Talent Absorption From the Age of 0

Chapter 125 . What money can't buy (3)

In the fancafe of the jaerongs, chatting about Eunwoo's album was actively coming up in the chat window.

[Frisia]: I thought I was going to die because I ate lunch at work today, but when I came home, I found that Eunwoo's album was on the desk. When I opened the album, I was so moved. The photo card is so pretty and the album cover is also luxurious. Thanks to Eunwoo, all the tiredness of a hard day seems to have gone away.

[Lee Yong-seok] : I'm an intern, so I've been copying all day and coming from the wall. I'm tired of being treated as an invisible person in the office. The tears really filled my throat, but I cried after listening to Eunwoo's song. After crying for a while, I felt a little relieved.

[Frisia]: Yongseok must have been very hard. I also did 10 internships before I came to this company. It's really hard to get a job right now. cheer up. pat pat.

[Lee Yong-seok] : Our jae-rongs fan cafe as warm as Eun-woo. When I come here, I feel like I understand me better than my old friends. This is why I can't not come here.

[Larate] : Yongseok-sama, stay strong. I'm worried because it's hard to get a job these days. I'm high school Because it's literature. Worried about not being able to get a job with the fortress door.

[Lee Yong-seok] : Yes. On the happy day when Eunwoo's album came out, I guess I only said very depressing things. The important thing is to listen to Eunwoo's song and come here to the fancafe of the jaerongs to heal. I'll do my best.

[ban]: Fighting Yongseok. Eunwoo's album is so good. As for the photo cards, other singers gave them randomly, but Eunwoo gave them all, so it was great.

[Sweet Potato Witch] : The album title doesn't go well with Eunwoo, doesn't it? Born2B cute.

[ban] : I thought that too. Eunwoo must have been cute since birth. The title song is so good. Perfect with Eunwoo.

[Black Cat]: I like the lyrics too. In the rap part, I cried a little. It reminds me of Eunwoo's life. At a young age, our Eunwoo is so proud.

[Doll]: Even when he won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor, Eunwoo is already a legend. I hope this album will be the beginning of another legend.

[sylv]: What Eunwoo really wanted to do was become a singer, so this time he has to do really well. It's Eunwoo's first appearance on the music show in a week, so I'm looking forward to it.

[Na Se-hee] : Everyone, please check the fan club announcement. Our jaerongs will come to Eunwoo's first appearance on the music show. Looking for members to go out together.

[Gwangmuk] : Of course I have to go.

[Etiu]: Do we go out wearing candy rings too? dispatch! to synthesis!


Music video director Shin Junsu was drawing a sketch for the filming ahead of filming.

‘Let’s make use of Eunwoo’s bright and cute feeling, but feel Eunwoo’s life. Because the fans are probably the ones who know Eunwoo's life best.

It's not easy to meet someone like Eunwoo at the same time.

The luck of being loved by fans as well as dazzling talent.

And the ability to drive social issues.’

Although Shin Junsu had met top stars from home and abroad, Eunwoo was one of the special singers he was looking forward to meeting.

‘Because no one I’ve ever met received so much attention when I was five.’

Shin Junsu burned with his will to make Eunwoo's music video a masterpiece of conversion.

Eunwoo was on the way to the filming set with Gildong and Miseon in a car.

Gildong asked Eunwoo.

“Eunwoo? Are you nervous about shooting your first music video today?”


“What is Nenio?”

“It’s halfway between yes and no.”

Mi-sun, who was listening, added.

“There are times. When I don't even know my heart When neither yes nor no. That's good. no I'll have to say yes in the future."

Gildong shook his head and said.

“One silver cow is enough for a tree frog. Miseon shouldn’t do that to you too.”

Miseon pouted her mouth.

“My brother too. What am I saying?”

Eunwoo asked with a smile.“Are you still playing tree frogs even if you’re Miss Sunny?”

Miseon smiled and replied.


The car arrived at the filming site.

When we arrived at the filming set, Junsu Shin greeted us.

"Hi. Eunwoo. Hello. This is Junsu Shin, the music video director.”

“Hello. Director.”

Eun-woo bowed his head and said hello to his belly button.

