Death world.

Xuye Palace

"Dino hadn't realized yet that he was already deep in the illusion...."

Aizen noticed this change when Dino killed Beretta.

It's a really good tactic. Let him enter the fantasy world in advance and take advantage of the other party's trump card....

Zeqin's illusion skills are probably not as good as his own, and he can hypnotize people invisibly!

"As expected of the Phantom King, Rimuru has countless strong men under his command!"

Every one of these strong men who appear one after another is the target of competition from all parties....

If he has these people assisting him, what else can't be accomplished?

The Ten Blades suddenly lost their flavor..........

Naruto world.

In the pure land

"I didn't realize that Dino was hallucinating..."

Shisui doubted whether he was a master of illusion....

The number of times his other gods can be activated is extremely limited, but Zegion can release it at will....

Maybe, he still has a stronger illusion that he hasn't used yet!

"What an incredible insect emperor!"......

Reincarnate into the slime world.

Jura Forest

"Zeqion, you are so awesome!!!"

"Even the devil is no match for you!"

Yapito never thought that the benefactor who saved him would become Lord Rimuru's right-hand man!

And even the Eight-Star Demon King is no match for him!

"Haha, of course!"

Zeqin, who has not yet awakened at this moment, has also not come back to his senses.

He will be so powerful in the future!

"I still want to become stronger!"

He is not satisfied with this!

He wants to become an absolute powerhouse that can rival dragons!

Central City Plaza

"puff! The one-horned fairy I saved actually became so strong?!"

Rimuru's eyes almost popped out of his head. Zegion was a beetle-shaped demonic insect that he accidentally rescued. He didn't pay much attention to him at first. He didn't expect that he would become even stronger in the future than he is now!

And he's also good at mental attacks!

If this were an enemy, it would be a nightmare!......

"hateful! I was actually forced into such a mess by Rimuru's men?!"

"This shouldn't be the case!"

Dino, who was flying, stopped immediately. He was going to lose?

He is also a demon king after all!

Why is Zeqion so strong?

Is it possible that all the twelve guardian kings of the Holy Demon are like this?!


"It's better to apologize quickly...."

He doesn't want to be targeted by these monsters again in the future!......

【Screen continues】

【Zeqion never thought that Dino's attack would be so weak....】

【Logically speaking, it shouldn’t be...】

【He is the Eight-Star Demon King who is as famous as Rimuru-sama, so the gap between them is too big!】

【Dino's angry blow couldn't even destroy his exoskeleton!】

【"I have very little strength, do you have food?"】

【"Don't underestimate me! A mere demonic insect!"】

【Dino was shocked. This guy must have a way to block his skills. It is most likely the ultimate ability, the power to rewrite the rules!】

【But Zeqion looked at Dino indifferently. It was precisely because he was so lazy that he was so weak!】

【If you want to confirm his strength, you should launch a proper attack instead of making a lot of guesses here!】


【Dino snorted coldly and gradually understood the gap between himself and the Insect Emperor. This kind of enemy was not an opponent he could defeat without any preparation!】

【"Won't you come? Then you have to be careful!"】

【Zeqion stopped beeping with Dino, opened his left hand, and with the lightning dancing on his fingertips, he whipped Dino quickly!】

【"Dimensional event lightning five consecutive whips!"】

【Dino was frightened and hurriedly avoided the swirling lightning, but the range of the lightning was so dense that his arm was directly penetrated!】


【Blood flowers bloomed in the sky, causing beads of sweat as big as peas to flow out from Dino's face....】

【"no! This goes down the pills!"】

【Panic that he hadn't felt in a long time came to his heart....】

【And he had to admit that he was no match for Zeqin!】

【"Why do my skills have no effect on you? No! Are all mental attacks?"】

【Dino couldn't figure out how Zeqion avoided his strongest blow....】

【"sad...But let me tell you anyway..."】

【He fell into Zeqion's hands from the beginning, but he didn't realize it at all...】

【Zeqion is the whole...The king of fantasy world!】

【Now he can create his own world!】

【Dino felt huge waves in his heart and looked at Zeqion in disbelief. It turned out that they were not in the same dimension at all!】

【Give this a hammer!】

【We must find a way to escape!】

【Otherwise, he will die if this continues!】......

