
"These stupid humans seem to be doomed."

Xiao Di shook his head, feeling quite regretful. It would be better to leave it to him than to die.

In this way, the scale of the farm can be expanded, and there will be no shortage of materials to study magic scrolls.

"The blue-eyed devil is pretty good, he must be a good fighter."

"It seems like we need to study other demons....".........

Accelerate the world. dark nebula

"Are these people still in a good condition to fight?"

Haruyuki looked at the swaying players worriedly, wondering how tired they were to become like this. There are not many of them to begin with. If they continue to be consumed like this, how many of them will be left alive?

Let alone clear the level by then. , it is possible to stay here even for a lifetime!

"Haruyuki, our legion will never allow such a stupid person to join!"

This kind of person will definitely affect other people in the team, knowing that they don't have that kind of strength, but they still force themselves in!

How did you come up with this self-destructive behavior!

This is not a house game, but a real one. world!.........

Sword Art Online World

"Remove that idiot's command authority!"

"Who arranged for him to do this?"

The players in the army were suddenly furious. This was an obvious act of giving away people's lives.

"I did nothing wrong. We are here to liberate the players of Aincrad...."

Cobats was furious when he saw that his duties were relieved. What was wrong with him?

He thinks that the army will fight to the end like a tireless machine!

However, this is just his wishful thinking. Most players are ordinary people and naturally do not have such a strong will...........

【Screen continues】

【Klein led Feng Linshan and Kirito to form a team to clear monsters....】

【They thought that the people in the army would retreat, but when they approached the boss's room, they heard screams....】

【Everyone hurried over...】

【Before rushing there, Klein asked Asuna to take care of Kirito. That guy only knows how to fight, which is too worrying....】

【Asuna responded to Klein with a smile on her face, she would never let Kirito go....】.........

Asuna blushed and stopped. The kitchen knife in her hand fell to the ground and disappeared into a point of light....

"Why is this even released!"

"Will I say such shameful words in the future?..."

The aloof image is gone forever...

Doesn't this look like a girl in love?

She looked at Grandpa Tong in the distance, fearing that he would notice something.

But he didn't react at all. Instead, he quickly left her sight....

"That fool!"

Asuna's cheeks were bulging with anger, her brows were curved into crescents, and she kept stamping her feet in place. In the distance, Grandpa Tong breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that she didn't rush towards her. Fortunately, his agility was high enough!

Tong! Grandpa went directly to Akiel's grocery store and planned to hide for a while....

However, he forgot that he was being followed by Asuna's friend...........

【in the screen】

【Kirito and Asuna quickly rushed to the door...】

【Several military players in the boss room have fallen to the ground, motionless, and their blood lines have dropped to the lowest level....】

【Every time the blue-eyed demon swings, it creates wind pressure, sweeping over the players....】

【"what are you doing! Use the transfer crystal quickly!"】

【Kirito shouted anxiously, in this state, why don't you leave with crystal?...】

【The players shouted in horror, unable to use the transfer crystal. This has never happened before!】

【"There is no retreat for our island nation’s troops!"】

【"fighting! Continue fighting!!!"】

【Cobats pointed his sword at the devil, and even the monsters wanted him to retreat. This was absolutely impossible!】

【"Give everyone a thrust!!!"】


【The players rushed forward desperately...】


【The blue-eyed demon spewed purple energy waves from its mouth, and the strong storm overwhelmed everyone!】


【The big sword instantly cut open Kurtz's chest, and he flew out like a kite with a broken string....】


【"Hello! Cheer up!"】

【Kurtz's helmet shattered, revealing tears of reluctance, muttering in his mouth that it was impossible, he had given it in vain....】

【Then, it vanished into nothing...】.........

Inside the 74th floor maze.

The blue-eyed demon looked at the dead Kurtz with disdain. Still want to challenge it like this?

Not a single human being can leave today!

They will all lose their lives here and become the dead souls under its sword!

"bring it on! Swordsman in black! Let me see how strong you are!"

Apostate:"Brother, please teach him how to be a good man, and be sure to chop him into pieces!"

Binglong:"As expected of Big Brother Blue Eyes, it seems that the revenge of the broken arm will finally be avenged!"..........