Shin Junsu looked at Eunwoo and thought.

‘It’s just as dazzling as what you see on TV. It looks like an angel came down from heaven. This loveliness and cuteness cannot be expressed in words. It seems that the character is reflected in the facial expression. How much of a camera can I capture this is probably my ability.’

Junsu Shin explained to Eunwoo.

“Eunwoo. Today's first scene will be filmed here at an amusement park. Feeling cute here. I’m going to make the most of the lovely feeling.”

Mi-sun was standing next to Eun-woo militantly with a shopping bag larger than her body.

‘Today is the moment when I will show my skills for Eunwoo.’

Miseon was full of determination.

The first filming scene took place in an amusement park pool.

The pool was filled with plastic balls instead of water.

Junsu Shin said.

“Eunwoo. You can sing while throwing this ball. Then I'll convert this into CG ice cream later. You know beaded ice cream? So, later, when the fans see you, it will look like you're swimming in the ice cream ball or playing around with your song."

"Really? I'm too fat Director. I’m really excited to try it.”

"Ha ha ha ha ha. It's nice to be recognized by Eunwoo. I will make your dreams come true.”

“Beaded ice cream is sweet.”

Gildong thought as he listened to the conversation.

'I'll have to take him to the marble ice cream shop after I'm done. But the director knows Eunwoo's taste very well. Do you know anything about babies? When I first met Eunwoo, the existence of a baby seemed too difficult. envy.'

Mi-sun dressed Eun-woo in cute baby pajamas in pastel tones.

A cute chocolate necklace was placed on Eunwoo's arm.

“Eunwoo. Since my sister worked hard on this one piece at a time, can't I eat it until the filming is over? Understand?"

Eunwoo opened his eyes and said.

“Is it snow? How are you going to make this? I’m going to make it again.”

“It is difficult to make this. You said you were filming a music video, so I made it with a costume and a set.”

“Wow, snow. My darling Would you like to make snow again? all right I'll make it again. I don’t.”


Miseon was distracted by Eunwoo's rapidly increasing speaking skills these days.

'Who would believe me if I said I was pushed by a five-year-old's speaking skills? Anyway, Eunwoo is getting more and more playful as the days go by.”

Mi-sun tied Eun-woo's hair last.

"Ahhh. sick. is it snow Hyeni is blind.”

“Nunna is better than Hyerin. it's done How pretty.”

Eun-woo looked at his own head reflected in his mirror.

Her bangs tied with apple hair looked very cute.

Eunwoo looked in the mirror and thought.

‘I’m a little cute today.’

Filming started.

Eunwoo was getting ready to go into the ball in the pool.

Junsu Shin said.

“Eunwoo. Like I said before, you can throw a plastic ball in the pool and sing along. You can swim through the balls as if you were swimming. Then, when you sing the chorus, the balloons we have prepared here will rise to the sky.”

“Are you rich? Wow. Fungsion Joa.”

Eunwoo really liked the music video shoot.

‘Is a music video a dream come true? It's so exciting, but I'm swimming in the ice cream and the balloons are flying all over the sky. so happy I want to shoot a music video again.

But when can I eat this chocolate necklace?’

When Shin Junsu sent a cue sign, Eunwoo's song came out.

“It’s only when I pass by. Sessions towards you.

Sishis are chasing Nya even from afar.

I am so pretty.”

Eunwoo sang a song and swam in a plastic ball.

Shin Junsu was watching Eunwoo's image transmitted by four cameras.

‘The happiest and cutest expression in the world. That's it. I also did a good job of putting the swimming scene in the ice cream. It was actually my childhood imagination.’

Shin Junsu remembered the summer of eight years old when he ate ice cream and got a stomachache.

‘Even though I had a stomachache, I just wanted to eat ice cream. The doctor told me not to eat, so I wanted to eat more. The imagination I had while lying on the floor and looking at the ceiling. When I grow up later, I have to swim in ice cream. I promised myself.'

Eight-year-old Shin Junsu did not know that he would not like ice cream when he became an adult. Ice cream has only become a dessert that sometimes comes to mind when Shin Junsu, now an adult, remembers himself as a child.

