Konoha Village.

In the apartment.

Naruto Uzumaki looked at the video in the sky.

At this moment, tears could not stop flowing in his eyes.

When cold tears dripped down his cheeks.

He suddenly realized that he was in tears.

At this moment, he touched his wet tears.

I couldn't say it for a while.

What does psychology really taste like?

When he heard Jiu Xinnai's words.

There was tenderness in his eyes.

Tears flowed on his face.

But he is still trying to squeeze out a smile.

Even in the video of facing the heavenly mother.

It's not really Jiu Xinnai.

He still wanted to give it to his mother.

Reveal a smiling face.

At this moment he finally understood.

It turns out that he has always been.

Not alone.

From the moment of birth.

"It turns out that I already have all the love."

He gently stroked the seal on his stomach.

This moment.

In his eyes.

Full of tenderness.

"Mom and Dad, are you watching?"

He was silent for a moment.

Look back at the video in the clear moonlight.

Take a deep breath.

Then he bowed.

Said to the video in the sky.

"I don't know who you are, but thank you very much for telling me the truth."

"It's a very important thing for me."

"Thank you very much."

He had already made up his mind in his heart.

At all costs.

I will.

As the mother said.

Make good friends.

Save your money well.

Then find a girlfriend who is the same as your mother.

He let out a soft breath.

At the moment of turning.

But his face was full of determination.

Yet in the heart.

But thinking about a problem.


Why the original three generations of Hokage grandfather.

Don't tell me about it.

Why, exactly?


Konoha Village.

Hokage Office.

Ape Flying Sun Chop is smoking a cigarette at this moment.

He was silent.

10 Watch the video in the sky.

This video exposes too much information.

All the things he hid back then.

Now it's all there.


At this moment, there was a little annoyance in his eyes.

It would be nice if there was no such video from heaven.

That's what he thought in his heart.

At this moment, Tuan Zang appeared at the door.

With his arms bandaged, a sneer appeared on his face.

"Ape Fei, now that the things that Watergate has done have been exposed, your careful thinking will soon be known to everyone."

Tuan Zang's heart.

Ready to take over the Hokage.

After all, in his opinion.

Ape flying sun chop this guy.

It is long overdue to abdicate.

And the most suitable for being a Hokage.

Of course it's yourself.

At this moment, a rather treacherous smile appeared on his face.

However, I didn't expect it.

Ape Flying Sun Chopper only had a slight coldness in his eyes.

Just a look at him.

Then he didn't bother again.

Nameless anger burned in Tuan Zang's heart.

Look at the appearance of the video wave feng shui gate in the sky.

He also looked at the ape flying in front of him.

He secretly made a decision in his heart.

At all costs.

He had to control Naruto Uzumaki.

Naruto Uzumaki not only has nine tails in his body.

And there will be rewards for getting videos in the sky.

Just control Naruto Uzumaki's words.

Then next Konoha Village.

It's going to be in your pocket.

At this moment, a sneer appeared on Tuan Zang's face.

"In that case, then what I will do next, but I can't help you."

After saying these words, he slammed the door directly!


Konoha Village.

Hyuga family.

Good figure.

A woman with a beautiful face.

But there are people with completely different eyes from ordinary people.

It was gray and gray eyes.

Although it looks a little different.

But it doesn't affect the appearance at all.

At this time, Hinata Hinata looked at the video in the sky a little nervously.

His eyes were full of distress.

When Jiu Shinna said those words to Naruto Uzumaki, who was still a baby.

Hinata Hinata's eyes were already filled with tears.

Cover your face.

Can't bear to read any longer.


Hinata Hinata was really worried at this time.

Worried about Naruto Uzumaki's current mental condition.

After all, at a time like this.

Seeing this scene is already quite uncomfortable.

Then Naruto Uzumaki as a party.

Watching his parents die in front of him.

When his own mother said such words to herself.

How sad that should be?

Hinata Hinata leaves home.

Head to Naruto Uzumaki.

However, when Hinata Hinata came to the door of Naruto Uzumaki's house.

only to find Naruto Uzumaki standing in front of the window at this moment.

And there was a determined look in his eyes.

At this time, bow to the video in the sky.

The eyes are full of gratitude.

At this moment, Hinata Hinata hid in the alley.

There was a look of great distress in his eyes.

"Naruto-kun, you are really strong."

However, at this time, Hinata Hinata heard it.

Naruto Uzumaki was looking for a woman like his own mother.

Hinata Hinata's heart couldn't help but feel a little worried.

Can she become a woman like Jiu Xinnai?

Can Naruto-kun see himself in the end?

Such complicated emotions made Hinata Hinata a little lost her soul.

With extremely complex emotions.

Slowly walked towards his home.



Inside other villages.

Both the civilian population.

Or high-level.

At this moment, I was shocked by the video in the sky.

First of all.

A mysterious man appears.

Able to tie with the fourth generation of Hokage Wave Feng Shuimen.

And after doing these things.

You can also leave calmly.

This guy doesn't seem to belong to any organization.

And also hostile to Konoha.

This guy is so powerful.

It may even be a member of the Uchiha family.

To sum up the information.

Countless strong people have made bold guesses.

"Uchiha, isn't this guy dead yet?"

"If that guy isn't dead yet, and he can still have such great strength, you're terrible."

"It's a good thing that he wants to destroy Konoha now."

"It's just that this guy will really be Uchiha?"

"If it weren't for him, who would it be, not only able to quietly enter Konoha, but also able to have such a powerful strength, and Sharingan could control the Nine Tails, who else was all this except that guy."

"If it weren't for Uchiha, but someone else, things would have gotten even worse!!"

