Reincarnate into the slime world.

Monster Federation

"The power of the goat is exactly in line with the power of the king..."

Michael murmured softly, unable to help but think of himself...

This is the power of the King of Justice, the absolute defense achieved through the faith of the people!

Kusanagi Godou used the people's mental power to transform it into an absolute attack!

No matter which one it is, it is enough to prove that he is the true king!......

Black Clover World. black bull group

"a ha ha ha! Come and fight!"

"My thunder magic is not weak!"

Lark's hearty smile was full of madness. I don't know when his thunder armor was already on his body....

The battle between the Godslayers made his blood boil!

He couldn't wait to rush into the light curtain and participate in this battle!......

The world of Godslayer.

Wangli Factory

"I don’t know if Kusanagi Godou’s Phoenix divine speed combined with the goat’s lightning can keep up with my divine speed...."

Alexander's power of lightning can transform himself into the incarnation of thunder and lightning. In his world of speed, no one has ever been able to catch up!

Although I really wanted to compete, there were too many girls around Kusanagi Godou!

This made him very disgusted!

"Forget it, just have less contact with him...."

The Black Prince is not an ordinary misogynist, but he is so eager to snap it off when he sees it....

In this regard, the popular Kusanagi Godou is his natural enemy!......

Woban thought he was about to win, but he didn't expect Kusanagi to break through again!

Could it be that he was used as a whetstone?!

"old man...You shouldn't lose, right?"

"No! I am the oldest god-slayer!"

There's no way we'll lose to a young boy!

But why do I always feel that the next situation is a little bit bad?...

Every time he tried to defeat Kusanagi Godou, he found a chance to come back....

Although he has a lot of power, if everything fails...

Isn't it embarrassing?!......

【Screen continues】

【After using the goat's power once, Godou felt that his body was hollowed out....】

【He became the God Killer for too short a time and was unable to skillfully use his power. Now that he can use the goat, it is already his full strength!】

【"Boy! I have to say you made me excited for a long time!"】

【The Marquis has been a God Killer for too long. He hunted several creatures, but his heart became increasingly empty....】

【Therefore, he wants to meet and fight a stronger God of Disobedience!】

【This is the meaning of life for the God Killer!】

【Now, Kusanagi Godou had stirred up his long-dormant fighting spirit!】

【He will use his strongest moves to bring the showdown between kings to an end!】


【The thunder is rolling, Thunder God's power can be exerted to the maximum!】

【The dark clouds formed a black tornado hovering above their heads, and thunder and lightning that could shatter the stars were gathering!】

【"Not good! If you fall for this trick, you will definitely be doomed!"】

【Kusanagi Godou looked at the sky in horror at this scene. The raging thunder was deafening!】


【At this time, Erica stood beside Godou. She was the king's first knight, not only his sword, but also his shield!】

【No matter what happens, she will go forward and retreat with Godou. Even if she dies, she is not afraid!】

【Immediately afterwards, Liliana also stood beside him. She was clumsy and had a simple idea. She helped her master defeat the powerful enemy....】

【Not only them, but also Wanli Valley behind them!】

【The three of them transferred their power into Godou's body, which was weak, and healed him of demons....】

【"Die to me!!!"】

【The Marquis roared angrily. He was now a lonely old man. He mercilessly blasted the thunder and lightning towards them!】


【The arc was raging, but it could not defeat everyone. The golden light blocked the thunder of destruction. The light contained the power of the dead souls!】

【"It's actually you?!"】

【The Marquis never expected that these dead knights would actually provide strength to Kusanagi Godou!】

【"Crush all the enemy's malice!"】

【The goat's power was brought to its fullest, and gold thunder fell from the sky!】


【The terrifying thunder was a hundred feet long! The place where the thunder struck was even blasted out into a crater dozens of meters deep, and the Marquis had disappeared!】

【But then a hand poked out from the pit...】

【The owner of the hand was none other than the Marquis. Even though he was hit by lightning, he still did not suffer serious injuries!】

