Talented Genius

Chapter 1021: you owe me

As the thoughts turned, Li Jian stopped lasing.

A column of shields poured out from inside and blocked the entrance of the hall. The Kong family masters were about to rush up, but they saw the muzzle sticking out from behind the shield.

"Pump pound!"

In the intensive movement of silenced pistols, the five Confucian masters who rushed forward trembled their thighs and knelt down with a plop, and they were shot in the legs and feet.

Then, the muzzle behind the shield deflected, and another wave of bullets shot out, all hitting the kneeling wounded's forehead, and the five fell to the ground one head.

The opponent seemed to know that they had armor on them, so the two waves of bullets were hit very well.

Seeing this, Old Ghost Li's face changed drastically, his hands raised, two flying knives shot out with a swish, and he passed through the two columns of shields.

"Boom boom!"

When only two screams sounded, the two columns of shields were also flipped out, and one of the shields was broken in two, which showed the power of Old Ghost Li.

In the next second, Old Ghost Li jumped into the shield crowd like a hungry tiger, grabbed the two gunmen and slammed them. There was a loud noise and their heads blossomed.

Then Old Ghost Li smashed them out, overturning four or five gun-armed enemies.

Without stopping, Old Ghost Li took a few steps forward, waved his hands repeatedly, and several Nan Han masters screamed again and again, and fell out in blood.

The shield line of defense instantly collapsed.

"Pump pound!"

Just as Old Ghost Li was about to rush into the hall to capture the thief and first capture the king, five more masked men appeared in the hall, holding a short gun and pulling the trigger at him.

Old Ghost Li's scalp was numb, and he retreated back. At the same time, he grabbed two shields to defend himself. There were a few crisp noises, and the shields were hit by bullets, shaking.

Old Ghost Li was forced out of the hall again by the Southern Gunner.

The six Confucian masters also retreated in embarrassment, grabbing the shield they picked up to form a line of defense.


When Old Ghost Li and the others retreated to the entrance of the small building, all the lights that had been closed were turned on, and dozens of masked men appeared on the grass on both sides.

At least fifteen people held guns in their hands, and the five or six soil guns reported by the intelligence personnel were completely different from Tianyuan.

They blocked Old Ghost Li and their way, their guns raised high, exuding fierce murderous intent.

At the same time, more than 20 Nanhan guards came in from the front yard and back garden, each of them was stained with blood, which seemed to be the blood of others.

This also means that the Confucian masters who blocked the two doorways have all been killed by the opponent, and Old Ghost Li looked very ugly.


At this moment, the small building in front of him turned on all the lights, and more than a dozen people gushed out from the second and third floors, holding shields in their hands and spreading out like tide.

Old Ghost Li and the others were completely surrounded!

Then, a young man with a flat head and several women flashed out from the third floor, dressed in a suit and handsome, with indescribable publicity between his brows.

The young man is twenty-four or five years old, one meter and eight sons. His body is a bit fat. One hundred and eighty catties are indispensable. The belly is bulging, but he is not bloated.

It was Park Dong-won that Old Ghost Li wanted to deal with.

The few women around him also have delicate faces, with swords and guns on them, coexisting coquettish and fierce, giving people a sense of conquest.

"Ye Tianlong, I knew you would come here, but I didn't expect that you would send so many people."

Piao Dongyuan was still holding a handful of red wine in his hand, and while looking at the old ghost Li who was wearing a mask, a trace of joking aroused at the corner of his mouth:

"Jin Guoxi lost contact with us, I knew that 90% of him fell into your hands."

Jin Guoxi is obviously a scared man.

"I also believe that with your Ye Tianlong's method, you will not be limited to believing in the hole that he said about the wolf, you will definitely dig deeper."

There was a gleam in Park Dong-won's eyes: "So I prepared the plan for the midgame."

"I set up an ambush here and deliberately didn't turn off one of the phones."

"As long as Jin Guoxi can't bear to betray me, you will definitely come here to deal with me."

