Talent Absorption From the Age of 0

Chapter 137 . First local performance (1)

Signs with children's names were placed neatly in a row in the nursery's garden.

Eun-woo was examining the bean sprouts planted in the garden.

‘I need to water the bean sprouts.’

Eun-woo sprayed water on Kongkongi with the sprayer he brought.

Shiu was also looking at the kidney beans.

Eunwoo went to Junsu and asked.

“It’s Junsu. What's up?"

"me. How is the salad growing?”

Junsu was digging the soil with his hands to check how big the kidney beans had grown.

“Byong Yogi. It’s a little cheap for yogi.”

“Wow, that’s amazing.”

Through the surface of the kidney bean, a light green bud was sticking out a little.

Siwoo with a sprayer was also walking to the garden.

Siwoo said to Junsu and Eunwoo.

“How are you doing?”

Eun-woo answered Si-woo.

“How do you see our bean beans?”

“Nyadu mini bean bar.”

Siwoo also ran to see Junsu's salad.

“Wow. cheap I should take a look too.”

Shiu also dug up the soil by hand and looked at the mini beans.

“Mini beans are not cheap.”

Shiu quickly became crying.

He was wandering around in the garden when yellow and blackbirds came down.

Yellow came to Siwoo, Junsu, and Eunwoo.


Yellowy rubbed Eunwoo's legs.

Yellowy put his nose to Siu's mini beans as if they were curious.

"eye patch. Yellow, don't stay away. Those are mini beans.”

Shiu quickly became crying.

Yellowy turned around and walked away with an expression on his face that he wouldn't eat anything that didn't taste good.

Black-eyed pretended to dig the land to see if the garden was fun.

Junsu ran to the black man and shouted.

“Ange. black man. How about our Condrey here?”

Blackbird looked at Junsu's face for a moment as if he didn't understand the English language, then meowed and cried and ran towards the nursery.

“How about our beans? Do you want to grow up well?”

Eunwoo confidently answered Junsu's question.

"Huh. Worry about it.”


Eunwoo was looking for a way to grow plants well with barley.

“Look. I am growing kidney beans and I am hungry, what should I do?”

“Dog-mong (I heard that too much water will kill you? You have to give it in moderation. It’s said to get plenty of sunlight.)”

“Why aren’t Siu beans cheap?”

“Dog-meong (I’ll get better when the time comes)”

“I’m going to use my early sack, so I’ll have to dig it out.”“Dog-mong (Did you dig the soil and see if it sprouted? If you keep digging, you will die. You can’t dig it.)”

"okay. I don't know. It's sad when I dug a lot, but the beans are scarce. Will you bring talent?”

“Dog-mong (What do you do if you keep summoning talent for something you can do? You have to do it on your own. If you bring talent, you can’t learn it. It takes care and affection to grow plants well.)”

“That’s skinny. When the kidney beans are scarce, the Chingoos are sad. Let’s find a chat.”

“Dog-meong (Okay. Instead, you should use your talents only this time and learn how to grow plants well.)”


Eun-woo looked for children's books and Bo-ri started searching the Internet.

said Bori.

"Dog-mong (Earth goddess Demeter is the god of fertility who rules over grain. Where Demeter passed, the dying grass came to life, and the trees bore fruit and dried flowers bloomed. Wherever Demeter went, vitality and vitality. It overflowed, and the plants grew abundantly.)”

“Oh, Demeter.”

Eun-woo concentrated his mind and tried to summon Demeter.

Demeter with an ear of barley appeared in her bare feet.

“Why did you call me? Human child.”

“I’m growing kidney beans well and I’m hungry. How about some help?”

“It wouldn't be difficult to grow plants. It's not even a drought, so why do you need my help? Do I look so lame? I am God.”

“I know how. Me and my chingudry beans are growing and growing, but I'm worried that it will burn out soon. It’s a really sweet bean for me.”

