Pirate world.

On an island somewhere.

Garp and Sengoku, who have retired, are fishing leisurely and living their old age like salted fish....

"Cap, we are really old..."

Sengoku's brain could no longer keep up with the thinking of people from another world.

The various skills that appear one after another are simply more terrifying than the Devil Fruit.

Rimuru's King of Gluttony is enough to devour strong men like them in an instant, and even his armed Haki cannot defend him.

Not to mention the King of Wisdom, who can scheme against them completely

"Aren't you talking nonsense?"

"Look how white your hair is!"

Garp buttoned his nose. It seems that this old guy's self-confidence has been hit again....

But it’s no wonder, the skills from another world are very powerful!

But that doesn’t mean they will admit defeat, the Navy’s fighting style is not weak either!........

The world of the wise man's grandson

"Isn’t this King of Gluttony a bit outrageous?..."

"Swallowed such a big ball of energy?!"

Sean gasped in shock. The King of Gluttony's abilities were far beyond his imagination!

Originally, he thought he could rub nuclear bombs in his hands and walk sideways in another world....

But the King of Gluttony completely changed his perception...

No matter how powerful your magic is, it's meaningless if you don't release it....

"Should I pursue other magic?"

Sean felt more and more that he needed that unreasonable skill....

Rubbing nuclear bombs with your hands suddenly no longer smells good..........

Demon King Brave World

"What a sad ending..."

The brave man seemed to have thought of something and couldn't help but hold the devil's hand tightly, as if he was afraid of losing her.

"This is all his own fault!"

"Brave! You don't have to feel bad!"

The Demon King looked at the brave man's face seriously, completely forgetting that he was also a Demon King who was feared by humans....

However, she is more concerned about the hero's mood...

"You should pay more attention to yourself!"

The brave man frowned and lowered his head in front of her, his expression extremely serious....

If humans knew that the devil was farming...I'm afraid it will cause quite a stir!

"I...I got it!"

The devil turned his head to the side in panic, his cheeks slightly red....

Why have brave men become so bold recently!

She's not like Clayman...What a tragic ending!

Because the brave is by her side!........

Reincarnate into the slime world.

French Empire

"What a joyless farce!"

Luminas curled her silver hair with her fingers in boredom. She didn't see that the second dragon was deflated, and she was in a very unhappy mood....

"Um?! etc....That stupid dragon won't expose me, right?..."

Lumina stood up suddenly and knocked the ice coffin away....

If her true identity is exposed...

"Stupid dragon! Evil dragon! The second dragon!"

"can't see me...can't see me..."

Luminas can only pray like this now...........

【Screen continues】

【Guy and other demon kings witnessed the entire process of Rimuru's crusade against Clayman....】

【Naturally, I agree that Rimuru calls himself the Demon King....】

【"I originally thought that a lowly slime was not worthy of becoming a demon king...."】

【Demon King Valentine expressed his humble opinion in a low voice...】

【After all, anyone who thinks of slime thinks that it is a slimy, unconscious monster of the lowest level....】

【But now there is a monster of the lowest level, who has become the Demon King...This is amazing!】

【"Wow haha! Boy! How dare you insult my friend?"】

【Zhong Erlong's whole body erupted with dazzling golden flames, with an arrogant look....】

【"Hello! Milus! Your follower deserves a beating!"】

【Zhong Erlong turned to the cold girl wearing a maid sitting on the side, but was retorted by the maid. She was just an ordinary maid....】

【"Valentin worked very hard to hide the identity of the maid~"】

【"You can't say that~"】

【Milim smiled and said it loudly...】

【The two conspired loudly, revealing the maid's true identity....】

【She is the real devil!】


【The maid smacked her tongue in dissatisfaction and glared at Zhong Erlong with a slightly displeased look!】

【Has he even forgotten his real name?】

【Have you forgotten the stupid things you did before?】

【"Isn't it Milusi? Could it be...Louise?"】

【Zhong Erlong said several names one after another...】

【The anger on the maid's face was visible to the naked eye, making her delicate body tremble with anger. This evil dragon was really good at making her angry!】........

