Mobile Man World

"That's great. Rimuru is fine...."

Linze breathed a long sigh of relief. When she saw the cute king being pierced by a sword, her heart almost rose to her throat....

She likes Rimuru very much...Naturally, I don’t want to see him die either....

Since the appearance of the cute king, she is no longer afraid of slimes, but is devoted to the light blue slimes....

But the slimes in this world are too slim....

"Linze...How about I catch a slime for you to raise?..."

Mobile phone man Dongye saw that Linze was looking for slimes recently....

"Touya-kun...I do not need!"

Because what you can't get is always the best.... winter night:"???"

This makes him look cheap............

Naruto world

"As expected, my multiple shadow clone technique is the strongest!"

Naruto shouted excitedly, dancing on the spot!

If Rimuru can use his multiple shadow clones to become an endless slime...

That scene must be very shocking, and Hinata might also be swallowed by him!

"Idiot Naruda! He only used this clone for running!"

"He has no power to resist against the strong!"

Er Zhuzhu curled his lips, this guy is so happy here!.........

A world starting from scratch.

Roswaal Mansion

"Unexpectedly, even the hero didn't notice Rimuru's clone...."

"It's really a handsome guy's move...."

486 I didn’t expect that the cute king would use his clone to avoid such a powerful blow from Hinata....

If it were Lai Aotian, he would definitely be deceived by this clone trick............. over-lord world

"It's a pity that I don't have any skills like clones..."

"Otherwise, I will never leave the Great Tomb of Nazarik!"

Old Bones does not have the ability to create clones. Only Shalltear has such a special skill....

The power of Hinata's skills is the same as Super Position, and it even does more damage to monsters!

If it were him, he would probably be severely injured by this move....

He truly deserves to be the strongest paladin in the West!.........

Reincarnate into the slime world. central city

"Very good! Rimuru-sama is okay!"

"I believe he will not lose to Hinata so easily!"

"Scared me!"

The little brother patted his chest reassuringly and let out a long sigh of relief....Soothe the racing heart...

But just as he calmed down, Shion's sword slammed into the ground! boom!!!

The little brother's calm heart shrank again. He was so frightened that he almost rolled his eyes and sent it directly....

"Bastard Hinata! How dare you treat Rimuru-sama like this! I will never forgive her!!!"

Shion was furious at this moment, and the anger in her heart was burning like a flame!

She would never allow anyone to treat Lord Rimuru like this!

"Ziyuan, be quiet....Rimuru-sama is okay..."

Zhu Na patted her back, but her tone was not as gentle as before, and her lovely face was full of haze...The surrounding air has become cold...


Ziyuan clenched the sword in her hand, suppressing the anger in her heart, but the killing intent in her eyes did not diminish at all!

Not just her, but other people around her too...They can't stand their masters being treated like this by humans...

"Lord Rimuru...what should we do..."

Benimaru lowered his head, feeling a little confused....

They followed Lord Rimuru's orders and did not attack humans....

But now humans are taking the lead in attacking them............

【Screen continues】

【Three people from another world appear in Rimrun...They are quite dissatisfied with the fact that monsters can walk on the streets...】

【And they are the people from another world in the Kingdom of Farmus, and they are here to find a reason to start a war with the Kingdom of Monsters!】

【One of the women, named Xixing, walked up to Gobuzang, pretended to be attacked, and shouted loudly....】

【Gobuzang looked confused, it didn't touch her at all....】

【But Xixing kept attracting people around him with his words....】

【Her unique skill of Crazy Words allows others to believe her words and act according to her consciousness....】

【Soon, the people around him were affected by the skills and became more and more hostile towards Gobuzang....】

【Gobuzang panicked, he didn't know what to do...Just then, the little brother appeared next to it...】

【The little brother looked at Xixing with disdain, because of her poor figure...Don’t look down on Gobuzang!】

【It likes people like Ziyuan!】

【The little brother reversed the tense atmosphere through ridicule and the trust of the people around him....】

【But these words directly caused Xixing to completely break her guard. She was actually ridiculed by a mere goblin?!】

【"Go to hell!!!"】

【Xixing pointed ferociously at his little brother and used the power of the kyogen master...】

【But...nothing happened...Instead, it made the people around burst into laughter....】

【The little brother looked at this idiot blankly, what are he doing?...】

【At this time, Shuna and Shion came to the trio...Xixing’s ability to control people through brain waves is prohibited from being used in this country!】

【Xixing was horrified. Zhuna could actually neutralize her skills?!】

【Zhu Na is simply a monster in her eyes!!!】..........