Reincarnation in the Slime World

"Nani! To what extent is the world created?!"

"Isn’t this the devil?"

Countless strong men were shocked and knelt down by Zeqin's ability....

As long as he is around, others may not even be able to enter the monster kingdom and have already fallen into an illusion!

The camp of the cute king is getting stronger and stronger!

Those countries that have not established diplomatic relations with Rimuru are crying without tears.

Jura Forest

"What kind of monster did Veldra train?"

"After awakening, is it too strong?!"

King Meng was once again shocked by Zeqion's ability and didn't know how to express it!

Creating the world?

Is this so outrageous!

He is probably the strongest among the twelve guardian kings of the Holy Demon!


He, the Demon King, has no face~

Benimaru, Shion and others felt a great sense of crisis...

Zeqion's terrifying strength shocked them. If this continues, will they fall out of favor?

"We can't be lazy anymore..."

Benimaru glanced at Shion and others. Everyone was speechless, but the meaning had been conveyed!

If they continue like this, they may become like Dino!

Becoming more and more delicious!

Dino:"Are you polite?"

He only becomes stronger by fishing!......

Forbidden world

"The king of fantasy world..."

Touma subconsciously looked at his right hand. As a fantasy killer, he wondered if he could destroy the fantasy world created by Zeqion.

"Hahaha! How could I think of destruction?"

"They are protecting their homeland!"

Immediately, Touma put away his right hand and walked towards the school....

He still wants more of a stable life~ or less destruction~......

【Screen continues】

【When Dino was thinking about how to escape, the battle status screen showed a picture of his teammates being attacked by the Scorching Dragon....】

【This made Dino even more convinced of the idea of ​​running away....】

【He didn't want to fight in the first place, and this plan to kidnap Ramiris seemed to be over....】

【"Pray! Those who touch the abyss of sin!"】

【"Fantasy Dimension Fluctuation Lan——"】

【The core of Zeqion's chest condenses like a dreamy nebula, beautiful but hiding a fatal danger!】

【There is no way Dino can dodge this attack!】

【Because he is already in a fantasy world!】


【There was no earth-shattering explosion. The nebula storm rotated extremely quickly and mercilessly swallowed Dino....】

【a moment later...】

【Where the nebula storm dissipated, Dino was no longer there...】

【"snort! What a piece of shit luck!"】

【Zeqion didn't expect that Dino really escaped at the last moment. It seemed that he used his hidden power!】

At this moment, Dino has appeared in the outside world and is still complacent about his survival....】

【However, all this was in Zeqion's plan, and Dino's escape was completely within his expectation....】......

"Ah! so troublesome——"

Dino scratched his head, his helpless voice elongated in the air, he was really defeated!

But why are I so happy?...

"I really hope I can continue to fish.——"

Dino looked up to the sky and roared, his unwilling roar echoed in the air, but there was a hint of hope in it....

From time immemorial to the present, he no longer wants to fight or kill....

Now we have to avoid Fairweed!

Otherwise, he might make the same mistake again...

Demon King:"???"

This salted fish! Not worthy of becoming a fallen angel!

It's such a shame that such a salty fish can appear among angels!


Jura Forest

"Hahaha! I've told you before that just Dino can't be my opponent!"

"I haven't taken action yet! He ran away in embarrassment!"

Ramiris turned up her nose, as if to say whether I am powerful or not. She is indeed the strongest demon king in the world!

"That...Don't let Zegion guard the maze?"

Rimuru looked sideways at Ramiris.

This guy started to swell again!


"sorry! I was wrong!"

Ramiris decisively chose to apologize. The Fairy Queen is flexible and flexible!

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