【in the screen】

【Asuna couldn't accept that someone died in front of her. She trembled and wanted to draw her sword, but was unable to act due to fear....】

【"No...don't want..."】

【Those players who had no ability to resist screamed in terror and collapsed as weakly as babies....】


【The moment the blue-eyed demon dropped his butcher knife, Asuna roared and rushed forward with her sword drawn....】


【Kirito saw her rushing in and hurriedly followed. Klein gave up thinking and followed....】

【The fierce sword skills were like flashes of light, falling quickly on the back of the blue-eyed demon...】


【Although the blue-eyed demon is huge, he is extremely fast and agile....】

【The weight of the big sword was accompanied by the momentum caused by the swing, and he faced Asuna in an instant and punched out fiercely....】

【Asuna rolled several times on the ground, her whole body paralyzed and temporarily unable to move....】

【The blue-eyed demon roared and slashed down. At this critical moment, Kirito swung his sword and slashed away from its attack range....】


【Several meters of cracks were made on the ground by the sword....】

【"Back off!"】

【Asuna stood up and quickly left its attack range....】

【Klein took the opportunity to save the weak army players...】


【The blue-eyed demon was so angry that he actually saved people in front of it and didn't even take it seriously!】

【The purple ball of light condensed in his mouth again, but Kirito behind him slashed him across the waist with a sword....】

【Severe pain hit him, and the blue-eyed demon turned to face Kirito...】

【The great sword and the interpreter kept colliding, causing sparks to fly...】


【The speed between them is getting faster and faster. The sweat on Kirito's face keeps dripping, and his body has been cut several times....】

【"Continue like this..."】

【Kirito understood that if he continued to fight, he would definitely suffer a disastrous defeat....】

【"Kirito x2!"】

【Kirito used all his strength to flick away the sword that was pressing on his head, jumped with all his strength, and retreated several meters away....】

【Looking at the injured players around them, Asuna and Klein knew that they could no longer hide their clumsiness and it was time to use their trump card!】

【"Asuna, Klein, please! Help me hold on for ten seconds!"】........

"Hahaha, what can I do if I give you ten thousand seconds!"

The blue-eyed demon looked at Kirito with disdain. It's not unfair to fight with it and it's already dead!

No matter what kind of resistance, the final outcome is the same!

That is death!

The mood of the bosses suddenly became better. A lot, let him be arrogant again!

Not only the monsters are like this, but even those who were arrested by Kirito and are unhappy with him are like this

"This guy is finally going to die!"

"What a joy!"

"What kind of cheater is nothing in front of the blue-eyed devil!"

"Now the great revenge I have been waiting for will finally be avenged!"

Those people in the prison started dancing happily!

Unlike them, there are countless people who really hope that Kirito will win!

Lisbeth Weapon Shop

"Don’t take it with you...Kirito's move is very powerful, he can definitely defeat it!"

Liz clasped her hands together, praying for Kirito to win!

The Dark Chaser they had worked so hard to build has not yet been used!

"Come on! Oni-chan!"

"Mr. Kirito, you will be fine!"

Asuna clasped her hands, her eyes burning....

"Kirito-kun...I trust you!"

The leader of the Blood Alliance Knights looked at him quietly....

"Show your sword skills to the world..."


【in the screen】

【Kirito quickly adjusted his weapon. In just ten seconds,...】

【Klein and Asuna were beaten and retreated, and their health levels dropped rapidly....】

【Even ten seconds is something they must use all means to get!】

【"alright! That’s it!"】


【Kirito quickly took over Asuna's position and stretched his empty left hand behind him....】

【The Dark Chaser appeared behind him, Kirito pulled it out instantly, and the inexplicable power exploded instantly!】


【The Dark Chaser struck the blue-eyed demon in the chest with a knife, causing huge damage to him....】


【The blue-eyed demon spits out red dots of light like blood....】

【Kirito holds two swords, his eyes are sharp, and the surroundings are surrounded by the sword energy, making a buzzing sound....】

【The blue-eyed demon slashed down hard, Kirito crossed his swords above his head to block the blow....】


【The collision of two extremely strong forces caused the airflow on the ground to erupt upward!】


【Kirito relied on the power of his two swords to forcefully deflect the sword away, roaring in the name of his sword skills!】

【——Starburst stream——】

【This is a veritable high-level skill of the Two-Sword Style!】


【The two knives swiped across the blue-eyed demon's chest as fast as lightning, without even giving it a chance to react!】


【The blue-eyed demon screamed, no longer as invincible as before, and its blood was constantly bursting out!】

【The surrounding players were stunned and couldn't see their attack clearly. This was too far ahead of them!】

【Kirito is not on the same level as them at all!】

【So powerful that it suffocates them!】

【The battle between the blue-eyed demon and Kirito reached a climax, with both sides constantly leaving sword marks on each other's bodies!】

【"hurry up!"】

【"Hurry up!!!"】


【Kirito hit sixteen consecutive hits! He has already reached the extreme speed of his sword skills, but he wants to become faster, but at this moment, the blue-eyed demon captures the interpreter!】


【The Dark Chaser emits the ultimate light, piercing the blue-eyed demon like a shooting star....】

【The same blue-eyed demon stabbed Kirito with his sword at the risk of his life....】

【a moment later...】


【The blue-eyed demon turned into particles of light and disappeared in this room...】

【With only the last drop of blood left, Kirito stood quietly....】

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