Over-lord world.

Inside the Great Tomb of Nazarick

"Hamsuke's martial arts skills are quite good....It seems that learning is still effective!"

Ainz held his chin, slightly happy.

Hamsuke can learn martial arts, which means that the entire Great Tomb can be improved!

Their level limit of 100 levels may be broken through this!

But this Eruya should not be able to defeat The warrior couldn't even sustain Hamsuke's moves!

"Well done Hamsuke! What reward do you want!"

Ainz stared at Hamsuke lying down below, becoming more and more satisfied. This pet has done quite well!

"I want to find similar species that can reproduce and reproduce..."

Hamsuke lowered his head and kept turning his big black eyes. This was her biggest wish as a living thing!

Ainz's jaw was dislocated on the spot. There was nothing he could do about this reward....

"Understood! If I can find it, I will definitely bring it back to you!"

When Hamsuke heard this, he was so happy!

I really look forward to this day coming soon!

"Aura, go to the empire and bring those elves back...Remember to be careful and come back immediately if you encounter a crisis!"

Ainz didn't expect to see elves in the empire. They might know where the kingdom of elves is....

Aura nodded and left quickly...It was also the first time she saw an elf other than her silly brother!

Feeling excited to meet other children...

In the empire, Eruya was hiding in a dark alley. His body was soaked in black sludge and he was in a miserable state, as if he had been wandering for decades....

"These bastard elves! How dare you not treat me!"

Elya's ferocious expression was as ugly as a demon!

He blamed all his failures and faults on the elves!

It must have been because they did not treat him that led to his defeat!

He gradually became paralyzed. Overcoming his own will, he stood up slowly, picked up the long sword, and walked out of the alley with murderous intent on his face....

"Bastards! It seems that cutting off your ears is not enough!"............

【Screen continues】

【The boundless starry sky, the light of the stars shines on the four counselors...】

【The four counselors looked at the empty duel field and could feel the inexplicable pressure around them, making them nervous unconsciously!】

【Suddenly, a loud voice echoed throughout the duel field!】

【"The idiots who invaded the Great Tomb of Nazarick!"】

【Aura appeared in front of them with a microphone in hand. Regardless of their confused expressions, she introduced the two sides of this duel!】

【The Four Advisors VS Ainz Ooal Gown!!!】

【This is the real hidden jackpot inside the Great Tomb!】

【There are very few opportunities for ordinary adventurers to fight against truly powerful people. It’s just that the price is a bit high, and you need to pay for it with your own life....】...........

In the empire, the faces of the four counselors suddenly collapsed....

It’s okay if you don’t want this big prize!

When they fight against the owner of the big tomb, aren't they seeking death among others?! but...They seem to be much better than the Heavy Crusher team.

Heavy Crusher:"Are you polite?"

They'd rather wish for a painless death! I don’t want to face the Terror Lord and the torturer either!

After all, you don’t have to be tortured to death, right?...At least before Ainz...etc....Sister Funny seems to be having a rather painful burp!

Funny Sister:"Comparison? That's quite painful!"...........

【Screen continues】

【Ainz walked up to them in his pajamas, his condescending aura pressing down on them like an overwhelming force....】

【The four counselors were so shocked that they broke out in cold sweat, but they did not feel any particularly terrifying power in Ainz, and they felt a little more relaxed....】

【At least to this extent, a few people can handle it with cooperation!】

【Hekkeran, the captain of the Death Council, walked up to Ainz and apologized to him for entering the Great Tomb without permission....】

【and are willing to pay appropriate remuneration and apology....】

【However, Ainz just refused coldly....】

【Hekkeran then said that he only entered the large tomb with the permission of Ainz's friends!】

【When Ainz heard that he was a companion, he was a little stunned. How could this be possible?...But what if it's true?】

【Hekkeran's next description is somewhat consistent with Bubble Teapot and Kuro Kuro....Of the forty-one people, they are the only ones who are slippery...】

【"So...What words did he bring?"】

【Hekkeran's nervous heart almost jumped into his throat, and he bravely said that he came to say hello....】

【And this obvious lie perfectly stepped into a minefield!】

【They shouldn't use their companion's name to deceive Ainz!】

【At this moment, they will surely suffer the most painful torture, and death will be a luxury for them!】...........

