Arena No. 79!

"Lin Tian! Go down by yourself! Don't let me beat you down, or Sister Jiang will be disappointed!"

A man dressed in a slutty way jumped onto the arena, holding a long sword with a look of disdain.

"Li Juncai! Just a few words and you want me to give up the position of the champion of Arena No. 79 in vain? Dream on!

As for Jiang Qingyue? If you want to wear the worn-out shoes I have worn, then wear them! Haha!"

Hearing Lin Tian's disdainful words, Li Juncai's face immediately turned black!

Just when he was about to say something else, he saw Lin Tian rushing towards him with a gun without saying a word!

With a grim smile on his face, he waved his hand and immediately took out an alloy sword!

"Oh my god! Taking things out of thin air? Whose son is this! He actually has a space-enabled weapon!"

"You don't know? This is the cousin of Li Junwei, the eldest son of the Li family! Li Juncai!

Although his strength and talent are not as good as Li Junwei, he is still a young master! How could he not have one?"

"What about the other one? He looks pretty fierce too!"

"It is said that he is from Qingyuan County like Gan Yufei. I heard that he came to Fengyun Wuda with his childhood sweetheart!"

"Hey! Brother! If you want to talk about this, then I have to have a good talk with you!

You don't know, his childhood sweetheart, I think her name is Jiang Qingyue, right? The next day, she was taken to bed by Li Juncai!"

"Oh? Big brother, tell me more!"


Qin Yi listened to the heated conversation of the three people beside him, and immediately became interested in Lin Tian on the stage!

Will the direction of this story be the protagonist's script?

Stroking his chin, Qin Yi secretly guessed.

"Hey, Qin Yi! I heard from them that Lin Tian is so miserable!"

Feng Xiu'er leaned in to eavesdrop, and then touched Qin Yi with her shoulder, "That Jiang Qingyue has only been here for two days and she's already doing that with someone else!

Isn't that too shameless?"

"Oh? You think so too?" Qin Yi turned his head with interest, and happened to meet Feng Xiu'er's eyes.

Feng Xiu'er's pretty face flushed slightly, and she quickly turned her head away, "Aren't you talking nonsense?

Also! Why are you so close to me!"

"What the hell? My eldest lady! Didn't you come over?" Qin Yi's eyes were astonished.

Feng Xiu'er's ears were red, "I... I wanted to hear what those guys next to you were talking about!

I don't care, it's you anyway!"

I immediately snorted and left the martial arts viewing area.

Looking at her back as she walked towards the rostrum, Qin Yi's mouth twitched, what's wrong with this girl?

He shook his head and ignored it, and turned his eyes to the No. 79 fighting arena!

Lin Tian looked determined, holding a spear in his hand, and stabbed Li Juncai's vitals with every move!

As the saying goes, an inch longer is an inch stronger, an inch shorter is an inch more dangerous. In just a moment, Li Juncai was forced to the corner of the arena by Lin Tian's spear!

Just when Lin Tian was confident of victory and looked proud, Qin Yi found that Li Juncai's expression was full of mockery.

No, it shouldn't be like this. He was obviously at a disadvantage, so why was he so arrogant?

Is there any other means that he hasn't used yet?

Thinking of this, Qin Yi temporarily suppressed his conclusion and looked carefully at the two people on the stage!

"It seems that this Li Juncai is not that great! Is he really just a dandy who relies on his family?"

"Hahaha! Second brother, you guessed wrong! But watch out! This Li Juncai is going to use his talent! A-level [Seven-Colored Sky Feather]"

"What? Big brother! He is also an A-level talent! No wonder he is so arrogant!

If I were also a young master, and my talent was also A-level, then I would definitely be more exaggerated than him!"

"Yes, third brother! It's really not his fault!"

Qin Yi's forehead darkened when he heard this. These three, actually "sworn brotherhood" in just a short while?

But it's really... so careless!

Looking at Li Juncai on the stage, he shouted, "Boy! Look at my Seven-Colored Sky Feather!"

