Talented Genius

Chapter 999: Yun Gong Xun Yin

Chapter 999

At noon the next day, at two o'clock, Ye Tianlong wore a hat and walked into the red sports stadium for the promotion competition, which is one of the top professional basketball stadiums in China.

The 10,000 seats are soft-packed seats, advanced display systems, advanced lighting and sound systems, and five-star standard backstage functional areas.

Under the guidance of Zhao Yaoyao, Ye Tianlong went straight through two circular corridors and appeared in a luxury lounge of 30 square meters.

The lounge is equipped with a set of sofas, a set of TV speakers, and a few decent calligraphy and paintings hung on the wall. The place is not very compact.

A middle-aged man was sitting on the sofa, flipping through a large pile of players' materials, and he was flipping through the papers.

Behind, there is an assistant and secretary.

At the age of 40, the shrewd at 30, but the arrogant 20-year-old was revealed in his eyes. At first glance, he knew that this person was not easy to get along with.

In fact, he has a very bad temper. Before Ye Tianlong could say hello to Zhao Yaoyao, he looked at Ye Tianlong who came by and pointed his finger at the wall clock:

"Ye Tianlong, you were late for fifty-three minutes, how do you explain?"

how to explain?

Ye Tianlong was not surprised how Du Wenxing, who was holding the information in his hand, recognized him, but smiled bitterly that he didn't know how to respond to this question.

Boiled a pot of bird’s nest porridge for Zhao Ditian at noon, but it was five minutes late because he had to master the heat.

Ye Tianlong did not argue, and smiled lightly: "Something has been delayed, I'm sorry!"


Before Zhao Yaoyao frowned to speak, Du Wenxing leaned back on the sofa and adopted a commanding posture:

"Sorry to make up for the lateness? If you are not sure to come over, don't agree to my invitation."

Du Wenxing cursed at Ye Tianlong: "You actually agreed, then you should come to see us every second."

"Being late is not only disrespectful, but also a waste of our time."

He looked at the silent Ye Tianlong, aggressively: "I don't know your concept of time, but in my Du Wenxing's eyes, time is money."

"In five minutes, I can comment on ten contestants, select good seedlings, and see two sponsors to finalize a big business of several million."

"Do you think that you are a little hot, so you are playing big cards?"

"I tell you, without our platform, you are nothing, and I will tell you again, your popularity is ours."

Du Wenxing's eyes were very sharp: "If you want to continue walking, you'd better pick up your tail and be a human being."

Ye Tianlong's expression was very calm: "I'm really sorry!"

"Master Du, you can't—""

Zhao Yaoyao was about to go crazy, but was stopped by Ye Tianlong's hand. He smiled and added: "Taiwan Du, don't worry, you will never be late in the future."

"And I am very grateful, Mr. Du, your operation has given me the current enthusiasm."

He is polite and polite: "Please also take care of you in the future."

"This attitude is pretty good."

Du Wenxing snapped his fingers, and the assistant immediately took out a stack of contracts from his bag and placed it in front of Ye Tianlong, saying, "Sign the contract."

Zhao Yaoyao looked startled: "Director Du, what contract? Didn't you talk to Tianlong for a few days today? What contract to sign?"

Du Wenxing snorted softly: "He has a little characteristic in singing, but there is no packaging, no hype, how to sell it? How to make money?"

"If you want to hype, you need to pack, there must be a cost. The TV station invests in him and bears the risk of not being popular. It is normal to sign the contract in advance."

He threw out a pen impatiently: "Ye Tianlong, stop talking nonsense, quickly sign it, this is your destiny-changing contract."

Zhao Yaoyao flipped through the contract, her pretty face became extremely cold, and she read out several clauses word by word:

"When the contract was signed for ten years, the TV station was responsible for packaging and sales. When there was no commercial activity, the remuneration was paid according to the system, 8,000 per month."

"Participating in commercial activities, the income is divided into the TV station, the first five years, Ye Tianlong one, the TV station nine, the next five years, 28."

Zhao Yaoyao's face sank: "At the same time, individuals are not allowed to engage in various activities without authorization."

"If you violate it, you will be severely punished once, which is ten times the reward for the activity."


Zhao Yaoyao directly dumped the contract on the coffee table, and yelled angrily: "Taiwan Chief Du, this is a contract for selling, too harsh."

"After signing it, Ye Tianlong won't have to turn over for the next ten years and become a squeeze tool for TV stations."

Du Wenxing's face sank: "What is a contract to sell a body? What does Ye Tianlong have now? People who have nothing, talk about squeezing?"

"After signing this contract, his future is definitely ten times better than now."

"What if you don't do anything, you can guarantee a minimum of 8,000 a month, and some activities are hundreds of thousands. A key university graduate can get 8,000 wages?"

Then his eyes cold again: "Also, Zhao Yaoyao, correct your position. You are a person in the station, don't turn your arms out."

Zhao Yaoyao is not polite: "I am from the station, but Tianlong is also my friend. I hope for a win-win situation and never want to sell a contract."

