka: No doubt, you were indeed tricked.】

【Elhaysen: Rather than this, I would like to know if the Great Sage was attacked by the rebels again yesterday.】

【Azar: How is that possible? I am the great sage of the Order. Who dares to disrespect me?】

【Nasida: I just took the time to look at the level of dissatisfaction with the Great Sage in the Void Terminal poll, and found that it was already as high as 80%, huh? Why are there still some stupid people voting?】

【Mo Feng: That’s amazing. In my hometown, people with such a high level of dissatisfaction can already experience a meal called Louis XVI.】

【Paimon: What the hell kind of package is that!】

【Yaoyao: Ahem, in short, let’s take a look first and see what we will take stock of today. Maybe the people who should be taken stock of are us Liyue people. 】

Yes, let’s take stock of Liyue people today.

Isn't this because these two days are Chinese New Year and holidays?

It would be a pity not to take stock of Liyue people! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

As for the target of the inventory, Mo Feng has naturally already thought about it.

So soon, a person's name appeared on the screen in the live broadcast room

【Today’s inventory objects: Gechen Langshi’s disciple, Xiangling’s junior sister, Yaoyao】

【Yaoyao: Huh? 】

In today’s inventory screen, Yaoyao also quickly revealed a puzzled and cute expression...........

He was obviously very confused about the fact that he had been drawn.

Then, in the inventory live broadcast room, many people’s messages appeared

【Yaoyao: Strange, why is it me who is being counted? I’m not a popular person either.】

【Chongyun: He has divine eyes, is a disciple of immortals, and has good relationships with many people. Isn’t this considered a popular figure?】

【Kaia: He has the eyes of God at such a young age. It reminds me of Keli. However, this child seems to be much more sensible than Keli.】

【Keli: Brother Kaia is a bad person!】

【Mo Feng: Why do I have to see the so-called famous scenes of other people’s children in another world?】

【Xiang Ling: But do you want to take stock of the persecution of Yaoyao? Alas, I really can’t escape. Forget it, I’m going to prepare some delicious food. After the inventory is over, I can go comfort Yaoyao.】

【Sano: Speaking of which, we Xumi have two people with the eyes of gods and the body of a child. One is a god and the other is a profiteer.】

【Dolly: Hey, who are you calling a profiteer? Believe it or not, I won’t find you the limited 2.5 peripherals of Summon of the Seven Saints!】[]

【Sano: Never do that kind of thing】

【Arataki Yidou: In other words, this is a real kid, hahahaha, I hope you won’t cry after being counted.】

【Xiaogong: What a terrible person. He has already started to compare himself with his children.】

【Kuki Shinobu: This is the daily life of Boss Arataki, don’t take it too seriously. 】

With the discussion of the audience in the live broadcast room.

Several nicknames about Yaoyao also quickly appeared in the subtitles of the live broadcast room. ps: Please order in full! Please give me flowers and review votes!.

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