Hekkeran:"I'm sorry....It was me who harmed everyone..."

He also didn’t expect that he in the future would deceive Ainz with the most unspeakable words....

Imina:"You have tried your best...At least the Supreme was shaken!"

If it were her, she would never think of using Ainz's companions to gain a chance of survival.

Robatiku:"Fortunately, this is a scene from the future....Otherwise, we might have entered the big tomb by now!

Arshay:"It's all my fault for asking everyone to follow me."..."

If she hadn't suggested exploring the tomb, they wouldn't have died....

And she just wants money...

In the original world.

Peroroncino:"It would be great if this guy told the truth and died more happily..."

Kuro Kuro:"I shouldn't have used slime as an alien!"

Bubble Teapot:"It feels so slippery~"

Jian Yulei:"Besides the Terror Lord and the Torture Officer, what else can be better than these two places? Are there any scary places?"

Ulbert:"There seem to be a few more places....Looks like a nest...Who created this?"

Taqimi:"I declare this in advance! I only created Sebas! Other perversions have nothing to do with me! Ye

Wuzi:"Me too, not as perverted as Ulbert!""


Second Style Flame Thunder:"It's the same below...."

Red bean-wrapped mochi:"That...It seems Genjiro is the one who likes to create insects!"


He doesn't take the blame for this, he only recognizes Spider Girl!

Other insects have nothing to do with him!

Blue Planet:"The scenery on the sixth floor is really beautiful. It was indeed designed by me!"

All Supreme Beings:"......"

As expected, you are still the one who loves nature the most!...........

【Screen continues】

【Ainz went completely berserk! The spirit of despair spurted out from the body, and the majestic momentum swept the entire duel field!】

【"you...You scum!!!"】

【Ainz was furious! Anger rushed straight to Tianling Gai, and even forced calmness could not suppress the anger in his heart at this moment!】


【Green light kept emerging, trying its best to calm Ainz down....】

【Finally, under the suppression of the green light, Ainz returned to normal....】

【Green Light:"It's so difficult for me..."】

【Ainz regained his composure and looked at the four counselors indifferently, planning to defeat them using the same method he used to deal with thieves!】

【He pulled off his clothes handsomely, which was extremely revealing!】...........

"I can see that the green light has been purified so much that I'm almost exhausted...."

"Ainz's anger was beyond imagination. He could only blame these people for touching his bottom line...."

"In other words, Ainz really has nothing but bones...."

Countless people looked at this scene with regret, expecting to see something different between Ainz and other undead!

Now it seems that the undead all look the same!

This is really nonsense....Poor Albedo..............

【Screen continues】

【The four counselors have been completely confused by Ainz and are at a loss....I don't understand what's going on now....】

【One moment he is furious, the other moment he is calm...What's going on?】

【However, Ainz ignored them, stared at the four of them with cold eyes, and said calmly:"Aren't you coming? Then...I am coming!"】

【Ainz rushed forward, raised his sword and slashed at Hekkeran!】

【Hekkeran raised his sword to resist, retreated, and shouted:"Martial skill - double sword slash!"】

【The cross blade formed by the two swords struck Ainz, but was blocked by his shield and turned into a point of light and dissipated!】

【Arshe kept looking for opportunities from the side, condensed the magic circle, and instantly released three magic light arrows!】

【At the same time, Robatiku added a low-level agility BUFF to Hekkeran from the front!】


【The three magic light arrows landed on Ainz and dissipated immediately, like marshmallows in water, without any ripples....】

【Hekkeran took the opportunity to swing his sword from below, but Ainz easily saw through it and kicked him away!】

【Isna attacked from a distance and fired several arrows in succession, which were easily blocked by Ainz's shield....】

【The four of them cooperated closely and released skills one after another, but they were still unable to break through Ainz's defense....】

【This made their mood sink to the bottom...】

【This undead is a bit ridiculously strong!】

【Ainz smiled contemptuously and put away his magic weapon, his scarlet eyeballs glowing....】

【"Come on horseback! Humanity!!!"】

【At this moment, Ainz will face them with his strongest stance! As a magic chanter!】

【Let them understand how huge the real strength gap is! 】

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