Chapter 40 The strongest warrior form, the ancient Dragon God exploded the audience

【The super-demon dragon god has been tightly held in the hands of Dark Dark】

【The dark and evil voice echoes back and forth between heaven and earth】

【"Weak people like you are vulnerable"】

【"In the end I could only plead."】

【"Little devil, are you worthy of being a savior?"】

【"Your kindness is just as fragile"】

【From An Heida's perspective, there is no difference between people who have lost their kindness and people from the demon world.】

【At this moment, Zhan Budu was still arguing and retorted】

【"Because we have kind hearts, we don’t fight"】

【"Even if your kindness is taken away by someone from the demon world, the power of your kindness will not disappear.】

【"The power of kindness will never disappear, it always exists in our bodies"】

【"Kindness, everyone’s kindness will never disappear"】

【With Zhan Budu's roar,】

【Dark inside the body】

【kind world】

【Zhan Budu's sleeping kindness is awakening, and its light is getting brighter.】

【The next second, it emits a boundless light】

【All the good intentions responded to the call of the little savior Xiaodu】

【Under countless shocked looks】

【Demon King Dark Tatsu's armor made of kindness is opened】

【Seeing this scene, Zhan Budu was still a little confused.】

【It was out of everyone's kindness that Diablo's armor actually opened.】

【what on earth is it?】

【Dragon God:】

【"Xiaodu, your kindness must be connected with everyone’s kindness"】

【at the same time】

【Xiaodu's own kindness also returned to his hands】】

【"Everyone's kindness defeated Dark Dar"】

【"My kindness is back too"】

【Xiaodu was very excited. 】

Zhan Budu:

"Is that the true form of Darkda?"

Kenbe Takeichiro:

"It is indeed an evil entity."

Tiger King:

"Great, Dark Tatsu loses the Shield of Justice made by Kindness, and the Super Demonic God Ryujinmaru is able to attack."


"This is an opportunity, Xiaodu."

Himiko Ninbu:

"Opportunity, opportunity, Xiaodu."

Yao Dadi:

"The true form of Demon King Darka is also so huge."


"Hehe, the final battle."


"The Demon King who has lost the Shield of Justice will definitely be defeated by the Super Demon Dragon God."

"Right, Usopp, Luffy."


"It’s really the power of kindness."

Sakata Gintoki:

"It seems that it is not the magic of mouth that defeats the devil, but the power of kindness and idealism."


"Come on, Gin-chan, that’s everyone’s kindness"


【When everyone thought that Dark Danon, who had lost the shield of justice, could be easily controlled by the super-demon dragon God, an accident happened.】

【After all, Dark Tatsuya is the king of the demon world.】

【Even if he loses the shield of justice created by his kindness, his power is still unparalleled.】

【The battle is far from over】

【Dark Tatsu, who lost his armor of justice, revealed his huge body】

【This is an evil mass】

【Like a huge ball of purple energy】

【This is the true form of Dark Dark】

【"Little savior Xiaodu, I will never leave my kindness to you."】

【A low voice spreads between heaven and earth】

【With one blow, it penetrated directly through the body of the Super Demon Dragon God.】

【"Okay, where should we attack next?"】

【The tentacles of Darkness instantly penetrated the body of the Super Demon Dragon God with lightning speed.】

【At this time, the Super Demon Dragon God completely lost its ability to resist.】

【"Stop it, Darkda"】

【"Hum, little savior Xiaodu, give me your kindness"】

【"Otherwise, the pain of Dragon God will not stop"】

【Xiaodu, who has a kind heart in his hand, hesitates】

【He finally found his kindness, will he give it to Dark Dart again?】

【However, he couldn't just watch the Dragon God in such pain.】

【"Xiaodu, I can still continue to fight, but I absolutely cannot leave my kindness to Dark Dar"】

【"As long as you have a kind heart, you will not lose to Dark Dar"】

【At this moment, the tortured Dragon God is still giving Xiaodu confidence】

【Seeing the tortured Dragon God, Zhan Budu finally couldn't help it.】

【The Dragon God is his fighting partner】

【experienced so many adventures】

【Even if he loses his kindness, Xiaodu doesn't want to see Longshenhao in such pain】

【Compared to the Dragon God, what is my own kindness?】

【Gritting his teeth, Xiaodu made a decision】

【"Stop it, Darkda"】

【"Stop torturing Dragon God, I will give you my kindness"】

【"Dragon God is my partner"】

【"Even if I lose my kindness, Dragon God will still be by my side"】

【"Because, Dragon God is my kindness"】

【This sincere"confession""】

【Dragon God can personally experience Xiaodu’s kindness】

【The pain of being tortured by Darkness is gone】

【"Xiaodu, you are also my kind heart"】

【Under countless shocked looks】

【The whole body of the Super Demonic God Dragon God exudes dazzling light】

【All of Darka's attacks are annihilated by the magical light】


【A huge brave man appeared in everyone's sight】

【The little savior Xiaodu is sitting on the shoulders of giants】

【The exact form of the Dragon God】

【The brave man who once guarded Sokai Mountain-Ryujinmaru】

【Ancient Dragon God】

【The appearance of the Ancient Dragon God sent the entire Chuangjie Mountain into shock.】

【This ancient dragon god only exists in history】

【This time, he really appeared in everyone's sight】

【The Ancient Dragon God stands tall and tall】

【Wearing a blue cloak and carrying a golden sword on his back】

【This is the form that everyone looks up to】

【Even the Demon King Dark Dark is far behind him.】

【With the appearance of the Ancient Dragon God, everyone in Chuangjie Mountain can feel the justice and peace】

【This is absolute power, absolute protection】

【People from the demon world cannot get involved at all】

【Save and protect the true god of Chuangjie Mountain: the Ancient Dragon God】

【Under Xiaodu's shocked eyes, the domineering voice of the Ancient Dragon God came out.】

【"Young man with a kind heart, I have felt your heart, let us fight side by side"】

【"Evil things, leave this holy land immediately"】

【Hear the domineering words of the ancient Dragon God and feel this absolutely powerful power】

【Demon King Dark Da is finally panicking】

【"Damn it, why did it become like this?"】

【Between heaven and earth, the ancient Dragon God holds a golden sword in both hands】

【Just like the Dragon God's sure kill - Climbing Dragon Sword】

【This sword can cut through eternity. 】

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