Take stock of light curtains.

The stage for the final chapter was on the screen.

It was the country of Wano under the domination of Kaido, the Four Emperors and Hundred Beasts.

Dressrosa's toy hell exists under the light, and it still looks normal on the surface.

However, the country of Wano is a complete hell on earth!! -!

Because of the Hundred Beasts Regiment's wanton construction of weapons factories.

Large amounts of waste sewage are discharged into rivers, polluting the entire country.

The country of Wano, which was originally lush and full of life, is now lifeless.

Fish in the river become poisonous fish, and animals that eat poisonous fish and river water also become poisonous animals.

The forest is all dead, the wasteland is not a single grass, and everything is like the end of the world!!

A few minutes of introduction is enough to understand the terrible situation in the country of Wano.

"This... This, this, this... What kind of hell is this, it is even darker than the empire! "

In the world of chopping sisters, the green-haired boy Lubbock's body couldn't stop trembling slightly.

"Four Emperors and Hundred Beasts Pirate Group, what a bad guy this is, who actually scoured a good country into this ghost!"

In the world of tutoring, Hayato Prison Temple couldn't help but gasp.

"Doesn't anyone have a control? What about the Navy? Aren't they claiming justice? Why sit idly by? "

Demon Tail World, Gray is puzzled.

"The navy can't even control the allied countries that have been harmed by the scourge of the Seven Martial Seas, let alone the non-allied countries that are stationed by one of the four sea emperors!"

In the one-person world, Zhang Chulan shook his head helplessly.

"Nature and the environment are the foundation of human existence, and the ecology has been destroyed to this extent, and the country is dead!"

Detective world, Conan sighed, attracting a pang of mourning from Gray Plain, but he didn't expect that the famous detective was still an environmentalist.

"No problem! It will be fine! Because Luffy they are coming! Because the heroes are about to land! "

The ghost destroys the world, and Tanjiro's face is full of expectation.

This is also the expectation of countless people in the heavens and realms.

So far.

Both Alabastan and Dressrosa were saved by the arrival of the Straw Hats, and this time the country of Wano will definitely be no exception.

"Luffy's words must be able to do it, because he is the one who said the same thing as One Piece Roger!"

Pirate World, Oni Island Ghost Princess Yamato clenched her fist excitedly.

"Huh... Woooo How is it possible to do such a thing! Dressrosa will be liberated, in the final analysis, because the joker is too weak, but this country of peace has the strongest four emperors and hundred beasts Kaido! The level between the Four Emperors and the Seven Martial Seas is completely different! "

The general of Wano Country, the black charcoal snake, laughed proudly.

The Mad Death Lang family.

"Boss, look, the heroes are coming to the country of Wano, and the dawn of this country is coming soon! Also, when I was in Dressrosa, although there were only a few shots, I saw them, brother and Jinweimen! Boss, did you see it? "

Huakui Xiaozi Princess Ri and the excited little face were flushed.

"Ah, I also saw in the next place, Momonosuke-sama, who is still eight years old, as well as Kinemon and Kanjuro, the prophecy of Lord Shi is true, they really traveled through twenty years..."

The Flower Capital Yakuza boss sleepy mad death lang - Akasheath Denjiro cried with joy.

"But, Hiyo-sama, now is not the time to be happy, we must transfer immediately!"

Future images, no matter what happens, are possible.

His hidden identities with Hiyomi Mitsuki are also very likely to be exposed.

So、、、 they have to hide until the inventory is over.

Meet the expectant gaze.


The Straw Hats landed in the Land of Wa.

The special way of entering the country where carp pulls boats to climb the waterfall is a novelty.

However, it wasn't long before the Straw Hats gang who had just climbed the waterfall encountered a huge whirlpool.

On the spot, the ship capsized and died?

"It's over! Barbie Q up! "

"The adventure of Wano Country is over before it even begins!"

"As a Straw Hat Kid who is a Devil Fruit ability, he fell into the sea, and the result is only a dead end!"

"The sea thief with a reward of 1.5 billion berry, the five emperors Luffy, pawn!"

People from all over the world were talking about it one after another.

Next second.

The screen turns.

The straw hat boy was washed up on the beach by the waves and slowly woke up.

"Alas, alas, the straw hat kid is alive again!"

"What a stroke of luck it is to survive!"

"Those who are capable fall into the sea and survive, why are you not surprised at all?"

"What's so surprising about this kind of thing? Isn't it a matter of course that Straw Hat Kid survives? "

"That is, if it is just a trash fish, how can the heroic protagonist die because of this little wind and wave!"

"But、、、 didn't you say that the Straw Hat kid wanted Barbie?"