"The only thing to do now is to get more information about Konoha from the video and send a ninja to Konoha, and if necessary, destroy Naruto Uzumaki."

"Naruto Uzumaki will eventually become our henchman."

"If he gets a reward, once it is used against us, no one can stop it!"

Because Naruto Uzumaki was inventoried.

The ninja world that is already surging with dark tides.

Now it's even more chaotic.


Originally village and village.

Between countries.

There are serious contradictions.

Now it's because of Naruto Uzumaki.

These guys are all united.

Vague. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

There is a meaning of wanting to form an alliance.

And all this.

All because.

Want to target Naruto Uzumaki!


Right in the audience of the heavens and all worlds.

At this moment, they are all discussing things about Bofeng Shuimen and Jiu Xinnai.

Followed by.

Video footage from the sky.

Once again, there is a new change.

Has blonde hair.

Small stature.

The eyes are full of innocence and ignorance.

Skinny and small.

It looks extra cute.

Appears in the picture at this moment.

He held a ball rolling from the ground.

A smile appeared on his face.

His eyes were full of expectation.

It seems to be longing for play with his peers.


With the picture.

Someone's words appeared.

"It's that kid, it's a shame."

After words like this appeared.

The smile on Naruto Uzumaki's face disappeared instantly.

Innocent eyes.

Look at the adults who are full of malice.

Now he doesn't know.

What did I do wrong.

But watched.

Those adults on the other side.

Leave with your own children.

All the people.

They all looked at themselves with disgust.

That indescribable sense of rejection.

with isolation.

Although innocent children.

I don't know exactly what parents mean.



The crowd is also not in the Uzumaki Naruto exchange.

Naruto Uzumaki lowered his head.

Wander the village streets of Konoha.

Those who passed by.

All looked at him with a look of disgust.

Even wild cats on the side of the road.

Looking at Naruto Uzumaki's gaze was particularly fierce.

And Naruto Uzumaki looked innocent.

When he came to the door of Ichiraku ramen.

Smelled a fragrance.

A happy expression appeared on his face.

But soon it was lonely again.

Because he has no money in his pocket.

I had to walk away quickly.

Returned home.

Weakly sat on the bed.

Then he collapsed on the bed.

Look at the ceiling.

The eyes are full of loneliness.

In those shining eyes.

There seem to be endless tears.

The nose is slightly sour.

Tears flowed down her cheeks.

He tried to control his tears.


But he could only let the tears flow.

He was young.

Although I don't know why the people around him are so malicious to him.


At such a young age, he understood.

Not being liked by others.

Yourself are ostracized by others.

Themselves though like them.

But it doesn't seem to be the same.

But he was young.

I don't understand it at all.

What the hell did I do wrong.


When the audience of the heavens and realms saw this scene on the screen.

Countless viewers were dumbfounded.

They couldn't believe it.

Naruto Uzumaki would have lived such a life.

Some people are angry.

Some people are sad.

And many more are distressed.

"Why is this! Naruto Uzumaki's parents are heroes! Be the hero of the whole village! How could they do this to him! "

"Heartache to death! I really can't wait to rush in and hug him! I really want to tell him that he's not alone! And there I am!! "

"It's really distressing!!"

"Why are these people in the village like this!! Do they have a heart! "

"The hero's child is treated like this!"

"If the fourth generation of Hokage Wave Feng Shuimen knew that his child would be treated like this by 697, would he choose to sacrifice himself!"

"These guys are bullying Naruto Uzumaki without parents, are they all scum?"

"Why the hell! Doesn't anyone know that he is the child of a hero! "

"These people even said he was obscantic! I can't bear it! "


In a world under one.

Zhang Chulan looked at the video in the sky.

In his eyes, two lines of tears fell.

This moment.

He looked at Naruto Uzumaki.

It's like looking at yourself.

When Naruto Uzumaki took the ball.

When a smile appears on the face.

Zhang Chulan could feel it clearly.

In that smile.

With a fawning look.

He was really lonely.

Really want to.

Alone with him.


What happened to him.

Worse than yourself.

Everyone hated him.

Zhang Chulan felt.

The gaze of those people.

It's like looking at me one after another.

It almost made him breathe heavily.

"Sister Bao'er..."

Zhang Chulan suddenly woke up.

But found that Sister Bao'er was opposite her at this moment.

With a curious look on his face.

"Zhang Chulan, what's wrong with you?"

Zhang Chulan gasped.

He was about to be swirled by Naruto Uzumaki's appearance in the video above the sky.

I couldn't breathe.

The sense of substitution is too strong.

So strong that he was about to suffocate.

At this time, Zhang Chulan's eyes showed a little gratifying.

Then he hugged Sister Bao'er.

"Sister Bao'er, it's good to have you."

Although Sister Bao'er didn't know why Zhang Chulan was like this.

But he still hugged Zhang Chulan gently.

And said in a smooth voice.

"I'll always be there, Zhang Chulan."

Zhang Chulan's eyes left two lines of clear tears.

Growing up alone as a child.

There is no one to rely on.

That feeling.

I couldn't be clearer myself.

That feeling of powerlessness.

I already have it.

Now I saw Naruto Uzumaki like this again.

My heart was particularly uncomfortable.

But the good thing.

The thing that he was luckier than Naruto Uzumaki was.

Himself at a young age.

It was good to have the care of grandpa and father.

That's why.

That's why I have been able to support myself to this day.


He looked at Naruto Uzumaki in the sky.

There was a slight solemnity in his eyes.

"How did you survive?"

Zhang Chulan understood.


I was put in such a situation.

I'm afraid I've already begun to hate the world.


Naruto Uzumaki's eyes.

But there has never been hatred.

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