In the world of Naruto.

Look at the sky in the video.

The dilemma that Uta is facing at this moment.

Uchiha took a deep sigh.

"Sure enough, will it end like this."

Uchiha Obito saw that idealized self in Uta's body.

I chose to fall into the darkness.


Uta chose to pay with his own life.

At this time, Uchiha Obito had only one thought in his mind.


How can we create a world where everyone is happy?

Just when Uchiha frowned.

Lynn had already come to his side.

With a smile on his face.

Looking at Uchiha with soil.

Gently tap your finger on Uchiha Obito's nose.

Uchiha only came back to his senses at this time.


A smile appeared on his face.

Today's timeline.

It's no longer what it used to be.

Rewards received due to Naruto Uzumaki.

This led to a change in the entire world line.

Rin also returned because of Naruto Uzumaki's will.

Uchiha took the soil to watch the video in the sky.

I couldn't help but sigh.

"If something can really work miracles, then it is nothing more than a video from the sky."

Those rewards given by heavenly videos.

It's what can really affect the whole world!


Countless spectators in the heavens and realms.

At this moment they are looking at the video from the sky.

Can't help but complain and say.

"Uta this guy, not long memory at all, to know the fate of Uchiha and Uchiha Obito, it has fully indicated a problem!"

"If you want to make the world peaceful, through dreaming, you must not be able to do it!"

"I think this method is a good way, and if I can enter an online world and get immortality, it is also very good."

"What kind of joke, compared to the game of decades ago, don't you want to play the game of today?"

"Yes, yes!"

"The only thing Uta does wrong is to make decisions for others!"


At this time, the picture is in the picture.

Uta's face was full of restlessness.

As a teenage girl.

Uta couldn't understand why reality was so painful.

People still choose to stay in the real 11 worlds.

Because I really can't think of such an answer.

So Uta frantically gave his answer.

Just bring more joy to everyone.

Then these people are willing to stay.

Uta's fruit ability directly transformed into the ocean.

Everyone who enters the ocean becomes a toy or something.

The movement of the Straw Hat Pirates because of the battle is too big.

The entire castle was collapsed by them.


At the last dangerous moment.

They managed to get to Captain Luffy.

Combine the information they have today.

The situation is desperate.

Want to return to reality their only hope.

It is deep in the earth that sleeps.

The demon king that contains many negative emotions of mankind.

That demon king is a being that can straddle the world of reality and dreams.

If you can defeat it in both dream and reality.

The whole dream will disappear as a result.

If you say internally, who will break the outside.

Kebi felt that it was difficult for the Navy to take care of civilians.

The words did not fall.

At this moment, Uta's adoptive father, Gordon, was belated.

He felt that the outside had to rely on the red-haired Shanks to make a move.


Luffy asked the other party what had happened between Uta and Shanks.

Seeing that the other party is still covering.

Luffy didn't think much about it anymore.

One person wants to step forward and challenge Uta.

Solon's words speak to the essence of Luffy's behavior.

As long as they keep attacking.

Just wait until the attacks outside are synchronized.

No matter who exactly is out there.

At this moment, Luffy seemed to have made a decision.

Came to Uta.

However, when it really came to Uta.

Luffy relented again.

Even if Uta tore the straw hat that he valued so much.

Luffy would definitely not be willing to go all out.

Uta's hatred for Shanks is all because of being abandoned by the team.

The red-haired pirates' backs when they destroyed the kingdom far away.

Uta was left with wounds that could not be healed.

But Luffy said that Shanks would never have done such a thing.

He stood in front of Uta.

"He'll definitely come!! Not to save me!! It's to save you!! Uta !! "

Uta still didn't change his mind after hearing Luffy's words.

Uta felt that the other party must not want to come here.

In reality, Uta draws his dagger and prepares to kill Luffy.

A big hand caught the knife steadily.

Twelve years.

What a long time.

Uta looked at the familiar look in front of him.

Uta couldn't believe it.

The red-haired Shanks actually appeared in front of him.

The red-haired pirates and Uta are finally reunited.

However, it is no longer the same as it was then.

I don't know if it was rain or tears running down my cheeks.

On the screen, Uta's emotions are particularly complicated.

All emotions are intertwined.

The chaotic Uta laughed maniacally.

In the end, only the thought of killing all the pirates remained.