“It’s a precious bean. As far as I know, you pick beans every day. every time you eat. But are beans still valuable?”

“It’s my wife that I didn’t eat beans well. It's the first beans I planted, so I'm sorry. give me a name called soybean. Save the bean sprouts.”

“Your heart is beautiful. It would be nice if all humans could sympathize with the pain of plants like you. Then I won't have to hear the plants scream every day. “People treat plants too harshly because they can’t speak.”

“Kongkonggi is so-so. I'll treat other new things with care. I won’t even pick out beans, and I’ll keep them all.”

Demeter pondered, and she answered.

"great. Instead, you shouldn't choose other vegetables like carrots or green onions. Babies are good at picking vegetables. Some babies hate carrots, some babies hate onions, some babies hate beans just like you.

Do you know how much the farmer sweats until the vegetable grows?

Vegetables are precious.”

“Ahhh. Miss you.”

"okay. Then lend me my talent. Instead, if you pick another vegetable, then I'll tell the other gods about your actions, and they'll use up all your talents."


Eunwoo thought.

‘The Earth Goddess is a more terrifying goddess than I thought. She's kind to plants, but she's like a very scary goddess to those who waste plants. In the future, she will eat all the vegetables without leaving any leftovers.’

Demeter gave Eun-woo a talent and disappeared.

“With this talent, you can save any plant.”

Eunwoo turned on the talent window.

[Earth Goddess Demeter's Abundance Level 1 – 0/1000

She can increase the vigor of any plant she wants.]

‘I should go to daycare tomorrow and try out a new talent.’

Eunwoo was filled with new expectations.


Gil-dong was on his way down to Jinju with the kissing dance team and the leaders Ok-i and Eun-woo.

‘It’s crazy to have only one Eunwoo on and there are many.’

In the car, the babies were busy sharing snacks.

Jiyu said.

“Who wants to eat sour?”


Ji-U handed out sweet and sour to all the children in the car.

Chaewon said.

“We’re bored, shall we go while singing?”

Jiu replied.

“How about my favorite amusement park song?”

Minhyuk said.

“We are Eunwoo’s dance team, aren’t we supposed to sing Eunwoo’s song?”

Ji-U replied with a sullen face.

“But, are you selling Eunwoo’s songs to only five? It's a long way to the pearl."

Eunwoo said.

“Then let’s go while singing everything you want. Noonna, do you know the song of Animal Farm?”

Seojin replied.

“Then you know. Chicken coop beef is a female ride.”

Minhyuk cried while mimicking the flap of a chicken's wings.

"cackle. cackle."

Eunwoo said.

“No, not that, but the tree frog version. Chicken coop cow crab is meow meow (Eun-woo spreads his fingers and pretends to be a cat)”

Seojin said with a smile.

“Wow, that’s fun. Shall we sing all the songs in the tree frog version? It's gonna be fun."

Eunwoo applauded and agreed.


Chaewon said.

“How about a cowardly tomato?”

Ji-U seemed excited and agreed.

"great. great. Then, shall we all call together?”

The car was filled with the sounds of babies singing.

[brave corn corn

i like cheese

I like butter

i like sugar

I like tempura.]

Eun-woo danced eating corn while singing a corn song.

Babies sang [Brave Tomato], an adaptation of [Cowardly Tomato] while imitating Eun-woo's dance.

Gildong looked at the babies and thought.

'Eunwoo is definitely more happy than when he's alone. Even if my body is a little hard, if Eunwoo is happy. Eunwoo had never traveled long distances, so he was worried, but since he is with the kiss dance team, he plays well, so I don't have to worry.'

After eating and talking happily, he arrived at Jinju.

Kiss Dance Team and Eunwoo got out of the car together.

As we got out of the car, the giant Jinjuseong greeted the babies.

“Wow, Gildy.”

Eun-woo, seeing the castle for the first time, was surprised.

“It goes on and on like an earthworm.”

