Talented Genius

Chapter 1047: Cruel


The audience was stunned and silent, only Song Dongzhong's screams echoed, and no one thought of the current result.

Cai Jinyin has a headshot, Song Dongzhong's knee burst!

One fell directly to the ground, and the other knelt straight, with blood in front and behind.

Lin Bella and Sister Qing both sucked in cold air and were dumbfounded. In any case, Ye Tianlong would never think that Ye Tianlong would dare to make a ruthless attack.

One is Song Dongzhong, one of the two successors of the Song family, the other is the son of the top leader in Taicheng, and both are very popular first-line youngsters.

Is this guy named Ye Tianlong a fool or a lunatic?

The Kong family brothers were also dumbfounded. They had imagined that Ye Tianlong might break the game, but they didn't expect it to be such cruel and bloody.

Kong Polang felt the three-sword wound inexplicably painful, and Confucius also gave birth to a chill from the bottom of his heart, and they had a new understanding of Ye Tianlong.

"Kill him! Kill him!"

When Song Dongzhong couldn't bear the severe pain and fell to the ground with a bang, Cai and Song's bodyguards were so angry that they shouted and raised their guns to kill Ye Tianlong.

At this moment, they no longer care about Ye Tianlong's identity, and only take revenge on Cai Jinyin and seek justice for Song Dongzhong, otherwise they will be dead.

"Pump pound!"

Ye Tianlong didn't give them a chance at all. As soon as the muzzle turned, five bullets were shot out, and the heads of the five gunners burst like fireworks.

Then, Ye Tianlong threw his empty spear and ran into a person's arms.


One second before hitting the latter, he broke his opponent's wrist, seized a gun, and continued to shoot at the two bodyguards. In a blink of an eye, eight or nine people fell to the ground.


Seeing the gunfight, Lin Bella and Sister Qing couldn't stop screaming. It was this scream that made Confucius agitate.

He sturdy hands, directly knocked out Zhao Yaoyao and Zhang Qingmen, who were already bleeding and tranced, and then pulled out two guns from the back and shouted:

"Protect Young Master Song, protect Young Master Song!"

Confucius roared while protecting Song Dongzhong, his two spears were constantly buckled, shooting bullets at Cai and Song's bodyguards.


Several members of the Cai family and Song family were unable to dodge, they were shocked, shot in the back, and fell to the ground screaming.

A wounded man turned his head and looked back, only to see Confucius’ muzzle. He instinctively lowered his head but it was too late, and the bullet headed.

The gunmen of the Kong family were startled for a moment, and then immediately grasping the purpose of Confucius, they pulled out another gun from the back and shot.

"Pump pound!"

The bullets poured out like rain.

They are all black guns that have not been recorded. Confucius has always liked to solve problems rudely, so the diehards who followed all the year round have black guns.

Kong Polang also reacted quickly and asked people to immediately pull down the curtains and seal the entrance, and at the same time destroy all the monitoring of the restaurant.

Several Taicheng managers and security personnel were also shot to the head by Kong Polang. Kong Polang knew what Kong Zixiong was going to do.

"Boom boom!"

After a burst of intensive gunfire, Cai's and Song's bodyguards all fell to the ground, either being shot in the chest by Ye Tianlong or having bullets in the back.

The twenty-odd people fell in a pool of blood, staring at him, never expected that Confucius would shoot in the back.

Ye Tianlong kicked one person when he saw it, and did not shoot again, but rested against the pillar, and at the same time threw away the empty gun and replaced it with a gun with bullets.

The crisis has not passed yet.

Song Dongzhong, who fell to the ground in extreme pain, was also full of grief and indignation. Seeing Confucius who came up in the gunpowder smoke, he was very angry: "Bad son! Bastard!"

"Do you dare to kill my people? Do you dare to kill my people?"

"Boom boom!"

Confucius didn't respond, but shot bullets at Sister Qing and the others. In a scream, all six women including Qing Sister were shot and fell to the ground.

Only Lin Bella was still standing, but she was shocked.

Confucius threw the shotgun with the bullet to his men, then picked up the gun of the Cai's bodyguard, and shot another shot at Sister Qing and their heads.