Uta howled.

Gather all the dreamers to gather and attack the red-haired pirates.

At the same time, in the world of dreams.

Luffy debunks the fact that Shanks has arrived.

Everyone immediately launched all attacks while Uta was consecrated as a god.

Although Uta defused this wave of attacks.

However, it was not yet time for Uta to sing the next song.

But it was directly stopped.

Ash directly obscured the entire sky.

In the tacit cooperation of everyone.

Uta was sent directly into Bato's invincible barrier.

Outside summons fall out of sync.

Uta's mind has long been out of here.

Above the picture.

Uta had an extremely broken smile on his face.

Command the puppet to beat the red-haired pirate group that does not fight back.

In the picture, one puppet after another frantically beats Shanks.

However, Shanks did not have any expression.

However, it was then that the turning point appeared.

The civilians who kept beating the red-haired Shanks were suddenly shot.

Uta dropped everything and threw himself at the wounded.

Uta kept crying.

Desperately trying to stop the other party's blood.

Uta is not a villain.

It is not a villain who shouts about so-called righteousness and justice.

The kind-natured Uta truly regards every fan as his own relative.

Rebirth in the fantasy world is not death in Uta's eyes.

You can't go to your dreams and die in the real world.

It is a farewell that Uta cannot accept.

Those navies that shot.

At this moment, he is shooting non-stop.

The rain of gunfire rang out densely.

In the picture.

Marshal Akainu lit a cigarette at this moment.

Marshal Akainu, who was sitting in the headquarters, brutally gave the order to open fire at this moment.

He wanted to be able to take Uta.

Even if you kill all the civilians on the island, you will not hesitate.

Take all civilians hostage.

At this time, the yellow ape came out from the rear.

They even sacrificed tens of thousands of people to stop the child.

There is also no way around it.

Because what Uta has done has turned the whole world upside down.

The yellow ape flew high in the air.

Want to bomb the islands.

And yet, right now.

Red-haired Shanks went straight against the sky.

One person, one knife.

Chopped through all attacks.

This is an extremely domineering knife.

Even surpassed the speed of light elementalized by the other party.

The tip of the knife was thus pressed against the throat of the general.

The red-haired Shanks looked at each other coldly at this moment.

"Sorry, this is my family affair!"

"If you meddle again. There is only death! "

At this time, the yellow ape was no longer as calm as usual.

He rarely said a word.

And yet, right now.

Uta's body underwent unexpected changes.

Sleepless mushrooms are constantly stimulated. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Let Uta's personality become uncontrollably manic.

Everyone in the dream world was forced to change their gear.

Turned into a pure black suit representing the evil side.

In the picture.

Uta's furious emotions eventually overwhelmed everything.

Uta actually pulled out the sheet music for the forbidden song.

The story goes to its worst ending.

The moment when the final movement is played.

Barto's invincible barrier was directly violently cracked in a dream.

A red and blue rush.

A mixture of pitch-black energy covered the islands below.

The people under control became more and more active, and rushed to those navies.

That's what worries the Navy.

The ability of the fruit of Uta.

The most terrible thing appeared.

Dark energy covers the sky.

The Demon King returns in the abyss.

Black wings grew behind Uta.

The power of this wing turned out to be black.

There are also twisted and weird oversized giants in the outside world.

Unreal and realistic concepts.

To be born on earth in its truest form.

An apocalyptic spectacle that has not been forgotten by the world for hundreds of years.

At this moment, it finally came.

While everyone rushed forward.

Luffy stood there at this moment without saying a word.

In the dream, everyone rushed to Uta to fight.

There are only two people, the red-haired Shanks and Luffy, who are the absolute core of the team.

There is a special determination in his eyes and unimaginable choices.

Just looking ahead, he did not rush to join the battlefield.

The two worlds of dream and reality are constantly connected.

This is definitely not the result that Uta originally wanted.

Uta could no longer hear the calls of the people who had been pulled into the dreamland.

And a few rounds later.

Luffy directly raised his fist in the third gear to join the battle.

All the people are constantly fighting.

But nothing useful has been achieved.

However, Uta's adoptive father, Gordon.

At this time, he helplessly and painfully told the truth about the destruction of the music capital that year.

It turned out that the culprit who caused the catastrophe was not the rumored red-haired pirate group.

