Talented Genius

Chapter 1004: Is this where he can come?

Chapter 1004 Is This Where He Can Come?

When Jin Xuejun and Confucius were about to borrow a knife to kill people, Ye Tianlong was at the Guangguang Temple in the capital, offering incense to the dark Buddha.

Tomorrow is the 15th, and Ye Tianlong, who has already seen the architectural drawings of the familiar martial arts family, is planning to go to the martial arts family for a stroll tomorrow, so he temporarily comes to hug the Buddha.

Guangguang Temple, which sounds high-end and high-end, is actually a small temple. The building is dilapidated and small, and the Buddha is also smoked and black.

There is only one elderly monk in the entire temple.

Ye Tianlong didn't want to go to a big temple to squeeze with pilgrims, and was worried that too many people would not see the Buddha, so he chose such a temple to offer incense.

The burning of wood incense made the lonely temple more popular and warmer.

After finishing the incense, Ye Tianlong walked to the merit box, took out a thousand yuan and put it in, as a little bit of his own mind: "Buddha bless."

The old monk was sixty years old, very thin, very dry, without eyebrows, and there were patches on his robes, but he was very clean and exuded a woody smell.

Seeing Ye Tianlong gave the sesame oil money, the Wumei old monk sang a promise: "Thank you for the donor."

Ye Tianlong raised a smile: "Master, I am going to a place tomorrow to rescue a friend who is under house arrest."

"But the person who put her under house arrest was not a bad person, but her family. It is not good to be hurt by them or hurt them."

He looked forward to the old monk with a trace of expectation: "I don't know if you have any ideas? Can I settle this matter calmly?"

The old monk without eyebrows sighed lightly, but did not speak, just stretched out his thin fingers and pointed to the sky outside, where three birds happened to fly by.

"Master, do you mean taking a step back and broadening the sky?"

Ye Tianlong had an epiphany: "When we collide tomorrow, give way first? Let one step not work, let two steps, let two steps not give way to three steps?"

"If you can't do three steps, then fight back. In this way, the truth will stand on my side. No matter what the result is, you can explain it to everyone?"

Ye Tianlong gave a thumbs up and praised: "The master is the master, the guidance is thorough, thank you."

He bowed deeply, then turned and left the small temple.

When his figure just disappeared, the old monk without eyebrows muttered to himself: "Guwazi, what I'm talking about is my bird..."

After exiting the temple, Ye Tianlong got into the car, and Tianmo stepped on the accelerator and drove back to Ditianju.

"Is there any news from Zhen?"

Ye Tianlong leaned on the seat, twisted a bottle of soda and took a sip: "That woman is a trouble."

"When I got your message and went downstairs, she had grabbed a car and ran away."

As Tian Mo drove the car, he told Ye Tianlong: "I was worried about your safety, so I didn't catch up."

"Falling like this, hitting the air conditioner four or five times, and running so fast, what did that woman do?"

Ye Tianlong exhaled a long breath: "Call the oriole later, let him come to the capital and dig out Zhen for me."

"I want to see what is sacred behind her."

Tian Mo curiously said, "Isn't it the Kong family?"

Ye Tianlong smiled: "Although the Confucian family is deeply rooted and has a deep hatred with me, but they won't do it easily. What they seek is a hit."

"Because Kong Polang's lesson taught them that if you fail to kill me, there will be serious consequences."

Ye Tianlong squinted his eyes and looked ahead: "Zhen's methods of killing are ruthless, but not to the point where a single blow will hit."

"The most important point is that when she told the story, she moved Kong Po Lang out, and she also said the details in a real way, trying to convince me."

"Unfortunately, when I heard it, I knew it was framed, and it was the cause of trouble after their mission failed."

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "Kong Po Lang was scared by me a long time ago. It is impossible for anyone to kill me."

Tian Mo asked in a low voice, "Who would it be?"

"There are too many enemies to lock in for a while, but I guess it has something to do with the Pu family."

Ye Tianlong made his own judgment: "One is that Zhen is a Nanfang, and the other is that the Pu family owes me more than 100 billion."

Tian Mo nodded: "It seems that the Pu family is really looking for death."

"Before I die, I have to give me more than 100 billion yuan. I will wait for the money to provide for the elderly."

Ye Tianlong smiled brightly: "Moreover, if you take out the more than 100 billion Yuan of the Pu family, you can indirectly affect Nanhan's economic development."

Then, he rubbed his head again: "Forget it, don't think about this, let the oriole track and lock it, the top priority, I want to bring Lingshuang out."

He looked up at the sky and the birds flying by, thinking, joking today to make the old monk happy, will the Buddha bless himself?

The next morning, Ye Tianlong bought a 500 yuan fruit basket, and then drove the car towards the Wu family.

Today, he borrowed a jeep from Zhan Qinglou. It was neither luxurious nor low-key. He drove calmly through Ten Mile Long Street and walked west along Chang'an East Street.

Five minutes later, after passing Huangcheng Gener Relics Park, bypassing the once glorious palace complex, arrived at the east of Qinghai Park.

The alleys are staggered, and the courtyards are continuous. This is the place where the big guys live.


The car passed the checkpoint at the gate and then came to a yard with a large area. There were two stone lions and two guards at the gate.

Ye Tianlong glanced at the guard, but a smile flashed in his eyes.

Although the two heavily armed guards are all masters at the King of War level, they are not the two guards that can truly threaten the life of the troublemaker.

It is the sniper hidden in the corner of the roof, the attic at nine o'clock, and the sniper above a big tree in the courtyard. The three-point crossing is absolutely sharp.

The strength of the Wu family is not as strong as the five great families, but it controls the security department, so it is also a quasi-first-line family status, and the protection is naturally not small.

Moreover, the ancestors of the Wu family are like the old princes in the generals of the Yang family. Whether it is the family or the official, they must pay attention to safety.

Ye Tianlong also found that there were several bulletproof cars parked on the side of the road with the license plate of the Jin family. Is it possible that the Jin family came to visit?


When Ye Tianlong glanced at the door and walked past, the two guards issued a beating at him, and the snipers were also highly vigilant.

Then, a guard walked over like an enemy, and the breath of a professional soldier was unabashedly released, giving people an invisible sense of oppression.

Ye Tianlong stopped and waited for the other person to approach him with a smile and said, "Hello, I'm here to find Wu Lingshuang, Miss Wu."

"What's your last name? What's your name? Miss Wu and who?"

The guard stared sharply at Ye Tianlong. Although this guy looked harmless to humans and animals, he instinctively felt that this kid was a bit dangerous.

What's more, Wu Lingshuang was under house arrest by her family, and those who came to her at this time had to keep an eye on her.

"My name is Ye Tianlong."

Ye Tianlong smiled calmly, and pointed his finger at the small courtyard: "Up and down the Wu family, Ye Tianlong who hates him."

The guard was taken aback for a moment, and then said in surprise: "Are you Ye Tianlong?"

Ye Tianlong smiled and nodded: "Exactly, please let this brother give a report."

"You wait a minute."

The guard turned to report and replaced him with the others. After asking his name, he blasted away, but Ye Tianlong, the guy who came to the door on his own initiative, needed to ask for instructions.

"What? Ye Tianlong?"

Not long after, an angry roar came from the yard: "What is that **** doing here?"

"Can he come to this place?"

Jin Xuejun!

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