Talented Genius

Chapter 1041: Stay tonight

Chapter 1041

"Waiter, come, come, write this, this, and this to me, and then get me a bottle of puree Moutai."

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Zhang Qingmen ordered ten dishes in one go, and a bottle of wine to entertain Ye Tianlong in a restaurant wing near the studio.

Although a lot of things went wrong today, the leopard-print guys finally came and fell silent, but they still did not prevent Zhang Qingmen from hosting Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong smiled and took the order menu, removed four expensive dishes, and replaced the puree Moutai with half a dozen herbal tea.

"Brother Ye, six dishes, six bottles of herbal tea, how can this work?"

When Zhang Qingmen saw Ye Tianlong saving money for him, his face was embarrassed: "This makes me wonder where to put my face."

Although Zhang Qingmen is not a big-handed person, he feels that this kind of hospitality is really shabby, and even his relatives and friends are a little bit unable to deal with it.

"Three people and six dishes are enough. Any more is a waste. The temperature is a bit high today. Drinking herbal tea is better than drinking."

Ye Tianlong smiled very warmly: "Moreover, Director Zhang, you still have a lot of hand tails to deal with in the afternoon. Drinking a full body of alcohol at noon is not good."

Zhao Yaoyao also echoed: "Yes, Director Zhang, I don't need to be too polite."

"Okay, Brother Ye helped me a lot today, you are my noble person, you have the final say."

Seeing the two insist on doing this, Zhang Qingmen didn't squeeze the courtesy anymore, then took out a cheque from his arms and put it in front of Ye Tianlong:

"Brother Ye, I don't know what your inscription just now looks like to others, but in my eyes, it is worth ten million."

Zhang Qingmen is a happy person: "This is three million. You accept it first. After a few days, I will pay you seven million."

Lin Bella's pretentious inscription, one hundred thousand yuan, he thought it was too much, Ye Tianlong's majestic momentum, Zhang Qingmen felt that it was more valuable than the famous.

"Director Zhang, I treat you as a friend, but you don't treat me as a friend."

Ye Tianlong picked up the check and stuffed it back into Zhang Qingmen's pocket: "I said, those four words, this meal will do."

"If you change to someone else, I won't hesitate to accept 10 million, but you, one meal will do, unless you don't treat me as a friend."

Zhang Qingmen hurriedly waved his hand: "Brother Ye, what are you talking about? I thought of you as a brother."

"Just treat me like a brother, and take the check back to me."

Ye Tianlong looked at Zhang Qingmen and said, "And I heard Yaoyao say that you put all your wealth into this movie, and even the house is mortgaged."

"It's time for you to spend money. Give me three million, ten million, which will put you under a lot of financial pressure and affect post-production."

He was very clear: "So I can't take any money for this."

Zhao Yaoyao also smiled and said, "Director Zhang, Ye Shao is heart-warming, not money."

"Brother Ye, I really took advantage of a meal. You don't care, but I can't make it through."

Zhang Qingmen pushed the check over again: "I think you should accept it. I spent more than one billion in this movie, and I don't care about the ten million."

"Besides, the potential benefits of your four characters are far greater than ten million."

The propaganda effect brought by the reposting of Weibo and Moments by viewers, as well as the hot searches brought about by the conflict with Limbella, are all intangible benefits.

Ye Tianlong stretched out his hand to block the check: "Well, you say that my four-word profit is greater than ten million, then can it be regarded as my shareholding?"

"In this movie, you invested more than one billion yuan, and I took advantage of you. The title, inscription, and theme song count me as a share of 20%."

"In the future, if the film is released, if you lose money, you can buy me another meal. If you make money, you can earn one and eight billion yuan. Can I take 20%?"

Zhao Yaoyao smiled and clapped her hands: "This proposal is good, it can relieve the pressure of Director Zhang and give us the opportunity to get rich."

"The chance of getting rich...this is your comfort."

Zhang Qingmen looked at Ye Tianlong, and then gave a wry smile: "Brother Ye, it looks like you are taking advantage of me, but I actually take advantage of you."

"This movie can recoup the cost and earn three or five million. I will wake up in the middle of the night with a laugh and get rich... this is simply impossible."

Zhang Qingmen sighed: "Ye Shao, Director Zhao, I know you are good to me, but I can't take you to take risks..."

Without waiting for the other party to say anything, Ye Tianlong waved his hand: "Director Zhang, let's not mother-in-law, if you pull it on, the brother will do it for nothing."

"I lose, but I lose four words, a theme song, I can afford this risk, and I am willing to try it, so you don't need to worry."

Ye Tianlong looked at Zhang Qingmen: "Director Zhang, can we make this decision?"

"Okay, Brother Ye is so happy, I'm not a man anymore. The title, inscription and theme song, I count you 30%."

