Talent Absorption From the Age of 0

Chapter 185 . [Black Leopard 2] (14)

After Zahara's death, Wachala came to Ombaku's city, and Ombaku learned of Kasan's death through the words of Hassan and bankruptcy. If Ombaku had appeared to save Zahara, there could be no real Wasalla in prison.

“Captain Wasalla in prison.”

Furious, Om Baku ordered his men to summon Wa and Chala.

Ombaku's men have captured Wasalla from the dungeon.

“Kneel down.”

Ombaku's men tripped his leg and knocked him down.


Wasalla screamed in agony and fell to the floor. Wachala's delicate cheeks touched the cold floor. Wasalla's ankles were bleeding.

Ombaku shouted in an angry voice.

"who are you?"


“Then who appeared at the border and killed Kassan and saved Zahara? Isn't that guy Wasalla?"

Alfonso smiled.

‘Wachala survived to save Zahara. My sacrifice made sense. Wasalla, if only you can survive, I'm fine.'

Alfonso appeared through transformation.

“Alfonso. Dare you?”

An angry Om Baku kicked Alfonso's stomach and punched him in the back with his fist.

Alfonso cried out as he groaned in pain, curling his body.

“Hey, Ombakuya. Have you forgotten what King Tsachala said? Didn't King Cha Challah cherish, love and protect his nephew? You are blinded by power and are trying to kill poor Wasalla. You will not return to the forest of the great [watata] kings after you die.”

[Watatta] Legend has been passed down in the country. It is said that the great kings of [Watatta] go to the forest of kings after they die. It is said that in the forest of kings there is no death, no pain, only eternal happiness and rest.

Also, there is a legend that the true king of [Wata Ta] can get help from the great kings of [Wata Ta] when he is in crisis.

Ombaku said, laughing at Alfonso's words.

“I don’t believe in legends like that. Does it matter when a person is alive? What's important after you die? No one has seen after death. You are spreading lies like that because you want to make money or gain power by wrapping up death.”

“All the [Watatta] tribes have been good for the afterlife. Even animals don't touch my veins. The people will remember your atrocities.”

“People have to press with my power. I have already decided to increase the tax on the people of [Watatta] by 20 times. And all men over the age of 15 were conscripted and decided to form an army. We decided to take all the women over the age of 18 and marry them to the [Waffapa] kingdom.”


Alfonso's expression darkened.

'That idiot got this job. King Tsachala. The people of [Watatta] whom you loved so much are in trouble. Men are taken to warfare at a young age and women are forced to marry men they do not want. Older people must work hard to pay their taxes.

How did the peaceful [Watatta] kingdom become like this in an instant? I'm really sorry. King Chachala.

I don’t think I can keep all the promises I made with you.’

Tears of anger flowed from Alfonso's eyes.

"this guy. Ombakuya. [Watatta] The people's tears of wrath will remember you. Your sins will not be repaid even with your life.”

Ombaku laughed.

“I am not afraid of the world after death. And as long as [aluminium] is in my hands, no one can stop me.”

Ombaku wore an aluminum crown.

Then Ombaku transformed into a golden dragon.

“Who will defeat the golden dragon? No matter how bad I do, no one can disobey my will. Because no one is stronger than me.”

A golden dragon was approaching Alfonso.Alfonso closed his eyes.

'I'm sorry, King Tsachala. Please forgive me for not keeping all the promises I made in the face of your death.’

As the golden dragon was about to boil Alfonso's breath with its claws, Wachalla appeared from afar.

“Stop it.”

The golden dragon looked at Wasalla.

"greenhorn. You've come to find a place to die. A fearless man.”

“You know who is going to lose. Sweat.”

“Are you going to die for your friend? It would be better to pass quietly. If you don't say anything, I'll put you back in the dungeon."

Wasalla said with a sad expression.

“A man lives a cowardly life, and he promises to die gloriously.”

“If you wish to die that far, I will kill you.”

The golden dragon turned away from Alfonso and headed towards Wasalla.

Wasalla transformed into a Black Flame Dragon.

[Watatta] A golden dragon that can only be transformed by those with the crown of the kingdom.

Wasalla was also well aware of the power of the golden dragon.

'The golden dragon can copy everything he encounters, regardless of his transformation class. aka Copycat.’

If it weren't for the Golden Dragon, Wachala's Snow Dragon and Black Flame Dragon's transformation dragon were ranked first in the [Watatta] kingdom. Next was Zahara's Red Dragon.

However, if you met a golden dragon, it was a different story.

'In the end, it's like fighting a complex of all dragons.'

It wasn't that Wasalla didn't know that it was a fight that was difficult to win from the start.

‘The problem is that it’s a fight that you have no choice but to fight even if you lose.’

Wachala loved the people of [Watatta] and [Watatta] more than her own life. and his own friends and subordinates. Without them, I thought that even if I lived, I would not have lived.

So he couldn't back off.

The golden dragon casts a Horiswallting on Wasalla.

‘That’s magic that takes away the moisture from the body. I might die painfully if I pick it up.’

After Wachalla transformed into Snow Dragon, he breathed out his breath.

Horris Wilting turned into ice in the air.

“You are the son of Cha Challa. But there is plenty of time.”

The golden dragon launched a second attack.

‘Oh my God, that’s the Power Word, Kill.’

Power Word Kill. A magic that kills all opponents except yourself.

Ombaku seemed determined to kill everyone in the palace.

“Tamtone, Jeongmyeon.”

Wachala saw the people in the palace.