Chanxte sent Uta to the Conservatory for further study.

However, I did not expect the score of the forbidden song sealed deep underground.

Appeared on top of the banquet.

Touching the forbidden Uta Fruit awakened on the spot.

The unintentional humming of tunes directly awakens centuries-old monsters.

In this way, the capital of music was reduced to ashes overnight in the hands of the powerful people who ran away.

Red-haired Shanks and his companions went all out.

Forcibly kill the monster to save Uta.

But everything is already too late.

How should this girl face the heavy guilt of slaughtering the entire country?

What about the days after Uta.

The red-haired Shanks didn't hesitate at all.

He asked the other party to report to the Navy.

Pushed all the problems onto themselves.

The old king's choice is even more shocking.

With your back to the Burning Kingdom.

Just because of Shanks.

Singing is sinless.

He alone bore the pain of destroying the country.

Guarding taboo music.

Forgive Uta.

And to cultivate Uta into a singer who can make the whole world happy.

She poured the rest of her life into the girl.

And the red-haired Shanks is forced to endure the reluctance and heaviness in his heart.

Rest assured to laugh and leave full of treasures.

That's the real reason.

It is the detailed beginning and end of this incident.

Luffy thought that Uta would be able to untie his heart after learning the truth.

So he happily wanted to go and hug Uta.


He was greeted only by more powerful rays.

Luffy soon found a breakthrough again.

He was in the memory.

I remembered the sketchy sign about the new era that I had drawn casually.

This symbol is still painted on Uta's arm.

Uta's original intentions have never changed.

Luffy yelled, "Then stop lying to yourself."

Take a look at the chaotic world around you.

This is where you originally dreamed of a new era of freedom.

Luffy's words went straight to the core.

Unconsciously, Uta had burst into tears.

It's just that the taboo song has manifested for so long.

040 is obviously no longer something that Uta can master.

The collapsed dream world is left with nothing but chaotic nothingness.

Twisted monsters that make all kinds of indescribable sounds.

The outside world is made even crazier by dream manipulators.

However, the red-haired pirates.

But it still protects those civilians from any harm.

The scene in front of me is really particularly ironic.

The Navy wants to kill civilians.

However, the pirates are guarding the civilians!


The audience of the heavens and realms is at this moment.

Watch the video from the sky.

However, their eyes showed a particularly complicated look.

"Why did it become like this!"

"This is not the kind of world that Uta wanted to create before!"

"Those guys in the Navy are such bastards!!"

"They hurt civilians all the time!! It even said that it was protection!! "

"It's outrageous!"

"Uta's power is too terrifying, there is no way to stop Uta's power in that world!"

"The ability of this fruit is almost invincible!!"


In the world of One Piece.

Sengoku looked at the video in the sky.

But in my heart, I miss my adopted son Corazon!

If he's still there.

Then only his fruit ability is needed.

This disaster can be easily solved.

Sengoku looked at the video in the sky in silence.

This moment.

His mind was filled with another thought.

To save more people.

And sacrifice a small number of people.

Is it true justice?

At least watch the video from the sky.

Sengoku even felt at one point.

The Navy did it wrong!

Not to mention all the people in the world.


Countless viewers of the One Piece world.

Watch everything that happens on the video in the sky at this moment.

Infinite confusion arose in their eyes.

"Isn't the Navy protecting us!! Why slaughter civilians!! "

"These guys are too jerks, aren't they!! The pirate group of red-haired Shanks is actually protecting civilians!! "

"But the pirates are obviously so hateful, why do the videos in the sky mold them into such heroic characters!!"

"My family died because of pirates, and now you tell me that pirates are not all hateful, and I can't accept this!"


In the kingdom of music.

The girl with red and white hair has a double ponytail.

The look on his face became more and more incredulous.

The moment when the truth of everything is exposed.

Uta knelt on the ground.

Tears can't stop flowing!

"Shanks !!"

Uta couldn't accept this in his heart.

It's like the red-haired Shanks insisting on hiding the truth.

It was because Uta simply could not accept the blow of this matter.

At this time, Uta fainted directly because of excessive sadness.

Before coma.

He seemed to see the red-haired Shanks appear in front of his eyes.

That vague shadow.

And that familiar face.

Let Uta really want to hold each other and cry fiercely!.

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