Zhang Qingmen thought about it for a while, then turned to look at Zhao Yaoyao: "There is still 10%, it is the reward of Director Zhao."

He hopes to give the two a little more profit.

Zhao Yaoyao wanted to talk, but Ye Tianlong waved his hand to stop it, and directly raised the herbal tea with a smile: "Okay, it's settled, I will get a share of the dividend."

"Come, celebrate our happy cooperation and make a fortune together."

Ye Tianlong is very simple: "After eating this meal, let's take some time in the afternoon to get the theme song."

"Good, happy cooperation."

Zhang Qingmen also touched the herbal tea and smiled: "From now on, everyone will be friends."

Zhao Yaoyao smiled and clinked glasses.

The meal was very harmonious. For more than an hour, it was full of laughter and joy.

Maybe it was Ye Tianlong who brought trust, or maybe he was talking about his emotions to someone. Zhang Qingmen talked a lot with Ye Tianlong.

Although Zhang Qingmen's ideas are somewhat ideal, his refusal to be mediocre and his ambition to be a qualified filmmaker still makes Ye Tianlong quite applauded.

After lunch, the three of them drank a few cups of tea and took a rest, and then went to record the theme song "Broken Time".

Zhang Qingmen was worried that Ye Tianlong, who was not well-known, would forget the words and lose the tune, or could not sing the flavor he wanted.

But when Ye Tianlong opened his voice, Zhang Qingmen was stunned on the spot, and found that he was really picking up treasures. Ye Tianlong was simply a golden voice.

When he listened to the two songs sung by Ye Tianlong Haixuan from Zhao Yaoyao, he was even more stunned, a person of the heavenly king level.

Zhang Qingmen vaguely felt that this movie would be popular. One title and one song are worth fifty movie tickets.

After recording the theme song, the three of them ordered a few takeaways and ate them on the spot. Then they went to each other and made an appointment to see you next time.

After Ye Tianlong sent someone to send Zhao Yaoyao away, he was about to get into the car and leave, but when he heard the phone shake, he glanced at it and laughed.

He walked to the nearby convenient hotel.

Fifteen minutes later, Ye Tianlong pushed open the wooden door of a suite, and saw a woman nestled in the sofa, eating popcorn while watching TV.

A Korean drama was playing on the screen, and the tearful woman watching it was Zhen.

"If I didn't know you, I'm afraid I would mistake you for being a little sheep just like everyone else."

Ye Tianlong walked to the woman and sat down, and stretched out a hand to wipe off a tear on her face: "Is this a crocodile tear?"

Zhen had already walked out of the Korean drama and saw Ye Tianlong throwing away the popcorn, she stood up and shouted respectfully: "Good evening Ye Shao."

Ye Tianlong patted the sofa and motioned Zhen to sit down: "Call me over so late, if I have something, I should warm up the bed."

Zhenqiu said: "Ye Shao, although there was a slight accident in the task you arranged, it is basically completed, I don't know..."

"I want to see Park Dongwon, right?"

Ye Tianlong stretched out and faintly said, "What I promised you will definitely be done, but you have to wait a few more days because he is still in a coma."

"For the sake of your face, I asked him to perform a broken arm connection operation. It is estimated that he will sleep for two or three days."

Ye Tianlong grabbed a handful of popcorn: "He is awake, he is in good spirits, I will notify you."

Zhen was ecstatic: "Thank you Shao Ye."

Ye Tianlong exhorted again: "Also, you stay in peace these days, don't run around and don't cause trouble."

"No one can guarantee that the Shencheng official and the Song family will not find you as a murderer... By the way, what poison did you stabbed them this afternoon?"

Although Zhen shot very quickly and was not locked by others, Ye Tianlong was still able to catch it, and Zhen stabbed a poisonous needle when she hit the leopard man and them.

"It's a plant toxin called Eternal Sleep. After being hit, the whole body is stiff and the limbs cannot move, but the consciousness remains."

"Ten hours later, the poisoned person will be in a state of suspended animation, his heartbeat and body temperature will drop rapidly, but his mind will still be clear."

"Anyone who is not careful will be mistaken for death and sent to the crematorium."

Zhen added softly: "This toxin is not harmful, nor painful, but the mental torture is terrible."

Ye Tianlong sighed softly: "Can it be scary? I was sent to the incinerator alive by my own person, and I felt cold all over my body when I thought about it."

Zhen sat down on the sofa and lowered her head: "I saw them bullying Ye Shao, so I will teach them a lesson."

"No blame on you."

Ye Tianlong patted his hands and stood up: "Well, you stay in peace, I'll go back, and I will contact you in a few days."

Her face was soft and charming, and she hooked Ye Tianlong's clothes with her toes, all her nightdresses slipped onto her waist, showing her slender jade legs, and her red lips opened up:

"Ye Shao, stay tonight..."

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