Talent Absorption From the Age of 0

Chapter 181 . [Black Leopard 2] (10)

The video uploaded by Runda caused a great reaction among fans.

┗ Wow, are you good at drawing Eunwoo? How many are you good at? If there is a God, isn't it too unfair?

┗ Basically, life is unfair. It's easy to accept that. And Eun-woo is still a baby, so he's not very jealous. I just make my mom smile.

┗ Is it possible to draw that much by self-taught? According to my mother, the drawings I drew when I was five years old looked like inanimate objects, not people. There were only circles and squares and things like that.

┗ My daughter is five years old, and she can't draw that much, but it's really amazing. How many episodes in Eunwoo's life?

┗ If Eunwoo draws me too, Eunwoo, I can transform myself well. draw me too

┗ Are there any jaerongs here? If you have any reply please.

┗ These are jaerongs. why?

┗ During a fan meeting in Korea, wouldn't it be nice to have an event where Eunwoo draws pictures by lottery? stop?

┗ If I win that event, I will cry. Shall we make a suggestion to the president?

┗ Chairman. Choi Ji-eun is here. We will proceed with your opinions. Thanks for the good comments.

┗ Shouldn't we take care of not only Korean fans, but also overseas fans? Now Eunwoo is a world star.

┗ Let's celebrate the inauguration of Eunwoo's fan club in the United States.

┗ Good. great. I agree.

┗ This is England, don't you have European fans? Looking for European fans.

┗ This is Spain. There are many Eunwoo fans around me. Perhaps when [Black Leopard 2] is released, there will be more Eunwoo fans.

┗ I wish Eunwoo would come to Europe too. Or should he book a plane to Hollywood?

┗ I also like Eunwoo's song. Everyone. Listen to the song once.

┗ Really? Is Eunwoo good at singing?

┗ There is a song that goes well with Eunwoo, “I am so cute.” Also, I like the song [Tattata], which has a similar feel to Pie's song, which was very popular among Korean singers in the past, but it's fun and funny.

┗ Really? Is Eunwoo the real genius of the century? What is it that he can sing well? Let's go listen to a song first. 👌👌👌👌

Art critic Da-mi Kim, who was paying close attention to how Eun-woo was painting on the [Black Leopard 2] channel, thought that she had seen Eun-woo's paintings somewhere.

'Strange. It's a familiar picture. That poor shade. But it captures only the characteristics strangely. Although it is obscured by clumsy lines, it is something only a master can do to capture the characteristics of the subject and simplify it. Eunwoo is a master of painting. Only geniuses can do that without learning. That kid must be a genius. But no matter how you look at that shadow, it looks like you’ve seen it somewhere.’

Dami Kim tilted her head.'It seems like it's coming to mind, but I can't. I can't be buried with that kind of drawing skill. It's because I'm still a child. Because there are many celebrities who are gifted with various talents.’

Kim Dami recalled some memorable celebrity painters.

‘Mi-ra Jo writes novels, draws and makes movies. Not long ago, at a charity exhibition in New York, each painting sold for 50 million won. I heard that Lee Seon-yu, who was proud of his ignorance, was also paid 78 million won for each painting. Baek Jeong-gi, a male actor famous for his charismatic acting, held an exhibition with paintings he drew as a hobby.

In a world where recognition is money like these days, it's better for celebrities to draw a picture to attract attention. In fact, some of them show great skills.’

Da-mi Kim was looking for where Eun-woo's agency was.

‘If you say you want to open an exhibition, I want to open it. If you have that level of awareness, even if you upload a picture you drew right now, fans will flock to you. Critics will also give a favorable response. It's because he's excellent at drawing. And if the exhibition is held, I will be able to see Eunwoo in front of my eyes.’

It was Kim Da-mi, who was full of self-interest and returned to the happy circuit.

'But no matter how I look at it, I think I've seen this picture somewhere.'

Kim Da-mi was looking for information on Eun-woo's agency to contact Eun-woo's agency and ask her thoughts on the exhibition.

‘The agency is HO Entertainment. The representative of the agency is Kang Ra-on.’

As her usual habit, Kim Dami took pictures of the contents of her monitor with her smartphone camera.

She was Kim's favorite feature because it was more comfortable than her notes.

‘Are you okay?’

While checking her photos, Dami Kim started looking at other photos in her smartphone album as well. She then came in with another picture in her own photo album.

She went to an exhibition and she inadvertently took pictures.

'found. The picture I thought was similar to the picture Eunwoo drew. It was Carlos.’

Kim Da-mi searched for Carlos's name.

- Carlos who touched people's hearts with his innocence.

- Mystic painter. Carlos. who is he really

- Carlos's paintings are like paintings of an old man or a painting of a baby. There is life in his paintings.

Along with the newspaper article, there were also blogs of individuals who saw and commented on Carlos' paintings at the exhibition.

[I worked overtime every day last week. Our company has a lot of overtime work, so if we leave work at 10 o'clock, we start early. There are days that end at two or three in the morning, but I can't say anything. The advertising industry is all the same. When work comes in in a hurry, I can't help but work overtime to keep up with it. I have irregular days off and a lot of overtime work, so it was difficult for me to meet friends or have hobbies.

Last weekend, an advertisement contract was suddenly canceled, so I had free time. I came out early to go to work, but maybe there are so many people on the streets of Apgujeong. Everyone seemed to be having fun with friends and lovers. I was alone. I went to the Hakik Museum of Art with my boyfriend, whom I broke up with because of my loneliness.