He was very proud: "Once you come, you can't get out anymore."

Old Ghost Li and their faces changed slightly, and there was a murderous intent in their eyes. They didn't think that it was Piao Dongyuan who framed Kong Shao, and it was really worthy of death.

Old ghost Li instinctively wanted to rush forward, but just as he shook his figure, a dozen guns were locked along, and four shields stepped forward to seal the railing.

"Don't even think about killing me. Since Jin Guoxi's disappearance, I have secretly transferred a lot of diehard loyalties."

Park Dong-won's tone was very proud: "He also got a lot of guns through his relationship."

"There are only 50 people in this villa. In fact, there are already more than a hundred people. It is difficult for you to protect yourself as a waste."

"Surrender, Ye Tianlong, as long as you lay down your weapons, you will be caught. Ben Shao promises to give you a way out!"

Pu Dongyuan pointed a finger at the old ghost and they shouted: "Otherwise, you will be smashed into pieces tonight, and then thrown on the mountain to feed the dog!"

He hopes to catch Ye Tianlong alive, let the latter announce to the outside world to give up 100 billion, and then kill Ye Tianlong, so as to maintain the reputation of the Park family.

While speaking, a beautiful woman next to him raised a long spear with both hands and pulled the trigger at a Confucian master.

No warning!


With a muffled sound, the body of the targeted Confucian master shook, and then fell to the ground, covered in blood, and the shield fell to the ground with a sound.

The marksmanship is extremely accurate!

Old Ghost Li and the others were very angry, but they didn't dare to act rashly because the firepower of the other party was too fierce.

Park Dongyuan took a sip of red wine: "Abandoned weapons and surrendered."


Old Li's face was extremely ugly. He knew that he couldn't surrender anyway, and the rest of his companions were innocent and could not find the Kong family.

He is an old man of the Kong family. Once caught, Confucius will have a lot of trouble and Jin Xuejun will laugh at him.

So in any case, he will kill him, even if he is to die, he will die after disfigurement.

Hearing this sentence, Park Dongyuan's mouth was joking: "Dreaming? Yes, I will let you dream."

As soon as the voice fell, the beautiful woman turned her spear and pointed at Old Ghost Li who was holding the shield tightly, with a joking expression on her face, as if Old Ghost Li was her prey.


At this moment, a sniper rifle rang and a bullet burst through the air, directly blasting the beautiful woman's head.


The beautiful woman didn't even scream, so she fell directly from the third floor, her vitality extinguished...

"Boom boom!"

Before Pu Dongyuan and the others appeared shocked, there were several consecutive shots in the night sky, and the six gunmen in front of the building fell to the ground one by one.

It's all a headshot.

In the hills in the distance, Ye Tianlong was holding a carrot in his mouth, holding the scared man's sniper rifle, and calmly pulling the trigger.

"Pump pound!"

There was another dull gunshot, and Ye Tianlong exploded another five Nanjin gunmen, instantly reducing the pressure on Old Ghost Li and them.

The audience was shocked, and Park Dongyuan fell to the ground for the first time: "Sniper, kill him! Kill him!"


At this time, a Nanhan sniper came out from the rooftop, and while Park Dongyuan shouted, he nervously scanned the position of the gun with the sniper scope.

He had just locked Ye Tianlong on the hill, Ye Tianlong turned the muzzle at a speed that made people speechless, and the trigger was pulled in the next second.

A sniper bullet roared out as the collision aimed at the bottom fire of the bullet!

The recoil of the sniper rifle was very strong, but Ye Tianlong seemed to be on the ground, but his shoulders trembled slightly, and his whole body did not move at all.

The Nanhan sniper who was about to shoot suddenly felt his head shook, his eyes went dark, and he knew nothing.

He fell from the top of the building in front of Old Ghost Li, half of his head was gone.


Ye Tianlong bit with the carrot in one hand, and quickly filled with ammunition in the other, doing dual purposes, but still calmly:

"Confucius, this favor tonight is not what I owe you...but you owe me."

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