Holy French Empire.

The whole country froze upon hearing the name...


Isn’t that the name of the god they believe in?...

But why their gods...It's the devil...

At this moment, countless people were confused...

"Haha, I heard the impossible reality..."

"God Luminas is the devil or something..."

With more and more doubts, people's beliefs have quietly changed...


"My disguise! All my hard-earned disguises are ruined!!!"

Luminasi's face was so gloomy that it was almost dripping with water.

Her mentality exploded!

These are all the fault of those two stupid dragons!

Now the whole world knows her true face!

Her citizens don't know how bad it will be now. Crazy!


The true identity of the God of the French Empire is actually the Demon King...

"Lady Luminas! It's a mess outside now..."

Hinata flashed in front of her and reported what happened in the outside world....

"No problem! As long as I am still here, there will be no chaos in the French Empire!"

What made Luminas mentally shattered was that her thousand-year disguise was exposed by Zhong Erlong!

This anger was even worse than when her Xuye Palace was destroyed!

"Ahhhh!!! You evil dragon!"

Luminasi's roar echoed through the sky, until when will he hinder her!........

【Screen continues】

【After Clayman farts, the meeting of demon kings continues...】

【Fleur made a decision that shocked the other demon kings, returned to her position as demon king, and served Milim wholeheartedly....】

【Kino was even frightened and woke up from his sleep....】

【Fleur calmly stated her reasons. She was too weak....】

【Witnessing the battle between Rimuru and Clayman, she became even more convinced that she was at best on the same level as Clayman....】

【In front of other demon kings, she had almost no room for resistance....】

【Milim panicked when she heard her request. She didn't want to mention her biological mother....】

【But just when she was about to refuse, Kallion interrupted...】

【He lost to Milim and wanted to surrender...After all, his country was destroyed by her, so she should shoulder this responsibility!】

【Milim, who was at a loss, gave up thinking decisively and lay down on the ground rolling around....】

【If you want to kill or behead me, please do as you please!】

【Guy agreed to their request...】

【Two of the top ten demon kings are officially missing...】........

Jura Forest

"I do not want! I absolutely don't want it!"

Mirim shook her head like a rattle. She didn't want to be controlled!

The more reason was that she just wanted to play with her friends carefree!

Once she had subordinates...Maybe I won’t be able to play happily like before!

Her idea is so simple...

"Milim-sama, I think it’s okay..."

Shuna smiled and agreed with Kalion and the others' decision....

The simple Milim needs a counselor like Frey by her side so that she won't be plotted by others....

Now that Yuuki is exposed, no one knows his next plan...

If there is a way to truly control Milim, it will be the real end!

"Me too!"

Shion also agreed!

Her thoughts are more pure, so Rimuru-sama can spend more time with her!

She is such a clever little girl!


Mirim's cute face dropped. Is this really that good?...

Zhuna and the others shouldn't fool him, right?... beast kingdom

"I have made this decision..."

"Hahaha! But just right!"

Carion has no regrets at all. Even if he awakens the Demon King, it will take hundreds of years. During this period, I don't know what changes will happen!

With Milim's blessing, the Beast Kingdom will be much more stable!"........

【Screen continues】

【The new names that Guy planned to use as the Ten Demon Kings no longer fit them!】

【Chino's face turned dark. The last time he came up with a name, there were several meetings in a row....】

【He didn't sleep well at all!】

【At this time, Zhongerlong reacted...】

【The matter of naming...Rimuru is good at it!】

【He is a monster of names!】

【After all, every citizen has a name!】

【Under Guy's intimidation (bushi), please...】

【Rimuru was quick to think and came up with a name related to the starry sky....】

【Eight Star Demon King...】

【All the demon kings voted for it!】

【So far, the ten demon kings have become a thing of the past...】

【A new era of the Eight-Star Demon King is here! 】

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