A world from scratch

"The blood volume of this great storm demon vortex is too thick...."

Natsuki Ang couldn't help but feel his scalp numb. Even such a powerful Rimuru couldn't solve it....

And it only received 30% damage...

Even the white whale is not so resistant...

"Beluga whales look small and cute in comparison...."

Yulius clenched the sword in his hand. Even if he faced the Great Storm Demon Vortex, he would only end up being torn into pieces....

If that kind of monster appears in this world, I'm afraid only Lai Aotian can defeat it!.........

【Screen continues】

【After a long battle, Rimuru's men had suffered considerable injuries....】

【However, they did not stop. They understood that once the scales on the surface of the Great Storm Demon Vortex were restored,...Then all their hard work for so long will be in vain!】

【So they will never give up!】

【Rimuru turned to look at the Great Storm Demon Vortex, only to see it staring at him, as if it was taunting him....】

【"Damn Milim!!!"】

【Suddenly, the Great Storm Demon Vortex spoke....It shouldn't have much wisdom...】

【Rimuru was stunned and his pupils shrank. It just said Milim...Right!】

【Under the analysis of the Great Sage, the host of the Great Storm Demon Vortex has strong anger towards Milim!】

【Rimuru held his arms, raised his index finger and tapped his cheek, thinking constantly....】

【So, the Great Storm Demonic Vortex is here to find Milim, right?...Rimuru thought he was here to find him....】

【Doesn’t the Great Storm Demonic Vortex have nothing to do with him?!】

【Then why are they working so hard to make a hammer?!】.........

Reincarnation in the Slime World

"Yeah~ I really thought too much at that time!"

Rimuru collapsed on Lanya's back, his face filled with a sense of lazy comfort....

At that time, when he was fighting the big demon vortex of the storm, he was very worried.

They tried their best to attack but only lost 30% of their health....

"Rimuru-sensei, you don’t want Milim to do it, do you?..."

Kenta jumped in front of the Moe King, seemingly aware of his next intention....


The cute king suddenly choked. Is his intention that obvious?.........

【Screen continues】

【Rimuru looked at Milim who was sleeping like a pig under the shade of the tree....】

【Just give the Great Storm Demon Vortex to Milim....】


【Rimuru woke up the sleeping Milim....】

【Milim hurriedly opened her eyes, sat up, looked obedient, and subconsciously wiped the saliva from the corner of her mouth....】

【"I didn't sleep! Awake!"】

【Rimuru spread his hands and didn't care about it....Instead, he pointed at the big storm demon vortex behind him....】

【This guy actually came to see her...】


【Through her dragon eyes, Milim instantly discovered that the host of the Great Storm Demonic Vortex was Phoebio, whom she had beaten up before....】

【So~ she can take action, right?】

【Rimuru nodded. After all, it was Milim's guest....】

【He can now hand over this difficult opponent to Milim in a clear and logical manner....】

【However, Phobio is the subordinate of Demon King Kalion after all, so Rimuru wanted Milim not to kill it all at once....】

【"Wa hahaha! What a joke! I have recently learned to show mercy!"】

【Milim put her hands on her hips and showed an innocent smile...She has carefully learned how to weaken the power of skills!】.........

Reincarnation in the Slime World

"Just kidding! The tyrant would actually show mercy?"

"Absolutely impossible! She would definitely burn that area to the ground!"

Many strong men could not believe that the tyrant actually listened to that slime.....

Countries that want to annex the Monster Kingdom have dark faces....

With such a terrifying demon king willing to help the cute king, who else can invade the monster kingdom at will?!

Kingdom of Farms

"Why don't we go back?..."

The king was so frightened that his calves were weak. He didn't want to die in the outside world...

Why did he have the idea of ​​attacking the monster country in the first place?!

"Don't worry, Your Majesty! This time we will succeed!"

Resim comforted the king. This time he got the exact news!

The slime and the tyrant are not in Rimuru City!

They have every chance to take it down!.........