Qin Yi's eyes were inexplicable. Is this young master a middle school student?

Seeing a large number of colorful feathers appearing on the martial arts stage, and then turning into rainbow lights and falling towards the frightened Lin Tian, ​​Qin Yi suddenly felt familiar.

Only to hear Lin Tian roaring: "Damn it! Red Hell Body!"

A red fire light blazed from his body! In an instant, it turned into a set of Yanhong armor on his body!

Then it blocked all the rainbow lights falling on itself, and in a moment it was burned into a liquid with colorful light! Slowly fell at his feet!

Qin Yi looked at the martial arts stage and murmured, "This Lin Tian can actually resist the rainbow light for a moment! It is worthy of the top B-level talent! [Red Hell Body]!"

Lin Tian slowly spoke to Li Juncai, with a proud look on his face: "Li Juncai! You have no tricks now, right?"

"You and I are the sameIt is a second-level 9-star! Why do you think that your B-level talent can block my A-level talent attack? "

Looking at Li Juncai's sneer, Lin Tian suddenly felt bad.

He wanted to retreat immediately!

"Want to run? Too late!"

The burned colorful liquid turned into a long colorful feather, and the feather stretched and entangled, binding Lin Tian so that he couldn't move!

Qin Yi was stunned, "Can it be like this? "

As a light curtain lit up in front of Lin Tian, ​​Li Juncai became the champion of the No. 79 competition arena!

Qin Yi muttered, planning to take his position as the champion as soon as his recovery time was over!

Seeing a slightly innocent woman under the stage, she stepped forward and pointed at Lin Tian who fell from the competition arena.

It seemed that she was saying something "earnestly", which Qin Yi found quite interesting!

He estimated in his heart that the recovery time was almost over, and Li Juncai had occupied it for almost an hour, which was enough! As a person, you can't be too greedy!

Seeing that no one around challenged him, it must be because they were afraid of his identity! If they didn't have the strength!

They were afraid, but I was not! Moreover, the competition arena in the entire Fengyun martial arts field was basically occupied by the stronger ones!

It's time for me to go on stage!

Qin Yi thought so, and immediately stood up!

Slowly walked towards the No. 79 competition arena!

"Look! A young man went to the No. 79 fighting arena!"

"Oh? Not bad, very brave, I don't dare to go up, but he dares?"

"Heh! He has to come down after going up! He doesn't look that strong, Li Juncai is Li Junwei's cousin!"

"That's right! Not to mention his A-level talent! Not many people can beat him with his A-level swordsmanship!"


From time to time, Qin Yi heard gossips, and he naturally turned a deaf ear to them. Go up and argue with them?

Strength is the hard truth! If you really want them to shut up, just make a slight move!

"Yo heh? How come every cat and dog dares to challenge me now?"

Li Juncai stood proudly in the center of the No. 79 fighting arena, looking at Qin Yi in front of him with disdain.

"Hey! Boy! Since you dare to come, don't let me beat you to tears when the time comes! ”

Looking at Li Juncai, who was swinging his sword in one hand and lifting his bangs with the other, Qin Yi smiled faintly, waved his hand, and the A-level Mandrill Tang Sword appeared in his hand.

"What! Taking things out of thin air? Who is this guy? He is so rich? Space-enabled weapons that can store things are not cheap!"

"Damn! I was wrong! This guy is so rich, so he must be very powerful!

Could he really fight against Li Juncai?"

"Fuck! Isn't this Qin Yi, the martial arts champion of Yannan County this year? He just beat five or six people easily in the martial arts viewing seat on the 25th martial arts arena!"

"What? He is the martial arts champion?

Oh~ From Yannan County? Cut! Everyone knows that the martial arts champion of Yannan County every year is ranked last among the martial arts champions of the 18 counties in our Hongguo! "

"Don't underestimate him! His real strength is far more than that!

The five or six people he just beat up were all second-level 7 or 8 stars!

But he still knocked them down in the blink of an eye with his fists and feet! Although it was a bit of a sneak attack, it should not be underestimated! "


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