Eunwoo's songs continued to play on the set.

“I am so cute. I am so lovely

You are so helpful too. You are so lovely too.

We are all precious.”

Eun-woo sat down and threw a plastic ball into the sky.

Eunwoo was excited and sang and laughed.

Every time Eunwoo smiled, his apple hair fluttered.

The filming site was filled with Eunwoo's happy smile.

Then, a colorful balloon flew toward the sky.

Eun-woo opened his arms to the sky and looked at the sky.

'I'm really excited today.'

Mi-sun looked at Eun-woo, who was singing from the side.

‘Our Eunwoo is really lovely today. It goes well with the apple head and with the colored plastic balls. Director Shin Junsu is also known as a magician of color. I'm looking forward to seeing a screen that's too beautiful to be seen on set.

Besides, I was worried that Eunwoo would be stressed, but thank you for allowing me to film in such a happy atmosphere.”

Eunwoo was eating a chocolate necklace as soon as the camera was turned off.

'tasty. After all, chocolate tastes like honey whenever you eat it. You can wear this necklace any time. I wish Miseon noona would make it every day.’


Director Shin Junsu led Eunwoo to his second filming location.

It was a small studio in a residential area.

Director Junsu Shin said.“In order to convey Eun-woo’s rap lyrics well, I asked Eun-woo’s father, so I decorated it the most similar to the house where Eun-woo lived in the past. So that fans can better understand Eunwoo's life. The objects in this place were all made after consulting with the art director.”

The moment Eunwoo stood in the small studio, he remembered the times he had forgotten.

'I lived alone with his dad in this little studio. My dad was at a loss, and I don't think I know what this life is all about yet.'

It was as if Eunwoo had traveled in a time machine to the past.

‘Yeah, this room didn’t have much furniture. The small kitchen where Dad was always getting formula. I remember. There was a small stain in the kitchen.’

Eun-woo went around the kitchen looking for small stains.

‘No. After all, this is not where I used to live. Still, I feel weird.’

Eun-woo's heart was complicated.

Junsu Shin said.

“I’m going to shoot the rap part here. Thinking about what Eunwoo's life was like, he can rap naturally. I haven't decided on an action here. He's going to take one scene where he walks slowly or raps or something like that and then another shot where he raps with the choreography and he'll do that."

Eunwoo looked around his room slowly and thought.

'One room. A narrow living room that doubles as a living room and a small bathroom. This small studio was my father's home. I got used to the house I live in now, so I forgot these times. But because of these times, I am who I am today. I have to cherish these times.

And maybe some of my fans are still stuck in a difficult time like this. I want to sing a song that can give courage to such people.

Our lives are always changing. So, don’t be too sad, don’t blame yourself, and move on.’

Mi-sun wore jeans, a white tee, and a blue jacket to Eun-woo.

His hair was brushed with a little wax.

Shin Junsu's cue sign fell and Eunwoo's song came out.

“Sexiang says no to me

(You are an unmarried child.)

The world is begging me to give up

(You are a mother.)”

Eunwoo looked at the camera while rapping.

‘Let’s think of the camera as a fan and talk.’

Eunwoo was dancing and rapping in a small room.

“Gerson Shayang, who raised Nya

(Ahyeng's Sharyang

Pandry Sharyang)

With that shayang, I am Himul My.

i don't give up

(Don't give multiple replies.)

i don't give up

(I also have a porcupine.)

What to do

(I'm not afraid of nothing if I eat only Charang)"

Shin Junsu looked at Eunwoo and thought.

‘Oh, I used to be cute, but now my eyes are serious. Those eyes that are a mixture of innocence and truth.

The way he looks at the camera is natural because he acted. Eunwoo acts like a singer and sings like an acting style.

He looks like he's dancing comfortably, but his angles are alive and it's really cool to catch on camera.

A star who can act, sing and dance. In addition to that, it has a touching drama, so everyone can't help but be fascinated by Eunwoo.

Eunwoo, I'm cheering for you. Because we all want our lives to change. And I dream like that while looking at the stars. To us, you are a beautiful being like a dream.’

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