【Screen continues】

【Rimuru feels a little bad...Milim's words of mercy made him very concerned....】

【But in this situation, I can only leave it to her first....】

【Rimuru asked everyone who was dealing damage to leave the Great Storm Demon Vortex....】

【At the scene, only the Great Storm Demon Vortex and Milim were left....】

【"Hungry oh oh!!! milly...Milim!!!"】

【Even though Phobio was devoured, it could not forget the humiliation the Demon King had done to him!】


【The eyes of the Great Storm Demon Vortex emitted an extremely red light, and the endless scales rushed towards Milim very quickly!】

【"I've seen this move before~ It's your turn to learn my true skills!"】

【Milim smiled flatly and stretched her hands into the air...】

【In an instant!】

【The scales that were moving at high speed stopped instantly and just stayed in the air!】

【"This is showing mercy!!!"】

【Milim put her hands together, and a point of light quickly condensed in the center. The blue-white light was as bright as starlight!】

【"Dragon Star Diffusion Cannon!!!"】

【I saw several laser beams shot out from the palm of her hand, and the blue-white light enveloped the stormy demon vortex!】

【next moment!】


【A shocking explosion sounded in the air, and endless fire destroyed everything around it like a doomsday!】

【Rimuru below stared blankly at the explosion that filled the sky. Even in a safe area, he could feel the devastating impact!】

【Is this what Milim calls mercy?!】

【This caused their ten-hour-long storm demon vortex to be blown to pieces, and Phoebio's body also flew out of the smoke....】

【Rimuru quickly flew into the air and picked up the cooked Fbio...】

【"Very good showing mercy~"】

【Milim grinned and stretched out her hand to make a scissors gesture....】

【The fact that Phoebio didn't burp is her greatest mercy!】.........

Over-Lord World

"hiss...Is this still the power of control?..."

"This skill alone already surpasses super magic!"

Lao Gu's jaw dropped in shock. Milim's casual blow was so terrifying....

If she was serious, the entire Jula Forest might be razed to the ground!

He truly deserves to be a natural disaster level demon king!.........

【Screen continues】

【Rimuru used the Metamorphosis skill to separate the demonic core of the Great Storm Demon Vortex from Phoebio's body....】

【And use the skill Gluttonous to devour the magic core...】

【Afterwards, Benimaru threw a shot at Fubio....healing potion...】

【Rimuru turned to look at Delph and thanked the Tianxiang Knights for their assistance....】

【But Knight Commander Delph shook his head. Their attacks were not painful to the Great Storm Demon Vortex!】

【The one who really solved it was the pink girl with twin tails in front of me...】

【"actually...She is Demon King Milim..."】

【Rimuru had no choice but to tell the truth, it was impossible to hide it...】

【But the knight commander didn't believe it, thinking that she was Rimuru's secret weapon!】.........

Reincarnation in the world of Lyme. dwarf country

"At first I really couldn't believe that that little girl was a tyrant..."

Delph still has no real feeling until now...He actually had such close contact with the tyrant...

In his impression, the natural disaster tyrant is a super natural disaster who does whatever he wants and destroys everywhere!

But at that time, there was such a cute and cute girl standing in front of him...

No matter what, he couldn't make Milim's figure coincide with that of the tyrant Demon King.............

【Screen continues】

【After Phoebio regained consciousness, he regretted his foolish behavior....】

【If Milim brings a natural disaster to the Beast Kingdom because of her actions, no one will be able to withstand her wrath....】

【Then he is the biggest sinner in the Beast Kingdom!】

【Under the cross-examination of the Dryad sisters, Phoebio told the story of two demons wearing clown masks....】

【And they should be related to the demons who appeared before...】

【Milim thinks that these are most likely Clayman's conspiracy, because what he likes to do most is to do conspiracies....】

【Phoebio knelt on the ground, terrified, hoping to be forgiven by them...】

【Rimuru twisted Shi's head and warned him not to be fooled next time....What a simple child...】

【At this time, the devil Carion appeared in front of everyone and slapped Phoebio's head into the ground....】

【He also promised Rimuru that the Beast Kingdom would never take action against the Monster Kingdom from now on! 】

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