Alfonso, his friend, and his longtime maids and bodyguards.

There were Ombaku's men, but most of the people in the palace were those who spent time with Wasalla.

He couldn't kill all of them who played tag with Wa and Chala and carried and hugged the young and Chala.

Wa Charla closed her eyes and memorized his spell.


resurrection. A magic that kills me and saves my opponent instead.

In the end, Wachala chose to save everyone in the palace instead of herself.

Ombaku smiled triumphantly.

“After all, your Achilles’ heel is human. I knew it. stupid bastard People tend to succumb to those with power. If you have the power, you don't need anyone."

A golden dragon approached Wasalla.

Wachala was losing his mind.

At that time, Alfonso transformed into a cheetah and ran towards Wasalla.

“Wachala. You must not lose your mind.”

Alfonso jumped down Victoria Falls with Wasala in her arms.

The palace maids and bodyguards called out Wachala's name with sad eyes.

"Prince. Prince Wasalla.”

Wasalla left their voices behind and fell down the waterfall.

The Golden Dragon unleashed its transformation and returned to the form of Ombaku.

Ombaku's men asked Ombaku.

“Shall I catch you?”

“Leave it alone. You must have already used up all your power to use the resurrection magic. Besides, he fell down a waterfall, so it would be difficult to save his life. Rather, collect taxes from the people of [Watatta] sooner. I have to use that money to buy new weapons.”

Ombaku's dream was to conquer the whole world. This required more weapons, more soldiers, and more resources.

“After buying a new weapon, I will start conquering neighboring countries one by one. By the end of this year, I want to conquer 10 countries. With this [aluminium] crown, nothing is impossible.”

Ombaku touched the crown of [aluminium] above his head with a proud expression.


Wasalla had a dream.

‘Where are you? Very beautiful. The trees are big and cool. And there are robbers and the animals look peaceful.’

Wasalla smiled happily as she walked down the street.

‘It is a path that warms my heart just by walking. There's a rainbow over there too. Did it rain?’

Wasala looked around.

‘It’s beautiful here too, but I have to go back to the kingdom again. The people are suffering.’

Wachala was more worried about the suffering people than the beautiful scenery.

At that moment, Wasalla's grandfather, Hachala, appeared.

“Wachala. How have you been?”

“It’s a view. How are you?”

“This is the forest of great kings. Do you remember what his grandfather used to say?”

“Yes, yes, yes.”

“I didn’t expect to see you so soon. Coming here means you're already dead. Are you dead?”

The Power Word Kill that Ombaku used came to mind in Wasalla's head. And the figure of Alfonso who fell with him holding him.

“Perhaps it is. Harview. But I have a lot of regrets.”

"okay. How a person lives is important, but how he dies is also important. If you don't regret it, it's done. But what happened to Ombaku?”

“After sweating, how are you doing? I'm trying to go, but I'm not sure what to do. sorry. Have a look.”

Hachala took a deep breath.

“It’s all my fault. He shouldn't have raised him like that."

At Hachala's words, Chachalla appeared.“Don’t blame yourself. father. Om Baku wouldn't have changed no matter what his father had done.”

“Still, I still regret it. And sorry to Wasalla. to suffer this kind of pain.”

“Are you okay? Have a look.”

“But father. I am worried about the people of [Watatta]. We are all dead and only Ombaku remains on the earth, so can the people reclaim [watata] on their own?”

“It will be difficult. Ombaku is strong and will try to rule terror with that power. You will need a hero. A hero who can overcome Ombaku.”

“We have such a hero in front of us.”

Chachalla looked at Wasalla.

"okay. There aren't many kings who can die for their people. Our Wachala is such a king, and the people will be proud of it. You must tell your ancestors that you are here.”

Cha Challa nodded his head at Ha Challa's words.

Hashalla took Wachala's hand and stood in front of the divine tree in the middle of the forest of the great kings.

“Wow. Namu is so big.”

Wasalla was startled by the size of a tree the size of a 20-story building.

Chachalla looked at her and smiled.

“It is a special tree. Wasalaya. A tree in which the souls of all the ancestors of [Watatta] reside.”

Hashalla spoke to the tree.

“Great kings of [watata]. Here our young and great king and Charla died to protect their people. In [Watatta], only Ombaku remains and the people are suffering. I beg you to magnify Wachala's courage and give him one more chance.”

There was a rustling sound as the small leaves shook.

Branches stretched out, wrapped around Wachala's body, and lifted him into the air.

The tree asked Wasalla.

“Wachala. You died for your people, for your friends. That heart deserves praise. But raising the dead is breaking the rules of the world. It takes sacrifice to break the rules of the world. If you do anything against the law, we will annihilate the souls of Cha-Challa and Ha-Challa. Are you okay though?”

soul annihilation

Wasalla felt fear.

Under the tree, Hashalla replied with a smile.

“Don’t worry. Wachala. We believe in you.”

Chachala continued.

“If the people of [Watatta] suffer, we will not be happy even if we are here.”

Hearing this, Wasalla made a decision.

“Yes, yes, yes.”

“Then I will give you the crown of this place. This crown is more powerful than the [aluminium] crown.”

“Is this crown also capable of transformation?”

“That is something you have to figure out for yourself. I wish you luck.”

A branch crowned Wasalla's head.


Wasalla politely greeted the tree.

“Now you will come back to life. I hope you will save the people according to your wishes.”


Wasalla coughed in the cold water.


“Wachala are you okay?”

Alfonso was looking at Wasalla with concern.

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