"He did it! He really did it! Ahahaha!"

Zhang Yuantao couldn't hold back the joy in his heart!

In front of all the class teachers and school leaders present in Luojiang City, he burst into excited cheers!

Tears of joy could not help but flow from the corners of his eyes!

It turns out that the phrase "crying with joy" is true!

When people are extremely happy, they will really cry!

He has long had enough of the disdain and ridicule of other school leaders!

In the eyes of students, he is the powerful man who is high above and has outstanding strength!

But in the eyes of other principals of the same level, he is a rubbish principal whose schools can only bring out poor students!

But they never thought that the resources they got were only a little bit, but they supported the entire No. 4 Middle School!

The grievances of many years were finally completely released at this moment, and endless joy filled his mind!

Never thought that his school could produce such a powerful student!

Yue Xing actually killed the strongest beast in the martial arts exam - the Earth-shaking Giant Ape!

This is simply unbelievable!

"Hahaha! Good! So excellent! You are worthy of being the genius candidate of our Luojiang City!

Principal Zhang! Keep your emotions down a little. There are so many people here. Don't be so excited!

Hahaha! You have to be like me, not surprised when encountering major events, and not impatient when seeing happy events!"

Although Li Qiuya smiled calmly, the excitement in his eyes and the slight trembling between his words!

Anyone can see that he is now trying his best to suppress himself!

He is different from Zhang Yuantao. As the Minister of Education of the entire Luojiang City, he still needs to pay attention to his image when he goes out!

Wang Dahai saw Li Qiuya say these words calmly, his mouth twitched, and he secretly thought in his heart, I don’t think you are much better!

But he was also sincerely happy in his heart!

After all, Qin Yi is now in the top 5 of the entire Yannan County!

Ranked 4th!

Completely broke the record of Luojiang City for many years, where only one or two martial arts candidates squeezed into the top 100!

This is simply amazing!

It is conceivable that next year, the entire Luojiang City education system will receive a large amount of resources from the entire Yannan County!

By then, even if my No. 1 Middle School can only pick up some soup behind No. 4 Middle School, it will be much better than now!

"Xiao Yi! So strong!" Yuan Xinyan's eyes were also filled with excited tears, covering her mouth with an incredible look!

You know, as a second-level 4-star, she felt that she couldn't withstand a punch from the 5-star Earth-shaking Giant Ape just through this projection!

Unexpectedly, Qin Yi could not only fight against a giant ape that had a considerable increase after opening [Earth Shaking]!

He was actually able to kill it!

I really didn't expect that he had grown to a point far beyond himself!

"Come on! Turn on the live broadcast barrage for this minister!

I want to see, now! Who else dares to spray!" Zhao Tiande snorted coldly!

He immediately asked people to open the bullet screen in the live broadcast room with great enthusiasm!

The mocking bullet screen was still floating above, but below it was a large number of surprised and admiring comments! In the blink of an eye, it overshadowed the bullet screen above!

"Oh my god! This Qin Yi is cheating! He actually surpassed the stars and killed the Earth-shaking Giant Ape!

That's good! Killing a big boss directly gets 500 points! Advancing into the top 5!"

"Where is the person who just mocked? Come out and get beaten!"

"You are worthy of being our genius senior! I declare! Senior Qin will be my idol in the future!

"There is still half a day! According to Qin Yi's efficiency in killing beasts, this is definitely the first place! Isn't he the martial arts champion of Yannan County?"

"Yes! This small Luojiang City was also picked up by them!"


At this moment, Li Yun pointed at Qin Yi in the live broadcast with a smile: "Xiaojia! Isn't this senior awesome?"

Li Jiajia looked at Li Yun in surprise: "Dad! This is of course amazing! Yue Xing killed the second-level 5-star beast, the Earth-shaking Giant Ape!

This is something I dare not even think about, but this senior student actually did it! "

"He is the cousin your mother said, who is living a lazy life in No. 4 Middle School and has no skills!"

Li Yun's words shocked Li Jiajia and stunned her immediately!

"How could it be? Didn't my mother say that my cousin is very bad?

How could it be him!" Li Jiajia immediately sneered! Her face was full of disbelief!

"It's really him! When did he become so powerful?" At this moment, Li Yun's wife came out with a plate of food, her eyes widened in disbelief!

"What?" Li Jiajia was completely stunned!

"Mom! If this is a lazy life, what am I?"


Qin Yi looked at the projection in front of him and felt a sense of urgency!

[Candidate]: Qin Yi[Current Points]: 1989!

[Luojiang City Ranking]: No. 1!

[Yannan County Ranking]: No. 4!

[Map of Ferocious Beast Active Area] (View?)

[Yannan County Points Ranking]

No. 1: Ning Jiang - 2123 points!

No. 2: Fan Wanqing - 2083 points!

No. 3: Fu Qingfeng - 2009 points!

No. 4: Qin Yi - 1989 points!

There is only half a day left! This is the most critical sprint stage!

Now the gap between me and the three above is not big!

If I slack off for a moment, I will be pulled away by others, and it will be difficult to catch up!

I didn't dare to rest and hunted the ferocious beast again!

At this moment, Fu Qingfeng, who was in the examination center of Wuda outside Yannan County City-Qingyuan City, was surprised!

After my ranking, there was a candidate's name rising rapidly! Chasing closely behind me!

I originally thought that I was a second-level three-star! I should be able to sit firmly in the top three of Yannan County's martial arts exam this year!

But I didn't expect that a big dark horse would emerge from a small town I had never heard of!

My somewhat relaxed mentality also became nervous!

[Ding! Killed the second-level 4-star beast-Ghost Back Barbarian Bull! Gained 4 points of karma! ]

Points +50!

[Ding! Killed the second-level 4-star beast-Arm Knife Spirit Ape! Gained 4 points of karma! ]

Points +50!

[Ding! Killed the second-level 3-star beast-Flame Griffin! Gained 2 points of karma! ]

Points +40!


Qin Yi listened to the continuous system prompts and looked at the increasing [Karma] on his panel!

And the soaring points on the quantum bracelet!

The mentality that was originally a little tired because of killing the beasts also became happy!

You know, since I spent 90 points of [Karma] to break two stars, there are only more than 20 points left!

Now it has increased to almost 100 points!

Now, there are no beasts that can threaten me in this beast active area!

So it is not necessary to upgrade now!

My talent is only A-level, so I can save it and upgrade it later!

Now, my system is really strong!

You know, the level of talent is almost fixed for everyone!

Even the Beihai Martial Arts Research Institute, which has the highest level of technology in the world and the most in-depth research on martial arts, has only explored a little bit of the mystery of talent!

But I can actually get enough [Karma] through the system and directly upgrade my talent without limit! !

Once upgraded to S-level, not only will the affinity for the spiritual energy of heaven and earth double!

Even my cultivation speed will increase significantly on the current basis!

And the most important thing is that the talent will change!

For example, the previous ordinary [Green Ivy] talent of D level was upgraded to the current A-level [Thunderthorn Vine] talent!

The power is more than doubled!

Qin Yi couldn't help but look forward to the scene of upgrading his talent in the future!

The motivation to hunt the beasts suddenly increased!

The speed increased again!

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