Talented Genius

Chapter 1039: Generation Tianjiao (four more)

Ye Tianlong stood from the back to the front, attracting everyone's attention in an instant, and also caused Sister Qing's clamor to stop.

Zhang Qingmen was taken aback for a moment, and then he showed a hint of joy. No matter who this kid was, he admired him for his courage to draw a knife and help each other.

It's just that he was worried that Ye Tianlong would be retaliated, and wanted to stop him from being impulsive, but Zhao Yaoyao stopped him before he could speak.

Zhao Yaoyao signaled that he did not need to worry: "Director Zhang, don't worry, this is my friend, he can hold it."

Zhang Qingmen stopped moving when he heard the words, and then said to Zhao Yaoyao: "No matter what his identity, this friend, I'm settled."

Zhao Yaoyao smiled slightly: "I think you will definitely become good friends."

At this moment, seeing Ye Tianlong stand up, Sister Qing, like a rabbit with her tail trampled on her tail, jumped three feet high and threatened with exhaustion:

"Boy, who are you? The water here is so deep that you can't afford it."

She raised her face and warned Ye Tianlong: "Get out now, I assume I haven't seen you."

Although I don't know who Ye Tianlong is, and I don't think the latter is capable of anything, but at this time, he definitely stood up and beat Lin Bella and others in the face.

Sister Qing will never allow this to happen: "If you want to mess up, you will regret it."

"Didn't you ask Director Zhang to call someone? I'm the person that Director Zhang called."

Ye Tianlong said faintly: "Why are you threatening me now? Besides, this is Director Zhang's title inscription. What does it have to do with you?"

"you you--"

Sister Qing almost died of anger, she could only point to Ye Tianlong and shouted: "Ignorance kid, I don't know the sky is high and the earth is thick."

When Lin Bella and the others despised Ye Tianlong with their enemies, Sister Qing turned her pretty face to the side to look at Zhang Qingmen, and shouted proudly:

"Director Zhang, do you really want Agou Amao to write inscriptions? He will not only lower the grade of your movie, but also make it difficult for you to move in the entertainment industry in the future."

Zhang Qingmen unceremoniously threw out: "A dog, a cat? Do you mean to let Miss Lin write the inscription?"

Sister Qing is about to vomit blood: "You, you—Director Zhang, OK, I remember, I will tell Song Shao about today's matter."

Zhang Qingmen is fearless: "Please."

Ye Tianlong turned his head to look at Zhang Qingmen, and raised a hint of appreciation: "Director Zhang, if you don't dislike it, I am willing to inscribe this word for you."

"Although I'm not a big master, I can still do it with one hand."

Ye Tianlong smiled very calmly: "I believe I won't let you down."

"Little brother, you can stand up and support me the most. How can I be disappointed? You let go of the inscription."

Zhang Qingmen is very open-minded: "My title doesn't need a master, as long as there is a sincere heart."

Several people familiar with him, such as Zhao Yaoyao, secretly nodded, but Lin Bella and other artists and spectators showed disdain.

"Sincere heart... Director Zhang, you can be an ostrich to comfort yourself."

Sister Qing was very upset that she was beaten in the face like this. The original scenario was that Zhang Qingmen put out one million yuan, and pitifully bowed to Lin Bella for a reward:

"Originally, I asked Miss Lin to sing the inscription. You can sell this movie at a cost price. Now the unknown person helps you inscribe the inscription. There is no bright spot."

Sister Qing arrogantly said: "You just wait to pounce to the end."

Zhang Qingmen has his own arrogance: "I have nothing to do with my blood, and it is better than looking at your faces."

"The big deal is that this movie can't be staged. I went home to sell sweet potatoes. Anyway, I am the son of a farmer and I have suffered."

Then he clapped his hands to Ye Tianlong: "Come on, little brother, I will polish the ink for you. After the inscription, I will reward you and invite you to dinner by the way."

"Thank you, Director Zhang, you can eat the food, and forget about the rewards."

Ye Tianlong replied politely, then took a few steps forward to the front of the table, and turned his head towards sister Qing who was in the way: "A good dog does not stand in the way."

Sister Qing's pretty face changed, and then she held back and sneered coldly: "Write it, you can write it, I will see what flowers you can write, and amuse myself."

The artists and assistants behind her also looked contemptuously. He didn't expect that Ye Tianlong would really inscribe the title.

Ye Tianlong took a look at the introduction of the movie. A movie about Genghis Khan was titled ‘Generation Tianjiao’.