At the same time, the Kong family bodyguard also headshot the fallen Cai Song members, striving for everyone to die.


Lin Bella reacted, subconsciously let out a scream, hysterical, and instinctively wanted to run outside.


Confucius slapped her on the face with two slaps, directly slapped Lin Bella into a dizziness, and then hugged her and walked to Song Dongzhong.

The gun in his hand was stuffed into Lin Bella's hand, and then placed on Song Dongzhong's forehead, the killing intent was outrageously revealed.


Song Dongzhong gritted his teeth to hold back the sharp pain in his legs, and shouted at Confucius: "Do you dare to kill me? I am Song Dongzhong! Song family successor."

"Cai Jinyin is dead, you are abolished, your resentment and hatred will definitely not only vent on Ye Tianlong, and I will definitely be on your blacklist."

Confucius smiled sullenly: "You will definitely complain that I will kill Cai Shao together with Ye Tianlong to conceal my failure in acting."

He could see clearly that if Cai Jinyin simply died in the hands of Ye Tianlong, it would make the Cai family feel overturned in the gutter, and would also be angry that Song Dongzhong was unable to shelter.

But if Cai Jinyin died under the gun of Ye Tianlong and the Kong brothers, it would make the Cai family spray all the anger on the Kong family and ignore Song Dongzhong's incompetence.

Confucius saw this, so he kept doing it.

"Confucius, do you dare to kill me?"

Song Dongzhong's inner thoughts were peeped through by Confucius, his body couldn't stop shaking, and the severe pain also involved his nerves: "You and the Kong family will be forever!"

"The Song family will definitely avenge me!"

Song Dongzhong is crazy like a devil: "You will not die! You will not die!"

"We are all children of a family, how can we kill each other?"

Confucius looked at Song Dongzhong with fear in his eyes, and turned his head to Lin Bella with a cold smile: "It was her who killed you..."

When Lin Bella reacted with a tremor, Confucius had already grabbed her hand and pulled the trigger.

"Boom boom!"

After a burst of gunshots, Song Dongzhong's body kept shaking, and blood burst out.

At the same time of great pain, accident, shock, and endless fear, Song Dongzhong felt that his whole body strength was like a ball of discouragement, which was gone with a swish.

He moved to avoid the bullet and fell to the ground. At the last moment of his life consciousness, he heard Confucius sneer:

"People are all dead, the story, I have the final say..."

Song Dongzhong did not stare at him, and his wide eyes contained anger and unwillingness. Today is the darkest and most aggrieved day of his life.

He had never thought that he would die like this, or he would die under the gun of Confucius, the eminent identity of the Song family has no meaning at the moment.

Song Dongzhong, who hadn't seen it thoroughly, stood up, took a gun under his hand, and buckled Lin Bella's head.


The screaming Lin Bella's head blossomed, and one head fell to the ground, the blood bleaching the ground red.

She would never think that because of her arrogance, she not only caused a reshuffle of the capital, but also caused herself to be killed.

Seeing Song Dongzhong dying in blood, and everyone in the audience was silent again, the Kong family gunman's heart became heavy, and there was unspeakable depression.

After the Song family died, there must be an earthquake in China.

It’s just that everyone knows that more than a dozen people present have no chance to regret, they can only follow Confucius to the dark.

"Clean up!"

Confucius made a gesture and asked a dozen diehards to deal with the scene, then took out a cigar and held it on, holding the gun and walking towards Ye Tianlong with a smile:

"Ye Shao, do you want to tell the story today or me?"

He held the gun tightly.

Ye Tianlong was not surprised by this ending at all. He picked up the pass and diplomatic card with a smile, and then faded out:

"In my heart, Shao Kong will always be the first protagonist, so you should tell the story better."

Ye Tianlong responded lightly, but his gaze flicked over the gun in Confucius' hand and caught his fingers tightening, but he quickly released it completely.

Confucius laughed and stretched out his thick left hand: "How can the story of one person be wonderful for two people?"

Ye Tianlong reached out and held Confucius' palm.

The two were completely tied to the same boat.

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