The event manager welcomed Eunwoo.

“Thank you for coming. Jinju Nongae Festival is held around Jinjuseong. There are events both inside and outside Jinjuseong. There are also quiz contests and kanji contests for children, but I think it would be difficult for Eunwoo to do it. The azaleas here are also pretty, so you can take a picture with them.

The stage for the next performance is over there. Right now, the stage is being set up, so you can go and watch it, or you can buy food and eat it as they sell food all over the place. There is also a fireworks display at night, but CEO Kang Ra-on said that it would not be good to go home late because they were babies, so we set it as the first stage.”


The babies talked about fireworks as if stuck in the word fireworks.

“Have you ever seen fireworks?”

"no. See you.”

“I went to Haeundae last month and saw it, and it was very sad. Pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-----

"okay? See you.”

Gildong asked Director Ok.“Captain. Babies want to see it. Shall we go see the fireworks after the performance later?”

“It seems like a long way to go to Seoul. I'll call my parents and ask."

Min-hyuk, who saw Jinju-seong, exclaimed excitedly.

"Follow me. charge!"

Seojin and Eunwoo also shouted together.

“Don’t back off.”

“Do not turn your back on the enemy.”

While the boys fell in love with the general game, the girls were obsessed with azaleas.

JiU said while looking at the azaleas.

“Let’s go over there and take a picture.”

Chae-won said to Ok-yi.

“Chief, please take a picture of us.”

When Director Ok-i pulled out his smartphone, Chae-won, Ji-yu, and Ye-eun stood next to the azaleas.

"One, two, three. Kimchi."

Director Ok-i was about to take a picture, but Ye-eun screamed urgently.


Yeeun plucked the azalea and put it next to her ear.

Ji-yu saw it and he cried.

"me too. me too."

Ji-U also picked azaleas and put them on her hairpin.

Chaewon smiled broadly as she held the azalea flowers in her hands.

"One, two, three. Kimchi."

Min-hyuk, Seo-jin, and Eun-woo ran to see how Ok-yi was about to take a picture.

“Let’s take a picture of our values.”

Min-hyuk stood next to Chae-won, Seo-jin stood next to Ji-yu, and Eun-woo, the shortest person, stood in the front.

“Wait a minute.”

Ji-yu picked azaleas and gave them to Min-hyuk, Seo-jin, and Eun-woo.

“You decorate yourself with this.”

Minhyuk gave Eunwoo flowers.

“I don’t do this. Eunwoo.”

Eun-woo even took Min-hyuk's flowers and held them in his hands.

Ogi shouted loudly again.

"One, two, three."

A photo of the kiss dance team and Eunwoo's first local performance was filmed.

Eun-woo asked Gil-dong.

“Hey. Go to the stage first and see what you need to see. Any other singers are coming.”

“This is our first stage, the second is the indie band Carrot Mania, trot singer Kim Chun-ja, and the idol group Five Boys.”

Eunwoo thought.

‘It’s my first stage, so I think it would be good to cheer up the festival. The people who come here are of different age groups because there are many families. I think it would be better to choose a song that everyone will like. First of all, the title song has been decided to sing, so I have to sing it, and I think an exciting song would be better than a calm ballad.”

Eunwoo asked Gildong.

“Hyeah, how about the encore?”

Due to the nature of local festivals, it was common to have one or two encores. However, since Eunwoo and the kissing dance team are young, it was Gildong who had already asked for the understanding that they would not do an encore.

'I was instructed not to do an encore, as CEO Kang Ra-on told me not to know yet how the babies will adapt, and it could be physically difficult.'

Gildong replied.

“I have already told the festival manager not to do an encore. The Kiss Dance Team isn't ready yet, and Eunwoo doesn't have much stage experience either."

Eunwoo thought.

‘If I add up all my stage experiences in my previous life, I might have more stage experience than Kim Chun-ja, right?’

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