"Brother, come on, write your hand."

At this time, Zhang Qingmen placed the polished pen and ink in front of Ye Tianlong. The fine ink, the fine pen, and the fine paper showed his intentions:

"No matter how it is written, I will not put it on the screen as it is, if it can be shown."

Ye Tianlong showed strong confidence: "It will definitely be released!"

"Boy, don't be ashamed. This is not a kindergarten depiction, but a title inscription."

"That's right, you think it's just a few words to write a lot of things."

"You are a weird thing in front of Miss Lin.

The artists from Hong Kong and Taicheng are ridiculed by the yin and yang. They have always been accustomed to holding groups and trampling on the landers in the circle. If the latter is stinky, they have a better chance of being in position.

It's a pity that many spectators around are not disgusted, on the contrary they are gloating.

Ye Tianlong shook his head, then reached out and picked up the brush.

"Ha ha--"

Seeing Ye Tianlong's posture holding a pen, Lin Bella, who hadn't spoken with eyes higher than the sky, finally let out a sneer, her red lips lightly opened:

"Little brother, do I need to teach you how to hold a pen? You still write an inscription like this. I think you should find a primary school training class and practice for a few years."

Lin Bella, in her twenties, is tall, with a shirt, short skirt and stockings. She sets off her figure very well. She is not much worse than Ye Tianlong, but she is very proud.

The eyes and corners of the mouth are tilted when not speaking, giving people the impression of contempt for everything.

Sister Qing and the others also laughed again and again, and regarded Ye Tianlong as a laughter, but Zhao Yaoyao looked confident and believed that Ye Tianlong could create another miracle.

Ye Tianlong didn't pay attention to them, but stood calmly on the spot holding the brush.

He is looking for the feeling, the feeling of blending the artistic conception into it. In this way, the writing is naturally like a divine help.

If you have words in your heart, you will have God when you write.

"Write quickly, get out if you can't write, it will waste our time."

"Yes, did you pretend to fail? It just consumed us."

"I just said, how can he write inscriptions, Zhang Dao's brain is flooded."

When Sister Qing and the others were impatiently shouting, Ye Tianlong suddenly held a writing brush, and his whole temperament changed instantly, as if a treasured sword came out of its sheath.

He moved.

The next scene stunned everyone!

I have never seen someone write like this.


Ye Tianlong held the ink in his left hand, and held the brush in his right hand. While pouring ink on the rice paper, he danced on it with the brush.

The ink ticked down on the rice paper, and when it was about to touch the rice paper, the writing brush would fall on it.

When Ye Tianlong's left hand became stable and the ink stopped pouring out, the brush also took the last bit of ink, which happened to be the last stroke.

In less than 30 seconds, the four words were finished, and it was done in one go.

"It's finished!"

Ye Tianlong handed the pen and inkstone to Zhang Qingmen, then turned and smiled and looked at the group of people behind: "If you are interested, you can enjoy it."

"Appreciation? Do you use appreciation? Do you think this is writing?"

Sister Qing, who didn't see the words, sneered: "You are a ghost at all!"

Ye Tianlong smiled without saying a word.

Lin Bella and the others are also not interested in looking around. There is no way. Ye Tianlong's actions just now are too exaggerated. Everyone can see that they are graffiti.

Such an opponent, Lin Bella is not even interested in taunting.

For a while, everyone present was caught in the noisy hustle and bustle, all preparing to turn around and leave, but Zhang Qingmen opened his mouth wide and stayed where he was, shaking his hands.

Then, his face showed the excitement and joy of just being liberated.


When Ye Tianlong slowly moved away, Zhang Qingmen also let out a roar and jumped excitedly.

When the two walked away like this, the inscription on the chopping board was revealed in an instant, and all those who were about to leave instinctively glanced at it, but they didn't move.

In the next second, everyone's eyes became rigid.

"A Generation of Tianjiao"

The person who saw these four words only felt a burst of blood, which jumped directly from the spine to the top of the head, and the hairs all over the body followed.

The simple four words give people a feeling of gold and iron horses, fighting the world, and every word also reflects the momentum of 10,000 horses.

The battlefield is cruel and strong.

As soon as the cold wind blows, the paper flickers, and the meaning of killing is pressed down.

Ye Tianlong smiled at Zhang Qingmen: "Director Zhang, is a meal worth it?"

Zhang Qingmen roared: "One word, one million!"

"Four words, ten million!"

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