As Nie Feiyu kept running in the jungle, the efficiency of hunting beasts dropped rapidly!

Not only was his ranking surpassed by Qin Yi and became the second, but even many of the viewers in his live broadcast room ran to Qin Yi!

Of course, he didn't know any of this!

After all, he was still running away wholeheartedly!

If he was caught up by the second-level 2-star beast-the red-toothed tiger behind him, he would have to go to the underworld!

"Damn it! Why does this red-toothed tiger keep chasing me!"

Nie Feiyu's face was ferocious, feeling the movement of the beast chasing him behind him, and he didn't dare to rest for a moment!

Finally! When he was about to run out of energy!

Nie Feiyu was delighted to find that there was a waterfall not far ahead!

If he jumped down, maybe the red-toothed tiger would find it troublesome and stop chasing!

After all, the red-toothed tiger has always disliked water!

Do it as you think of it!

He immediately changed direction and ran towards the waterfall!

As the rumbling sound got closer, Nie Feiyu suddenly jumped and plunged into the pool under the waterfall!

Seeing that the red-toothed tiger just stood there and took a look, it left directly!

Nie Feiyu couldn't hide his joy. This feeling of surviving a disaster was very exciting!

But he never wanted to experience it again!

Climbing up the shore of the pool, he was immediately excited!

I didn't expect that I actually survived the pursuit of a beast one star higher than me!

My live broadcast room is absolutely blown up now!

I guess they don't dare to believe that they can survive, right?

I immediately opened the quantum bracelet with beautiful fantasies!

He no longer looks at the ranking of Yannan County! He now wants to see if Qin Yi has surpassed him!

Seeing that he has fallen to second place, he is surprisingly calm!

That's right! After all, he was just being chased and wasted a lot of time!

I guess I will be able to overtake it later!

Clicking on the ranking list, I suddenly found that Qin Yi's current score had already reached 879 points!

This is incredible!

How did it happen so quickly?

Did it increase so much for no reason?

If he killed a weak beast, it would be impossible to increase the score so high in that period of time!

Did he kill a beast with a higher star?

This speculation inexplicably filled Nie Feiyu's mind!

Then he shook his head and ruled out this most likely speculation!

"No! Impossible!

He and I are both second-level 1 star, how could he kill a beast with a higher star?"

Just when Nie Feiyu was deceiving himself, Ye Qin also found that Nie Feiyu dropped to the second place in Luojiang City!

Now his score is not much higher than his own!

There was no time to be surprised at Qin Yi's strength, and he turned to find a beast he could kill! He was actually preparing to surpass Nie Feiyu!

[Candidate]: Qin Yi

[Current score]: 879!

[Luojiang City Ranking]: No. 1!

[Yannan County Ranking]: No. 110!

[Map of Ferocious Beast Active Area] (View?)

"Already ranked first? Very good! In the next day, sprint for the county ranking!"

Qin Yi glanced at the bracelet projection and saw that his Luojiang City ranking had reached No. 1, so he directly drank two tubes of energy supplements!

It was night again! Next, it was a more intense hunting!

[Ding! Killed the second-level 3-star ferocious beast-Qingguniu! Gained 8 points of karma! ]

Points +40!

[Ding! Killed the second-level 2-star ferocious beast-Red Fang Tiger! Gained 2 points of karma! ]

Points +30!

[Ding! Killed the second-level 4-star ferocious beast-Ghost Back Barbarian Bull! Gained 16 points of karma! ]

Points +50!


Qin Yi, who was hunting ferocious beasts to his heart's content, had no idea!

Because his ranking on the Yannan County rankings soared tonight, and made people in many other cities crazy!

"Oh my god! What's going on? How did my Zi Han fall out of the top 100 in Yannan County!"

"I know! It's this guy called Qin Yi! How dare he squeeze my Zi Han out!

Is he as handsome as him? Why do you squeeze him casually!"

"It seems, it seems, a hundred times more handsome than him!"

"Oh my god! I don't know if you have noticed!

It seems that there is a name on the rankings that is rising at a terrifying speed! This is incredible!

Where did the dark horse come from?"

"Fuck! Brother! It's true! Who is this Qin Yi!

One minute, give me all his information!"

