Talented Genius

Chapter 1035: Mouth poisoning (four more)

Chapter 1035 Mouth Poisoning (four more)

Mu Yaoyao's call made the originally joyful atmosphere sink.

Ten minutes later, Ye Tianlong figured it out, and Mu Yaoyao's mother called.

Informed Mu Yaoyao's younger brother Mu Shengsheng, who was studying in Shenzhen University, that he was taken away by a commercial vehicle on the street in broad daylight, and there was no news to the police.

Mu's mother was rushed to go to the doctor, so he called Mu Yaoyao to see if she had any friends in Shencheng who could help.

Ye Tianlong asked Nangongxiong to soothe Mu Yaoyao's emotions, and at the same time called Aunt Wa to use her relationship to inquire about the matter.

The Dai’s work efficiency is very high. Five minutes later, there was a news that Mu Shengsheng, who was 20 years old, had an excellent appearance, was taken away by a thin nun.

As for what was being caught by the thin nun, Aunt Wa directly gave a message for picking yang and nourishing yin, and also explained where the other party was staying tonight.

Villa No. 7 in Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Town.

After hanging up, Ye Tianlong reported to Mu Yaoyao that he was safe, and then called Bailihua again to let her know Lao Han to rescue.

"Tell Lao Han to go to Villa No. 7 and see if Mu Shengsheng is inside."

After Ye Tianlong briefly described the matter, he told Bailihua: "If you are inside, call the police and ask the police to rescue the person."

"If Mu Shengsheng is not there, then he will try to kidnap the thin nun and keep him safe anyway."

Bailihua replied respectfully: "Ye Shao don't worry, I will make arrangements right away. I will also make Long Bu and Feng Group move and rescue Mu Shengsheng as soon as possible."

She hung up the phone in a hurry to make arrangements. Ye Tianlong went back to the room and comforted Mu Yaoyao with a few words, but just said that there were no more words, and the phone rang again:

Ye Tianlong walked to the corridor window to answer, Bailihua's voice came: "Ye Shao, I just received the news that Fat Tou Tuo died an hour ago."

Ye Tianlong was taken aback: "Dead?"


Bailihua was obviously also shocked by the news and lowered her voice to respond to Ye Tianlong: "I learned the news from the police."

"Pang Toutuo returned to the Guangcheng villa from Tangkou in the afternoon. He accidentally got electrocuted when he took a bath in boiling water. I heard that it was caused by broken wires in the jacuzzi.

"I saw the pictures at the scene, Fattou Tuo died miserably, his body was black and his mouth and nose were bleeding, as if he had been fired in a bathtub."

Bailihua added: "I will post the photos to your phone later."

Ye Tianlong frowned: "Is this an accident?"

"The official announcement was an accidental death, but I saw the bathtub photos through relationships, and it should be man-made."

Bailihua whispered to Ye Tianlong: "The starter is extremely clever."

"The bathtub has two small water outlets to prevent the water level from overflowing to wet the floor. It has independent water outlet pipes and systems."

She sighed softly: "The bare wire just reached the water outlet pipe."

"Once someone goes in for a bath, the body allows the water level to rise and flows out of the water outlet, it will touch the wire, and then cause death."

She told Ye Tianlong what she knew: "If the water level is not in place and the bathtub water does not flow out of the small outlet, the wires will not kill people."

Ye Tianlong nodded: "This assassin's method is extraordinary. This design can avoid accidentally injuring the innocent and only attack and kill the person who takes the bath."

"The bathtub is an extremely private thing. The owner will not let others use it indiscriminately, so the chance of killing Fat Toutuo is as high as 90%."

He has a hint of appreciation for this killer.

Bailihua nodded: "Yes, I think so too. The official announcement of the accident was due to the stability of the situation in the deep city."

"Many of the five flower gates where Fattouduo is located are desperadoes. If you know that Fattouduo was assassinated, it will cause a **** storm."

"It will also put tremendous pressure on the police."

Bailihua throws out the last sentence: "And Fattouduo itself is a scum, so it's better to settle down if you die."