Kingdom of Farms

"This bastard! How embarrassing it is for me!!!"

"Just a scum goblin!"

"Damn it! I want it to die ten thousand times!"

Xixing angrily yelled at the little brother in the light screen!

But when she looked at Zhu Cai, a trace of fear appeared on her face....

The kyogen master she was so proud of was actually banned by her right away!

What a shame!

"Hahaha! You will also be ridiculed~"

Shogo kept laughing and patting his legs, tears almost coming out of his eyes....

"Why are you laughing? You can't defeat those monsters!!!"Xixing's veins popped up on his forehead, and he roared in great displeasure.

"Do not worry...Lord Razan told us...As long as there is a barrier, monsters are no threat!"

Kyouya narrowed his eyes slightly, he has considerable confidence in the barrier!..........

【Screen continues】

【Shogo and Kyouya in the trio no longer intend to hide their brother-like strength!】

【Shion looked at Shogo with disgust. The look in this guy's eyes made him extremely unhappy. As long as he didn't kill him...You can always give him a good beating, right?...】

【Kyouya drew out his sword, looking relaxed and content, as if everything was under their control....】


【Kyouya laughed wildly and used his unique skill - Sky Eye!】

【As long as he has the help of his heavenly eye, even that old woman Hinata is no match for him!】

【Kyouya looks like he is invincible and no one can stand up to him!】

【In the blink of an eye, the two sides fought together!】

【But suddenly, two barriers appeared in the sky...】

【It was as if the power in Little Brother and Ziyuan's bodies had been taken away....】

【Soon, the little brother fell into a disadvantage...Beaten and bruised all over...】

【"Give me Sinai quickly!"】

【Kyouya's sword struck the little brother's head....】


【Bai Lao appeared in time, blocked Kyouya's sword, and saved the little brother...】

【"Stinky old man!!!"】

【Kyouya was extremely furious that the opponent could block his sword, and glared at Shiro...】

【"Let me deal with you on behalf of the incompetent disciple!"】

【Bai Lao looked directly at Kyouya with a solemn expression....】

【Because of the barrier, Bai Lao's power cannot be truly exerted....】

【But more importantly...Because Rimuru once said that he likes humans...As a result, Bai Lao and the others did not use all their strength to resist....】


【Bai Lao's abdomen was cut open by Kyoya's sword, and the blood gradually dyed his clothes red...】

【On the other hand, Shion was constantly suppressed by Shogo, but Shion's ability to resist was beyond his imagination, and he could not defeat her for a long time....】

【In order to expose Shion's vulnerability, Shogo turned around and attacked the monsters. Shion had to block Shogo's attack with his body....】

【Not only that, Falcon, the knight commander of the Kingdom of Farmus, massacred the residents of the Monster Kingdom under the guise of helping humans avoid being poisoned by monsters!】

【The flames of war burned the city, and Ziyuan desperately stopped them....】

【But she herself was extremely weak...】

【The Kingdom of Monsters is suffering from an unprecedented disaster...】......... inside the maze

"These bastards really took action!!!"

"Farmus Kingdom?...I will never let you go!"

Rimuru looked extremely ferocious, and an angry breath burst out from his body, filling the entire goblin house. The bad premonition in his heart came true....

At this moment, he wished he could fly back immediately...

"It's all my fault...It’s all my fault for thinking too simply..."

Rimuru half-knelt on the ground weakly. He should not have restricted the monsters' knowledge of humans in the first place....

It was all because of his naivety that put Shion and the others in such danger....

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