Ye Tianlong gently pulled Zhao Yaoyao, signaled her not to get angry, then looked at Du Wenxing and smiled: "What if I don't sign?"


Du Wenxing sneered when he heard the words, and said directly: "No sign? Today is the promotion match, you are the last one, you can't make 16th."

"You can sing a bit well, but that's all. People who can sing better than you are everywhere."

Zhao Yaoyao's pretty face was cold: "Go grab some and show me."

Du Wenxing ignored Zhao Yaoyao, raised his watch and looked at him: "Ye Tianlong, I'll give you three minutes. If you don't sign, you're ready to get out."

"It won't take three minutes."

Ye Tianlong took the contract. He made a mistake with his hands, and with a click, he tore it in half, threw it away, and turned to the door:

"Yaoyao, remember, after I finish singing today, I will continue to sing and tell you the biggest leader to open this Du Wenxing."

Ye Tianlong went out very calmly, Zhao Yaoyao nodded and followed Ye Tianlong away.

Du Wenxing was furious and slapped the table: "Boy, I don't know how high the sky is, you wait to regret it."

The assistants and female secretaries also pouted, feeling that Ye Tianlong was too arrogant and mad.

Two to fifty!

Amidst the sound of music, Fina and other three judges sang a pop song, which made the scene of five hundred people hot.

"Gentlemen and ladies, good afternoon, welcome to the promotion arena of China Good Voice, 32 to 16..."

Then the host came on stage and briefly talked to the audience about the introduction of the three judges and the introduction of the selection rules for the promotion competition.

At three o'clock, the promotion match began. Many audience members were poking their necks and waiting for the singer to come on stage. The three judges glanced at each other, and there was a light in their eyes.

Obviously the three of them have received Du Wenxing's hint that this round, Ye Tianlong, who has the highest voice, must be suppressed and taught him a lesson.

At 3:05, Ye Tianlong was arranged to be the first to appear. In all kinds of complicated and playful eyes, he stood generously in the middle of the stage.

"Hello everyone, I am Ye Tianlong."

Ye Tianlong glanced at Zhao Yaoyao in the audience, smiled lightly to indicate that she doesn't need to worry, and then calmly said into the microphone:

"A song called "Yun Gong Xun Yin" is dedicated to everyone. It is also a tribute to the late Ms. Yang and thank her for the childhood joy she brought."

After speaking, Ye Tianlong took a step forward. Without the cooperation of the music teacher, Du Wenxing had already greeted them, and it was inevitable that they would make trouble.

It is better not to use it.

The light dimmed, Ye Tianlong's expression softened, and his entire temperament instantly became extraordinary.

"Dengdeng and wait for it, stool for the light..."

As soon as Ye Tianlong spoke, the sound effects of the opening song of Journey to the West flowed out instantly.

The host is stupid!

The three judges are stupid!

Zhao Yaoyao not far away is stupid!

Du Wenxing and the others, who hugged left and right in the box, stared at the TV screen in astonishment. They were also stupid!

The five hundred spectators at the scene also opened their mouths, shouting in their hearts one by one:


"Is this an electronic musical instrument, or is it a vocal technique?"

"Is this a **** human?"

There was one in the audience, and they were all shocked!

The opening song of "Journey to the West" is a perfect combination of electronic musical instruments, western orchestral music, guzheng, pipa, harp, triangle, tube bells, Chinese chimes, African drums, Konka drums, drums, bass guitar, and electronic mixed soprano. Together, it can be called China's first electronic music.

Now, this first electronic tone, without the help of any musical instrument, is directly emitted from Ye Tianlong's mouth, and it is 100% restored. How can it not make people feel shocked?

Many people looked at the musical instrument team.

The musical instrument team raised their hands together and signaled that they did not touch the instrument, it was Ye Tianlong's performance alone.

The air was quiet, and the atmosphere was quiet. Everyone looked at Ye Tianlong like a monster.


When Ye Tianlong turned to the singing part, the soft and broad voice came out, making people feel the vastness of the heavenly palace and the coldness of the maids.

The audience's spirits tightened again, and their expressions became extremely excited.

They had never heard such a perfect chant, and it slammed into people's hearts, and the memory was instantly pulled back to childhood.

In the minds of many people, the monkey holding the golden hoop, the pig bajie holding the horse, the honest sand monk holding the burden...

And under the sunset, the white horse jumping with Tang Seng on his back, everything seems to be long, but it is extremely clear, and it is imprinted in his mind.

Many girls even covered their mouths in drunkenness...

"Ah-ah-ah -"

The song shocked everyone, without a single sentence, without a word, but it made people unable to stop tearing their eyes and full of memories!

It is a kind of shock from the depths of the soul. It is difficult to describe in words!

"thank you all!"

At the end of the song, Ye Tianlong dropped the microphone and pressed his hat, leaving the scene extremely fast.

"Shen Yin, Shen Yin!"

Behind him, there was applause and joy, and the roof of the scene was almost overturned...

Du Wenxing sat on the sofa with a few faces ashamed. They finally knew that there was a kind of power that could not be solved by unspoken rules...

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