"Therefore, the official propaganda of the accidental death, but secretly will form a small team to investigate."

She didn't notice it at all, she said too much, too deep, more police than the police...

While Ye Tianlong was thinking about it, Bailihua said in a question: "Ye Shao, you say, who will kill Fat Toutuo? It's a great help for us."

Ye Tianlong did not answer directly, but asked in a low voice: "Check Zhen's whereabouts."

Bailihua was startled slightly, and then quickly checked and told Ye Tianlong: "She left Mingjiang last night and her destination is Guangcheng."

Then she seemed to have realized something: "Ye Shao, do you think it is the Fat Tou Tuo of Zhen Slayer?"

Ye Tianlong frowned: "Can you contact her?"

Bailihua was busy for a while, and responded to Ye Tianlong again: "Can't get in touch."

"Pang Tou Tuo was electrocuted an hour ago, but the killing of the bathtub was definitely not set an hour ago."

Ye Tianlong's brain turned rapidly: "If it is really the fat head of Zhen slaying, after setting up the killing round, Zhen will leave to deal with the thin nun."

"In other words, the skinny nun is probably already in Zhen's killing."

Bailihua's eyelids twitched: "Zhen kills people like this, and if one is not careful, not only will the thin nun die, but Mu Shengsheng may also become a victim."


Ye Tianlong was worried about this. Originally, the thin nun died like Fat Toutuo. He should be happy, but he would have a headache when he thought of killing Mu Shengsheng by the way.

"You can let people contact Zhen again. If you really can't get in touch, let Old Han kill the thin nun and save Musheng."

Ye Tianlong exhaled a long breath: "Mu Sheng is dead, Mu Yaoyao is bound to be sad, and it will also affect Nangongxiong's mood, and the tail of his hands is very troublesome."

Bailihua nodded: "I understand, I will give Lao Han and the others instructions right away."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Tianlong didn't return to the room, so he stayed by the window waiting for the news, hoping that Mu Shengsheng would not be implicated and die.

At the same time, he knew more about the danger of Zhen, if she really did it.


After waiting for a while, Ye Tianlong's cell phone rang, and an unfamiliar number entered. Ye Tianlong frowned, thinking about answering for a while.

Soon a respectful voice came from my ear: "Ye Shao, good evening."

Ye Tianlong immediately called with a joke: "Damn! You finally contacted me, why can't you get through?"

Zhen responded gently: "I was working today, so my cell phone was turned off. For safety's sake, I also sent a cell phone to call you."

"Ye Shao, are you looking for me? I don't know what's the matter?"

Ye Tianlong is straightforward: "I ask you, did you kill Fat Toutuo?"

"Yes! I killed him. I will call you tonight to report these things."

Zhen was slightly surprised at first, and then took over the topic: "I didn't expect Ye Shao to know so well and know so soon, Zhen really admires it."

"You do things...shut down...Call me now, you are done...you report to me..."

Ye Tianlong's brain worked quickly, integrating all the information, and then his body was shaken: "In other words, did you handle the thin nun?"


Zhen's voice is as gentle as always: "I poisoned her common T-shaped small inner in the afternoon. It is colorless and tasteless, and the toxin will slowly spread to the heart through the hidden place."

"Dead silently after an hour."

Zhen did not conceal from Ye Tianlong: "An hour and a half ago, she took a little white face home, and also took a bath and replaced it with a poisonous Xiao Nei."

"It should have been poisoned at this moment."

Ye Tianlong was shocked: "What?"

"Ye Shao!"

At this time, Nangongxiong rushed out and handed his mobile phone to Ye Tianlong to answer: "Bailihua Call!"

Ye Tianlong took it to answer, and soon Bailihua's flustered voice came:

"Ye Shao, it's okay. Old Han called. The police rushed into the bedroom of the villa and found that the thin nun was poisoned and died. Mu Shengsheng's mouth was poisoned and unconscious..."

Ye Tianlong was stunned, his mouth was poisoned?

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