"Talking about fun! There are really people who believe it! "

Ten thousand worlds, the atmosphere is warm.

Take stock of light curtains.

The awakened Five Emperors Luffy meets Lori Xiaoyu, who is being hunted by the Hundred Beast Pirates.

The straw hat boy who saved Xiao Yu by flattening the beasts and miscellaneous fish was warmly received by Xiao Yu.

She saved herself for a year, and the white rice that she could only eat on her birthday was generously cooked for the straw hat boy.

As a birthday star, he had to drink poisonous river water in order to fill his hunger.

Such a kind and sensible little girl immediately gained the heartache and love of countless people in the world.

"Ayu is so pitiful, Aniya wants to give her the cake!"

The spy has passed the family world, and the mind-reading girl Ania couldn't help but red-eyed.

"It's no problem, the hero is already here, Luffy will definitely help her!"

The strongest agent dusk opened his mouth.


Ania nodded choked.

A similar dialogue is playing out in Wanjie.

Take stock of the light curtain, in order to save the poisoned Ayu.

The Straw Hat Kid takes her on a tamarin to the nearest town.

On the way through the wasteland, the Straw Hat Kid reunites with Solong, who arrived in Wano Country first, and saves the teahouse master Azuru from the Hundred Beasts.

Shortly after this, the hundred beasts really hit Hawkins.

After a fierce fight, Solon repels the magician Hawkins.

The group came to the leaky town at the foot of the Boro town.

Under the care of the teahouse owner A He, Xiaoyu's poisoning symptoms were lifted, and he ate the delicious red bean rice cake soup that he cherished in his heart, and the pitiful and cute little appearance made the hearts of countless people in the ten thousand worlds melt.


One wave is not flat, and another wave is rising.

The Hundred Beast Regiment that was eyeing Xiao Yu's ability struck again.

While the straw hat kid was entangled by the six emperors of bats, the artificial gazelle fruit ability kidnapped Xiaoyu.

"Gee, the two strongest of the Straw Hats are there, and they actually let the enemy's miscellaneous soldiers take Xiaoyu under their noses, it really shouldn't be!"

In the world of spells, Gojo frowned slightly.

"In other words, the guy who is not a long man and a bat is not a bat is open, and he actually stopped the Five Emperors Luffy and the pirate hunter Solon with his own strength, is he the Four Emperors and Hundred Beasts Kaido?"

Suqing World, Ghost Beast and Zhen couldn't help but complain.

"Because the other party is a sudden sneak attack, coupled with long-range fire suppression in the air, so... Forget it, I can't make it up! "

In the world of one person, Wang Daolong shook his head, unable to find a reason to excuse the two of the straw hat boys.

"Luffy and Solon, what the hell are you two doing? Obviously you are here, why did you let Xiaoyu be taken away by the enemy! "

Pirate World, Nami, who likes children the most, can't help but be furious.


Luffy and Solon apologize weakly.

"Oh, yes, it'll be fine, Luffy, didn't they catch up right away!"

Usopp hit the round.

Take stock of light curtains.

Because of Xiaoyu's capture, Straw Hat Kid and Solon immediately rode a tamarin dog to break into Boro Town.

After a big fuss, he not only successfully rescued Xiaoyu, but also brought a treasure ship of food to the poor people in the leaky village.

Looking at Xiaoyu, who was happy because of an apple, the straw hat kid made a promise to her.

When they leave, it will definitely make this a place where everyone can eat!!

"It's really worthy of Mr. Luffy, everyone is fed, what a simple wish, but this is also the most important thing!"

Hunter World, Xiaojie said with a look of admiration.

"First of all, so that the country can eat, and then the whole world, the straw hat boy is only nineteen years old, even if the country passes, the time is completely enough!"

Jia Baili world, fallen angel Jia Baili said seriously. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Are you a demon? One country liberates the past, and the straw hats will die of exhaustion! "

Satanya, the simple little devil, couldn't help but complain.

A world of food.

"It's a great goal to keep everyone fed, and it's also the goal of Daddy Yilong!"

Ah Yu sighed with admiration on his face.

"Then again, with the words of the straw hat kid, the liberation of the country of Wano is basically stable, I really didn't expect that this country would be saved because of a bowl of rice for a little girl, which is a big event caused by a bowl of rice!"

In the world of spirit cages, Boss Bai couldn't help but sigh.

Pick up the leaky village, it's done.

In the spit of the ally Trafalgaro.

Straw Hat Kid and Solon followed him to the ruins of Ota Castle.

Here, they converge with the lost Choiba and Nami.

Shortly after that, he learned shocking news from Jinweimen and others.

The five people of Kinemon , Kanjuro , Reizo , Koju and Momonosuke came from twenty years ago!!