When I entered the art museum, I was greeted by an artist's painting I saw for the first time at the entrance. Oddly enough, tears came to my eyes when I looked at the picture. Such a warm picture. When I looked up the author's name, it was written as Carlos.

At the same time, Kim Sang-tae Docent was passing by, and when I asked him, he said that he was a new artist named Carlos. He did not know his name, gender, age, or nationality.

I don't know anything, but that picture gave me comfort. He said he wanted to buy the painting, but it's not for sale yet. It was the first painting I wanted to buy. If that picture was hung on the front door, it seemed that my lonely heart would be comforted every time I got home from work.

I took a picture of a picture, but sometimes I look at it whenever I feel lonely. I hope that you, too, can feel comfort through the photos.

Dami Kim thought while reading the article on her blog.

She said, 'If it turns out that Carlos is Eunwoo, Eunwoo's popularity will increase. And the price of the painting will go up even more. In the last video, Eunwoo's dream was to build a school in Africa, but if the painting sells at a high price, it wouldn't be that difficult to build a school.'

Dami Kim commented on her that she returned to her [Black Leopard 2] channel.

┗ Eunwoo is Carlos. Carlos is Eunwoo.

┗ Who the hell is Carlos? Wasn't he the wrong one?

She uploaded a picture of Dami Kim taking a picture of Carlos.

┗ Do you see this? Isn't the drawing style similar to the picture Eunwoo drew today? Eunwoo is an artist who is already working under the name of Carlos.

┗ Oh my God, how many jobs did Eunwoo have at the age of five? Actors, singers, and even painters because that's not enough. I'm a freshman in my third year. Is this a real story?

┗ Was Eunwoo a painter? Was he mad? However, this is not information that the agency needs to confirm. Can I say it like this?

┗ If Eunwoo is Carlos, I think it would be great. I think it would be cool if the cover of the next album was drawn by Eunwoo.

┗ I want to buy Eunwoo paintings too. I wish the company would sell it.

┗ I really want Eunwoo goods, but I wish Eunwoo could draw himself and make them into goods.

┗ When [Black Leopard 2] is released, won't Eunwoo goods and Wachala goods come out? [Black Leopard 2] I'm really looking forward to it. Just waiting for the release date.

┗ Me too. to the point of falling out of the neck. If Eunwoo is called Carlos in the agency, wouldn't Eunwoo's name appear on each portal site tomorrow?

┗ If true, then yes. Recognition. Big news.


Taehyung was busy with the sudden influx of phone calls.

"Yes? Is Eunwoo Carlos? Who is Carlos? how? Yes, you're a great painter? Are you saying that Eunwoo is Carlos on the [Black Leopard 2] channel right now?”

Taehyung hangs up the phone and is restless.

‘Eun-woo is painting? Seeing reporters keep getting calls, I think we should check it out soon and publish an official article.’

Taehyung called Gildong.

Gildong was chewing ice in front of a fan to forget the heat of the filming site.

“Gildonga, is it true that Eunwoo was painting under the name of Carlos?“Carlos? well."

It seemed that Eunwoo was good at drawing, but it was hard to believe that he was already working as a painter.

‘I know most of Eunwoo’s schedule.’

It was Gildong that Eunwoo's daycare friends and Taekwondo classmates knew.


Just when the sound of filming stopped, Gildong went to Eunwoo and asked.

“Eunwoo. There's a riot in Korea right now. Is it true that you worked as a painter under the name Carlos?”

Eun-woo thought that the problem he had been pondering about had arisen, and that he was better off.

‘I was going to answer his grandfather first, but the fans figured it out first. After filming is over, I will call my grandfather and let him know.’

Eunwoo answered.

“Hey, my name is Carlos. Grandpa, you brag about riding my grimi, but you are so proud of it that I even have an exhibition. Yes, but I also act and sing, so if I knew that I could even draw a picture, I would have hidden it.”


Gildong had a strange feeling.

‘It’s sad that Eunwoo had a secret that I didn’t know. However, I am proud of you that Eun-woo has such a great ability to work as a painter.’

Gildong said to Taehyung.

“Hyung, Eunwoo says Carlos is right. Please, hyung, please publish articles well so that the fans do not feel sad. Please."

"okay. I will take care of it as much as possible.”

Taehyung muttered after hanging up the phone.

“Eunwoo is really great. Even if the agency doesn't care, they make articles like this and create issues. He was worried about his anxiety last time, but with [Black Leopard 2] he's making one more world-famous event."

A few hours later, an article published by HO Entertainment appeared on the Internet.

[It turns out to be an anonymous painter Carlos Eunwoo.

Five or six months ago, the anonymous painter Carlos brought a fresh wind to the art world. Although he was a rookie known for having no formal education, he drew attention from the art world solely with his outstanding drawing skills. The simple and warm drawings on cookie bags and boxes comforted people's hearts. Some critics compared his paintings to masters such as Park Soo-geun or Lee Jung-seop.

However, Carlos did not appear in public because of his mystic concept, and due to his personal circumstances, there were not many paintings.

A video taken at the filming site of [Black Leopard 2] recently raised the claim that Eunwoo was Carlos. Fans argued that Eunwoo's drawings are similar to Carlos's, citing his method of simplifying touches, lines, and objects as evidence.

As a result of checking with Eun-woo, Eun-woo admitted that he was Carlos and that he could not reveal that he was Carlos because he was afraid that there would be restrictions on his activities as a celebrity. Eunwoo never intended to hide it from fans, and he said he thought he would feel sorry for other painters if he was appreciated more than other painters because his paintings were celebrities.

Eun-woo revealed through this magazine that he will promise to be more active in the future with apologetic feelings to the fans.]

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