【"You guys are really capable! Next is the third round!"】

【The Marquis can't wait to continue playing, so the warm-up is over!】


【Godou's face turned green. He could hardly stand. How could he still keep fighting?】

【However, he will not give up so easily!】

【"Its daybreak!"】

【Erica was overjoyed when she saw the rising sun, which meant that they had won this game of kings!】

【"whispering sound! Let this victory be given to you!"】

【The Marquis was so excited that he didn't notice the time. His face suddenly darkened, he glared at Godou and the others, and left the place cursing....】

【next time!】

【He will definitely hunt Kusanagi Godou with all his strength!】

【This game of kings has just begun!】...... world of godslayer

"It's just time!"

"I didn’t really lose!"

Woban's face was extremely ugly. He didn't expect that he really lost!

As the oldest God-killer, he lost to a boy who had become a God-killer for less than a few months....

When the other God-killers saw this scene, they were probably already laughing at him crazily!


He will take back this shame himself one day!

And those dead knights!

"You all get out of here!"

Woban decisively released his control over the undead, a group of rebellious young men!

The freed undead have found salvation.......

Southern European Dominant Magic Club

"Hahaha! This old man lost!"

"Ouch, you made me laugh so hard!"

Tony patted his belly and laughed wildly without concealing it. Witnessing the old man's failure, he really wanted to find someone to share this happy mood!

Not only him, but also other God-killers!

Only those who believe in Woban will always They don’t believe that he would lose to Kusanagi Godou!

In their opinion, Woban is the strongest demon king!

If it were not restricted by the game, Kusanagi Godou would definitely lose! Yes! Their king did not lose!... shrine

"Godou-kun, that's great!"

Yuri is sincerely happy for him. Now she no longer has to be bound by the Demon King!

"Sister, you are so bold..."

Hikari covered her mouth and looked at Yuri sideways....

"Really! it's necessary! right! necessary!"

She instantly understood what her sister was talking about. In order to convey a lot of knowledge, she could only rely on kissing!

Erica:"Well, actually you don't need to kiss...."

But she has no regrets!


She is waiting for the day when the king returns!...

Kusanagi family

"Unimaginably powerful enemy..."

"If it hadn't been dawn, we would have been in real danger..."

Instead of feeling the joy of victory, Kusanagi Godou became worried about the upcoming battle....

The Marquis' strength is far more than that. He didn't use all his strength in this battle, but he was in a state of embarrassment....

If it were a fight to the death, he would most likely lose!

Must become stronger!

There is no turning back for him now!......

【Screen continues】

【In order to avoid the passionate Erica, Godou accepted the invitation of the great magician and came to Sardinia....】

【At night, he met Athena and headed to the town according to the guidance of the wind, but he saw a green pillar soaring into the sky!】

【It was because of Tony, the troublemaker, that he destroyed the Pillar of Hera and released the dragon sealed there!】

【But it was targeted by Perseus, the god of disobedience and the dragon-slaying hero. When he was about to fall, Athena stopped him....】

【Once it dies, the land dies...】

【"How shameful that a majestic god actually bullied a mere divine beast!"】

【Athena ridiculed Perseus, who was also a god. As the mother goddess of the earth, she would naturally not allow others to kill the creatures born of the earth at will!】

【But Perseus didn't take it seriously, as long as it was a dragon, he was the evil dragon that he defeated!】

【"Hello! Don't fight in this place!"】

【Godou hurriedly stopped them, otherwise the whole town would be reduced to rubble!】

【"Um! That’s up to you!"】


【Before Godou could regain his senses, Liliana took him away from this place and went to the deserted plains....】

【Perseus followed closely behind, and his fighting spirit was extremely high now!】

【Godou didn't hold anything back, he used the power of the wild boar to crush the mountains and rivers and crash into Perseus!】

【"What bad luck you have! God-killer!"】

【Perseus rode the Pegasus and released a shining light, instantly sealing the power of the wild boar and dissipating it into light! 】

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