Not only the Straw Hats and the gang were startled, but the people of the entire Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms couldn't help but be shocked.

"Nani! Those samurai actually came from twenty years ago! "

0 ask for flowers

"Traveling through time and space to the future twenty years later, this... This, this, this..."

"Is it really possible to do this kind of thing? That's a time travel! "

"Even if we exhaust everything in our world, we can't travel through time!"

"Superman is the fruit of time! Even the fruit of traveling through time exists! "

"The Devil Fruit ability is really an incredible thing!"

The people of all the heavens and realms were very emotional.

This is the moment.

For the self-detonation of the samurai crossing group.

Naturally, the most repercussions were in the country of Wano.

"That's 、、、 Momonosuke-sama!"

"And Kinemon Gate, Leizang, Kanjuro, Kikunosuke!"

"Momonosuke-sama and the samurai of the red sheath..."

"The light moon is not over yet! The Red Sheath Samurai are still alive! "

"Lord Shi's prophecy is not nonsense, in the future in twenty years, the red sheath will return!"

"There are still two years, as long as you wait two more years, hope will definitely appear!"

All over Wano Country, samurai and civilians who were suffering were crying with joy.

"What are you kidding!!?"

In the Flower General's Mansion, the smile on the face of the black charcoal snake was no longer there.

"The Straw Hats and the gang are just that, why are even the Red Sheath Samurai back, why are they all alive!"

The extreme chill enveloped the black charcoal snake's whole body, making him tremble uncontrollably.

"Well, that son of Ota is still alive? Well, live is alive, in the end it is just a crying waste, it can't become the climate! "

Ghost Island, Four Emperors and Hundred Beasts Kaido didn't care.

Koh Chang, Zow.

"Momonosuke-sama !!"

Looking at the young lords and companions who have not been seen for many years in the light curtain, Duke Inu Arashi and the cat viper treasurer couldn't help but burst into tears.

"Old cat, don't pretend, cats are always changeable, especially cat demons like you!"

Duke Inuarashi suddenly spoke.

"Huh? What do you say, old dog! Make it clear to me! "

The cat viper dispenser was furious.

"Two years later, it's only me with Momonosuke-sama and Kinemon and they, and you're not there, how do you plan to explain it?"

Duke Inuarashi questioned.

"Huh? This...... This this... The action against Kaido, how can I be absent, it must not be put yet, you just wait and see! "

The momentum of the cat viper dispenser was weakened by three points.

"Lord Duke!"

"Cat Viper Treasurer!"

"Don't quarrel with the two, look quickly, something terrible has happened!"

Gallot, Pedro and other fur tribes shouted.


"That and that... What is that! "

"Is that the 、、、 dragon claw peeking out of the dark clouds?"

"Aaaaa It's a dragon! That's the legendary Blue Dragon! "

"Dragons... The dragon has appeared! Why did the dragon suddenly appear! "

Looking at the sudden thousand-meter green dragon, the shocking uproar of the heavens and realms rushed into the sky.

"Dragon Dragon Dragon... The dragon appeared!! "

In the Dragon World, Lu Mingfei shouted in shock.

"Calm down, that's not the dragon clan of our world!"

Caesar said quietly.

"Pure Oriental Green Dragon? No! No, the Oriental Green Dragon should be five-clawed! "

Chu Zihang looked solemn.

Dragon Maid World.

"Tortor, look quickly, it's a dragon!"

The drunken Kobayashi called in amazement.

"I saw it, look at that shape, it's similar to the green dragon on the eastern continent!"

The dragon maid Thor was rarely interested.

Demon Tail World.

"Hahahaha, dragon! The dragon has appeared! It's my turn as a dragon slayer guide! This time the foreign aid of the pirate world must have a place for me! "

Fire Dragon Natsu jumped three feet tall in excitement.

"Hey, dragon slayer? Count me in too! "

Iron Dragon Gajiru was also full of interest.

"But then again, do dragons also exist in the world of pirates?"

Gray Fox wondered.

"Or maybe it's not a real dragon, but a Devil Fruit powerhouse!"

Elusa, the Goblin Queen, guessed.

The truth was just as Elusha had guessed.

Next second.

More information was announced on the light screen.


The people of the heavens and realms all knew the true identity of the green dragon.

"Animal: fish, fish, fruit, phantom beast, blue dragon, morphological ability, !!"

"The strongest creature in the sea, land and air, the four emperors and hundred beasts, Kaido !!"

"Bounty of 4,611.1 million Beri !!"

"Lying !!"

"Lying down!!"

"Is this the opening king?"

"Enter the final showdown at the beginning!"

The Five Emperors Luffy and the Four Emperors Kaido, the war will begin!!

... And....

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