Over-lord world

"What did Michael do?!"

"You can't see the trajectory of his attack at all!"

Lao Gu was also frightened by Michael's hand....

If he had used this trick earlier, wouldn't there have been nothing else to do with him?

But why not use it?

Are there any restrictions, or does it have an impact on people watching?

No matter what, Michael's current methods are difficult for him to understand!

There should be no such enemies in this world, right?...

Lao Gu couldn't help but think so, and began to carefully...Get ready.........

Dragon Ball World.

The seventh universe destroys the world of gods

"Oh ho ho, as an ordinary god, it’s not bad...."

Weiss knew what Michael had done the moment he took action.

"well? what is going on?"

Wukong hasn't reacted yet. With his current strength, he didn't even see how Michael did it....

I could only see that his body moved, but he didn't move....

"It seems you haven't exercised enough..."

"The power gained has not yet been completely controlled..."

Weiss glanced at him thoughtfully, if he took a step closer...

Goku may be able to reach the level of an angel!...... death world

"Alas, I can't see Michael's attack clearly at all...."

Kurosaki Ichigo lay on the grass with his limbs open and gave up thinking....


He wants to become stronger!

After witnessing the strong men from all over the world, he clearly understands how insignificant he is....

No one can understand it...

No one can protect...

I can only rely on my virtual self...

Wait a minute, this seems good!

After all, Rimuru also has Ciel as a super substitute!

Shiro Ichigo:"???"

You can be a human being!......

Jura Forest

"Does Michael still have this ability?!"


King Meng originally thought he could win surely. After all, the opponent already had a lot of fighting power on his side.

But now it seems...

Even if you lose some, it will not have any impact on it...

The truly powerful one is Michael himself!

"What a headache..."

The cute king couldn't think of a way to fight for a while, so he could only continue reading..........

【Screen continues】

【Rimuru was glad that Diavolo did not hear such contemptuous words from Michael....】

【However, his situation is also very bad now, and he is the only one left on his side...】

【But what Rimuru didn't expect was that Michael also asked Dino and others to retreat....】

【After all, he already knows that these guys are all teenagers...】

【If he is stabbed in the back during the battle, it will also put him in a bad mood and lead to failure....】

【"Oops~ I’m going to lose now~"】

【Rimuru didn't have too much entanglement, but became more relaxed....】

【Michael's unknown method made him completely unable to think of a way to fight against it....】

【But Master Charles is as reliable as ever...】

【She expected this and prepared in advance...】

【"you are no match for me..."】

【Michael's eyes were like gods, announcing Rimuru's defeat....】

【"snort! How will you know if you don’t take a look!"】

【Rimuru resisted symbolically, otherwise wouldn't it be embarrassing if he didn't do anything?...】


【Rimuru stood there like a wax figure, motionless....】

【Michael...Let the whole world stop!】

【"Sure enough!!!"】

【Ciel now finally knows for sure what Michael did!】

【He can stop time, and in the still world, only he can move freely!】......

JOJO world

"Um? It turns out to be my Smash Varudo!"

"But I must be the only one who can stop the world!"

"Kuoluo DIO!"

Dio is quite dissatisfied that other people can use this invincible ability!

And the one who uses this ability is an angel!......

Date A Live World

"Oh, I wonder if I can take away his time..."

Kuang San licked her lips with interest. Michael's ability was obviously to her liking....

She is an elf who is good at seizing time!

If you swallow Michael... never mind...

I still don’t want to have this kind of dream anymore.........

Jura Forest

"puff!!! This is too cheating!"

"That's time stopping!"

King Meng was stunned and became extremely excited!

He never thought that Michael had such perverted powers.... how to spell?

Isn't this being hammered?......

【Screen continues】

【Rimuru chose to give up. Since the gap is so obvious, he might as well just admit defeat....】

【Um? wrong!】

【Why can he talk to Ciel?】

【"Emergency response measures have been taken..."】

【Ciel had already made a countermeasure before Michael activated his power....】

【But this can't change the situation yet...】

【Michael's sword was about to fall on his head, but he couldn't move...】

【"It's over...There's no way out now..."】

【Rimuru closed his eyes as if resigned to his fate, waiting for death to come....】


【At this critical moment, a thin sword struck out from the side!】

【And blocked Michael's attack!】

【"Rimuru-sensei, I'm here to save you!"】

【The girl's light and sweet voice reached Rimuru's ears...】

【It's Croyer!】

【Michael looked at the girl in front of him in shock. How could she move in her own world?!】

【The power should be activated, right?...】

【And Croyer is exactly what Ciel calls an emergency response!】......

Golden Township


"You'll give Rimuru such a bright smile..."

Leon's heart was severely hit...

His face looked extremely distorted as jealousy overflowed his chest!

That should have been his Croyer!

He wished he could push Rimuru to the ground and beat him violently, draining all the jealousy in his heart....

But this is always his fantasy...

The moment he took action against Rimuru, he might have been killed by Croyer!...

Jura Forest

"Hehe, I saved Rimuru-sensei...."

"It’s so good!"

The young Croyer saw that his future self could help Mr. Rimuru...

There is nothing else but a full sense of happiness in my heart......

Empire of the East

"I was actually plotted against this..."

"Haha, I didn’t expect that even the ability to stop time would be exposed...."

Michael smiled helplessly. He had to admit that Ciel's computing power was superior to his....

"It's really tricky."

He didn't expect Croyer to be able to move freely in a static world....

What makes him even more afraid is Croyer's strength..........

【Screen continues】

【Only then did Rimuru understand Ciel's plan....】

【It turns out that she had already expected that Michael would use Masayuki to kill Rimuru...】

【Both Ciel and Michael are anticipating the other's next move....】

【However, Rimuru came to Leon's side and defeated Michael's army....】

【This confrontation was a complete victory for the Shire...】

【In the whole audience, Rimuru was the only one who got fooled....】

【It made him so embarrassed that he wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it....】

【"What a surprise!"】

【The appearance of Croyer forced Michael not to make unnecessary moves...】

【"It’s useless to say more! bring it on!"】

【Kroyer is no longer the little girl she was before!】

【After a long journey through time, her strength has reached its peak and she has become the strongest warrior!】

【There are very few people in this world who can fight with him!】


【In the battle between two people, there is no so-called defense, only all-out attack....】

【In this world, all power cannot work! Whether it is the interaction between atoms or molecules,...】

【The only thing that can affect the situation of the battle is intelligence....】

【Rimuru could only stare anxiously, unable to do anything to help him....】

【At the same time, Ciel is constantly analyzing how to move in this static world....】

【In this way, the battle between Croyer and Michael came to an end....】

【At the same time, Rimuru's body gradually recovered...】

【The evolution of the intelligence life form is about to be completed!】

【Ciel's words made Rimuru happy....】

【As long as he can move freely in the static world...】

【Then Michael will definitely fail!】


【It seems there is no need for him to appear anymore...】

【"The hero who stands in my way! It's time to destroy you!"】

【Michael stared at Croyer with cold eyes...】

【If she had not appeared, the fruits of victory would surely belong to him!】

【Kroyer felt calm in his heart and unleashed his strongest attack...】

【"Fate changes!"】

【The still time begins to flow in the opposite direction...】

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