"What the hell? Luojiang City? A small town that I have never heard of! It can actually produce such a genius?"

"I have heard that Luojiang City seems to be the last small town in the 21 cities of Yannan County!

I didn't expect that there would be a candidate in this martial arts exam who could be shortlisted in the top 100 this year!"

………Almost in an instant, more than 100,000 people poured into Luojiang City's martial arts exam live broadcast room!

The number of people is still growing at a terrifying rate!

"Minister! A lot of people poured into our live broadcast room in an instant!"

As the staff below came up to report the situation to the Minister of Armed Forces Zhao Tiande!

The people who were originally watching Qin Yi slaughtering the beasts with relish in the audience seats hurriedly looked at the ranking data under his projection!

It's obvious that Qin Yi must have rushed into the top 100 in Yannan County!

That's why so many people came together to watch Luojiang City's live broadcast!

Sure enough!

It has risen to 88th place!

"Great! This time, our Luojiang City finally has a candidate who squeezed into the top 100 in the entire Yannan County!"

"Hahaha! I wonder which other cities will dare to say anything sarcastic at that time!"

"Not bad! Not bad! He Qin Yi is indeed worthy of being the genius of our Luojiang City!"

Li Qiuya couldn't hide his joy!

He immediately shouted: "Okay!! When he finishes the exam, we must give him the best reward that our Luojiang Education Department can give!"


Qin Yi raised his eyes and saw the sky in the distance turning pale through the dense branches and leaves!

As time passed, the clouds on the horizon gradually turned orange-red, burning like flames!

The morning light shone through the clouds, dispelling the last trace of darkness from the entire jungle!

"It's dawn, today is the last day!"

Qin Yi muttered to himself, with a hint of fatigue!

He had been hunting beasts for two days at a high intensity!

Not to mention himself, even the C-level sword in his hand had several gaps!

"Good guy! After I finish the exam, I will definitely find someone to help you upgrade!"

In this world, not only humans and beasts have talents!

In addition to ordinary metals!

There are also special metals with special properties!

Incorporating a little into weapon forging can greatly improve the hardness and toughness of the weapon!

It is even possible to give the weapon special abilities!

Weapons forged to acquire special abilities are collectively referred to as "empowered weapons"!

If I can really win the first place in Yannan County in this martial arts exam!

I must be able to exchange a lot of those special metals that are hard to come by at the top martial arts university!

That's right, it's exchange! There is no such special metal on the market, and it can only be found in various martial arts universities!

Shaking his head, Qin Yi got up directly after dispelling the distracting thoughts in his mind!

As always, he stuffed the alloy liquid tube left after drinking the energy supplement into the tactical backpack!

It is worth mentioning that his tactical backpack is about to be worn out!

The whole body is covered with the smelly blood of the beast!

It's sticky, although his Thunderthorn Vine can effectively kill the beast from a distance!

But he still wants to use his sword to fight the beast in close combat!

This feeling is like, although he can be a mage who controls and damages at the same time, he still wants to be a superb close combat warrior!

After all, the feeling of slashing the beast's flesh with every blow is really addictive!

[Karma] adds a greater sense of accomplishment!

As he thought about it, his thoughts flew away again!

With a leap, he left the spot!

"Here, we are almost close to the territory of the Earth-shaking Giant Ape in the center! It is better to be cautious for now!" Qin Yi thought secretly!

He is only at the second level and 2 stars now!

It is impossible to kill this second-level 5-star Earth-shaking Giant Ape that can challenge the same star as himself!

— — —

[Karma-bound]: Qin Yi!

[Karma]: 89 points!

[Strength Level]: Second level and 2 stars (+)

[Talent]: A-level-Thunderthorn Vine

[Practice Method]: Xuanlan Breathing Method-Great Success!

[Martial Arts]: Basic Swordsmanship-Perfect!

— — —

Unless he upgrades one or two more stars!

While thinking secretly, he found that his [Karma] had actually become 89 points!

After adding some strength and upgrading to the second level 2 stars, and improving the basic swordsmanship, there are still 14 points of [Karma] left!

I actually saved 75 points last night!

I immediately remembered that I had to work hard for three years to save more than 320 points of [Karma]!

It's amazing!

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