Talented Genius

Chapter 1013: Keep blowing (four more)

After Ye Tianlong finished holding the crutches, he met with more than ten main members of the Wu family, and then left the Wu family courtyard with excuses.

He is a person who knows how to take it when he sees it. The old lady has announced three decisions that are beneficial to him. There is no need for him to rely on the Wu family yard.

Otherwise, it is easy to arouse the disgust of the Wu family's nephews, take advantage of others, and still dangle in front of them, which is easy to be beaten.

Wu Lingshuang did not leave with Ye Tianlong. She and Ye Tianlong were both smart people. Grandma had given her freedom and gave her the right to choose.

At this time, if you leave with Ye Tianlong, the Wu family will stray from her, and will cause Ye Tianlong a lot of trouble, so she finally chose to stay.

Anyway, she had recovered her free body, and no one would stop Ye Tianlong from looking for her in the future, so she didn't have to rush to stay warm for a while.

Jin Xuejun felt 10,000 points of harm in his heart, but restrained his emotions, chatted with the old lady for a while, then walked into Wu Lingxiao's wing, sighed:

"Ling Shuang, do you really like Ye Tianlong?"

Wu Lingshuang has returned to the bedroom from the wing under house arrest. This is a one-bedroom, one-living room. Standing on the window sill, Wu Lingshuang waited on the pansy.

"Jin Shao, do I like Ye Tianlong... I don't know it myself, and it doesn't matter. What's important is that it's impossible for me and you."

"You have been taking care of me before and you have done a lot for me. I am grateful from the bottom of my heart, but feelings are something that cannot be forced."

She stretched out her hand to stop Jin Xuejun from speaking: "I forced myself to follow my family's advice to like you, but I really can't do it."

"In my heart, you are a big brother. You have helped me a lot. I can repay you, but I can't compensate you with myself."

Wu Lingshuang said softly: "We have known each other for so many years, you should understand what I mean."


Jin Xuejun stretched out his hand and pushed his glasses: "If I have any difficulties or dangers, you will not hesitate to help me, even if you take your own life."

"But you will never make up for your feelings."

Wu Lingshuang nodded gently: "Yes, this is also a respect for you."

Jin Xuejun smiled bitterly: "Which point is Ye Tianlong better than me? Make you think about him like this, and even like him?"

"Or, what do you think of him, Ling Shuang? Money? Power? Or status or background? These, I will dump him for more than a dozen blocks?"

He has a cold voice: "Of course, his cheeky also dumped me for more than a dozen blocks, but you shouldn't like his cheeky, right?"

Thinking of Ye Tianlong's flattery to the old lady, Jin Xuejun wanted to blow Ye Tianlong's face. It was too mean, too shameless, and too shameless.

Calling her grandma with a cheeky face and holding her thighs in public, Jin Xuejun has seen shameless people, but he has never seen such a shameless one. The most depressed thing is:

The old lady also ate this set.

And Jin Xuejun also received a message that Ye Tianlong's pass was related to Qin Tianhe, and he and Qin Tianhe were treating Zhao Ditian's terminal illness together.

The reason why he has the "Guardian Huaxia" brand in his hand is that Qin Tianhe makes it easy for him to get in and out, so he can buy medicine for Lao Qin at any time.

In other words, Ye Tianlong is a fake tiger, and has no intimate relationship with Zhao Ditian.

Thinking of being slapped in the face by Ye Tianlong just now, Jin Xuejun was particularly angry at Ye Tianlong's shamelessness.

"Although Ye Tianlong is cynical, he still has a sense of proportion in his behavior."

Although Wu Lingshuang felt that Ye Tianlong was too cheeky, he still said a few good things for him: "The most important point is that he is frank and sincere."

"The reason why I have a good relationship with him is because he doesn't have a mask and gets along well naturally."

Wu Lingshuang didn't conceal his feelings: "The happiness he brings me is the happiness from the heart."

During the experience in Mingjiang, Wu Lingshuang was half-dead by Ye Tianlong more than once, but the happiness he got from Ye Tianlong was the most in his life.

Especially on the night in prison, Wu Lingshuang felt a charm from Ye Tianlong, an optimistic, positive, and not afraid of power.

Jin Xuejun nodded slightly: "I understand."

Wu Lingshuang looked at Jin Xuejun expectantly: "Jin Shao, Ye Tianlong is a talent. I sincerely hope you can be friends."

"If you become friends, the benefits he brings to you are definitely beyond your expectations."

She was worried that Jin Xuejun would hurt Ye Tianlong: "Don't hurt your previous friendship because of me. I know you admire him very much."

"That's my idiot!"

Jin Xuejun expressed a trace of anger: "My brain got flooded and led the wolf into the room."

Wu Lingshuang sighed: "Jin Shao, whether we can be together has nothing to do with Ye Tianlong. Even if he does not show up, I will not marry you."

"I really have no feeling for you. I just treat you like a big brother. It's really forcibly combined. I won't be happy, and you will suffer."

She stepped forward and looked at Jin Xuejun: "Shall we continue to be good friends?"

Jin Xuejun pushed his glasses and smiled faintly: "Okay, no more disputes, you have been tired for a long time, have lunch and have a good sleep."

"I should go too."

After speaking, he waved his hand, then closed the door and left. Soon, he bid farewell to Wu Junao and the others, and left the car through the door.

"Our current rupture... has nothing to do with Ye Tianlong?"

Jin Xuejun looked at the sky ahead and muttered to himself: "I don't believe..."

He picked up the phone and sent a text message.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Ye Tianlong, who casually ate a bento on the road, touched his still not full belly, and reappeared in the main hall of Guangguang Temple.

I made a wish yesterday, and today is considered a wish fulfilled, with surprises and no dangers, I retired all over, and also solved Ling Shuang's freedom, so I naturally want to return the wish.

Of course, Ye Tianlong still made an appointment with someone here.

Ye Tianlong put three sticks of incense to the Buddha, and then donated another 3,000 yuan to be worthy of his wish. He saw that there was still some time, so he went to the monk without eyebrows.

"Master, after your enlightenment yesterday, I solved the problem perfectly today, so I just repaid my wish."

Ye Tianlong sat down opposite the old monk, smiling very calmly: "However, I still have a knot in my heart now."

"I am so handsome, so rich, and there are countless beautiful women in love. I really want to accept them, but I am afraid that I will not have enough energy to leave them out."

"But if I don't accept them and think of them being married by another man, I feel bad in my heart."

Ye Tianlong sighed, "Master, what should I do?"

The old monk without eyebrows still didn't speak like last time, but picked up a few fallen leaves that rolled in on the ground, placed them in his palms and blew them out.


The dead leaves roll, sink or float, blinding people's sight...

"Master, you mean, you want me to follow my heart, accept as long as I want, don't be confused by the illusion in front of me?"

Ye Tianlong gave a thumbs up and praised: "Master is really good, I have the answer in my heart."

At this moment, Ye Tianlong's phone vibrated, and he took a look, Feng Jiutian, here comes! So smiled and got up to say goodbye to the old monk, and left Guangguang Temple.

Ye Tianlong's back had just disappeared. The old monk without eyebrows looked at the fallen leaves and muttered to himself:

"Guwazi, I mean...you keep blowing!"

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